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July 2021
British Guiana sells for 10% more.
The stamp “event” of 2021 was probably the sale by Sotheby’s New
York on June 8 of the rather legendary British Guiana 1856 1¢ Black on
Magenta cut to shape imperforate stamp classic. It last sold for a
$US9.48 million invoice price, also by Sotheby’s - near exactly 7
years ago, on June 17, 2014, after the outrageous 20% auction house
"Buyer Fee" added at time of the sale was added. At the time, this
converted to $A10,154,536. |
The $A11,312,263 defective stamp!
This cost price to SG this month was the total Sotheby's
invoice, plus 5% VAT (which should be paid before the item is imported
to UK.) So even just 5% VAT on $US8.307 million Sotheby's initial
invoice cost, is $US415,350, and that VAT is also added onto any 1% type
transit insurance, so the figure is higher of course in that case. |
Do NOT Graffiti rare stamps.
Seeing temporary non-stamp-collector owner Stuart Weitzman had badly vandalised the fragile stamp with his huge and tacky Women’s shoe “signature” he was lucky to get what he did I think. Stampboards has videos of this pen desecration taking place - Weitzman had a 1933 $20 "Saint Gaudens" double eagle USA coin on offer at the same Auction sale that he did not graffiti in any way, and that sold for near $US20 million, so a lesson to him there I hope! Leave things alone. |
Just SO subtle, Mr. Weitzman.
The unique in private hands $20 coin had not been offered for 19 years,
where it was then invoiced for
$US7,590,020 - at the time, a record price for a world
coin I understand. Sothebys stated before this sale that they expected
the $20 gold coin to fetch $US10-15 million hammer price, so it did very
well as can be seen, at $US19,509.750 invoice. |
WHAT are SG going to do with it?
So why would Stanley Gibbons spend at least $US8,722,350 to buy the defective old Guiana stamp I hear some ask? Good question. You can read all about their curious plans for it here - As can be seen they appear to have some strange idea to essentially sell “time-share” virtual slivers of it online! |
Does anyone understand this concept?
Sadly, Stanley Gibbons have never ever really understood the internet,
and they lost over £10 million on their last hare-brained venture, tying
up improbably with BidStart, an online portal of mostly clueless
American amateur stamp sellers. That venture nearly sunk the company
totally then, and sold almost nothing for SG. |
Place it within the Royal Collection?
There are totally surplus things in the Royal Collection
from just Australia alone, that would be worth easily $US8-10 million.
They have a SHEET of £2 Roos MUH, SHEETS of 120 of the unissued 1914
pair, (Auction price $150,000 a pair) TWELVE x Imperf 1928 Kooka sheets
(Auction price $A325,000 each) Large part sheets MUH of First Watermark
sets perf Large ‘’OS’’ (retail $1,000,000) etc, etc. The list is very
long. |
Queen has sold off things before.
This pair nearby came from the
QUEEN'S COLLECTION. It was obtained by King
George V who was very keen on the Kangaroo issues. The two stamps have
a Royal Philatelic Society London, Expert Committee, Certificate of
Genuineness which accompanied the lot. As you can see, the submitter of
the pair was:
"The Keeper Of
The Privy Purse" ! The stamps come in the original
special lot folder from Spink, inscribed
"The Royal
Philatelic Collection - May 17, 2001". |
Sir Ron Brierley child sex charges.
Globally known corporate identity, and big league stamp
collector, Sir Ron Brierley has pleaded guilty in a Sydney Court to
several Police charges of owning child abuse material. He was charged
after Police stopped him at Sydney International Airport and found
certain images, and later searched and found more in his 3 storey
waterfront mansion in December 2019. He will be sentenced on August
20. |
“Lionheart” tied up in Court Injunctions.
Prestige Auctions Melbourne in 2014 had a
“Lionheart” Auction with some mega price Kangaroos top
value blocks 4 that ended up with court orders, injunctions, and
withdrawn lots at last moment a few years back. A really dreadful,
nasty mess, and Brierley was an innocent party in it. Full details here
- some familiar names - an essential read - so clearly very many tens of millions have
been sold so far. |
Brierley pleaded guilty in court.
One admitted offence by Brierley in the Downing Centre
Local Court related to photographs of girls, aged as young as two years,
in sexually suggestive poses, while another concerned a data storage
device found at his home that contained 1,615 images of child abuse
material. Some of the images had been downloaded the night before they
were discovered by authorities at the airport, with Brierley telling
Police he had looked at them for "recreation". |
The Knighthood now gone.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced this
May that Brierley, after he had pleaded guilty in Court to the
possession of child sexual abuse material on April 1, had relinquished
his Knighthood.
N.Z. Officials wrote to
on April 6, telling him he had 30 days to provide any information that
he considered relevant, before the Prime Minister made her decision on
it. |
Brierley meeting with Queen Elizabeth II.
Brierley had Cricket as another very keen
passion, along with stamp collecting. He is shown nearby, second from
right, meeting with Queen Elizabeth II in Britain, with fellow members
of the non-profit Australia “Crusaders” cricket group, and
has donated generously to some other Cricket organisations, which of
course has created for them, very thorny issues due to the current Court
admissions of guilt. |
What to do with a $1 million donation?
Fisher says some think of the donations as tainted, while others believe
his convictions shouldn’t detract from the good he has done in his past
for the Cricket Club. Fisher said Wellington College had removed
signage outlining their links to the multi-millionaire, immediately
after his guilty pleas. The school said it had taken down all signage
with Brierley’s name on them, which includes a theatre and sports field. |
Paid a cool
for these.
Brierley was on the Board of Stanley Gibbons London of course, and also owned a very sizeable chunk of that company stock as I recall - in the halcyon days when they were very profitable! His stamp purchases were huge over many decades. He amassed large quantities of stamps and sets that he particularly liked. Hundreds of mint 1932 5/- Harbour Bridges, and it is believed 100s of sets of the USA 1931 Zeppelins, another favourite. And 1906 Christchurch Exhibition sets in numerous mint blocks 4 - another curious sideline. |
A most astute buy it seems.
When Stanley Gibbons announced the sale of the
unique strip of four of India 1948 Gandhi 10 Rupee Purple-Brown and Lake
stamps shown nearby for a record price of
only 4 years back, the BBC News report helpfully confirmed the buyer was
an Australian collector - coff! Guess who? A wonderful piece, and as
interest on post-Independence stamp issues from India is rising all the
time, a most astute buy no doubt. Gandhi is of Rock Star status there.
Another £550,000 spend here.
Likewise the sale also by Stanley Gibbons of the nearby
1d red on small piece alongside a 4d Vermillion. In mid 2012 this
single example of the elusive 1858 GB “Plate 77 Penny Red” was
sold by Stanley Gibbons in London for £550,000. It was sold just two
months after SG acquired it. The stamp was described as “the finest
used example in existence, inside or outside a museum” by the
Stanley Gibbons Director of Great Britain Philately. |
GB “Plate 77” on piece
Of the four 1d Plate 77 mint examples recorded, one is in
the Royal Philatelic Collection, one is in the Tapling Collection in the
British Library. Another was in the “Raphael” collection that was
stolen in 1965, and has not been seen since. The fourth was in the
famous Ferrary collection that was sold in the 1920s - the authenticity
of that has never been confirmed, and again has not been seen in the
Century since the auction. So no mint are ‘buyable’. |
An exciting seven figure find.
The block of 3 stamps, each showing plate "77" on a battered part cover, written by famous novelist Victor Hugo from his home in Guernsey to his Belgium publisher, was probably the stamp discovery of this Century, in a junk lot. Despite understandable wariness from some head-in-the-sand UK quarters, it has now had more forensic tests done on it over the past 15 years than the Dead Sea Scrolls! The cover now has three clear Expert Certificates of Genuineness, and none saying it is otherwise. New discoveries are STILL out there. A seven figure find, no doubt about it |
A 4 million Euro cover?
Seems like a lot of pricey covers are floating about this
month! German dealer Christoph Gärtner auctioned the Mauritius cover
shown nearby on June 21. This is being typed just before that date, so
the final figure is of course not known. Estimate was a bullish 4
million Euro ($A6.3 million) plus all the endless Buyer
Fees, and add ons etc that now come along with auctions. |
Mauritius - Lady Gomm’s Ball envelope.
At top left of the envelope is a clear black framed
"PENNY POST" local handstamp. The envelope, addressed to H. Adam
Esq. Jr, (no need for address, or town, or street back then!) shows
the black circular datestamp "MAURITIUS POST OFFICE / SE 27 1847" on
reverse. That postmark backstamp confirms the use of the stamp during
the very first period (7th day) of issue. |
It was sold by David Feldman in Switzerland for $US1.4 million in 1988, being apparently ex Kanai 1986, and that buyer apparently offered it, and ALL the other Kanai Mauritius at a Feldman sale in 1993. Like many things Feldman, it is a very tangled story, and hard to follow! Then a couple of transactions later it was sold for an unrevealed sum in 2006 by Feldman to Vikram Chand and reportedly was insured for $4 million. Whether he is the current vendor - who knows! One assumes so. |
THE priciest item in global philately?
Despite what most
dealers and collectors think, neither of the 2 rather famous stamps -
the British Guiana or the Sweden Tre Skilling Yellow, are the world’s
“most valuable” stamp items. Not by a LONG way. That distinction
most certainly belongs to the November 1993 Feldman "Kanai"
auction piece shown nearby. The 1847 envelope is franked with the 1d
and 2d “Post Office” Mauritius stamps, and mailed to Bordeaux
France - ordering 30 barrels of wine! Illustrated nearby, The "Bordeaux Letter" sold for 5,750,000 Swiss Francs “to a Singapore collector” in 1993. Quite possibly to Vikram Chand of Singapore who appears to be now selling the Mauritius “Masked Ball” cover now? I know which one I’d prefer to retain! Adjusted for 28 years of inflation, this seems to be about $US15 million or so now. |
The heavy hitter stamp covers globally.
How many readers were aware of this record price? The “Bordeaux Letter” was purchased by European collector-dealer Guido Craveri it appears, who also paid over $US2 million for a 1851 Hawaii cover in a Siegel Auction in New York in 1995. And close behind in price to the Mauritius, is the GB 1840 1d Black on “May 3” cover that sold by Harmers Lugarno Switzerland for at that time, 3,400,000 Swiss francs in March 1991 - 30 years aback. |
Take a guess at invoice price?
And covers do not need to be 150 years old to have solid value either,
make no mistake! The common 75c Caption Cook definitive shown nearby on
an express letter to the UK would not grab the attention of most readers
I am sure. The cover was a bit rumpled and the stamp area was creased.
The stamp soaked off is 10c on a good day as used. My old friend, the
late Rodney Perry would be pleased to see what it sold for recently at a
May Abacus auctions in Melbourne. |
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