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December 2019
CTO Roos getting 10 times
As followers of the Australia PO official CTO stamps
realise, copies of even the common Die 1, 3d Kangaroo 1913, with the
corner “BRISBANE” cds have obtained $A1,864 at Phoenix
Auctions in the past, and indeed a block 4 of the 2/- brown got $A7,000!
Sadly the ACSC allowed an ebay seller to price these things, and
realisations TEN times full ACSC are routine for these cancels.
An equally humble 2d Grey, also with no date on the cds, was invoiced
for $A2,900 in the same November 15 Phoenix sale.
Register your stamp
We all know that using Registered or insured post is
smart. These days it is essential for items of any value.
More and more domestic mail NOT addressed to PO boxes is getting stolen
- sad but true. Contractors are not PO staffers, and will leave boxes
and parcels in unsafe places, or in the rain very often.
Insured for $US1 MILLION -
in 1958!
Harry Winston, the leading American jeweller and gem
dealer, mailed the legendary “Hope Diamond” in a package
via Registered Post using a single red “REGISTERED” handstamp. In
November 1958, Winston donated the diamond to the Smithsonian
Institution in Washington, intending it to be the foundation for a
National Jewel Collection.
Value today about $US350
The price paid for shipping the gem, valued at $US1
million at the time, was $145.29, most of that being for the contents
insurance! As you can see on the scan of the packaging, the postage was
$2.44. It looks like $9 was the largest value USPS postage meter at the
time in 1958, 61 years back, and 16 of those were used, with a $1.29
label to make up the balance.
How to soak peel and
stick stamps?
With many large countries like the USA, GB, Australia and
NZ etc, now using mostly self-adhesive stamps, the question is often
asked of me - HOW can these be soaked? In the cases like the USA
stamps, soaking in water is totally useless in most cases. The simple
answer of WHAT to use, seems to be a low tech and old-fashioned one -
Lighter Fluid.
Ronsonol to the rescue!
This decades old method for checking watermarks on
stamps, now seems to have a valuable extra use! This fluid is available
worldwide and is quite inexpensive. The Ronsonol can shown nearby, will
be familiar to readers in most countries. I am advised the
“ZIPPO” brand has the same chemical content.
Read the instructions carefully!
All of these of course are flammable, and should
be used in a ventilated area etc, as per usage instructions on their
packaging. If you are fond of having a cigarette whilst sorting stamps,
do NOT use this stuff while you are doing that!
Shellite is under $A6 a
litre nationally.
The good news is that both seem to work
extremely well with assisting in removing these self-stick stamps - even
the USA ones that otherwise do not soak off at all in water, and are
famously tenacious to separate from backing paper.
Checks Watermarks AND removes gum!
In some cases, they come away cleanly from the envelope
paper. In other instances, a little effort and technique is needed, as
outlined with photos on the stampboards thread. A final rinse in warm
water, whatever method you choose, and you are done.
tenacious gum on these.
Short issue high face stamps like the USA $19.99 “USS
Arizona” and $22.95 “Columbia River Gorge” illustrated
nearby, are both worth near face value when neatly cancelled used, so
taking a moment to remove them carefully is well worth the effort.
Kangaroo Monograms newly Red Hot.
Kangaroo Monogram
stamps have gone nuts in price in the past year or so. None of them are
common - even on the lowly ½d and 1d values, they are $100s, and the
higher values are really hard to source. Hinged Monogram
SINGLES of the £2 have fetched $A180,000 at Auction.
The $180,000 piece of
There is a photo of me nearby holding this hinged stamp,
(which had a crease!) and which thankfully was not dropped into my
nearby coffee, ensuring a very interesing discussion with some hostile
Insurance Assessor. Near all that $A180,000 price was for the tiny
piece of selvedge at the base! Strong
Monogram Roo Collection
They offered an ususually large range of these Monograms,
and VERY bullish prices were obtained, often for material that did not
look that attractive to me, but hey it is the nature of these issues.
The 2/- Brown Third watermark hinged Monogram shown nearby was invoiced
for around $A20,000 - despite full ACSC Cat being $15,000 etc.
Sold for $5000 over
full ACSC cat.
Arthurs Gray’s “CA” monogram 2/- single was
hammered for $US5,250, so there has been nice upside on these, in that
interim period. Many of the high values are recorded in only a few
copies in collector hands, so these strong prices will stay solid I’d
Soon after you read this, the big national of 2019 will
be taking place in Adelaide on December 6th-8th. I’ll fly down and pop
in on the Sunday - that Torrens Parade Ground Drill Hall location
in Adelaide City is a really great location - free parking right at the
Get down and support the
Australia Post issued some very pretty product in October
- the $3.20 stamp for the heavily used overseas airmail rate is shown
nearby, and I urge all those reading this to buy a few, and keep them in
your stamp den - superb design to use on foreign letters for years to
1919 Ross Smith “Vignette”
The Australian “Local” item most collectors
think of first, is the pioneering and heroic 1919 Ross Smith First
Flight, England to Australia stamp "Vignette". This is
technically more a semi-official stamp issue, than a “Local” or
“Cinderella” as some incorrectly regard it as.
This crew were MEGA-SUPERSTARS in this era! Ross Smith
enlisted in 1914 in the 3rd Light Horse Regiment, landing at Gallipoli
13 May 1915. In 1917, he volunteered for the Australian Flying Corps.
He was later twice awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished
Flying Cross three times, becoming an Air Ace with 11 confirmed aerial
How to check for Ross Smith fakes.
For the dozen or so hopeful folks who phone
or email me each year to ask if their "rare" 1919 Vignette they
cleverly bought on eBay etc, as a super “BAAAAHRGIN” is
really a super valuable gem, my very simple and accurate answer is -
“just hold it up to the light”.
Pricier than
most £2 Kangaroo stamps!
Some of them are really crude, and some were far better
productions. Endless 1000s seem to have been produced over the
decades. Edgar Lewy, long term ”Philatelic Exporter”
columnist, did some quite decent high grade reproductions via
Philart in the UK in the 1970s. Edgar’s were by FAR the best
“fakes” done. He offered me a large carton of 10,000s of these 30 years
Highest on cover price c$A50,000.
A really striking looking Ross Smith flight cover was
once auctioned and invoiced in the region of $A50,000. There are still
quite a small number of these Ross Smith Vignettes existing, either as
mint sheetlets as illustrated nearby, or on covers with the outer
margins removed, in all such cases.
Sir Ross Smith still
remembered in Darwin.
The last time I was up in Darwin, I drove down Ross
Smith Avenue, and sought out the little known but impressive
stone cairn marking his arrival in Australia in Dec 1919! Planes were
near unheard of back then, and the soon to be Qantas founders, were
engaged to organise an oil drum lit runway for them to use.
Hopeless AP $500 Million Mail Sorters.
ABC News
just reported Business owners and residents were dismayed about the
length of time parcels are taking to be delivered, with widespread
reports of many items going backwards and forwards between states.
I had a clearly addressed Registered parcel go between
Sydney to Redbank Brisbane FIVE times last month - so much
for their new high technology, that AP are denying to ABC News, has any
issues. The clearly addressed parcel took TWO WEEKS. I could
drive it there in a day.
Stampboards has had detailed discussion on these CTO’s - many 1000s of
posts, and some of that info is transcribed here -
The strength of the official CTO cancels on Kangaroo stamp market rolls
on stronger than ever.
The demand is unabated, and the recent auction results are gobsmacking
really. The very ugly, and humble 1913 ½d green Roo seen nearby, ACSC
#1wd, was invoiced way above estimate at
$2,675 in the Phoenix Melbourne, November 15, 2019
rough looker gets $A2,675!
Brisbane CTO cancels are all scarce, as only a sheet or so of each were
done, and not all of those were distributed. All bear a quarter of the
heavyish looking cds cancel of “BRISBANE - 12 NO: 13 -
I have the 5/- 1913 with the same cancel in stock, (a scarce
stamp with ANY cancel) indeed mine shows the date, for a THIRD what the
½d above just sold for! A 1913 £1 with non-dated BRISBANE
part cancel was invoiced for $3,250 at the same Phoenix auction.
It is a challenging field, and supply is low, and demand is high. There
are MANY different cancel types. The ACSC “Kangaroos”
catalogue is a handy guide, despite the Froot Loop prices given to all
these BRISBANE cancels, well after strong Auction results had clearly
indicated their scarcity, and the red-hot real world prices.
I regularly get sellers nervous about mailing me stamps to buy. They
often only run to $100s, or even a few $1000s, but they really are not
at all happy doing it. I will in future remind them of this true story
about the safety of Registered Mail, and they might be a lot more
comfortable about it all!
It is a large, 45.52 carat deep violet-blue diamond, and now housed in
the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, DC. I like many
others have looked at it there. Value of the Hope Diamond is estimated
today at about $US350 million if it were sold.
With his years of experience in shipping jewellery all over the world,
Harry Winston chose to have the near priceless diamond delivered by
Registered Mail. He told a reporter for the Washington Post that:
“Registered Mail is the safest way to ship gems - I’ve sent gems all
over the world that way.”
The massive diamond was placed in a box, wrapped in brown paper, and
sent by Registered Mail, travelling down from New York in a Railway Post
Office train car. The addressee, Dr. Leonard Carmichael signed the
receipt for the Registered package from the Post Office delivery person.
First reported about 400 years back, and reputedly discovered in India,
the “Curse Of The Hope Diamond” is widely documented, with
many previous owners and family members suffering strange and explained
deaths and misadventures etc, etc.
Far, far larger diamonds have been found of course (indeed this one
started at near double this 45 carat size) but the stated faultless
clarity of this one and the striking violet-blue colour, caused by boron
atoms apparently, have set it apart from all others over the centuries.
Far more economical, the Diggers “Shellite” brand is widely
available in Australia for less than $A6 per Litre bottle in hardware
stores like Bunnings etc. Larger 4 litre containers are sold for about
$A20 if you have some serious self-adhesive stamp soaking to do! has a long discussion on these removal methods, with
50,000 page views - is the direct link, for those
interested in reading more on this, and the personal experiences of many
collectors globally
Try this method out and let me know if it works for you. I understand
that Eucalyptus Oil often works too to remove these stamps. For British
readers, reports are that “Sticky Stuff Remover” sold in the UK
by Bettaware works wonderfully well for removing self-stick GB Machin
heads etc.
There were 2 different printer Monograms on the lower selvedge of each
PO pane of 120 for a couple of years - “JBC” for J.B.Cooke,
the Government Stamp Printer, and “CA” which of course
stood for the Commonwealth Of Australia.
Several new collectors have emerged in recent times, seeking these
Kangaroo Monograms, and they all appear to have very deep pockets, and
the scarcer pieces when offered, can see Bidding Wars ensue. Such was
the case with the Phoenix Auction on November 15, in
Monograms of course only occurred on the first 3 watermarks of Roos, and
were soon replaced with Printer Imprints. Many of the middle value
Monograms - 3d, 6d, 9d and 1/-, can still be secured for far more
affordable prices to most pockets.
I have both Monograms on hand now of the 9d Violet Kangaroo, for just on
4 figures each, and I see such things once each decade or two in stock.
There are probably 20 each of such values in collector hands globally,
so current prices are pretty silly.
Many collectors look for new challenges, and seeking Australia Kangaroo
Monograms is a solid area to chase. One chap I know has set his target
on all issues to 1/-, so he dodges all the 5 figure prices then, for the
2/- and up values!
The focus of course is the 100th Anniversary of the epic First Flight
from the UK to Australia by Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith - both Adelaide
born. Charles Leski has planned at big Aero related Auction sale to tie
in with this on Dec 11. I heard a rumour a new AAMC catalogue will also
be issued soon.
The foreign letter rate was only just increased from $3, so hopefully
this $3.20 will be the rate for a few years to come, and a nicer
“stamp on stamp” design I can’t imagine. Spread the word - buy some
This was an epic flight of almost 18,000 kilometres.
There was widespread concern that the route had not been properly
surveyed beyond Calcutta, and in many parts of Asia, airfields were
simply non‑existent. Some cities they landed at, had never seen ANY
kind of plane!
The aircraft of the era were incredibly basic by modern standards, open
top cockpits (!) and constructed from wire, fabric and wood, and had
short flying ranges. They landed their Vickers Vimy twin-engine
bi-plane at Fannie Bay “airfield”, Darwin, on 10 December 1919, and the
event was met with national and international excitement and acclaim.
It was ordered by the Prime Minister's Department (by no less than PM
'Billy' Hughes personally!) via the Treasury Department. Printed in
great haste by T. S. Harrison, and the Commonwealth Note Printing Branch
on watermarked paper - the identical CrownA paper we find on 1914 KGV
heads, or the "Second" Watermark Kangaroos.
Ross Smith (KBE, MC and Bar, DFC and Two Bars, AFC) was pilot for T. E.
Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and fought in aerial combat
missions in the Middle East. He is mentioned several times in
Lawrence's book, “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”. The legendary
Australian cricketer Keith Ross Miller was named after Smith and his
flying brother Keith.
If there is NO watermark, you clearly have one of the many types of
fakes/reprints done over the years. Not that such minor detail bothers
the 100s of dreamers who cheerfully list their fakes up on eBay each
year as “Grandpappys treasjure gaurinteed genueen RAYAR” !
Well after he died, I asked wife Lily if she still had them, and said
she tossed them into the garbage bin in London - a shame, as they were
nice efforts, and are seldom seen. Some reprints are so roughly printed
virtually none of the perf holes are punched out. And in ALL
cases, the colour is quite wrong, not being the deep steel blue of the
genuine, as you can see in the photo of my copy nearby.
It is not a “Local” or a “Cinderella” strictly speaking, but in my view
is an officially sanctioned and printed label, and should be more
correctly termed a “semi-official stamp” production. Major
catalogues like Yvert list and price it as an Australian postage stamp
issue. Major album makers like Seven Seas Stamps have
made spaces for it in printed albums.
Many still exist as genuine mint or used stamps, or even used on
original covers. A fine MUH sheetlet generally sells for about $A20,000
these days. The fresh MUH one illustrated nearby I sold for $15,000
recently. I do not charge that for most MUH £2 Roos!
It then took near 3 more months for the mail to arrive in
Melbourne, where the "26 February, 1920" date-stamps were all
applied to the hastily affixed Vignette "stamps", and all
handed over personally to Prime Minister Hughes, and then delivered via
normal mail, under separate Post Office outer cover.
The new Australia Post facility at Redbank Brisbane is equipped with
technology that includes parcel pickers, automated guided vehicles, and
robotics they proudly tell us. But it simply does NOT work.
Python Australia Post “Service”.
As can be seen from the PO tracking website fiasco journey nearby, even
when it got there for the FIFTH time to Redbank Queensland on a
Thursday, it did not move anywhere locally until the next Monday, as can
be seen.
Zimbabwe level technology. And they just had the cheek to crank up
Parcel Post rates heavily October 1, to pay for all these White Elephant
machines that clearly do not work. Much more discussion here -
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .Sydney's
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 AustraliaPO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 E-Mail:
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Australia Post Annual YEAR BOOKS - massive stock - '27% off' discount offer today!
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