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June 2018
Mossgreen mess worsens.
The horrible mess at mossgreen Auctions just gets worse
and worse - if that were possible. The Administrators, BDO Australia
just released a report outlining their predictions of what creditors
will likely receive in the future wash-up. The news is of course
case NIL - Worst case NIL.
Those owners included Gary Watson and family who were
owed about $100,000 for goods sold in the October 2017 Auction, as
confirmed here by an angry Gary a few months back. MANY other stamp
vendors are in this same camp, for $100,000s more, being unsecured
creditors of goods sold, and fully paid for.
BDO got told by a Federal Court Judge in April they had
no legal right, or Court approval, to charge their obscene $1.2 million
stocktake and storage and security fees to the creditors, nor charge all
vendors and consignors a $A353 “ransom” to get EACH lot
back, as BDO had demanded - many in fact had paid it. Now BDO in
their report have been critical of the previous Directors, and described
mossgreen as being akin to a Ponzi Scheme, “borrowing from Peter to
pay Paul”, etc and who essentially “engaged in insider trading” and
were apparently trading whilst insolvent. The summary of their findings
is shown nearby from their report. Full detailed report here -
“Directors breached Corporations Act.”
ABC National News
reported on May 5 that: “BDO Australia alleged Mr Paul Sumner and
former Mossgreen directors Jack Gringlas and Charles Leski breached
several sections of the Corporations Act. But it is only Mr Sumner who
they will recommend be pursued by the Australian Securities and
Investment Commission (ASIC) for potential criminal charges.”
“There is no such thing as a free lunch”
is a very wise old expression. If someone offers you a $100 banknote
for only $5 you know it must be a scam correct? MOST do, but
there are vast numbers of very stupid people out there globally, as huge
numbers of rich NIGERIANS can testify!
Hopefully most readers here will not join them, and with
a tiny modicum of common sense you will not. Think you can buy a MUH
set of 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridges for $A45 - Registered Post Free?
However, heaps of slick
looking websites are now out there offering THOUSANDS of such stamp
Complete this, and the BARGAIN is all yours.
Only a total brain dead clueless MORON would
imagine for one second they can buy $1,240 face value of MUH Australia
stamps for $36, and scarce Kangaroos for 5% of retail, or a MUH Sydney
Harbour Bridge set for $A45 etc. All Registered post free of course.
You CANNOT buy at
10% of wholesale!
Most savvy adults in life realises "there is NO
such thing as a Free Lunch." If you see stamps offered online
from reputable sellers, and the price looks OK, you can buy with some
confidence. See a vast array of stuff from a seller you have never seen
before, and is a member of NO stamp trade bodies, at
prices 10% of WHOLESALE, it is clearly a scam - for anyone with any
Even a single cell Amoeba passes on this!
Ordering your stamp “BARGAIN” off these sites is
cheerfully handing these criminal gangs your -
Real Name,
Real residential address,
Real email address,
Real telephone number,
Real Credit card, and expiry,
Real Card security number,
Real Date of Birth, etc
is the stampboards discussion outlining some of the recent scammers.
They do NOT own this material. They offer stamps from EVERY
country you can imagine - check out the link above.
AFL Cigar card sells
Strange things often happen with really left-field items,
and this one shown nearby was listed recently on ebay for $19.99 start
price. It had ugly handwriting across the back, and to be honest, if I
owned it, and if anyone offered me $19.99, they would have been handed
it in a heartbeat! I‘d have taken $10.
Poor condition shape - who cared!?
The Encyclopedia of AFL Footballers
records Will Crebbin as being born on 8th March 1869, and playing one
game in 1900, and kicking no goals. He was originally from Ballarat,
and retired in 1896 before the VFL was formed, but helped out for one
game in 1900 when he was an Umpire, but later continued as a player!
Travel Tales From Tibet.
We survived the dreaded altitude sickness during our
visit to Tibet in May. Indeed this entire column is being written from
there. Communication, and researching things is not simple. Facebook,
YouTube, google, IMGUR, gmail, ImageShack, leading foreign media and
newspaper websites etc, are all totally banned, and 100%
blocked here.
Stamp gum no good? - use a gluestick!
Our original inward flight was aborted by pilot from
landing at Lhasa due to bad weather, and we ended up back in Chengdu
China, 5 hours after we boarded! Total chaos for the next few hours, as
seemingly no-one there spoke English. So we finally arrived a
day later than planned, and within an hour of arriving were climbing to
top of the massive 1000 step Potala Palace, of the Dalai Lamas.
The Post Office there has a pretty cool feature of a
little table with about 20 different sized handstamps, and 10 red ink
pads, that you can use on letters or postcards. The wording is in
Tibetan language, and some are pretty ornate designs and apparently have
all kinds of “auspicious” messages on them. All shown in the
photo I took nearby.
Tibet “Permit” a
A very interesting country, and as yet not over-run by
tourists by any means, indeed there are virtually no top end Hotels.
Getting the special “Tibet Permit” is a hassle, and
seemingly everyone in the country wants to sight that, and or Passports,
at least once! The locals are very friendly, and very religious. Near
EVERY house flies the colourful montages of Buddhist prayer flags.
Margo at THREE+ miles above sea level!
That extreme 5,000 metre altitude really leaves you
totally gasping heavily for breath, even after a 10 metre flat walk!
Lots more photos here for anyone interested - We both survived the dreaded altitude
sickness I got for 3 days, after acting the fool at El Alto airport in
La Paz Bolivia once, and that was just a “mere” 4,000+ metres high!
“KGV” ACSC now out
- in COLOUR.
It is often claimed the Australia KGV 1d Red stamp is THE
most studied stamp on this planet. Few would disagree! This Fifth
Edition Brusden White owned ACSC has colour illustrations for the first
time! About 10 years overdue, but “better later than never” as
they say. Really lifts the overall appearance.
Edition 5 now issued.
Revisions and corrections have been made right throughout
the catalogue, with a number of new discoveries and plate varieties
added, especially in the ½d, 3d, and 4d values. Prices have been fully
revised, with the sale of several major collections since the last
edition, enabling more accurate pricing of many of the rarer pieces.
Covers all the KGV era COMMEMS too.
I have typed this before, but it is true, and bears
repeating. Australia has THE best and most detailed stamp
catalogues of any country on earth in my view. No-one else even comes
close. There are now TEN thick and detailed books
covering all issues for the Century, from 1901-2001. All collectors
should support this superb series.
Money VERY well spent!
The “Stanley Gibbons GB Specialised” few volume
set is a very sick joke in comparison. They lack any kind of notes
whatever as to numbers extant of the errors and varieties found or
recorded, or the numbers sold or produced of the basic stamps in most
As a perfect
example, I sold this stamp earlier this month. KGV 1d Red Rough Paper
Die 2, with major “Substituted Cliché” error. Die 2 1d
Reds are very scarce in mint, even with no varieties, and sell for very
many $100s in ANY form. The Die 2 with the “Substituted
Cliché” (Large frame break top right frame, worn crown top, and
white EGG under Emu) is incredibly scarce Mint.
Sample page on new colour layout.
So the value is there even at the $A165 cost - finding
just ONE half decent stamp - or a scarcer type CTO issue (which
are often up as much as 500% over last edition), watermark variations,
printing errors or monogram pieces etc will readily repay that outlay
the first time you use it.
Most stamp dealers
have stock.
Most leading dealers should have stock of this new
catalogue as you read this - they make a skinny % profit margin, so some
do not bother, but many do. Go and track one down - you’ll be glad you
issues up 500%.
Do not own this book, and you see an $80 paper loss right
there. A stampboards member researched the new KGV book, and found 140
new varieties added. He reports prices of existing ones were up 33%
to 50% commonly for most used varieties, with much lesser % for mint
copies. Lower value items, e.g. ACSC 80, 81 & 82 have 100% increase off
a low base. More detailed info here -
Kudos to the
ACSC Editor.
Dr. Geoff Kellow is an editor without par for this series
of catalogues. Meticulous and scholarly original research is evident in
all volumes. The resultant TEN
volume ACSC set is something all parties involved should be
enormously proud of. NO other country can boast such a complete
set of 10 catalogues covering less than 100 years. Or indeed anything
even close to them.
Buy the 2 x KGV
together perhaps?
I bought a few brand new pristine copies from a dealer
colleague at a great price, so am offering for just $A75 POSTED
within Australia, and not much more overseas. (Stock Code 368WF)
When they are gone, they are gone forever. The Gray sale saw an amazing
100% clearance, and invoiced at over $A4 million - a record for ANY
Australian stamp auction.
The essential companion to the ACSC Cat.
My copies also have the full detailed prices realised
list inside - obtainable nowhere else these days. I have sold the
similar quality Arthur Gray “Kangaroos” auction catalogue
for $A200 each, many times, and those are now all gone - and these
“KGV” are a great buy at that price, while stock lasts.
Many of them will be readers here, who consigned stamps and coins to
Auction there in 2017, whose goods were sold, and fully paid for
by bidders, and delivered to buyers. But the clowns running mossgreen
did not pay those sums to the vendors - the real owners, but
squandered it on rent, and frippery, and bonuses etc.
Such rank and file unsecured creditors are predicted to get paid
somewhere between NIL and NIL it seems. And Jack Gringlas
is likely to get between 1c and 2c on the dollar, so his $6 million
“secured creditor security” ends up as being worth $60,000 to
$120,000, BDO predict. And it looks like BDO want to cunningly get in
line before that pittance even.
BDO cheekily appealed that decision, and later in April, a Tribunal
headed by the Chief Justice of the Federal Court dismissed that appeal,
hopefully meaning BDO is $ millions out of pocket, for acting
like Corporate Thugs. All the rent, and other costs for 6 months now
become their own responsibility.
Headaches ahead for mossgreen Directors.
All parties naturally claim they are innocent of all accusations,
and the food fight and blame game is flying thick and fast from all
sides, as can be seen here - As BDO have themselves acted
appallingly in the eyes of many, it is a long way from being over. Many
rich lawyers ahead it seems. Vendors - ZERO.
It all comes down to stamp auctions in this country NOT being
required by LAW
to have Audited Trust Accounts. One or all of them could follow
the Velvet Auctions and mossgreen path at any time, and
vendors have zero legal protection and may also get ZERO for
their stamps. State Governments clearly SHOULD legislate this.
That takes time of course, and indeed it may never occur, and in the
meantime, any stamp auction can join the AAVA Association, who checks
that Trust Accounts for vendor monies ARE kept locked away for
ONLY that purpose, and ARE audited by a professional each
year etc. NONE has joined, to my knowledge. The
FIRST to do so will gain a lot of
Free Lunches out there.
So how about folks offering $1,240 of mint full gum stamps for $36? And
others dumbly dreaming the deal is legitimate in some way. As the rich
Nigeran scammers can testify - there are some incredibly gullible people
out there, and there always will be. And the scammers make a fortune
from them.
Seem too good to be
true to you?
It is simply a scam to gather credit card numbers, expiry and real
names and addresses, and the phone numbers and email addresses that
match them - an INCREDIBLY VALUABLE data set, in the hands of
criminals. To get your wonderfully cheap set of MUH Bridges all you have
to do is complete their simple online order form shown nearby.
The weird thing is these dopes would NOT order 1oz Gold Krugerrands, or
Maple Leafs or Gold Koala coins at $100, as even the REAL DUMMIES can
smell those prices are not possible for an ounce of Gold, but they will
order $1,240 of mint postage for $36, and lick their chops! Same thing.
ANYONE dumb enough to order off these spivs truly DESERVES to
have their credit card cleaned out - and it will be, certainly within
weeks. Their emails will also be sold to other operators of scam deals,
as clearly they have ID'd themselves to be as Dumb As Dirt,
and when they get a new card eventually, they'll be stupid enough to
fall for the next wacko scam that these crooks dream up.
They simply steal images and wording off real dealer websites, and offer
them at prices so low even a single cell Amoeba can see they are not
possible - yet I bet they get 1000s of orders a month!
Ebay is no longer the exclusive home of stamp scams sadly. MANY readers
trawling the web will see these stamp offers via VERY slick looking
sites. If the seller is NOT a member of the leading Stamp Dealer
Bodies - be highly suspicious.
You can check member names for all the major global stamp dealer bodies
quickly and surely online - PTS/ASDA/IFSDA etc, and if your Bargain
seller is NOT on there, get VERY concerned.
The card was included along with packs of Bonanza
Australian cigars, and like most tobacco products of this era - indeed
up to WW2, were often collected by the exact same folks who chased
postage stamps. The GENERAL rule of thumb is that complete sets
of these sport cards is the absolute key, and poor condition is a huge
has the full stampboards discussion, and more info on this early player.
Unlike many eBay “Auctions” that are total scams, with the seller’s fake
or “shill” bidder accounts pushing the article up to mad price
heights, to defraud other real bidders, this one seems to be legitimate.
So far as anyone can ever tell on ebay. The mind boggles at anyone
truly paying 5 figures for this!
Lhasa itself is over 2 MILES above sea level, and at my age and poor
physical condition and decrepitude, I’d be totally stuffed doing that
back home at sea level, in Sydney! Most tourists arriving direct from
low altitude by plane allow a day or 2 of doing nothing, to slowly
acclimatise there. We had an hour!
Great place, and ate lots of Yak Meat, Yak dumplings, and Yak butter -
it really is very widespread and cheap here. We even bought lots of Yak
Milk confectionary for friends - pretty distinctive! Mailed a few
postcards from a PO and the girl there thought I was crazy for asking
for neat postmarks. Many stamps would not stick, so she whipped out a
glue stick off her desk, as you can see at left!
Brighten up your letters and cards!
I’ve been lucky to have travelled extensively globally, and been to some
super high altitude places - in Ecuador, Nepal, Peru and Bolivia etc,
but nothing like this.
One day we walked up a nearby hill much higher than this marker
shown here at 4,998 metres, or 16,398’ - way over 3 miles
altitude. Higher than the summit of Mont Blanc, the highest point in
Europe, being a trifling 4,808 metres!
We book a private guide and driver for all these trips, as it gives you
the flexibility to get to a lower altitude or different destination fast
if needed. As our time away from the stamp desk is always very limited,
we always do that, and we fitted in Chengdu and 4 days in leafy Kunming
as well.
There is a quite fabulous Giant Panda facility in Chengdu with over 50
of these amazing animals, looking very content and surprisingly active,
in a 100 acre heavily wooded set-up. Not a city many foreign tourists
get to, but well worth a visit for anyone planning a China vacation.
Six fat “teenagers” all playing together only metres away, was something
I’ll never forget seeing!
This volume does not only cover the popular KGV head issues but all the
KGV Commemoratives and Definitives - the Harbour Bridges, Macarthurs,
Anzacs, Sturts, and 1/- Large Lyres etc, and both 6d Kookaburra etc. It
is near 500 pages thick and THAT is “bang for your buck!”
The “Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue” (ACSC)
edited by Dr. Geoff Kellow leads the world. Germany, the UK, and the USA
produce nothing even remotely close to this set. That would surprise
many readers globally I am sure, but it is very true. Beats them hands
Much other essential detail and constant varieties are also totally
lacking, and that is a terrible shame. Even worse is the Scott
“Specialised” USA which is a quite pathetic single volume, that
purports to cover all USA and Territory issues from 1847 in specialised
form, with all the Postal Stationery and Revenues shoehorned in as well!
Like the SG Great Britain “Specialised”, virtually no detail
whatever is given by Scott as to numbers known of key pieces, and known
details about them. And even the Michel German “Specialised” is
nowhere remotely near as detailed as the ACSC. And what detailed info
there is, all written in technical German.
I once asked fellow Sydney dealer Manfred Junge to translate a footnote
in Michel for me. Manfred was born and raised in Germany until an
adult, and obviously speaks fluent German. Manfred simply did not have
a clue what much of it said, as it was using technical language and
terminology that he simply could not translate.
I hope lots of collectors and dealers support this superb ”KGV”
undertaking, and secure a copy from their favourite dealer today. Buy
this new edition, as the old one is pretty much ancient history now,
with prices and listings, apart from being in dreary old monocolour.
Was $1,750, now $2,500 in New Book.
This one has a clear
Michael Drury “KGV Guru” clear 2010 Photo Certificate as genuine,
as can be seen in photo nearby. Fresh mint hinged, and lovely deep
glowing colour. ACSC 72Pbb(2)ja, Cat $2,500.
SG cat 471a, for non OS, Sub Cliché Die 2, rough paper is £2,000, and
the OS version is so rare, SG do not yet even list it! Seeing we have
at least one now with a clear Certificate, have suggested to SG
catalogue Editor it should be added as SG 054eia, also at £2,000 mint.
Would you rather be selling a stamp cat $1,750 with Certificate, or the
same stamp cat $2,500? $A750 is not chicken feed to anyone, and if you
did NOT own this book you would lose out by a LOT more than the book
cost - agree? As I often type - “Knowledge IS Power”.
This actually is the FIFTH separate Edition of the “KGV”
catalogue since ‘Brusden White’ took over ownership of the long standing
ACSC name and all editions have improved over the previous ones.
If you have an earlier edition of the “KGV” Catalogue -
just toss it away, or keep it for historical purposes - the often
massive price rises, and new information in here makes the old one
pretty redundant. This new update will create a boom market for this
area, and much of the new info included here has never been available in
any catalogue before.
It lists the MANY different “CTO” cancels found on KGV era stamps. I
was mailing out a 3d single wmk KGV CTO a client had on his ''wants''
list - ACSC 104w. It was very nicely centred, so I'd pencil priced it
last week at full ACSC or $20.
I happened to glance at the new book before I did the invoice, and 104w
is in there at $A100 - a 500% increase over last edition. I
adjusted my invoice to read $60, and still feel that is very good value,
as these are not common.
The recent Brusden White publishers/owners will never win any
awards for their marketing or promotion or innovation or communication
skills, that is absolutely for CERTAIN!
They have some very curious ideas on how to run a business, but
luckily that is not of my concern, or of Dr. Kellow either most likely,
and these fine works stand as a permanent testament to great research.
Collectors and dealers should support these ventures by purchasing a set
of them - or at least the volumes you use most. ”Knowledge IS
Power” - I have typed that 100s of times in my 40 years of
writing stamp columns, and a set of ACSC gives you both knowledge AND
power ... trust me!
For those who buy these, do not forget to complement your ACSC
“KGV” with the truly superb hard bound deep “Leather” grained
cover A4 size Arthur Gray “KGV” Auction sale catalogue, for way under
half this price! It cost $A100 plus post from the Auction when
released, and became an instant collector reference book piece.
has many more pix of
the content, and all ordering details on these. The ELEVEN page detailed
Dr. Kellow preface article in the KGV sale cat outlined above, is worth
getting the book for - alone! A Coffee Table stamp classic. This same
collection won heaps of Large Golds - globally. Easily the finest ever
A huge 270 x large A4 pages, and weight is 1.5 kgs or 3.3 lbs,
and the best stamp auction catalogue you'll ever see. A KGV reference
book in its own right. Without doubt THE finest Auction sale catalogue
ever printed in this country (pretty much globally really)
- more of a perpetual Australia KGV Heads and Commemoratives Handbook
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .Sydney's
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 AustraliaPO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 E-Mail:
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