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September 2019
Stamp Tip of The Month Sometimes the stamp markets
price things in no rational way. I was recently processing an order for
some mint Australia £1 Robes on the scarcer "Thin" ordinary paper
- SG 178a. I mused aloud to myself that I always have ten times more of
the "Thick" paper in stock (SG 178) than the thin paper, despite
very similar retail prices for both. It makes absolutely no sense!
Easily picked on
Looking at the reverse, the "Thin" paper
shows the watermark far more clearly and sharply on both mint and used
copies. I referred to the excellent Australasian Commonwealth
Specialist Catalogue ("ACSC") "KGVI" edition to see if print
figures tell us anything. I was amazed at the data in there re the
numbers printed.
Worth 3 Times Today's Level?
These figures have NEVER been public or published before
until recent years, as Editor Geoff Kellow keeps coming up with new data
for each new ACSC edition, based on his archival research. I spoke with
Geoff Kellow, and he assures me his new research is correct, and that
this tiny print run for the £1 "Thin" paper is totally accurate.
The current retail market is hence WAY out of kilter.
Buy £1 “THIN” paper NOW!
Even today those sets sell wholesale for under face
value! I still get offered 1000's sets in MUH sheets from relatives of
these people. The "Thin" paper £1 stamp, not being a face
different stamp, did not attract much interest at all from the stamp
trade in the Post War period - much less from any speculators, as the
"Hot Money" was long gone by mid-1949 when these were first issued.
These latter day fakes sell
for $10,000+!
The few FDC of these that exist are all unregistered
fabrications. They clearly were never done at issue date, but made after
issue by an insider staffer at Sydney GPO with access to the much
back-dated “SYDNEY
cds, who was married to Thompson’s sister. When you see
a £1 stamp (week’s wages) on a un-registered cover (fee for that
was just 3d!) you smell a rat. On Registered mail, relevant
backstamps were applied, and that cannot occur, if created weeks
after issue.
Genuine USED copies rare
Indeed, exactly as a superb 1930s postally used 5/-
Bridge is today worth twice or treble a CTO copy, these £1 Robes
"Thin" are equally scarce - in my view. Geoff Kellow agreed with me
that “in period” dated copies are quite scarce, and pointed out
Rodney Perry advised he has only ever seen one or two £1 "Thin"
Robes on cover or parcel piece - in 40+ years of searching.
Blocks most uncommon.
The current Stanley Gibbons quotes for the £1, SG 178a is
£70 MUH and £75 used …. both absurdly low. I was pricing up a superb
dared cds used set in blocks recently, and it occurred to me this is the
ONLY set of used blocks of the thin paper I’ve ever handled. Not
surprising really - it was near a MONTH’S wages for a working man!
Avoid ebay sellers.
One wise word when purchasing “Thin” paper Robes
issues - buy from REPUTABLE and experienced dealers only. Some
of the cowboys on places like ebay delight in mis-describing "Thick"
paper copies as "Thin", and pocketing treble what they should.
Sadly the vast army of clueless ebay Bunny Buyers as always, hoover up
the fiction, and grab the “EBaayaarghins”. Do not join them!
This worth 30 times Robes?
Let's be sensible about price levels - the 1935 £1 Grey "CofA" Kangaroo
(SG 137) that preceded this Robes stamp sells for $4,000 in MUH – the
stamp shown nearby I mailed to a client this month. ACSC value is
$A5,000. Even so, it is rather plentiful, and 600,000 were printed.
Yet it is valued THIRTY times more than a MUH £1 Robes of the same
year??? Quite absurd.
Collecting is a Great, Great, Great hobby”.
Warren Buffett is recognised as the smartest living investor, and many
books and detailed articles have been written dissecting and studying
his successful, logical and very conservative approach to investing,
spanning a half century. The share price of his main company Berkshire
Hathaway was $US303,000 or $A450,000 per single share as I typed this.
Buffett apparently owns endless millions of shares - do the math!
Warren Buffett at Abacus Auctions stand.
Berkshire Hathaway has averaged an annual growth in book value of 19.0%
to its shareholders since 1965 - compared to just 9.7% from the S&P 500
Index with dividends included for the same period. Berkshire oddly pays
no dividends, and yet Buffett is paid only $US100,000 a year, and
insists on paying his own postage and phone bills out of that pittance
You can buy Warren Buffett USA stamps.
is the stampboards discussion on this recent interview, with transcripts
of his comments on stamp collecting. Warren Buffett did say -
“Stamp Collecting is a Great, Great, Great hobby”. As
Rod Perry posts on there, such an endorsement should really be used
widely by the hobby. When Warren Buffet endorses anything so
enthusiastically, it is well worth repeating, and I do so here!
Buffet makes bad stamp investment.
Even the savvy business skills of Warren Buffet does not mean even he
has always picked winners in life. Buffet in his younger days decided
he would try and corner the market in a current USA 1954 4¢ Airmail
postage stamp, in the hope of rich rewards - and proverbially lost his
shirt! A true story that makes for interesting reading.
Warren Buffet lost his shirt on these.
That is the equivalent of about $US55,000 in today’s dollars. In total,
they bought almost 400,000 of the 4¢ stamps for around $16,000, making a
stamp investment worth somewhere around $US100,000, when converted into
today’s dollars.
6 Metre
Stamp Highway sign in Sydney
We seldom see 6 metre long stamp designs on
public roads, but visitors to the huge Bunnings hardware store complex
at Rydalmere in Sydney have been able to see this huge roadside sign as
they visited. These huge montages have been in place for about 5 years
now, and millions of non-stamp collectors have seen them, in this busy
suburban area.
2d Macarthur
stamp on roadside.
Australia “Departmental” stamps.
The South Australia “Departmental”
stamps have a keen following. These 2 or 3 letter department overprints
on otherwise common stamps often get 4 figures. I have been urging SG
to price them for years, and the Editor really wants to, and asks me to
get the keen collectors to guide him, but they never do, so “Catch
22” sadly, but the demand stays strong.
$2,500 - invoiced $30,000.
SURVEYOR-GENERAL - Black “S.G.” on DeLaRue
Crown SA watermark, rouletted 2d orange horizontal pair, the right-hand
unit being the “S.C.” Error - resulting in a “S.G. - S.C.”
se-tenant pair, as you can see, with a neat Adelaide GPO cds of OC
- 7 - 69.
These not
for the centering fanatics!
Anyway, despite the pretty silly low $2,500 estimate, it was finally
invoiced for around $A30,000 and clearly there was
very keen bidding on it. Centering purists will be horrified! The
American Grading Numbah Voodoo Cultists would grade this maybe 50 out of
100, and I am sure would never be interested, as these are not 98 or 99
Another to do well was the MAIN ROADS, GAMBIERTON, Black “M.R.G.”
overprint on DLR Crown/SA Rouletted 2d orange, with - 'GAMBIERTON/
JY29/70/S.A' cds. Believed to be Ex Manus (1920s) and Houston
Wynn. Estimate $3000, it was invoiced after all the taxes and fees were
added, for about $13,000.
Stamp Grading Madness
The Americans often take Wacko Pills over their GRAYDEENG NUMBAHS,
and pretty common stamps worth dollars to the rest of the sane stamp
world, sell for $50,000 or so, to the tiny handful of cultists who
cannot see this is all a Ponzi scheme type FAD, that like all fads will
crash and burn.
“Perfect Centering = $50,000”. Voodoo Science.
is a recent discussion where a US GRAYDEENG company PSE, shows a
“Perfect 100J” centred 4¢ stamp they were drooling over. As
stampboards members clearly showed via precise diagrams, the stamp was
not “perfect” centred at all - not even close. Some American paid near
$A50,000 at Siegel Auctions for a stamp cat $170, that I’d gladly sell
for $100.
Let the March of the Lemmings begin!
It is all a giant Ponzi type scheme in my view, and millions will be
lost as prices fall and fall. Exceedingly common USA stamps worth less
than face value in the real word, these Numbah Cultists madly pay 4
figures for, as shown in that discussion.
Asked around to a few other large dealers, and they all agreed - one
seems about 10 times more numerous than the other. I sell "Thin"
for about $A125 in fresh well centred MUH, and NICE copies of the
"Thick" for about $A100. Of course the correct technical
distinction is "Ordinary" versus "Chalk Surfaced" paper,
but "Thin" and "Thick" are terms we use almost exclusively
locally in the trade.
The two stamps are VERY easily picked apart visually - the "Thin"
being a deeper colour, and printed FAR less crisply and sharply than was
possible on the superb smooth, chalk coated "Thick" paper. On
the photo nearby, the "Thin" paper is the stamp on the bottom.
The differences in appearance are readily visible, even if you have no
experience sorting these. .
Only 160,000 were ever printed in just a single printing, of the £1
1949 "Thin" paper - versus 1,920,000 of the “Thick”
(Chalky surfaced) issue of 1937. My typical stock levels over the past
30 years of around ten to one, are borne out rather
perfectly by the printing figures above. Remember that the 1937 issue
was HEAVILY bought up mint by immediate post-war "Black Money War
Profiteer" type speculators.
Older dealers can confirm these high values traded under face wholesale
for decades, until we changed to decimal currency in 1966. Indeed many
dealers swapped them face for face for the new Decimal issues, as the PO
permitted such deals back then. The 1945 Duke Of Gloucester issue was
bought up nearly entirely by "Black Money" speculators for the
same reason by the same folks.
The proof of the fact that scant attention was paid to this paper change
by collectors of the time, is that only a few FDC's of this £1 "Thin"
stamp are recorded. It is scarce - being cat in ACSC at $7,500 on
FDC, although more exist than the ACSC notes. This top value on
"Thin" paper was first issued only in April 1949, and was replaced
in latter 1949 by the £1 "Arms", so useage was truly minimal -
just a few months.
The FDC illustrated nearby was invoiced by Prestige Philately a decade
back for $10,500. Not bad going for a fabrication made AFTER issue
date! Similar FDC also exist in small numbers for other “impossible”
issues of the time, like booklet panes, colour and watermark changes
etc, that the PO never advised officially were to be issued. Far more
discussion here - and were NOT done by Hayward Parish
either -
Much of their use was on telegrams, and for bulk postage payments -
neither of which generally later reached the stamp market as used
copies. As if to prove that point, truly genuine dated fine USED copies
of the "Thin" are nearly non-existent. Many hinged or toned
copies etc get "CTO'd" across corners even to this day, but to my mind,
a lovely 1950s era dated example is worth at least TWICE as much as a
MUH copy.
Rod confirmed that with me, and agreed that there should be a
significant premium for correct cancel used copies, over Mint. Perry
said double the mint price was not out of line for a genuine
dated contemporary cancel. Conversely a used stamp sells for about a
third of a MUH copy. Which in my view is about correct. In short, my
"TIP OF 2019" for anyone who likes a challenge, is to tuck away a
little supply of this stamp in fresh well centred MUH, or harder still,
in VFU circa 1950s dated used.
£7 was an absolute fortune at that time. Several weeks wages for a
normal worker. The AVERAGE annual UK wage in UK 1950, was just £100 - I
kid you not - - around TWO quid a week gross before tax.
FACT. (And paid annual leave was typically just ONE week!) That
is the average national wage, not the minimum wage. Ozzie wages were
near identical then.
This BBC link outlining the Food Rationing in the UK well after WW2,
might also surprise some - - National rationing did not totally end
until 1954. Indeed, meat, bacon, sugar, and butter were all tightly
rationed across the UK, right up to the QE2 Coronation year in 1953.
is a detailed discussion with many images, on how to accurately sort
Thick from Thin paper in this VERY tricky issue. Please do not ask ME
for bulk stock of either, as I have almost no stocks. This is not an
ad, but a genuine tip for readers about a wildly under-rated stamp. The
market price for the MUH "Thin" really should be at least DOUBLE
the "Thick", i.e. at about the $A200-300 level for nice copies.
Used copies of the £1 CofA Kangaroo are still pretty plentiful, and yet
a nice VFU one is now getting around the $500 mark these days. There is
no reason in my mind that a "Thin" paper genuine FU £1 Robes should not
be a similar price, as it certainly is many times scarcer. At
bare MINIMUM they should be $A200 with cancels circa 1950s, so snap up
any you see at today’s silly low prices.
He still lives in the modest Omaha home he bought 61 years back.
Buffet’s estimated net worth today is “only” about $US75
Billion, but he has given away $US35 Billion in recent years.
Buffett has indeed promised to give away over 99% of his fortune. In
2019 so far he has donated $3.6 billion, much of it to the Foundation of
friends Bill and Melinda Gates, who also donate much of their immense
So clearly much is publicly known of Warren Buffett the mega successful
investor, but few realise he ran a postage stamp approvals company when
younger, and took ads in the mass circulation “Linns Stamp News”
selling his approval selections. He still has his stamp and FDC
collection at his home he confirmed this month in the interview below.
Buffett attended the recent APS National Stampshow at Omaha
Nebraska, due to his long held interest in philately, and the photo
nearby shows him being interviewed by the APS roving reporter there, and
as can be seen, this was all taking place in front of the Abacus Stamp
Auctions stand, the well-known business based in Melbourne Australia.
Stamp collectors can even buy a set of 41¢ postally valid American
stamps, depicting Warren Buffett, and his lifelong business sidekick,
and Berkshire Vice President, Charlie Munger - the two stamps are shown
nearby. The two famously hold court centre stage at the annual
Berkshire Hathaway downbeat and very folksy shareholder meetings - that
for decades have been investor Pilgrimages!
In 1959, Benjamin Graham was scheduled to speak at Beloit College about
valuing individual common stock investments and bonds.
wanted to see Graham speak in person, and so he called his friend Tom
Knapp who worked at the Tweedy, Browne brokerage house that served as
Graham’s broker.
convinced Knapp to go with him, and on the drive from Nebraska to
Wisconsin, Knapp speculated that the current USA 4¢ Airmail stamp
“The Blue Eagle” was soon going to be taken out of circulation, and
would one day become a valuable collector’s item.
was convinced the 4¢ Eagles could someday be worth tens of dollars each
adjusted for inflation, paving the way for a possible 1,000% to 3,000%
nominal gain, which would create true investment gains of 700% to 2,500%
after adjusting for the expected opportunity cost, and inflation - and
waiting for the market to develop.
After they saw Graham speak,
and Knapp decided they would stop at all Post Offices on the way back to
Omaha, and effectively “corner” the stamp market on these 4¢ Blue
Eagle stamps. The biggest haul came in Denver, where they purchased a
200,000 stamp supply for $US8,000 face value.
As the years went by,
found himself encountering one tiny problem - the stamps never became a
scarce collector’s item! No one especially wanted the 4¢ Blue Eagle
stamps. The pair had cornered the market they thought, gave the stamps
years to mature in value, but the Boom in price never happened.
Eventually, in 1982, 23
years later,
sold his stamps at a 10% discount under face, to a dealer who was active
in supplying under face postage. Knapp held on to his share of the
Blue Eagles, ironically using 4¢ stamps in combination as rates
rose, as postage for the rest of his life.
was wise to cut his losses in 1982 - the stamps still sell for pennies
retail even today. He sold his $8,000 investment in 1959, for just
$7,200 in 1982, which was truly a $4,000 actual loss when adjusting for
inflation - a pretty severe beating on a $4000 initial investment.
That loss from the stamp investment had a clear influence on Warren
approach to investing thereafter. You never hear about him buying art,
or ancient artefacts or other collectibles, a market that has helped
create a lot of wealth for those that accurately predicted America’s
cultural trends regarding art.
Mark Twain said that once a cat sits on a hot stove, it will never again
sit on either a hot stove, or a cold stove. Likewise, Warren
has never returned to the arena of collectible investing, after his
ill-fated 1954 4¢ Blue Eagle foray
into new issue stamp speculation.
This visual public artwork called “Memory Fragments” commemorates
part of the history of Australia Post. The sculpture was commissioned
to comply with local Council policy, which mandates new property
development invests in public artworks.
Director of the site Ross Shepherd was commissioned to develop art
concepts based on historical themes and forms. The postage stamp
hoardings reference the establishment of the first Merino sheep farms
located on lands adjoining the site, with these well-known classic
Australia Post stamps.
Captain John Macarthur, who arrived with the Second Fleet in 1789, is
credited with establishing the fine Merino wool industry in Australia,
that when mature, largely supported this country’s economy. Prime
Minister Sir Robert Menzies, famously said in the 1950s our prosperity
“rode on the sheep’s back”. Macarthur’s first property “Elizabeth
Farm” was established in 1793 on the Parramatta River, near where
Harris Park is today. Macarthur died in 1834, and the popular 3 stamp
set commemorating his death is well known to all collectors of
Australian stamps.
form of vertical blades at varying intervals along the roadway shows
slices of the stamp image separated, while a composite single image of
the stamp can be viewed from certain angles,” Shepherd explained. “This
dynamic visual effect gives distinctive contemporary expression to the
history of Australia Post at this site 50 years ago. The flickering
effect of many passing stamps on envelopes would have created a striking
impact on the 1,000 workers who sorted the mail here during the peak of
its operation.”
Seven huge 5 metre vertical blades make up the massive display, with two
different stamp designs on each side, and a total of 14 metal strips
fabricated in the build. Each metal strip is made of structural steel
that adjoins composite panels to keep the blades safe, to withstand
wind, and other weather conditions. The overall structure is held up by
concrete foundations that are set into the landscape strip on the
footpath. The design, engineering and construction of the art piece was
carried out by Kennovations.
Abacus offered a nice range mid-year from the Murray Sherry (“Tamiami”)
collection, and some very bullish prices resulted, despite all the lots
being “T” Lots, where 10% Tax is added to hammer price, BEFORE the very
juicy auctioneer “Buyer Fee” is then whacked on top of that. One that
took my eye is shown nearby, and had a pre-sale estimate of only $2,500.
There is of course a separate “SC” overprint, so a single would
be impossible to pinpoint, but leading specialist on these stamps, Tony
Presgrave, has advised that the Supreme Court “S.C.” on the same DLR 2d
was not issued until 1873, so this pair with an 1869 postmark must
be a setting error.
is the 100s of post long discussion on these South Australia
“Departmental” stamps, and highlights many of scarce ones, and shows
many of the recent fakes that ebay is now awash with of course. The
Sydney Forger is cranking these out like crazy, and the Ebay Bunnies are
buying them with glee.
The IQ level of many ebay buyers does not reach double digits in many
cases as we all know, but for those that do pass that low bar, simply
google the seller name of the “EBARHHGEENS” and more often
than not you will find match #1 is to Stampboards, where their current
fakes are being exposed and discussed. Buyer Beware.
Two corners are about to fall off as is obvious to all, and if is not
perfect centred, but hey the PSE Voodoo GRAYDOUGHMEETAAH
says “100J” (impossible to improve on allegedly!) and the rich Texans
come flocking like lemmings trusting this nonsense. They should read
stampboards and save their $50,000!
Folks can spend their money how they choose of course. Build
collections of pet rocks, or Hula Hoops, or Beanie Babies etc. But when
the music stops, you own a box of hyped up material that no-one else
will buy for anything like what YOU paid. You can buy 20 or 30 fresh
mint sets of 3 USA Zeppelins for that money, that WILL always be
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .Sydney's
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 AustraliaPO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 E-Mail:
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