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May 2021
Victoria cancel on
aged stamp
gets $A8,685.
At the Abacus Auctions in Melbourne on 25 March 2021, this numeral
“253” cancel of Framlingham shown nearby, on a pretty common 4d pink
Beaded Oval Victoria stamp, with age spotting and staining, was
invoiced for $A8,685 after the usual Buyer Fees were added. This
was against a starting auction estimate of just $A250.
Higher than a mint 1913 £2 Kangaroo!
A VERY happy vendor I am sure, as the stamp was found sitting
un-noticed in one of his stockbooks of duplicates! You can buy a VERY
nice mint 1913 £2 kangaroo for $8,650, so a lot of money to pay for
numeral cancel. MANY reading this of course own rare cancels from this
area, but have no idea they own them - as was the case with this vendor,
until it was pointed out by those more expert.
“Knowledge Is Power”
I have typed 1000 times here, and on stampboards, that
“Knowledge Is Power”
and the examples just on this page alone, proves that truism beyond all
doubt. Owning or having access to the relevant literature and
catalogues is essential.
An Essential handbook for these.
I have always been a strong advocate of catalogues, and
well researched handbooks like these Freeman giant tomes. No dealer
makes much profit selling philatelic literature, due to the tiny
margins, so few now bother sadly, so I do the best I can.
However a good library remains essential in my view, and
those who have one, benefit enormously from owning one. Both in
Knowledge, and in finds like these. A lot of things can be looked up on
the internet but these cancels cannot be researched like that.
Freeman NSW cancels also a superb book.
Most folks buy these two essential handbooks as a matched
pair, as the mail cost for one book is basically the same as BOTH within
Australia, so a very large saving. Hugh has sadly passed away in recent
times, so there will be no updates. Mega detailed review here on the
The roman numeral system “MD47” cancel is so heavy
and ugly you truly cannot see the stamp underneath as you can readily
agree! Despite that reality, Phoenix Public Auctions invoiced this one
for $4,500 on a modest $400 estimate. That result amazed
I added the superb 1913 Brown and Blue £1 Kangaroo stamp shown nearby
into stock this week for way less than the very heavy “MD47”
postmark sold for at Public Auction. Probably the finest SG 15 you will
ever see, so we are in a strange hobby at times. In 10 or 20 years
times would I rather own the 1913 Brown and Blue £1 Kangaroo, or the
heavy MD47 postmark, I ask myself?! Hmmm.
WA cancel auctions for $A4,775.
Often postmarks that you can barely read, can get very good money. The
1905 postcard shown nearby was invoiced for $A4,775 in
March 2021 at a Perth WA Public Auction. Again, a LOT more in cost than
a really superb mint 1913 £1 Kangaroo stamp. Please excuse the very
fuzzy ‘’C grade’’ scan - it was the very best one they offered on
Can you read central postmark?
It was stated that this oval cancel had not been recorded before.
Anyway, clearly it created a good deal of interest in late March -
described as only being in “fair” condition, estimate was $100,
but it ended up being invoiced for $A4,775. On WA stamps off
cover, these violet oval WA cancels are often assumed to be fiscal, as
they certainly have the appearance of them - so do keep your eyes open!
Tasmania cancels also red hot.
other states like Tasmania also have an active and passionate following for
numeral and town cancels, and have good rarity rating handbooks of course. And
that has been the case for many decades. I have reported here before of the
scarcer Tasmania town cancels fetching MANY $1000s, on the pictorial
stamps, that otherwise are worth only pennies apiece.
Try and source complete cds strikes.
Cancel collectors of course are pretty fussy with the quality of the
strikes. For some rarer offices only 1 or 2 or 3 examples are known, so
a part strike will have to do. Sometimes, that is all that exists. But
keen collector are always upgrading the strikes on those they have, and
clear FULL cancels are what the Gold Standard is for them. Be
discerning. You will not regret it.
Cat £52
- just invoiced for $4,775!
As I have typed many times before, postally used BLOCKS from his region
are well worth securing when you see them offered - which is FAR less
than you might imagine. Demand is growing all the time, and prices
often reach surprising levels when attractive blocks come onto the
Used Blocks are getting BIG bucks.
The auction estimate was $A200 - a figure most dealers on the planet
would have happily retailed it for I am sure, for a block cat only £52 =
$A100. After some intensive bidding, it was finally invoiced for
$A4,775. Or nearly 50 times the full Stanley Gibbons
catalogue value.
Australia Blockbusters
One of these days, POSTALLY USED BLOCKS of
Australian stamps will be listed in the ACSC, alongside the current
columns of mint, used, and on cover - exactly as they are right now, in
many European catalogues.
Eye-catching KGV USED Top
It was
only 25 years back, that Monogram and Imprint blocks of Kangaroos sold
for typically just 5 or so times the single stamp price. i.e. just a 25%
premium for the margin monogram or imprint. If a single stamp was
retail $10, it meant an imprint or Monogram block 4 was $50 or so, if
one were in stock, and this was the dealer rule of thumb here.
$9,000 to $177,000 in 19 years.
A world
record price was obtained in that sale for a single Australian postage
stamp. Lot 287 was a facially attractive 1913 £2 black and red Kangaroo
with lower sheet selvedge. This selvedge bore the "JBC"
margin monogram of the Commonwealth stamp printer, J. B. Cooke.
$170,000 stamp selvedge.
stamp was hinged, had a crease and a toned perforation, but sold after
vigorous bidding for $US132,000 = then $A176,930, to the
Australian dealer the late Simon Dunkerley - who was buying for a client
here, so clearly he paid Simon more than that. The estimate was
"only" $US50 000-$75,000.
Follow Europe’s Lead.
Many major European basic catalogues as a matter of
course, list stamps mint, used, FDC, on cover and in USED blocks of 4.
Look at a Swiss/Liechtenstein Zumstein, or leading Italian or
Scandinavian catalogues etc, and you will see what I mean.
$10 a single, $8,600 in
block 4!
In my office Facit catalogue, the common old cheapie
Sweden 1858 12 öre blue Arms (Facit # 9) is priced at “x 500” for a
block of four. That stamp is 18 SEK for the cheapest shade for a used
single, but 9,000 SEK for a used block of four of the cheapest shade.
Not a pretty looking block of 4!
The block shown nearby from a past David Feldman Sweden
auction demonstrates the market nicely, that stampboards member Scott
Starling showed me. It is a rather ugly block of the 3 öre brown Lion
issue of 1863, Facit Catalogue # 14b (Scott # 13). As a single, this
had a value in my Facit catalogue of SEK130 - then about $A20.
Most Used blocks exist.
Australia’s leading collector, the late Arthur Gray and I
discussed this subject at length, and he agreed with me there are very
few instances where no used blocks are recorded from 1913 to 2015 - and
even then, we are only guessing they are not out there.
Attractive Brisbane cancel Roo block.
For years I have been urging the editor of the ACSC to
list used blocks of 4 of all Australian issues, and I feel sure one day
they will relent, and create this new category. Adding a large slab of
brand new collectors, seeking these elusive pieces.
Dealers agree - used blocks rock!
I have discussed this with leading dealers, and all agree
the demand for used blocks is increasing all the time. Richard Juzwin
told me he fully agrees the market vastly under-values such material at
present, and that he is actively buying them whenever he sees them on
offer, and hopes the ACSC lists them in future.
The auctioneer Charles Leski, told me the vendor bought
the block in to show him, housed in a cheap $5 type “Chinese
stockbook” of otherwise quite unremarkable stamp junk. The vendor
had no idea it was valuable, so the $20,000 price must have amazed him.
Near all Roos DO exist in used blocks.
Most if not all of the Kangaroo stamps in all watermark
are known in used blocks, and the PO archive sales offered the First
Watermark bi-colour high values up to £2 in used blocks, with Brisbane
cancels. Several of which to £1 I have handled and sold since - the
10/- is shown nearby. A very pretty piece. Wish I had not sold it!
Even 5/- used blocks are
Even relatively late issue Roos get good prices in
blocks. I offered the 1932 CofA 5/- in used blocks on my Rarity Page
for $425 each earlier this year. As 4 singles - only a fraction of that
retail. One was postally used at CUE Western Australia in 1935, the
other at Devonport Tasmania in 1936.
Football, Meat Pies - and Holden Cars!
A small selection of Holden Cars.
Like many Australians I’ve owned several of these, and the new stamp set
bought back some fond memories. My father bought an “FJ” Holden brand
new, the year I was born, when it was released in 1953. Gawd knows how,
on his salary - I think it was on the time payment “never-never”
for a decade or so!
“Through our stamp releases, we are in a unique position to highlight
and honour important Australian icons and this stamp issue recognises
the incredible impact that Holden had on the Australian cultural
said Nicole Sheffield, Australia Post Executive General Manager
Community and Consumer Division.
Marc Ebolo, Managing Director of GM Australia and New Zealand, said it
was a privilege for the Holden brand to be honoured in this way:
“These five stamps feature iconic vehicles which
encapsulate the passion people have for the brand, whether they be past
employees who helped develop these vehicles, or those who purchased
Remember the 1960s?
Gary Watson from Abacus said he thought it was a World Record hammer
price for a single Victorian Barred Numeral. He and others in the room
could not think of an example reaching this price level before. It was
sold to a very determined room bidder. The lot looked like stalling at
around the $1,000 mark with a pause in the action, and then it kept
going - and going!
So how do you KNOW what scarce cancel you have? That of course is the
obvious question - whether your cancel is worth 8 cents, $8, or $800 or
$8,000 like this one sold for you do need to have guidance. Luckily
there are superb handbooks on cancels from the Australia States or
The Victoria numeral cancels were all updated heavily by Hugh Freeman’s
near 500 page A4 size hard cover with dust jacket,
“Numeral Cancellations Of Victoria”
superb tome. Detailed review of it and Hardinge Tasmania cancels book
is here -
The total cost of these books is paid immediately with locating just one
very MODEST scarcity item in a junk box, or mixed lot, or club sheet or
approval lot, just ONCE in your lifetime. The owner of the
$A8,685 cancel had no idea it was even scarce!
I have just ordered another carton of these Freeman
books, as interest has been piqued since the recent high price auction
sales, and it, and the equally large size and detailed Hugh Freeman hard
cover with dust jacket -
“The Numeral Cancels Of New South Wales”
are finding keen new buyers.
Scarer numeral cancels from Victoria have regularly secured 4 figure
sums, and often for cancels that most reading this would toss into the
re-cycle bin. The super heavy “1547” cancel of Hazeldean
shown nearby, on a common Victoria 2d violet is one good example!
Cancel sold for $4,500 at Auction.
Why? As it is rated “RRRRR” in the superb Freeman
Victoria book, and if you know that, you know you have a “keeper”.
However I am sure most agree if you saw this stamp for 10c, on a club
circuit book page, or even as a duplicate in your stockbook, or stock,
if you are a dealer, you’d not have given it a second glance. I
certainly would not have. However it is actually worth more than a
superb mint 1913 £1 Kangaroo!
Worth LESS than a Victoria/WA postmark??!
The monocolour photo view card is franked with a common 1d red Swan,
with usual “B” in bars Bunbury Duplex cancel of January 31, 1905.
Auction stated the faint oval cancel over the address reads "Post &
Telegraph Office - 1 FE : 05 - Balbarrup W.A." I cannot read
either the date, or the town, from the poor scan, but the pen address is
to Blackwood via Balbarrup, so it makes sense.
I recently put into stock a pretty cds on a common 2d violet Pictorial stamp on
small piece reading: “COMSTOCK - FE 21 - 02 - TASMANIA”
Comstock was a tiny remote speck of a Mining post office on the map, near
Western Coast Zeehan Tasmania, that mined Silver and Lead mainly.
The PO was opened 23 September 1901, and closed March 1903, so clearly few
strikes were made, much less survived 120 years. It has a high rated “RRRR”
scarcity grading. I have only put a few $100 on it, but complete cds
cancels are highly sought. Looks awful cheap compared to WA and Victoria!
The Melbourne Phoenix Public Action of April 15, 2021 had one block that
caught my eye, as it had frantic bidding for it, and it is shown
nearby. The 2d brown-lilac roulette, 1858, SG 69, cat £13 a stamp
used. Rather attractive, with a central barred numeral 54 of Kilmore -
not a cancel of any real scarcity.
The demand is there, and the supply is limited. As the old saying goes
- “Show Me Another”. Maybe someone had an exhibit of this issue
and needed a nice-looking piece to spruce up the pages - who knows? But
there were multiple bidders, and that is all it takes to get wacko
When that occurs, prices will go quite insane, as quite simply - no
dealer stock of these things exist. They often have enormous facial
eye-appeal, as you can see in some of the photos in this article. Each
block is essentially unique.
One of my long term campaigns has been to convince readers - dealers and
collectors, to put aside EVERY postally used block of
Australia you ever see. Right NOW most do not command much, if any,
premium over 4 singles. Grab them from ANY era - from 1913 to 2021.
I sold used blocks of 5/- mid 1930s 5/- Roos last month for $450 each to
numerous enquiries, yet I just added to stock a Hagner of pre-decimal
used blocks with a mid-60s 5/- postally used blocks for $A50! There are
still opportunities out there.
Arthur Gray’s collection of largely such rare Roo pieces sold for $A7.15
million at auction in New York, and he was buying them when they were
surprisingly cheap, and not too long back, at a time when they oddly
were largely ignored by all the rest of the stamp world – collectors and
dealers - globally.
Every post office sheet of 120 printed at that time contained two
marginal monograms. One at base of each pane of 60. Despite that
reality, the copy shown on the photo nearby is the only example recorded
outside the Royal Stamp Collection and the Australia Post archives.
This stamp is SG 16, and was then catalogued in Gibbons at only £3,000
as mint hinged. The basic mint stamp within a few years was cat £6,500 -
showing perfectly, that buying the tougher, and pricier, stamps from ANY
country, as soon as you can, always pays off pretty fast!
This record price means the buyer effectively paid over $A170,000 for
the tiny piece of selvedge paper! The full ACSC catalogue price for
this very same Monogram stamp in 1988 was just $9,000 (and $4,000 for
NON monogram.) So within 19 years it sold for TWENTY times that.
Current ACSC value is $200,000.
Without the marginal marking, the stamp would not have even realised
anything like £3,000 then, due to the condition issues in my view. No
other country places such gigantic premiums on Monogram, or Imprint, or
plate number markings. But as I said earlier - 20 or 30 years back,
oddly no-one was especially interested.
The auctioneer of the Arthur Gray Kangaroos collection Charles Shreve in
New York, was VERY nervous when I was having this photo taken nearby, in
case the $177,000 stamp fell into my coffee, and torpedoed his record
sale price!
Even the Stanley Gibbons Specialised catalogues for GB list and price
near all pre-war issues from 1840, in used blocks of 4. So it can be
done here, and it should be done here. And hopefully with all the
refinements and additions to ACSC, they will be listed soon.
Stamps worth peanuts as singles, are often worth a FORTUNE in a postally
used block, in many European markets. Swiss stamps issued in the
Kangaroo era can catalogue 500 times as much in a used block, as for a
used single.
The 1914 3Fr Jungfrau is in the basic Zumstein catalogue I have here is
3,250 SFr a used block, but only 8 SFr for a used single. Many
Kangaroos should rate high multiples like that in blocks. But right now
they sell for 5 or 10 times a single stamp!
The same rarity level applies in some Australian stamps of course. But
NOT the prices - YET. The market leading Facit catalogue does
the same for Sweden and Scandinavia area stamps, and has done for 100+
It is a common shade, and a single with this same centering and cancel
would have sold for about $A10, Scott tells me. Facit doesn't list a
price for a used block of four, it just says that there are three known.
The starting price was 2,000 Euro (not Swiss Francs) and sold for 5,000
Euros, when the nasty “Buyer Fee” was added.
That was $A8,600 paid then, for a VERY rough looking block, of a stamp
otherwise worth $10 a single. Buy such things issued by Australia now.
It is certainly true that virtually EVERY Australia stamp from 1913 to
the present date EXISTS in postally used blocks - even for the high
The £1 Bi-Colour Kangaroo block 4 shown nearby was used in 1923, and
first surfaced on the market in late 2008 - 85 years after being used.
Until then it had been “assumed” no postally used blocks of this
value existed.
It will give added reason for folks to buy each new edition of each
catalogue, and will not take any more space or pages than they do now,
as they will simply add the universal cross hair “block” symbol to all
current listings as they now do in Europe =
Juzwin told me he was the under-bidder on the used block of £1 Bi-Colour
Kangaroos shown nearby, at Leski’s auction in Melbourne some years back
now. Those stamps are 3rd watermark, and were invoiced to the buyer at
just on $A20,000. As 4 singles they would have sold for under a QUARTER
of that sum.
Indeed both the block 4, or 4 singles, would sell for far more today …
the market on £1 Kangaroo bi-colours is extremely strong in all forms
and variations. A popular stamp in all its possibilities, and is the
Westpac Bank Share of the stamp market.
Sold $20,000, many years back.
This block had been in the family for decades, and was never sold for 3
generations. It had presumably been soaked off a parcel at the time of
receipt, in 1923. An equally nice looking 1913 £1 FIRST Watermark Roo,
postally used block of 4 came up at a stamp auction in Wales UK, some
years back.
Myself, Simon Dunkerley and Tony Shields and several others, all bid
strongly on it, only to see Stanley Gibbons London outbid us all. So
these high value used Kangaroo blocks DO exist for sure,
and are worth seeking out and grabbing when you see them. You clearly
may NOT see it offered again.
The 1913 £2 with that same cancel was on the front cover of the last
ACSC “Kangaroos” catalogue in a used block of 4. There is also a
used imprint block of 8 of the £2 Third Watermark “OS” in private hands,
and other £2 used blocks etc.
On both occasions I received several orders for both, within a day. My
system is to place a fixed asking price on items, and the first person
to complete an order form, secures the lot. Sometimes I wish there was
an “Auction” type option there, but fair nett asking prices seem
to work pretty well.
In these cases the fast response underscores the latent demand out
there, and trust me, if you phoned EVERY stamp dealer on this
planet and asked them to quote you on a USED 5/- Kangaroo block of 4 in
ANY condition, you would find no-one could assist. They are truly
Contact 100 dealers and ask them to quote you on a 1932 5/- Sydney
Harbour Bridge stamp, and most will respond - “mint or used sir,
and how many do you require?” So used blocks of 4 of 5/-
Kangaroos etc for around the same money, are placed into sharp
General Motors Holden’s long history in Australian automotive history
was honoured on a set of five postage stamps released by
Australia Post
in April 2021. The five stamps depict a few iconic cars from Holden’s
73-year history as a manufacturer in Australia, from 1948-2020.
The $1.10 stamps feature a small selection of models of ‘Australia’s
Own Car’. The debut
1948 Holden “FX”, the
1963 “EH” Premier, Australia’s version of
the muscle car - the
1968 “HK” Monaro GTS 327 V8, then the
1971 “HQ” Kingswood Ute, and finally the
2006 “VE” Commodore SS
“It is an absolute privilege to have this incredible heritage recognised
in such a way by Australia Post.”
Ebolo concluded. Holden built around 7.6 million cars during its time
on Australian soil. It is estimated some 1.6 million Holden vehicles are
still on our roads today.
Sadly, the Australia car making industry is essentially dead now, and
despite all kinds of government mega bail outs, the foreign makers have
closed doors in recent years, and now make them in cheaper labour
markets. R.I.P.
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GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 45 years. Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society (London) and IFSDA (Switzerland) and many other philatelic bodies ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex/PayPal all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque. Avoid copping the now normal 45% Auction "Commissions" (20% Buyer + 15% Seller + GST taxes, etc) AND their five-month payment delays! Read HERE for details. “Lothlórien”, 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068. Australia Phone 7 Days: 0409 399 888 For valuable items mailed use - PO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 email: or Visit the Number #1 Web Sites: and
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