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February 2019
Under Face Postage Stamps.
Everyone likes to save money on ever-rising postage costs
- human nature! In Australia, ALL Decimal currency stamps
with gum, issued in the past half century+ are fully valid for mailing
letters and parcels, both locally and overseas. If you can buy them for
well less than face, you make a very good legal saving. |
Nicer used on mail than LABELS!
A little bit of juggling and sorting values and fiddling about, but for many it is well worth that, given the huge ongoing savings. All outlined here - Certainly EVERY reader should have a little stash of valid attractive mint Commem stamps of your own country on hand. Common courtesy to NOT use worthless labels, or “FOREVER”, or dreary Machins etc. |
Buying via Ebay is Wild West stuff.
So folks who mail a lot, can buy off established stamp dealers, who will be there next month, indeed next year - OR buy from ebay - or ScamBay, as it is often referred to lately! Then you are trading in true Wild West conditions. Some is stolen material, or totally forged mint stamps, or 100% illegal to use material, or simply non-existent goods very often. |
These are not “MINT” stamps, you spiv.
Many spivs soak uncancelled stamps off office kiloware,
and have some 10 year old kid glue those now illegal stamps onto 1000
cheap white envelopes, and offer them on Ebay as “1000 x $1 stamped
envelopes - ready to mail $775”. The Bunnies crawl all over such
“wonder deals”. |
You will not fool the new machines!
I kid you not - Mail Centre sorting machines are pretty clever now, and prison terms have been meted out in extreme cases. Dodgy Brothers venues like ebay and Gumtree are also of course where the folks who STEAL material from Australia Post, dump it onto the clueless. Hoping no-one notices. Folks DO notice of course, as we reported last year. |
Stolen from printer : offered on Scambay
Stampboards highlighted some crooks who were listing up
$10,000 face of mint $1 peel and stick stamps for $7,000. Discussion
here - Sounds like a great deal right - even
LPOs pay much more than that for $1 stamps! The ebay sellers noted were
ddldr2185 and jessicnas-1 and there
were others - |
eBay Seller arrested by Police.
What an idiot seller duo - sell stolen stamps, and then add photos of them in an uncut format that CLEARLY had been nicked from the printer. The stampboards thread updates us that one seller was arrested by Police, and I presume the Bunny Buyers were also getting Federal Police visitors as well - hopefully confiscating their $7,000 “Ebay BAAAHRGIN”. |
You CANNOT buy these from POs!
Naturally ebay/Paypal LOVE all this illegal stuff, as
they make the same 15% commision on STOLEN stamps, as they do on
the legitimate mint material shown nearby. Did they cancel either ebay
account at the time, for selling $10,000s of stamps stolen from the
Federal Governent? Of course not - ScamBay would go broke if everyone
stuck to offering kosher material. |
Royal Mail goes “Yes Minister” mode.
Royal Mail’s Fawlty Towers bumbled response to this
recent court trial, was to warn CHARITIES they faced possible
legal action, if they sold kiloware containing stamps that Royal Mail
were now too lazy to cancel. I kid you not. It was almost like Sir
Humphrey Appleby is writing their wacko scripts in there! |
MILLIONS of re-used stamps flogged on ebay. is the stampboards discussion where Police
Prosecutors have seen the Courts jail for 2 years a UK couple who
re-sold a lot of current stamps that had already been through the mail.
The court found -
"The value of the amount of stamps sold was £443,244”. The
average prices of a detached house in Birmingham where they lived was
only £387,500 in the past year. |
Two year prison sentence for Fraud.
The re-cycled stamps they sold on Ebay “dramatically
accelerated” from initially £7,262 to £48,518 worth a month, said
Ben Gow, Prosecuting for the Crown, and he stated the vast majority of
the sales were to businesses and traders, and there were multiple and
repeat purchases. |
Best wigs £443,244.00 can buy!
Half a million quid that just one couple has defrauded
Royal Mail of, and it occurs in all countries, which costs EVERY honest
mail user - EVERY single person reading this article, extra
money. Why - as the many countless millions in fraud involved, when
taken across each country, lessens the sum gathered by PO’s. |
Gibbons “AUSTRALIA” Catalogue released.
For me the “event” of this month was the arrival today of
my air freight copy of the new 2019 Stanley Gibbons “AUSTRALIA”
catalogue. The 11th Edition in fact since 2002. Lots of big changes
and price updates in here over the last Edition. |
New 2019 Gibbons “AUSTRALIA” Catalogue.
If you think any dealer gets rich selling these fully
imported heavy books for $A75, you know nothing about business! Most
here like it as it saves buying the huge Commonwealth
book, that stops in 1970, and that contains all kinds of countries you
do not need or look at, and costs 3 times this. |
Near 400 pages these days.
all booklets and booklet issues - and dies, inverted watermarks, and
major plate varieties, Postage Dues etc. And prices for on-cover
copies for them all. The new issues go to near end of 2018. Also
included are ALL issues from the Australian Antarctic Territory,
Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Norfolk Island. |
two alone paid for the book!
This new book also covers the Pre-Independence Issues for Nauru (to 1968), New Guinea, Papua and Papua New Guinea, and the popular WWI GRI/NWPI overprints etc. If you have not updated for a while, do so this year! |
Extensive price revisions
Prices have been extensively revised in line with the
market - with many 100s of significant increases since the last
edition. Starting at SG#1s, right through. How on earth editor Hugh
Jefferies MBE and team, gets the now vast swag of Stanley Gibbons
Catalogues out, is anyone’s guess. |
Colourful and vibrant SG Catalogue.
Lots of constant plate flaws, and stamp booklets are now
listed. And lots of inverted watermarks - indeed all recorded inverted
and sideways watermarks are now fully listed and priced. |
All NSW “Sydney Views” up strongly.
The attractive 2d Sydney View shown nearby, SG #15 is now cat
Only a few years back, full SG was way under HALF that at -
so buying quality always pays off. And if your SG value says
you are so out of touch, for your book to be essentially meaningless. |
Source States stamps CAREFULLY.
The States issues are NOT something to buy as a novice, off
cowboy sources like eBay. They are VERY often wildly misidentified -
often deliberately, and/or repaired etc. Cleaned off fiscal cancels are
offered with new fake cancels as “FU” etc. |
Superb used imperf right? WRONG! has numerous threads exposing these ebay spivs knowingly
offering cut down perforated issues as imperfs etc, and regularly
offering forged perfins and overprints and errors etc as genuine. The
Bunnies hoover them up. |
Big increases in Australian States.
These price increases are often very substantial, so any collector or
dealer working on older books is costing themselves money. All the
Australia States issues have had extensive re-vamps I noticed, and what
follows is a brief summary of what I noted, on a fairly quick spot check
of this new edition. |
Gone BACKWARDS over 1998 price!
I found it on a stockcard I’d last priced in
1998. That happens all the time here - a 3 floor house of stamps in
long forgotten boxes and filing cabinets etc. Usually 20 year old cards
of Classics are now double or treble the original prices. Anyway, when
I originally priced it, SG was then SG 119a, and listed at £120. |
Rises in Queensland stamp prices.
Queensland sees the very tough 2d Blue imperf SG 2, up from
mint and
used. Again, buy these ONLY from members of leading dealer bodies who
offer FIRM guarantees - the spivs on eBay offer perforated 2d Blues with
trimmed off perfs, as these rare stamps. Same colour. |
Faulty and regummed - but got full SG!
Victoria 1886 “Pastel Long Toms” are up a lot mint - the
£6 SG 325, up 25% to £15,000. Again due to the mad
prices paid at the Corinphila “Besancon” auction. This example
shown nearby was estimated at just 2000 Francs and was invoiced at the
time, for FULL then SG, $A22,500 - despite being described as:
“mark removed from face of stamp, diagonal crease, and
regummed” |
WA prices not even keeping up.
Western Australia powers on strongly of course. The SG #1, “1d Black
Swan” is up both mint and used to
Always a popular Bird item. The 4d “Inverted Frame” is of course
up strongly from
£180K. |
Invoiced for $A425,000, despite faults.
Western Australia sees price increases right
into the 1900s. A very popular State, and it always has very strong
global demand - especially among “Bird” thematic collectors, as
near all their issues depict - BIRDS! |
Big gains in AUSTRALIA.
Lots of price increases noted in AUSTRALIA. Many of the major
printing errors and inverted watermarks are up strongly. The 4d Violet
KGV “Line Through Four Pence” is up to
The last used one I sold years back went for a tiny fraction of that, so
these have performed very well, and are not often seen offered. |
New plate variety added this year.
As usual, SG cleverly adds a new plate flaw or two for folks to chase.
This year I note the appearance of the “Falling Mailbag” variety
on the 1931 3d Blue Kingsford Smith. SG 122a sees it debut in listing
mint and
used. Why the names of errors when newly added, do not coincide with
the 50 year usage here of “Plane Dropping Mailbag”
mystifies me. |
”Top Hat” to £1,500 from £550.
Were you aware that a ½d Orange Kangaroo Coil Block of 4
is now Cat in SG at £1,000 mint? Or the “Green Mist Retouch”
on the 1/- Lyrebird SG 230da is £4,500 mint and £3,250 used etc.
“Knowledge Is Power” - as I have probably typed here 1,000
times! |
Down with tiny “fly-speck” errors!
Stanley Gibbons have the luxury of only listing major
retouches or flaws that are very easy to spot with the naked eye. One I
suggested added for the next edition, is the 1960 8d Tiger Cat
“Typhoon Retouch”. A scarce error, as it was not noticed by
collectors for a couple of years after stamp was withdrawn, so in mint
positional blocks is really tough. |
8d “Typhoon Retouch” coming next.
Price rises are even seen in the Postage Dues issues - the scarce 1908
20/- “With Stroke” is up to
mint and
used, but a warning, read the SG and ACSC notes. These were ONLY issued
in NSW, so the fake “Vic. Aust” cancels applied by a Melbourne
dealer to toned mint stamps etc, are forgeries made to deceive. |
Collectors need to support SG.
Collectors are famously tight fisted with buying
catalogues, but a strong and profitable SG catalogue division is
ESSENTIAL for a robust and healthy world stamp market. Many
totally forget that, so do your bit, and add to their sales volume.
I have sold plenty of these new this month to help out. |
Back to Basics at Stanley Gibbons.
Stanley Gibbons are not a Charity or Government
Department, but a publicly listed business, and must make
a profit. Falling sales of these works may well see the new bean
counters in place at SG decide to not print catalogues at all. Simple
as that. And in my experience, such moves are instant, AND final, so
there is no good lamenting it all after the event. |
Quite a “Chunk Of Change”!
Lots of stamp
collectors also collect coins, and even if you do not, this is a pretty
amazing story. Berlin police say thieves broke into the German
capital's Bode Museum in late March 2017, and made off with a massive
100 kilogram (221 pound) gold coin, worth millions in bullion melt
value. |
A serious coin - melt value near US5 MILLION!
The three cm
(over 1”) thick coin, with a diameter of 53 cms (21”) has a nominal face
value of $C1 million. But by weight alone, however, recent overseas
news reports state it would be worth around $US5 million at bullion
market “melt” prices on today’s rates. |
A one TONNE Gold Coin.
Gold producing
superpower Australia could not bear to be outdone, and in 2012 the Perth
Mint produced a 1 TONNE Gold Coin (1,000 kilos) shown nearby,
which in turn captured the Guinness World Records title of the world
largest coin, knocking off the Canadians. “Melt” value of the bullion
inside is a reported $A50 Million. |
Alleged thieves now on trial.
The European
media reported this month that the alleged Berlin thieves had been
apprehended by German Police. The four men were accused of carrying out
the spectacular heist of a giant solid gold coin from a Berlin Museum,
have now gone on trial. |
Weight 100 Kilos - 3 men to lift.
The massive “coin” is believed to have been broken up, and melted down shortly after the theft, and it is felt sure it will never be recovered. However if any of them are convicted, under German law, the value of the stolen item must be paid back to the rightful owner. OUCH. |
Remmo family well known to German Police
revealed early on in the investigation that the Remmo family was part of
a crime ring, well known to German Police, and whose members had carried
out numerous high-profile crimes over several years, including
break-ins, a bank robbery in which the bank building was blown up to
hide evidence, and acts of violence in Berlin, including a murder in
broad daylight. |
300 heavily armed German police in raids.
The alleged
thieves are part of a large “Arabic-Kurdish” family known to local
authorities for its involvement in racketeering, drug smuggling and the
arms trade. The Neukölln district in Berlin where they lived, has one of
the highest immigrant populations in Berlin. |
Modern technology assists the case.
However this attempt to hide or destroy evidence failed,
after police found gold deposits on the car upholstery, of a purity that
matched the stolen mega coin composition identically. DNA left behind
at the Museum by the burglars, and CCTV footage of them, also is said to
be held by the German Police. |
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual
Conditions of Sale, copy upon request . Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque. Avoid copping the Now normal 45% Auction "Commissions" (15% Buyer + 20% Seller + GST, etc) AND their five-month delays!
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 Australia PO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 and
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