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January 2020
Money cannot buy wisdom
One of the more fascinating aspects of the famed British Guiana 1856 1¢
Magenta stamp is the reverse side, which shows the personal owner marks
of several of its famous (and infamous) owners. Few stamps have so many
owner marks. Few stamps COST this much!
Having apparently far more money than sense, Weitzman appears to have
executed this vandalism using heavy pressure, with a sharp HB pencil.
See photo nearby. I have little doubt the next time this stamp is
scanned, the heavy graffiti will show on the face of this very thin
paper. Very clever.
1. Two strikes of Count Philipp von Ferrary's famous "trefoil" owner's
mark. One impression is very faint, at lower left. It sold for then
$US32,500 in 1922
Looks better in Mono than Colour!
This poor old stamp, damaged and repaired, has been exposed to so much
light over its long history, it is now faded beyond recognition. A
blurry pinkish little smudge basically. The black and white photo
nearby is what is looks like under an infra-red filter, and it is one of
the few mega rare stamps to look FAR better in mono than colour!
WIN a $A1,254 18K Gold and Silver Pen!
I was talking today with Ian Pitt, the Managing Director of Renniks/Lighthouse,
who recently became Australian agents for this prestige and century old
brand of bespoke German made specialty pens.
This one shown nearby is THE very top of the line item, in the
extensive OTTO HUTT craftsman pen series as you can see on their
website. Based in Pforzheim, Germany - in the Black Forest, OTTO HUTT
has been a leader in quality pens for a Century.
Anyway, Ian Pitt was interested in doing something BIG promotional over
the Christmas/New Year break, to bring this superb range of famous
German Pens he was now the agent for, to the wider attention of a global
He thought that "Stamp News" and would
help achieve that, and offered me a boxed set of the absolute Top Of The
Range of the product line to give away right here! So, with thanks to
the wonderful generosity of Ian and Renniks, here we go. A fun thing
for readers to take a few guesses at, over the long Festive break.
Could be yours totally FREE - $A1,254 retail!
You can enter 10 times, or a 100 times, or 1000 times etc - all totally
FREE. No matter what country you live in. All details on HOW you could
win this superb gift boxed pen valued at $A1,254 retail price, are at
All German made fountain pen, top end quality. In a stunning Design
award-winning Italian made gift/storage box, with slide out drawers,
with polishing cloth, and Deluxe leather carry case, extra ink
cartridges, and ink converter etc. A hand numbered and timeless pen,
for those who like the VERY finest things in life.
VERY expensive 18 carat solid GOLD nib. This exact same pen was
advertised in the current Australia Post Philatelic “Impressions”
Deluxe catalogue, page 41, for $A1,254, which is the RRP and it totally
sold out fast as you can see - see - full details of this pen on that link.
Good luck!
Mention stamps in your WILL.
I have no doubt similar figures apply to British and American and NZ
readers etc. Naturally, none of us
wishes to pass away unexpectedly - but we are ALL mortal, and accidents
happen every day. Sudden illness, car accidents, or many other relevant
issues. Ask yourself, do YOU have a will, and if so, WHEN
did you make it - it may well be invalid.
Less than 50% of Australians prepare a legal Will, often in the mistaken
belief that all their worldly goods and chattels will automatically go
to where THEY wanted them to go. Without a Will, the Government
may levy imposts, and the Government agency of Public Trustee also often
decides on the final distribution, and disposal of the assets.
With the common situation that prevails today, where many folks have
re-married and re-partnered over their life, and often have children
from both lives, even an OLD Will may not be valid at all, if new
partners are on the scene. They generally get clear legal precedence.
As usual the only winners are the Lawyers, who often chew up near all
the assets in fees and legal disputes and hearings etc. These cases can
become Legal Picnics, and drag on for years, pitting many
family members against each other, ALL because the deceased was cavalier
an OLD Will may be invalid.
For instance, you may wish your stamps or coins or notes to be sold
direct to dealer "X" - and you may have made that 100% clear to
your spouse for decades.
will the Public Trustee do that automatically, if you have no Will - all
stamps then generally go straight to a Public Auction. Often not even
to a stamp auction!
If your family gets only HALF as much nett after the rafts of fees and
taxes, than dealer "X" would have paid
in cash on the spot - too bad for you. Your spouse or
family gets NO say whatever on this, in most cases. If the
Public Trustee gets involved, they direct all stamps go to auction
UNLESS you have very clearly stated otherwise in your Will.
Even accepting that many adults do not make any kind of Will, I’m darn
sure that 90% of those who DO have Wills,
and are connected with stamps (even when dealers) do NOT make any
specific written arrangements in there, as to the disposal path of their
stamps upon death. Be honest - think about your own situation - how do
YOU score here??!!
How do YOU
score here?
Even if you DO have a valid Will, and even if the Executor is a spouse
or family member, is there ONE word
in there as to where YOU’D direct your stamps to be sold to? No -
I bet there is not. Many collectors own stamps worth more than
their home, yet make no mention of them whatever in their Wills.
The disinterested family may toss them in skip bins when clearing out
the family home for auction. (Happens FAR more often than you
imagine!) Or consign them to an auction like Velvet Collectibles (=Stanley
Gibbons Australia) or mossgreen, which of course both went broke, as
has been widely reported.
These collapses left vendors with goods that were sold, and often
paid for by buyers who then took the goods. However the OWNERS got
zero back, after the Administrators/Liquidator/Lawyer leeches bled the
carcass totally dry. with obscene $1000 an hour fees etc. When the
funds run out, these pariahs just move on to the next juicy victim.
lessons NOT learned.
There are still NO legal Trust Fund requirements for Stamp
Auctions here, to escrow vendor monies via audited Trust Accounts, as
Real Estate agents need do. They can sell your stamps, use those funds
to pay rent, Director Fees, wages, car leases, utility bills, and
airfares etc, and sellers can receive not one cent. It seems we learned
absolutely nothing from history here.
Did any of the Directors and Managers from these defunct Auctions above
incur even a fine, or were any charged by any authorities with ANYTHING
at all - of course not. Seems like everyone pretty much went back to
what they were doing before, and the hapless sellers were as usual, the
innocent victims - for many $ millions.
And many forget that the time lag from lodging auction lots, to
receiving your payment can be much longer than 6 months - and can indeed
be 9 months, often not an ideal or suitable option when an Estate is
being wound up. However if Stamp Auction is your choice, why not
specify a specific reputable firm YOU wish to handle your
One hour,
versus many 1000 of hours.
notes do YOU have on these?
If you are lazy, why not at least tear or print out this page, and leave
that with your papers, which at least will serve as a warning to the
family not to accept the local second-hand dealer’s insulting low offer
at least. Or see them simply consign to auction, and see
up to 70% of the value of that lifetime of collecting gobbled up
in buyer/seller fees, insurance and taxes! Would your spouse or family
that to happen?
Read my story below, about the PITTANCE a family often gets, when a
collector passes away, and stamps are simply sold to a general
second-hand dealer, or bric-a-brac store, along with household
contents. You
could see your family
lose $10,000’s if they take that
course. Those general
second-hand dealers know NOTHING about stamps, and allow virtually that
same amount, when they buy them!
You owe
this to your FAMILY.
Use your
personal stamp contacts
Over my 40+ years as a dealer, I am privileged and honoured to have had
stamp material specified to be sold direct to me
in HUNDREDS of cases, via
Wills and/or via specific directions left to family members prior to
their passing. Makes life so much simpler for all parties then.
I often have spoken to and/or met the wife and/or family over the period
of our dealing relationship, and thus this process is much easier, and
far more comfortable and amenable, and smooth for the family, than dealing with total strangers. Just common sense really.
An informed collector who chose to deal with a dealer, from a free
choice of 100s of stamp dealers, as they felt he supplied nice material
at fair prices, with friendly service, is often the obvious source a
family is most likely, and most comfortable, in offering those stamps
back to - in the event of the collector passing away.
A short simple sentence like this is all you need in your Will to save
your family from worrying about disposal of your collection.
direct that all my stamps and all my related philatelic possessions, be
disposed of directly to xxxxxxx, a well-established stamp dealer, that I
know and trust."
I have always had a very personal and “folksy”
touch to my business. Sure I make a buck from stamp dealing, but I make
a lot of friendships too, which is a lovely sideline to this most
personal of businesses. I know many clients extremely well. I share
with them many stories about their stamps, their holidays, their
families, and even their football teams etc.
I have been fortunate to have been invited to stay with clients in their
homes on 5 different continents when I am travelling. I've often
met their spouses and families, and/or spoken to them on the phone. You
will seldom get that personal interaction with a large auction house!
Reminding ourselves of our mortality is never a cheerful experience,
which is why more than HALF of us have no legal Will, but pure common
sense dictates this MUST be addressed. I do hope some readers
take steps to ensure their philatelic pride and joy does NOT end up in
the local bric-a-brac shop for a “‘song” in the event of
their passing.
Simply not
worth the huge risk.
There are plenty of instant Will Kits on sale at bookstores globally
etc. As a personal comment I would advise you instead go visit a
Solicitor experienced in Wills. I paid only a few $100 for mine to be
drawn up, which is reasonably complex - and that was the best money I
spent all year. What value do YOU place on peace of mind?
True story - worth reading ……
Watch out
for Mister Bric-A-Brac!
professional dealers, the asking price is either agreed to, or dickered
down somewhat. If Kevin Morgan or Rod Perry etc offers me
something for $500 nett, I am never going to say -
“sorry, but you are WAY too low on that Kevin - I’ll offer you $5,000
for it.”. And vice-versa!
The new owner of the ~$A14 million British Guiana stamp decided recently
to flamboyantly add his initials to the reverse of it. Nothing really
unusual about that, as many past owners have done that just that - see
photo nearby and index of those markings.
Current owner, Nu Yoiker, Stuart Weitzman does not collect stamps. But
he does sell expensive women’s shoes. So his brainstorm was not just to
initial the back of the stamp at far left with “SW”, but to add a
large stylised woman’s Stiletto shoe under his SW initials. Brilliant
Just so subtle, Mr. Weitzman.
We are all but temporary custodians of any stamp we own,
and this kind of dopey stuff is infuriating - to me anyway. Sure, he
can slice it all into little pieces if he really wishes, but he is
purely an investor who bought it for bragging rights to his buddies it
seems, so cutting it up might harm his “investment.”
Anyway, what is done is done, and hopefully when Weitzman tires of
it, someone with a bit more common sense will own it, and not repeat the
same wanton madness. The different markings you see on reverse are
outlined in this list - mostly very discreet -
2. A large faint "H" of new owner, American Billionaire Arthur Hind at
top - said to have burnt a second copy sold to him. "It is now STILL
3. A small "FK" of Finbar Kenny, the manager at Macy's Stamp Department,
who brokered the sale by Hind's widow to Fred Small for $US45,000 in
4. Large, ornate 17 pointed star of Anna Hind, placed OVER her 30
year older husband's "AH" cloverleaf, who had largely cut her out of his
5. A small discreet shooting star lower right, added by Australian born
Gallipoli hero, Frederick Small, who owned it under total secrecy from
6. A pencilled "IW" by Irwin Weinberg, head of a group of investors who
bought it 1970 for $US280,000 at Sielgels, and later sold it to du Pont
via Siegel Auction.
7. A large pencilled "J E d P", initials of the late John E. DuPont who
bought it for $US935,000 in 1980, and died in prison. His heirs sold it
in 2014.
8. Vandal scrawl added 2019 of "SW" and a vertical stiletto squiggle in
pencil or metallic ink pen, by NY shoe seller, Stuart Weitzman who paid
I bought a few sets of these for stock, as many of my clients will like
such a cool and functional piece at this time of year, (the Australia
Post allocation totally sold out at $1,254 as you can see!) and added
them as an introductory special at $A250 off.
Over HALF of all Australians die intestate. That
is, they die without leaving a valid, legal Will. Not my guess,
but hard facts reported recently by News Limited. Victoria (who
has the most stamp collectors!) is the worst offender - 54% of them do
NOT have a Will. See - Truly weird, and VERY sad, but
All this bitter wrangling often rips the family apart, and ALL resulting
from the laziness of the deceased in not making a clear and legal Will.
Or in the case of an OLD Will, you not updating it to
reflect the changing circumstance of your later life, can be VERY bad
news. We have all read media reports of such disputes, and it often
destroys families.
Sometimes, a family member is also keen on philately, and the stamps are
passed on to that person, which is a very sensible and preferred
option. Clearly if that person eventually dies without a Will,
the same situation exists, and the scene plays out all over again.
The reality is that, given our aging demographic, countless thousands of
Australian stamp collectors die every year, leaving absolutely NO
guidance to their non-collecting families as to their specific wishes,
re the most preferred disposal of their stamp
and coin collection.
The recent mossgreen collapse saw $ MILLIONS spent on dozens of
lawyers and endless high level Court hearings, and Administrator fees,
and associated nonsense. A 1000+ detailed message very gory account of
this terrible and greed laden train-wreck is here for those who missed
it -
Often a collector will spend very many thousands of hours over a
lifetime buying, mounting, studying, sorting and enjoying their stamps.
It really does seem odd to me that they can’t bother taking just one
hour of this time to briefly outline clear instructions for their
eventual disposal, to best effect.
In view of the above, please give some serious thought to leaving a
precise note NOW among your personal papers, or with your
Solicitor, or better still in your signed Will. Simply advise precisely
HOW you wish your philatelic and numismatic material disposed of in the
event of your death,
and to exactly WHOM
you would suggest it be sold to, if something happens to you in the
Either way, you
surely owe it to your family to do something
pro-active? Often the dealer from whom you mostly purchased will be
precisely aware of the special value of any unusual or specialist or
unusual or even unique items you have - as he sold them to you! That is
just common sense.
Send your stamps to auction, and such specialist material may go totally
unrecognised, as stamps are lotted there with lightning speed, and only
barely glanced at, in many cases. Flaws and errors and variations the
selling dealer is aware of, are not always evident to someone quickly
skimming the pages.
I often see lifetime collections lotted up at auction along these lazy
type of description lines - “Estate collection in 3 cartons, in about
30 albums of stamps and covers. Lots of interesting looking material
among it. Please inspect - might be surprises here. Estimate $400.”
They often sell for LESS than estimate.
Often your wife or husband will have met or spoken to your most usual
suppliers, by phone or in person, which makes the process a lot easier
and far more comfortable after a bereavement. A lot easier than dealing
with a totally unknown person or Auction firm, selected from the local
Yellow Pages, or whatever.
Why not make avoiding this exact situation for your family your No #1
‘Must Do’ New Year Resolution?? You can of course prepare
your own Will, but this is not a great idea as the smallest wording
errors, or omissions, then may make it legally invalid. Simply not
worth the risk in my view.
To ensure readers dwell on this topic a little longer, let me relate a
totally true story. I received a phone call from a second-hand
furniture ‘bric-a-brac’ type store owner I know. This was
to advise a bulky stamp collection had been purchased within a complete
‘household effects’ type of deal.
This accumulation ‘owed’ the store owner $1,000 and “did I
want to take it off his hands??” Knowing how low this chap
purchased most things, I was immediately interested, and visited that
afternoon. The stamps were jumbled up in 7 large cartons.
Untidily arranged in albums, stockbooks, packets, tins etc - exactly as
removed from the deceased collector’s ‘stamp den’. I looked
quickly through the first two albums (Great Britain), and the asking
figure of $1,000 was very easily surpassed wholesale, with nearly
7 cartons to go.
told ‘Mr. Bric-A-Brac’ there was certainly some
interesting material here, and casually checked he was asking $1,000 for
the lot, not for each carton. He just smiled, and said something like -
if I knew what HE had paid for it
all, I’d probably be embarrassed to hand over as much as $1,000!
This brings me to the point of this article. After lugging home the 7
cartons and breaking it down into lots for my Rarity Page internet ads,
it became quickly apparent a collector with whom I’d dealt extensively
by mail, for well over a decade, had formed the collection.
Quite a few stamps and sets were still in stockcards and glassines with
my name printed on them. Had I been called in by the man’s family and
asked to price the Estate, I can honestly say that the cash price
offered would have been many, many, many times more than I paid
the smiling ‘bric-a-brac man’, and yet I’d still have made a nice
profit, instead of a simply obscene profit.
The family lost around $25,000, purely and simply because that collector
didn’t nominate in his Will that myself, or indeed one of his many other
dealer contacts, be called in to quote on, or advise upon the wisest
dispersion of the stamp collection. This scenario is not unique - EVERY large dealer anywhere in the world can tell you similar stories of buying material ‘for a song’ via similar channels, when they in fact have supplied a good part of it themselves, at their normal retail prices. |
Honest: I spend nothing much on stamps!
In my long experience, 95% of collectors are MALE, and they very
often advise their families, and the wife in particular, that stamps are
a very low cost pastime, with little or no “real” money ever
being spent on them, and they do it all just for fun. These same clients quietly spend $1000’s a year with me, and goodness knows what with other dealers and auctions. The number of orders I ship Registered Mail to business addresses, and get paid by business credit cards for this precise reason, would astound many (female) readers! I’m just as often paid in ‘cash’ via Money Order, or bank transfer using cash, for the same reasons. One chap buys only by me, as his credit card charge shows up only as “Glen Stephens” and no other wording, and he tells his wife these are accountant and book-keeping and audit fees etc, that are all business related!
The buyers go to great pains to ensure the ‘good lady’ doesn’t
realise that each month a $250 CTO 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge, or a 2015
Year album, set of 1994 P.N.G. overprints, or a “Penny Black”
etc, is being quietly purchased. I’m certain EVERY large dealer and
Auction house in the world will have clients doing precisely the same
thing. |
Season’s Greetings To All!
The stamp business for me has gone totally BALLISTIC this
year. The weak $A has seen a vast surge in orders from overseas, USA
especially, and particularly for better pieces in the 3 and 4 figure
plus range, that I mostly deal in. Other dealer colleagues report the
same kind of story and pattern this year. Super low (or negative!) interest rates globally, often nervous and overvalued share markets, and even more nervous real estate markets in many countries, has seen a good deal of savvy money switching into better stamps. Which often rise 5% or more a year - and that rise is mostly Tax Free, for private collecto |
Christmas Day on the beach in Swakopmund.
Margo and I spent last Christmas Day at a sunny family BRAAI (BBQ!) in coastal Swakopmund in Namibia (once German South West Africa) a very pretty old town. Days later we climbed the massive red sand “Dune 45” in Sossusvlei at sunrise, and we had a fun NYE in Windhoek. Climbing up that massive sand dune we photo’d nearby, is harder than it looks - seemed about a mile long, and you sink to your kneees in the super fine sand with each step. We’d slept the night before on the hard ground in a tent, so the old bones were not enjoying the 5am workout! All via the usual whirl of endless flights, and a week visit to Ethiopia (truly fascinating place), China, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbawbe. Flying back we had 44 hours in planes and airports and no hotel beds! Heaps of pix here of the adventures for anyone interested -
We also visited the vast Etosha and Chobe Game Parks in Namibia and
Botswana. Saw 400 Elephants one afternoon in Chobe, and “The Big 6”,
and all kinds of other animals and birds. I’ve been to Africa very many
times, but seeing 400 Elephants is always exciting to anyone! |
Getting too old for this caper as well!
We travelled an awful lot during this year as usual, domestically and overseas - keeping many airlines solvent! One real highlight was flying to the absolutely gorgeous, remote Pacific Island Atoll of Aitutaki. One of the visual gems of the Pacific for sure. We spend this Christmas in the remote Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay Of Bengal, flying in via China and Chennai via a convoluted string of flights. We later travel across India, later ending up in Nepal for New Year’s Eve, and back home via Thailand and Chengdu China again. |
Thank You to all readers.
“Thank You” to all readers globally, for the many phone calls and letters and emails with comments - both for AND against what has been written here, over the past year! All input is greatly appreciated and taken on board. It has been a most interesting one, and an exciting year for the entire stamp world. “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”, to one and all, and to all you and yours. Be safe, have a great time among your family and friends, and then get stuck into the STAMPS - and enjoy the long holiday break! We are all part of THE most amazing Hobby. See you all in 2020. Glen |
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Search all my 300+ web pages! Simply type in what you are looking for. "Penny Black", "Latvia", "Imprints", "Morocco", "Fungi" "Year Books", etc! Using quotes ( " ) is more accurf used with no quotes. Search is NOT case sensitive. Tip - keep the search word singular - "Machin" yields far more matches than "Machins" etc. |
I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .Sydney's
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 AustraliaPO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 E-Mail:
Click here to see MANY 1000s of stamp lots for sale at low $A Nett prices
Click here for all you need to know re SELLING your stamps for SPOT CASH
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to read all my recent International stamp magazine articles. Click here to get back to the main HomepageClick here to ORDER on-line ANY items from ANY of my dozens of lists
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Click here for the complete library of my very unusual world travels!
How to PAY me. I accept EVERYTHING - even blankets and axes and beads!
Australia Post Annual YEAR BOOKS - massive stock - '27% off' discount offer today!
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