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“Colour Key” is no more.
Useful stamp products come and go - sadly. I had a UK
client order a SG "Colour Key" this week. I told him the postage
from here was probably higher than the thing retails for, and suggested
he secured one locally. He advised ''none were buyable in UK''
and to please just send and charge it to his credit card.
THIS is Steel-Blue on a
I must have sold hundreds over the decades, quite cheap,
and easy to store, and easy to use, and very accurate for British
Commonwealth stamp colours. I mean how would you ever know what SAGE
GREEN is, unless you have one of these to compare that shade to the
solid colour chip on these cards. And 100 other similar examples.
Removes the total
Tried and proven, and far better than 10 folks taking a
different "guess" at what a "buff orange" is - and getting 10
different answers! Did you know before what "Myrtle Green" was - well
now you do, looking at the Key. I use mine a lot each year, and for the
modest cost, is an essential accessory for most collectors. They last
forever. Came in a clear vinyl storage wallet.
Now $140 each on ebay!
EVERYONE now knows what "Indian Red" looks like
exactly - without this, no-one has the vaguest CLUE. They let you
identify about 200 DIFFERENT colours with great accuracy. A loss to the
hobby, and let’s hope a new manufacturer can be located somewhere, who
can replicate this handy gizmo, at an affordable price point. SG claim
they cannot.
HM not aged in 53
The vanity of Queen Elizabeth 2 being happy to leave the
exact same Machin portrait on the most heavily used UK stamps for 53
years, is near impossible to believe to me, but it endures. It has been
there unchanged since 1967 when I entered high school.
Now THESE Machins I like!
I am not a huge fan, except for the elegantly re-done £5
design shown nearby, and a few other re-works, but know many fellow
dealers who sell almost nothing else except Machins, so to each their
own. If the Queen, now 94, lives to be old as her mother, the Machin
head stamp design will have lasted 60 years!
“Off With Her Head”!
See the nearby 1961 1/6d Post Office Savings Bank issue
as a typical example, showing the vast chunk the QE2 image took up on
stamps of this era. I scanned this stamp today, and looked at the few
straggly flowers, and wondered to myself what on earth they had to with
the POSB?
Guess the design central element.
The Postal Museum website gave me the answer
- it is supposedly a “Thrift Plant”!! I kid you not - I
am not making this up. A Committee of big shots worked tirelessly on
this master brain storm design for months. Talk about LAME.
This was UK
“Adventuresome” design!
Just take a look at the truly dreary CEPT Conference set of 3 issued the
very next month, and the even worse and corny National Productivity Year
trio issued the following month, the heavily used letter rate value is
shown nearby, and you wonder if he was inwardly laughing, and just
taking the pith! Even the Queen looks glum.
Let me
give back my Peerage.
Postmaster General Tony Benn was very radical in many ways, and had fought long
and hard to give BACK his hereditary peerage title of
2nd Viscount Stansgate of Stansgate.
He was the first in Britain to do so, due to the ‘1963 Peerage Act’ being
passed - and almost entirely due to his continued efforts to rid himself of his
inherited title - being a radical Labour activist!
Unissued and issued GB Churchills.
The accepted Churchill design stamps were shown to, and
approved by, Lady Churchill before they were submitted the Queen. Lady
Churchill much preferred the Oscar Nemon marble bust resident in Windsor
Castle, but was advised this would not work well, if transferred to one
dimension on a stamp.
Postmaster Benn Prevails.
The UK Postal
Museum official website
also tells us that in
early 1965, the British Postmaster General Benn expressed a sudden
interest in the content, and the general instructions sent to stamp
artists, to aid them with their designs, and the parameters and
necessary content to be used in them, for future stamp designs.
“I do want my head please.”
Postmaster General Benn pushed ahead with his “Off
With Her Head” campaign according to Royal Mail:
“At an audience in November 1965 The Queen informed the
Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, that she DID want her head to appear on
all stamps, but would approve the use of a silhouette format. Fearing a
political row, Benn accepted the situation, and pressed ahead with the
use of a cameo silhouette.”
The first Cameo head stamp.
Benn’s first “cameo” was on the 1966 “Landscape”
issue shown nearby, where Mary Gillick’s cameo head design was used. The
Queen approved that design, and made no comment on it. Tony Benn in
VERY quick time greatly reduced the size of that HUGE cameo head, as we
all know, so that by the 1967 Christmas issue it was very unobtrusive
and in the corner of each new stamp - and stayed that way!
Stamp Treasures Still Exist.
Many collectors and dealers despair that no nice “finds” are still to be
made, as it is near certain all old circa 1900 albums around the globe
have been checked/picked over already, by the many, many, generations of
other collectors or dealers that have walked before them, and peered in
and plundered the vintage stamp albums.
Never seen for over 100+ years.
These books are generally sparsely filled, as they are so huge, and but
not so with this one. The first pages of all these books contains
AUSTRALIA, as they are arranged alphabetically. On that page she had
among other nice pieces, a complete set 15, of the 1913 Kangaroo stamps,
ranging from the ½d to £2.
Now on a
787 to Africa!
All with fresh full gum, and super light peelable Gibbons hinges, and a
client in South Africa is the proud owner of them today. The 1913
“Specimen” issue is not common at all, and indeed to this day, we do
not know for certain what packaging the set or folder it was sold
in, or consisted of, as none have survived - rather amazingly.
most attractive GB stamp design?
Another nice piece in the old book was the
GB 1913 £1 Green
“Seahorse” VFU nearby. This is by far the scarcest face different GB
stamp from the past century, and is missing from nearly EVERY GB
collection globally. It is cat way near treble used, the GB “Glamour”
item, the £1 PUC, and almost double the £1 KEVII. A rare stamp. I get
one every few years or so in stock. So nice stamps still DO
surface, after a century of being hidden.
Just try finding one for sale!
In my view it is
the most under-priced high value in the SG book. Even decent fault free
examples like this sell for exactly what a MUH 5/- Harbour Bridge does.
Any of 30 dealers in this country have those in stock right now - but
likely none of them HERE have a £1 Seahorse, in any condition, at ANY
price! Anyway, this one sold very fast.
“FU” with
RPS Certificate. Faked!
The £5 Orange stamp illustrated nearby is a truly lovely
looking example of a key stamp, I am sure you’ll agree. Nicely centred,
great colour and perfs, and attractive. This 1882 GB £5 Orange stamp is
cancelled with a neat "Registered - Threadneedle Street - London"
oval cancel of "24 - JA - 83".
The oblique angles show it all.
So a lovely looking stamp, cat £12,500 with a clear RPSL
Certificate, should be worth near $A10,000 or so - correct? Wrong - it
is a FAKE! A forger carefully picked/scratched off those
"SPECIMEN" letters, and then added a dodgy cancel on top, making it
worth $1000s more than a "Specimen". The oblique photos
above show it well if you look carefully.
Overprint handstamp was
easily removed.
Indeed the very REASON the Australian Post Office moved
from the handstamped “SPECIMEN” overprint used on
these 1913 stamps nearby, was their fear that crooks would buy the sets
for £1, and get £3½ of usable postage if they removed the non-fast
handstamp letters by simple bleaching, AND got a bunch of other FU
stamps VFU to 5/- “free” as well.
A wide variety of Folders exist
These stamps (and the many other KGV era stamps that were in the same
pack) were sold for £1 a set at GPOs, with the stated intention of
interesting youngsters in collecting Australian stamps. The composition
of the stamps in each pack changed very often over the ensuing decades,
as new stamps were issued.
What a
fantastic contents range.
Shown nearby is a full page ad for these in the April 1935
“Walkabout” magazine - a mass circulation publication to the public,
and even then, few sets were sold, despite them having a CTO 1932 Sydney
Harbour Bridge set 4, KGV Die 2, 4½ violet, Kingsford Smith overprinted
“OS” trio, 5/- Roos OS, and the high value Roos overprinted
“Specimen” etc.
Quite a deal for just £1!
The policy right to the end, was that the higher values were handstamped
(1913 only) or overprinted (all other issues) with the word
“SPECIMEN”. Obtaining a CofA watermark Specimen set of 3 high
value Kangaroos “SPECIMEN” is a remarkably affordable way
to fill those 3 gaps - costing $150 or so hinged. Even an average USED
trio will set you back around $1,000 these days!
Packs never sold very well.
History shows us that these packs never really sold well, given the
quite superb value they represented. For generations the corner CTO and
“Specimen” contents were heavily sneered at by “serious”
philatelists, being regarded as “Kiddies goodie bags” type stamps etc,
and no-one was very keen on them.
Part of
a GENUINE WW2 Specimen pack.
The partial insides and cover, of an original pack I sold to a client
are shown nearby to demonstrate how these stamps were arranged inside
each “Specimen” pack in this pre-war era. Here glassine
strips were mostly employed, but the later 1960s issues were simply
placed in a heap, into a small glassine, licked to inner cover of the
$750 return on a $2 outlay.
Even as recently as the 1960s some rather rare sets were buyable for the
same £1 ($2) purchase cost. The 4 high value Navigator
“Specimens” shown nearby I sold recently for $A750. Not a bad
return on the original PO investment of $2. They were freely available
to anyone who wanted them - oddly VERY few ordered them.
Even 1960s sets are valuable.
Most sets were bought as gifts for young collectors as
set only cost £1. I was given a set of these in 1964 by an uncle, and
proudly affixed them all into my little album - each with a large,
yellow, vigorously licked stamp hinge! I've even bought collections
where kids have LICKED these sets into albums, as of course they all had
gum on the back in the packs.
Ebay Bunny Fodder Heaven.
Anyone buying ANYTHING overprinted or perfinned on ebay, where the
overprint or perfin is worth much more than the normal, needs rocks in
their heads. As you are near always buying forgeries in that “Bunny
Bargain” deal. I offered a seller $50 for his £1 Robes as
a curio reference this week - he paid $800 for it on ebay early last
year, via a long departed spiv seller. Brilliant “Investment”.
*NEVER* buy these on ebay etc.
The lack of IQ and savvy shown by many stamp buyers on venues like ebay
astounds me - week in and week out. has endless new
threads from “Bargain Buyers” proudly showing their latest
“treasure” purchased for $100s or “half retail”, and being shown it
was nothing but a crude fake worth pennies.
Thought to myself, what a strange order, charged his card, mailed him
the one Colour Key I then had in stock, and ordered 10 more from local
agent - to get told they were discontinued by SG! Just double checked
with SG in UK and sure enough - TOTALLY KAPUT! These are an essential
piece of kit in EVERY stamp den, as I have posted 100 times here over
the years.
The "Stanley Gibbons Colour Guide" and in some markets also
called the "Stanley Gibbons Stamp Colour Key", was pretty much
the only reference anyone used globally. And has been so for MANY
decades. A bit like the paint match colour charts they used to have at
hardware shops really, and worked just as well.
You just place the correct colour chip over the stamps in question, via
the large hole in centre of each chip, and the accurate colour shade you
are looking at is then readily evident. Every stamp computer monitor
differs, so looking at them on screen is most inaccurate in many cases.
A waste of time for fine shade nuances.
Anyone trying to sort scarce SG listed shades by peering at images on
the web is wasting their time. It just is not possible to do
accurately. Those that ordered one when they figuratively cost peanuts
globally, owe me a beer!
One sold on ebay UK this week for £64 plus £5 post, and 10% GST to a
local buyer = £76 or about $A140.
has details of this, and a whole pile of albums and pages SG
have also stopped making.
Stamp collectors love Machin heads of course, with well over five
thousand varieties of colour, value, gum, phosphor banding, iridescent
overprints, perforations, printing methods - Photogravure,
Intaglio/Engraved, Typography, Electro-Mechanical Engraving (EME
Gravure), Embossing etc possible.
Whilst researching this article I found a Royal Mail summary of the
history of Queen Elizabeth’s head on stamps. It seems clear
socialist/Labour Leftie newly appointed Postmaster General Tony Benn
fought tenaciously to remove her head OFF all UK stamps. At
this time, around ONE THIRD of each commemorative stamp design needed to
show the Queen!
And I was not the only person
wondering what on earth this silly looking bunch of flowers thing was
all about. The same website tells us Her Majesty approved the designs
after a trip to Italy, but noted: “The Queen was puzzled as to the
significance of some of the designs, and the Postmaster General was
asked if, in future, short explanations could accompany stamp designs.”
The Assistant Postmaster General at the Press Conference announcing
this issue, and the next 2 issues (quite a flood back then!) was
laughably reported in the press as stating as far as issues of future
British commemorative stamps were concerned - “we
are trying to be as adventuresome as possible”.
Though a fierce critic of the British class system, Benn came from a moneyed and
privileged family himself. Both of his grandfathers had been Members of
Parliament and his father, William Wedgwood Benn (1877-1960), had been a
Liberal, and then a Labour, MP who in 1942 entered the House Of Lords as 1st
Viscount Stansgate.
Tony Benn commissioned essays of the 1965 Churchill and Battle of Britain stamps
showing NO Queen’s Head, and tried hard to get them approved by the
Palace. A losing battle it seems very clear. The 1/3d Churchill essay is shown
nearby, with NO Queen and the never before seen words “Great Britain”
- alongside the issued stamp, showing the then traditional Wilding design head.
The Stamp Advisory Committee insisted on a vertical line on the final
Churchill stamp design being added, so that it did not give the
impression the Queen was hovering somewhere in space, peering over Sir
Winston’s left shoulder.
Printers Harrison & Sons informed the PO that because that line was the
natural colour of the paper, there would be a tendency for the color to
spread over that line. After much testing Harrisons felt 75% of the
issued stamps would be imperfect. I assume that a tiny colour
misregistration would visually thin that vertical line readily? In
practice I am not sure whether that occurred much in the finished
In early March Benn had been granted an audience with the Queen, at
which time the subject of the ‘new stamp policy’ was discussed.
During this audience, the Queen agreed that ‘non-traditional’
designs could be submitted for future issues. This was confirmed by a
letter from the Queen’s Private Secretary on 12 March 1965.
It would appear that, during this Royal audience, the
question of the continued use of the Queen’s head on stamps had been the
subject of some discussion with Benn. Certainly, the letter from
Buckingham Palace contained the suggestion that the Royal Cypher be used
in place of the Queen’s head ‘on certain stamps’.
However, the GPO representative informed the Stamp Advisory Committee
that it was ‘very unlikely’ that any design without the Queen’s
head would be chosen, despite what had been said about design freedom in
the ‘Instructions to Artists’ - emanating direct from boss,
Postmaster General Benn. It is all rather like an out-take script from
“Yes Minister”!
About 35 years ago there were moves to update her likeness on the Machin
stamps - after all it had then been used for about 25 years. The
Queen’s Private Secretary is quoted by Royal Mail as responding in part:
"Her Majesty is very content with the Machin effigy on the stamps,
and thinks that a work of real quality is required, if this is to be
Needless to say after that - Britain is stuck with the same Machin
bust design to this day, and the never aging Queen - who after 53 years
has not changed one iota on definitive stamps, or added a single wrinkle
line! I feel sure no-one has ever dared to raise it with her again.
Her Majesty’s image has seen her age gracefully on UK coinage, but oddly
not on the stamps - I am sure there is a reason - someone will know!
Whilst that is largely true, it is still possible to find key face
different pieces like 1913 £2 Kangaroos, or GB £5 Oranges, or USA $5
Columbians etc, and even they still do turn up from time to time in old
collections, that have remained tightly held in families, and have never
been near a stamp dealer or an auction etc.
An elderly lady bought over a huge red SG “Ideal” album that had
been in her family for over a century, and she was downsizing to a care
unit, and did not want to take it with her, and none of the family were
interested in stamps. She did not trust Auctions, and simply wanted a
fair cash price for it all, so it would find a new home.
The values to 5/- all had the glossy CTO cancels, themselves a scarce
set, and as always, the 3 high values were handstamped “Specimen”
with a rubber stamp pad. All lightly hinged in there over 100 years
back, and had never been seen by any dealer since. They are shown
nearby, and are worth $1000’s thus.
The £1 Seahorse is THE most attractive GB stamp ever, in my view. And
luckily, this one was superbly centred, within wide margins as you can
see - most are not. Near all on the market have horrid,
really heavy thick smeary rubber “Killer” cancels, and/or many missing
perfs due to the thick fibrous paper.
It will have been used on a parcel from the UK to Sydney, where the
collection was formed. Postal use of a £1 back in this era was
most unusual. Many all the UK high values “used” are from Telegrams or
revenue use. A very large % of the £1 Green KEVII have undated rubber
GUERNSEY or JERSEY cancels from customs charges etc.
Near ALL the existing “used” QV £5 Oranges are from excise payments of
Whisky etc - large numbers have Belfast, Glasgow and Edinburgh neat
black steel cds from this use, often in multiples - even the ones with
superb steel cds cancels. Far more on that here from the world expert
on these, Dr. John Horsey -
The stamp very attractive stamp has the usual large single lined
Anchor watermarks on each side. SG 133. Cat £12,500 used. Comes
complete with a 1985 Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) clear photo
Certificate of Genuineness saying - "SG 133 £5
Orange on blued paper, used, is genuine".
Memos flew around the place, and the often very faintly applied 1913
rubber stamp ink handstamps were replaced on all issues for the next 50
years with sold black letter “SPECIMEN” wording, in a very
bold CAPS font, and was machine metal type applied, using jet black
letterpress permanent printer ink.
The Australian Post Office for over 50 years created a
wide range of different outer design and shaped packs to sell these
packs to the public. The empty pack montage shown nearby I passed on to
a client, and many are surprised at just how many variances came out
over the decades. And this is by no means all of them!
Australia sold these “Specimen” packs well into the 1970s
at all Philatelic Bureaux - even then still at only $2 (=£1) a pack, and
as always, the content was altered to include newer sets that had come
on stream. The 1966 era pack with all the 24 diff Decimal issues up to
$4 Navigators are still seen pretty often, and will cost you not much
more than $A100 or so. has a long 5,000 message thread on these CTO/Specimen
stamps - - that
in parts has re-written sections of the ACSC with new findings. Prices
today have gone nuts for many pieces. Tons of original research in
there, and for anyone collecting this area a MUST READ discussion to
Many issues were short lived with “SPECIMEN” overprints,
and are costly. The 1937 £1 Coronation “Robes” issue was done in small
numbers starting 1944 in WW2, as the £1 grey Kangaroo was held in large
numbers in Melbourne, so not many of that stamp were done, but of the
10/- “Robes”, plenty were sold. Odd.
Easily the smallest PO issue of anything Australian since WW2. Recent
ACSC research shows only 3,480 sets of 4 of these Navigators were ever
supplied by Note Printing Branch to the Post Office, and many believe
not all those were sold before the Decimal issue of February 1966, and
hence were later destroyed.
Nearly all £1 “Robes”
Specimens offered on amateur seller sites like ebay are Forgeries, and
any Bunny buying ANYTHING pricey there gets zero guarantee of course.
Genuine copies are pretty easily spotted by experienced
dealers, but the forger cowboys who inhabit ebay LOVE this stamp, as
each fake makes them many $100s of easy profit, as GENUINE examples MUH
fetch way into 4 figures these days.
My sad seller blurted out that the dodgy unknown ebayer had as part of
his description: ”All stamps fully genuine - 100% money back
Guarantee”. I laughed, and asked if some shifty spiv in a smoky
pub offered him a “Solid Gold Rolex watch” with the same
guarantee, if he would place much weight on THAT warranty! So he lost
Ebay do not care one iota - they make about 12% ebay and paypal fee
total from EVERY transaction, whether the stamps are faked or
not. They are clearly not the slightest bit interested in banning the
most active and most blatant forgers, as they make very good money from
them. Sad but true – read this - you’ll be appalled -
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .Sydney's
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 AustraliaPO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 E-Mail:
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