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January 2019
After 30 years, new Tasmania cancel book.
“Tasmanian Postal History - The Post Office and their
edited by John Hardinge, a well known collector there, has recently been
published by the Tasmania Philatelic Society. |
250 copies produced for the World.
Such a small run will cover about HALF the
global demand when word spreads. The Hugh Freeman NSW Numeral
Cancels book had the same tiny print number problem when issued -
prices soared to $500 a copy very fast. "Supply Meets Demand."
We NEED superb works like this.
I ordered and pre-paid for several cartons up front, months back, and have near sold out of those already. I am a huge believer in philatelic publishing, and try to financially support those who produce fine and long overdue works like this one. "Knowledge Is Power". |
Each hand signed and calligraphy numbered.
There are probably some 50 dealers and
Auction houses in UK and Europe and USA alone, who NEED this superb
work, and as yet, do not even know it is printed! Cost is no real
matter to them - they all simply buy one when they hear it is published,
as all things Tasmania are HOT! Finding just ONE better postmark in an old album, or junk lot, just once in your lifetime, might pay for this book MANY times over. Find the cancel shown nearby, on a very 10¢ common stamp, and you'll repay it TWENTY times over! This 282 page book lists every known hand-held datestamp from 1823 to 2000, with rarity ratings, early/late dates, datestamp type, every post office opening and closing plus extensive related information. This means all "postmarks" excepting those made by machine, seen in Tasmania from earliest times, to end of the 20th century. It also includes Postmaster's manuscript endorsements. All Datestamp types from 1861 are illustrated with real examples. Many images of Tasmanian Post Offices from the 19th and 20th Century, and many postmarks. Extensive notes, including number of examples recorded for very rare postmarks. Illustrated in full colour. |
“GRAVELLY BEACH” cds is rated RRRRR.
John Hardinge has been researching information from many sources for at least the last 30 years. These sources include the Tasmanian Post Office archives, the early postal historians such as Purves, Campbell and Avery, and his own very extensive collection, and consulting with many collectors and contemporary specialists. |
Never been on public record before.
The author has distilled all known
information on his subject into one volume, and as such this book must
be considered the last word on the history of Tasmania’s hand-held
datestamps. Much of the material in the book has never been placed on
the public record before. A must-have. |
TEEPOOKANA cancel sells for $A3,620!
LOTS of circular postmarks on the common Tasmania 1899
"Pictorial" series are worth several $100’s each - indeed quite a
few are WAY into the 4 figure region. Demand is global, and supply near
non-existent of the scarcer ones - hence the eye-watering prices. |
500 Million to one KGV find.
Shown nearby is the Australia KGV 2d Orange
Watermark stamp, along with normal watermark. Near
of these oranges were printed, and only a very few inverts ever
The unique 2d Orange Pigeon Pair.
A reader of my column some years back read
that someone had stiffed me on the sale of another copy of this stamp
error shown nearby - also cancelled “Burracoppin,” which had cost
me my $1,000 profit margin. He backed off a firm price deal, and chose
“Auction Roulette.” |
Largest stamp find he ever made!
The two used copies he possessed, had the same date "Burracoppin"
cancel - but one was inverted watermark, and one was not!
Amazing. After receiving them, and checking the error was genuine, I
sent him a very large cheque same day as promised, and he was absolutely
delighted. The biggest find he ever made in his very long stamp
lifetime. |
Seller got $3,000 less for this one!
A wonderful pair - no other major Australian
used rarity exists with a same day town cancel with error
The highest recorded price paid for one of
these is $18,640
obtained at auction by Prestige Philately in 2004. That stamp was way
off centre, with a heavy Moonta (SA) cds. |
WW2 UK Food Parcel Labels.
Something many readers may not have ever seen, are the “A Gift Parcel
From Australia” official Postal Stationary items, that are more
commonly known here to collectors and the trade, as “WW2 Food Parcel
Labels”. |
Only 2 mint copies recorded, 3/7d Myer Label.
This BBC link outlines the Food Rationing in the UK well after WW2, indeed the system did not end until 1954, which might surprise many! has more details - Meat, bacon, sugar, and butter were all rationed nationally, right up to the QE2 Coronation year in 1953. |
Basic goods rationed until QE2 Coronation.
In the late 1940s (indeed until 1954) Britons were subject to
rationing. Even as late as 1950, goods such as these were still
rationed in the UK - canned and dried fruit, chocolate biscuits,
treacle, syrup, jellies, soap, sugar - and of course much fresh produce
like milk, butter and meat, and of course petrol. |
Early versions used postage stamps.
At that time near all Australians had a "British Connection" with
relatives and immediate family in the “old country”. Indeed at this
time, the Australian population was almost entirely of British Isles
descent. The large influx of Greeks, Italians, Yugolavs etc did not
occur until the late 1940s. So this extensive "Food For Britain"
campaign was mounted in the post-war years. |
The unique Hordern Food Parcel label
Before these special Stationery impressions, Customs labels were required, declaring and itemising the items as foodstuffs sent at no cost, and each postage rate required at least three stamps being used - see nearby image. Commercial food suppliers, acting as agents, found this procedure laborious and expensive. |
Myer Emporium lead the charge.
Retailers - mainly The Myer Emporium of Melbourne, negotiated in 1946 to
have the dies of 3/7d KGVI in maroon, and 5/10d KGVI in deep blue used,
for embossing their labels. With such clearly pre-determined Food
Parcel contents, the previous fiddly customs labels were not required. |
Myer Stores also used Food Parcel meters.
Myer stores interstate used a special meter label - one is shown nearby from Myer Emporium Adelaide for the 3/7d. The special meter slogan, as can be seen, said “SEND A MYER PACKED GIFT PARCEL TO FRIENDS IN ENGLAND” dated February 1947. Grace Brothers in Sydney also did similar Meter labels, but few Brits bothered retaining either. |
Anthony Hordern labels remarkably scarce.
The large
Anthony Hordern department store in Sydney also ordered these labels.
Shown nearby is the ONLY Anthony Hordern Food Parcel Label
known to exist. Not just in used, but no mint copies are
recorded as surviving, and it is not known if they too did 3/7d values. My hunch is that a large store like that would have requested both values especially as the far smaller Tasmania retailer Fitzgeralds ordered the same numbers of both values. The ACSC latest Edition has it listed at just $7,500. VERY strange cat figure, based on the previous Public Auction result. This label clearly has a few faults, and looks like the silverfish have had a good chew at it in places. However I note it was invoiced for $10,350 at Prestige Auctions in 2008 - estimate $5,000, so keen bidding at that time. It sold last month for $7,280, as it was poorly promoted, and the earlier sale figure was foolishly not mentioned. The large Fitzgerald Department Stores in Hobart Tasmania, also ordered similar large printed gummed Food Parcel labels, with the embossed 3/7d and 5/10d KGVI impressions, being supplied in same pink and blue colours as used for Myer. ACSC research shows us that Fitzgerald’s ordered 1000 of each value, but only the lower value is recorded as existing, via 2 used examples, ACSC PL3b, Cat $7,500 each. A 5/10d Fitzgeralds would be a tremendous find by someone! Anything is possible. |
5/10d Department Agriculture label under-rated.
The Victoria Department of Agriculture or
also ordered the 5/10d Blue KGVI labels. One certainly sees mint
examples offered now and again, but I have seldom seen used copies ever
offered, even at large Auctions. I can’t recall seeing any used
examples offered in recent years, and have never owned one. |
Rationing eased slightly in late 1940s.
By late 1949, with
rationing in UK beginning to ease, the reduced demand for these parcels
no longer justified the embossing, and The Myer Emporium Melbourne
reverted to using adhesive stamps, or a more usual meter machine for the
postage - see image nearby. |
Myer later used meter franked versions.
These parcel labels are of additional interest to those who use the
Seven Seas brand albums, as there are spaces for these label
“cut-outs” on many sets of their pages, and even these small cut outs
from top right corner sell very well when offered. |
Tossed away when Food Parcels arrived.
The label looked like a common retailer
address label, and not a stamp in the usual way - just a meter imprint.
The flimsy label was very often damaged in the long sea transit, and
even if some kid tried to peel it off the parcel for their collection,
they always tore or thinned it etc, due to the very large size, and
strong gum. |
THIS gem just sold for $A712!
Just as I was filing this column December 2, noticed a
weird figure obtained for a tatty looking NSW Duty stamp. An 1873 NINE
PENCE overprint on 1d green QV. Start price was 99c and the ebay Bunny
Brigade drove it up to $712.56 for some reason. |
Season’s Greetings To All!
stamp business for me has gone BALLISTIC this year. The weak $A
has seen a vast surge in orders from overseas, USA especially, and
particularly for better pieces in the 3 and 4 figure plus range, that I
mostly deal in. Other dealer friends report the same kind of story and
pattern this year. |
Christmas Day in Nicosia.
Akis has a large Gold Medal winning
collection of early Cyprus - most especially the CYPRUS overprints on GB
stamps. He has a HUGE basement in his large home filled with
collections - amazing stuff and very interesting to look over. |
Windhoek here we come!
We travelled an awful lot during this year,
domestically and overseas, and this Christmas fly to Korea, then
Ethiopia for a few days. Then fly to Windhoek, capital of Namibia, once
South West Africa, and rent a car, and wander about the game parks, and
arid sand dunes etc. |
Travel Tales From Tibet.
We survived the dreaded altitude sickness during our visit to Tibet in May 2018. Communication, and researching things is not simple. Facebook, YouTube, google, IMGUR, gmail, ImageShack, leading foreign media and newspaper websites etc, are all totally banned, and 100% blocked there |
Stamp gum no good? - use a gluestick!
Our original inward flight was aborted by pilot from landing at Lhasa
due to bad weather, and we ended up back in Chengdu China, 5 hours after
we boarded! Total chaos for the next few hours, as seemingly no-one
there spoke English. So we finally arrived a day later than
planned, and within an hour of arriving were climbing to top of the
massive 1000 step Potala Palace, of the Dalai Lamas. Lhasa itself is over 2 MILES above sea level, and at my age and poor physical condition and decrepitude, I’d be totally stuffed doing that back home at sea level, in Sydney! Most tourists arriving direct from low altitude by plane allow a day or 2 of doing nothing, to slowly acclimatise there. We had an hour! Great place, and ate lots of Yak Meat, Yak dumplings, and Yak butter - it really is very widespread and cheap here. We even bought lots of Yak Milk confectionary for friends - pretty distinctive! Mailed a few postcards from a PO and the girl there thought I was crazy for asking for neat postmarks. Many stamps would not stick, so she whipped out a glue stick off her desk, as you can see at left! |
Brighten up your letters and cards!
The Post Office there has a pretty cool feature of a little table with about 20 different sized handstamps, and 10 red ink pads, that you can use on letters or postcards. The wording is in Tibetan language, and some are pretty ornate designs and apparently have all kinds of “auspicious” messages on them. All shown in the photo I took nearby. |
Tibet “Permit” a hassle.
very interesting country, and as yet not over-run by tourists by any
means, indeed there are virtually no top end Hotels. Getting the
special “Tibet Permit” is a hassle, and seemingly everyone
in the country wants to sight that, and or Passports, at least once!
The locals are very friendly, and very religious. Near EVERY house
flies the colourful montages of Buddhist prayer flags. I’ve been lucky to have travelled extensively globally, and been to some super high altitude places - in Ecuador, Nepal, Peru and Bolivia etc, but nothing like this. One day we walked up a nearby hill much higher than this marker shown here at 4,998 metres, or 16,398’ - way over 3 miles altitude. Higher than the summit of Mont Blanc, the highest point in Europe, being a trifling 4,808 metres! |
Margo at THREE+ miles above sea level!
That extreme 5,000
metre altitude really leaves you totally gasping heavily for breath,
even after a 10 metre flat walk! Lots more photos here for anyone
interested - We both survived the dreaded
altitude sickness I got for 3 days, after acting the fool at El Alto
airport in La Paz Bolivia once, and that was just a “mere” 4,000+ metres
high! |
Over 50 Giant Pandas in Chengdu, Western China.
There is a quite fabulous Giant Panda facility in Chengdu with over 50 of these amazing animals, looking very content and surprisingly active, in a 100 acre heavily wooded set-up. Not a city many foreign tourists get to, but well worth a visit for anyone planning a China vacation. Six fat “teenagers” all playing together only metres away, was something I’ll never forget seeing! |
“Thank You” to all readers globally, for the many phone calls and letters and emails with comments - for AND against what has been written here, over the past year! It has been a most interesting one. “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”, to one and all, and your families. Be safe, have a great time among your family and friends and STAMPS - and enjoy the break! See you all in 2019 |
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual
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"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 Australia PO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 and
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