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Glen Stephens
"N-7" Price List
I have a "SEARCH" feature loaded. To locate any country or topic or era in this list, simply press "Ctrl" and the "F" keys together on your keyboard to bring up the "find what" window. Type in 'Germany' or 'Orchids' or 'KGVI' or 'Kangaroos' etc, and hit the "Find Next" prompt box and it will skip to all such entries located on this page |
This is are a very small selection of the tens of thousands of stamps and "job lots" I have for sale. I am constantly buying new stock, so if what you need is not here, please ask! I stock basic Australia and most "Australasian Pacifics" 100% complete up to 1980, and the material in my lists is generally only the more unusual and interesting stock - let me quote on the "bread and butter" stuff. My prices on such material are the lowest you will find in Australia, whether mint, used, FDC, year albums, packs, etc. Refer to the want list page for details on how to ask me.
So grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and enjoy your browsing!
IMPORTANT! Every price on
my lists is NETT, in weak AUSTRALIAN dollars!!
Check the low cost in YOUR currency by clicking here.
This is price list number "N-7." All prices are in weak Australian dollars; check the exchange rates at here.
ALWAYS give me a few alternative choices if at all possible.
"MUH" = NH or U/M or ** -- "w/c" = Well Centred. This is for those of you overseas, where 70% of my clients are these days!
I NEVER sleep. Phone, Fax or E-mail me 25 hours a day, 8 days a week!
If a country is not specified for a lot, assume stamps in that lot are from AUSTRALIA.
All credit cards are accepted with NO fee. There is NO nasty "Buyer Commission" . . . what you see is what you pay!
Stop Press: Special Offer for a short time only, and ONLY to the loyal readers of my web page, and ONLY whilst present stock lasts. If you want some of these AUSTRALIA 99 totally IMPERF mini sheets to "tuck away" for a rainy day, I will let them go at 50 sets for $A1,000. (About $US650 or only $US13 a SET!) The usual price on lot #80 is $A1,350. But to get this price you MUST mention that you are responding to this special Web offer. Your $A1,000 being worth $A2,000 or $A3,000 in very short order would not surprise me once the official Australia Post sales figure spreads around the world! Who needs the stock market! I am right now doing a story on this entire exciting Navigator mini sheet story for both Linn's Stamp News in the USA and Philatelic Exporter in the UK. So far collectors and dealers overseas have basically NO idea these items even exist. Watch the prices go ballistic next year when catalogues and album pages all come out!
See Lot 47 for NORMAL prices on these. For full details on why these Imperfs are so SCARCE, see the full story with photos.
1. Lighthouse Stockbooks HALF Price!: Now is the time to re-house your stamps. I just bought 500 of market leading brand "Lighthouse". Big, thick, 32 page Stockbooks, made in Germany. Shrink wrapped - perfect for gift giving or re-selling. Retail $30 each. Per 5: $A95 -- Per 10: $A170 -- Massive carton of 20: $A300
2. Victoria 1850 1d Pink Imperf: Average U fine "17" Butterfly Colac, rated "R" $A40
3. Aussie Cancels: Decent size carton full of neat "cut-outs" of clear cds. Strikes noted from KGV heads to 1960s. 1000s of cancels has GOTTA be worth: $A95
4. NSW 1850 3d "Sydney View": VFU with 4 good straight margins. $A150
5. 1950 8½d Abo FDC: 8 identical typed FDC on TAA envs,each Regd with "Mascot Aerodrome" R6 label and the cds of that name. TAA flight logs inside! Few spots $A45
6. Roos + KGV Perf 'OS': On pages small and large OS, in usual mixed cond. $A45
7. NZ Hoard Of Reg'd Covers: Early 60s,commercial to Aust, about 115. Nearly ALL with provisional Reg.labels - like Vic Corner, Burnham Camp, Khandallah, Kaingoroa Forest,Haast,Blockhouse Bay,Whenuuapai Air Force,Fox Glacier,White Swan Road, Wairakei Works Camp, and real easy to remember ones like Whakarewarewa! $A135
8. Roos Lot ½d to 2/-(6): Best is 1/- (14) inc. 2nd wmk, and a VFU small multi. $A50
Auctioning? Want to LOSE 45% of the value of your stamps? Check this website for details of HOW to avoid it:
9. 1000 Different Australian Stamps: KGV heads to recent. Values to $2 here. $A60
10. Sweden Pre-War Coll. On Leaves: 1916 Landstorm I+III + most of II,1920 Airs,1920 Posthorns, 28 Gustav, 36 PO, 36 airport &c mainly FU. Mi. 600 dm+ $A125
11. N.Z. 1925 4d Dunedin: Superb w/c FU on neat piece. SG #465 £70 $A55
12. Platypus Frama "ZERO" Labels ("00.00"): A rare freak omission when machine malfunctioned. ACSC F4aa Cat $25 each. 5 x MUH $A50, or 10 MUH for $A85, 25 mint for $A160. Great for investor or re-seller items. Order a hoard today!!!
13. Cyprus 1938/51 KGVI Set 19 to £1: Fine MVLH. SG#151/63 £110. Pretty set $A95
14. Rhodesias Mint Coll: Special l/leaf printed album 1905-1980, inc S.Rhod + Zim. Much MUH,cat £265=$700.ALSO a "Kek" s/book of MUH Malawi as well! $A135
15. MALTA 1956 QEII High Values: 10/- and £1 both fresh w/c MUH. SG#281/2. $A65
16. Tokelau 1967 "Arms" set 4 in superb central CTO blocks of 4. TWO such sets, with range of tiny islands central CTO postmarks.(32) $A90
17. Very Rarest 1974 UPU Item: The incredibly elusive Malawi m/sheet, perf 14½x14 w/c fresh M, faint hinge touched margins only. MS#461a £550=$A1425. ¼ SG: $A350
18. WA Swans: 1861 1d p14.(SG #38 £40) 2d+6d p16. 2d with thin, 6d VFU. (3) $A45
19. KILOWARE: 2 big garbage bags of mostly Aust 45¢ commems it seems exEstate. Appears totally unpicked for "phantoms" - Xmas fun here - over 10 Kg I guess. $A85
20. Roo 1915 1/- 2nd Wmk Deep Dull Green shade VFU. ACSC #31c $120. $A90
21. Queensland National Geographical Society: Superb condit. group of 4 1947/8 special pict covers with bi-colour cachets: Bundaberg, Tweed Heads, Coolangatta. $A60
22. 1996 4¢ Red QEII Booklet Pane: Superb used on piece off Reg'd packet. $A45
23. World M+U: In 5 big s/bks + album + Hagner binder + loose.Lots of pretty thematics, but some slightly better stuff sighted on a quick glance. 1000's. Heavy carton. $A80
24. Black Stamp Storage Stockcards - On Special 15¢ each!: Like all the dealers use.148x 85mm, 2 strip with clear overlay. European made in very sturdy boxes 100. 5 boxes $A100, 10 boxes for $A175, or a factory carton of 22 boxes 100 (15¢!) $A330 |
25. 1887 'Oppens' World Album: Musty M+U coll. inc early USA+Canada, Germany, France &c, a famous C.G.HopeU, Italy &c. Most in terrible "stuck down" cond. $A50
26. Roos 1915 2nd Wmks Set 7: Clean GU set. Melb retail $625. HALF price at $A300
27. TONGA 1923 2d on 2/6d Red Shining Parrot: Superb used SW corner strip 3 with sideways watermark which shows clearly on the selvedge.SG#69a £150 $A100
28. Aust FDC 1993 to end 1996: (Even includes Cocos and Xmas Is issues!) All superb PO unaddressed. The totally "Impossible" era. FACE value alone $127. $A150
29. ASCENSION KGV: 1922 SG#4 1924 SG#15.Both superb genuine U.SG £87. $A75
30. Japan 1926 Showa Watermarked Granite Paper: New die 30s + 50s quite superb w/c MVLH. Sakura Cat V161/162 Cat 11,500 ¥en. $A80
31. Rare Lettercard: 1911 KGV full face (Australia's very 1st stamp!) with sought after "LOG TRAIN JARRAH FORREST WA" scene in sepia. CTO Brisb. NOT in Steig. $A75
32. Papua 1917 Lakatoi surcharges Set 6: Fresh well centred mint SG #106/11. $A40
33. 1927 2/- Canberra Booklet: Both panes are CTO each stamp in Canberra,1927! (1 stamp removed) Usual small blemishes, but extremely scarce used Canberra! $A50
34. 1946 BCOF Japan 1/- 'Wrong Font 6': Superb fresh w/c MUH SG#5a £170. $A150
The No#1 Stamp Web Page!!
35. Old Pre-War "Globe" World Album: Good Australia inc. 34 Mac, 35 Anzac, 36 SA, 37 Sesqui (inc strip 3 x9d +single) 1/- OS Lyre,useful NZ &c (100s) $A99
36. Roo 6d S/M: Perf OS RH margin block superb Melb CTO ex Miller Bros hoard. $A45
37. NSW 1854/71 8d Yellow Diadem o/p "OS": in a nice FU BLOCK OF 4 Rare 2/8d useage. ASC #39 $200. SG #032. Priced at less than a 1999 year album! $A65
38. Hospitals Contribution Fund NSW: Pretty 2/- blue stamps x12 fresh mint $A40
39. "Frama" Collection: 1984 (1st issue) to Sept 88 "Possum" in the 7 Seas special album (ret. $A80) Sets 7 or 9 each set, ALSO same on FDCs, also Maxi cards, scarce Casuarina "White Paper" on cover &c, also Pitcairn + NZ. Odd spots. $A100
40. KGV Imprint blocks 4 set: ½d to 3d (5 blocks) C of A wmk, mostly MUH with odd trivial blemish. (20) Very nice looking group at a paltry $9 each, after 65 years! $A175
41. Bermuda 12/6d KGVI "Keyplate" Perf 14: w/c MLH, pencilled '120' on gum, but I feel it is the cheaper #120a - that is still Cat £180! Usual brownish gum arabic. $A150
42. New Zealand 1956/63 QEII 3/- Official: VFU corner cancel, SG # 0167 £48. $A40
43. USA-Aust 1947 1st Airmail Pan-Am FAM-19: SFO - Sydney. Unusual bunch of 16 standard bus size air envs, from range USA towns, to same NSW address, inc Lima Ohio. Cedar Rapids, Aurora Illinois etc. Noted great variety of USA frankings to $1.50. Condition a bit "weary" on the whole. Eustis Airmail cat #1096 Cat $400. $A75
44. Queensland 1892 6d Green "Long Tom": Postally good used. ASC F18 $A40
45. "A99' Scarce Perfin Navigator Mini Sheets: The "hot" items on the International market from "Australia 99". Only 15,000 sets ever done & 90% of these went to collectors, not dealers! The rare "brown" M/sheet contains Australia's 3 very RAREST Decimal stamps, (see front cover "June" ASM) each with the rare 15½ perf, which will be catered for in leading albums + catalogs. At this price they are only $30 apiece. A 14.75 Navigator, a far commoner stamp, is $75 even today! Per set of 2 miniature sheets Fresh MUH: $A90. 2 sets: $A170 (remember if you want the rare perf in miniature sheet and singles format you'll need TWO sets of the Mini sheets!) Also set of official PO FDC: 1 only in stock: the rarest Decimal FDC by MILES! $A300
See complete story on these here.
99 "Perfin" Mini-Sheets The Article Talks About!
Totally different perf gauge to the "normal" perforated version shown above.
This rare perf set sells for $A90 per pair.
Only 15,000 were done.
Click here for a larger
46. "Australia 99" IMPERF Mini Sheets on PO Covers! A Decimal "Classic". NOT available from the P.O. Bulletin. STANDARD size small PO covers, so these WILL fit into your albums! (190 mm x 110 mm) Superb PO unaddressed. Each M/S on seperate cover, and each with the special A99 "World Stamp Expo" Koala cancel. Choice of "Navigator" design or Koala "Australia 99" official envelopes. $A95 EACH set of 2 covers, or complete set of BOTH design types for $180 ( i.e. 4 P.O. covers)
47. 'Australia 99' Fully IMPERFORATE Mini Sheets: The big surprise of the show. Produced so that you could take them and have hand created "A99" perfins punched in. NOT on sale at Post Offices around the country, only by mail order, and even then they sold out in weeks after show. WELL worth stocking away a handful - they WILL be catalogued and have album page provision in EVERY album in the world when supplements come out, it seems. Official PO figures just released indicate only about 20,000 sets exist and if so this will be the scarcest post-war regular Australian issue by far. Price is for YOUR choice of MUH or CTO. Set of 2: $A40 -- 2 sets $A70 (Maybe Mint and Used?) -- 10 sets of 2 m/s: $A325 -- 25 sets: $A725, 50 sets $A1,350.
See complete story on these here.
Lot 45 - The two VERY RARE Imperforate Navigator Mini-Sheets at top.
The "normal" perforated version (i.e. , without "A99" perfin) shown at
Click here for larger
48. Norway 1950 Oslo+1951 Garbord sets: v.clean typed reg'd FDC. Mi 100Dm. $A40
49. NZ Postage Dues: 1899 ½d COMPLETE SHEET 120 with all margins + gutter. Showing "No Stop After D" superb MUH(SG#D9a £85++) "No Stop After N", grossly misplaced centres, frame breaks, deformed values, strong offset lower 2 rows (20), and the spectacular major FRAME RE-ENTRIES on LH row! MUH, with usual minor toning at base sheet. SG D9 cat £12ea + D9a = £1514++ = $A3800. All this $A6 ea! $A600
50. NSW 5/- "Coin": Fresh MVLH copy. Almost MUH! Very attractive. ASC#24 $A70
I have a "SEARCH" feature loaded. To locate a country or topic or era in this list, simply press "control" and the "f" keys together on your keyboard to bring up the "find" window. Type in Germany or Orchids or KGVI or Kangaroos etc and hit the "Find Next" prompt box and it will skip to all such entries located on this page |
51. GB 1841 2d blue imperf: Clean good U lovely 'ivory head'cancelled by well struck deep BLUE Maltese Cross. Mixed margins, with colour Cert. SG Cat £1200. $A500
52. TONGA 1953 QEII Top Values To £1 In CTO blocks 4!: (12) Cat £78 $A60
53. AAT 1948 'ANARE' Reg'd Cover: To Syd, with 2 line cachet. Rare violet rubber h/s 'Macquarie Is' R6 Regd label. Also 1955 3½d AAT Map block 4 on Regd Hermes PO offic. FDC with Mawson official R6 regd label. Peck $200. Neat + attractive (2) $A65
54. GB 1883 6d: VFU, good colour, neat upright "Bath My 21:83" SG162 £166. $A95
55. Aust. FDC Hoard: Mid 70s-Mid 80s era. Generally 2 of ea (saw a nice clean $A10!) A boxful. FACE value is $A277. Odd spot, but bargain even as FU at ½ face. $A140
56. Papua: Lakatoi 1911/5 set 8 plus elusive 1d p14. Fresh MLH. SG#84/92. £70. $A60
57. Aust. In Green S/book: Lots Roos (inc 'OS') all wmks to 5/-(S/Multi) KGV to 1/4d (3)then to 1990.Values to $10. Much duplic: condition is of course VERY mixed. $A100
58. India & States: 1855 to 1955 on old leaves. Mint & Used. Should be worth: $A45
59. Postage Meters: 1 man's lifetime coll.1930s-90s in 9 boxes+large cartons. Mostly Aust & mostly neatly arranged with boxed cut outs of about 6" x 2". Also volumes of indexes & notes, also John Webster monographs etc. Impossible lot to duplicate. Buyer MUST arrange collection or I will add a $100 re-packing fee.(10,000s) $A400 |
60. 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra: VFU postal used. Very nice copy. SG#19. $A50
61. Aust.Territory Year Albums: Complete set from 1994 (No#1 in the series) to 1996, all in the official PO black leatherette special binder. (4) Retail $200. $A125
62. WA 1861 6d Sage Green Imperf Swan: Clean and attractive U. Faintest cancel, good margins, just touching 1 point. Small thinning. SG #28 £400=$A1000. $A150
63. Sth. Africa 1948 5/- Wagon Train 'Official' FU on piece: SG#026 £130 $A85
64. Queensland 1892 5/- Red QV "Long Tom" Postal Fiscals: Light fiscal used hoard of TEN ex estate. NO usual pin holes or crayon cancels. ASF F19 $4000. $A125
This is an EXPORT pricelist. All prices on this Web site are GST FREE to overseas buyers. (Australian buyers - applicable GST will be added to all invoices) |
65. Barbados 1906 1/- Nelson Top Value: VFU on piece, Reg'd cds. SG#151. $A40
66. 1d Roo: On cover front to Temora NSW from tiny neighbouring REEFTON. Inscribed 'No obliterating stamps' Roo cancelled in pen m/s "Reefton 4/5/14". tone $A50
67. Aust 7 Seas Hingeless Pages: For Aust. 1993+94 comp. Unopened, ret $A55. $A40
68. Aust. USED Coll: 1913 to end 92 in TWO "Seven Seas" albums. Fairly complete lot - missing mainly the dearer type items. Terrific lot to build upon. (many 100s) $A200 |
69. USA 1894 1¢ Bureau Bright Blue: Top margin imprint (Type 1 rare on this shade) and Plate #29 strip 3. PO fresh MUH orig. gum.Sc#247 $US240+50% for MUH. $A150
70. Rhodesia 1955 Booklet #1: SG #SB1 Each $40, or FIVE comp.booklets $A150
71. 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra: Superb fresh copy, LH marginal with part imprint. Virtually MUH. A delightful example of this "impossible" stamp. $A100
72. GB PO Packs: Accum from 1971-94. Noted 1988 Castles - cat £26 alone! $A50
73. Balance of Estate: Unholy mish mash in 11 large cartons. Catalogues, magazines, literature, 1000s stamps loose and strewn about. 100s M+U+CTO PSE's. Lots covers selected for clear cds strikes. Must collect, or I'll levy a $A75 nuisance fee + post! $A185
Mao Tse Tung 74. From April 20th 1967 to August 1970. Scott 938-1046 complete, (less the cheap #1019/37) 81 stamps. Full colour perforated FORGERIES in an 8 page colour folder/stockbook, all neatly arranged in hawid mounts. Includes all 4 of the se-tenant strips 5 and the rare 1968 8f "Entire Nation Is Red" stamps, Scott #999a. That one alone should surely sell for AT LEAST for what I sell the entire package for! Scott is around $US6,686.65 for used stamps. My price is 1% of Scott for the genuine stamps i.e. $US 66.86 per album of 81 stamps complete. This I will charge on credit card as $A100. EVERY collector of China with a printed album, pretty well has all the pages empty for this scarce era. Most will consider spacefiller attractive forgeries than live with blank spaces for eternity in this era in their album. Even if you sell these at 2% of Scott catalogue you double your money. Profit margin considerably higher if you buy in bulk. Would make VERY interesting auction lots! 5 albums for $A450 -- 10 albums for $A800 -- 25 albums (Cat Scott $US167,141) for $A1,750 |
75. Aust. Official Reg'd P/Stat Envs: Nice coll from 1930 KGV - 1960 2/5d QEII. All diff-some uprated with stamps as well. Also 2½d KGVI L/Card sent Reg'd (13) $A55
76. Victoria Pmks: Stunning strikes "684" on ½d, and "955" on 8d Laurete. $A40
77. Carton Ex Estate: All sorts-loose in bags, Tas canc.on pictorials, GB FDC, Sheets MUH NZ, Heaps of world M+U in old envelopes etc. (many 1000's here) $A100
78. NSW 1852/4 3d Imperfs in the both shades: SG#67 and 87. GU. SG £127. $A45
79. WWI Era SG 'Colour Guide': Amazing 5½x8½" folder opening to 20x8½"with 100 actual Brittania stamps by Perkins Bacon, printed in the 100 colors! Some tone. $A60
80. Used World: On circuit sheets + in glassines. Might repay work - noted Canada to $5, and lots of Singapore to several recent $10 FU. Useful GB commems &c $A45
81. Aust $200 Coins: 1988 & 89 Superb Unc packs. Cost $481 ex RAM. Cash: $A430
GIBBONS CATALOGUES BULK BUY !! 82. The importer boobed and double ordered. I snapped up their mistake! YOU get all the savings!! IMPORTANT NOTE: Catalogues WILL rise 10% in June 2000 due to the NASTY "GST" on books for the first time ever. So buy up NOW!! (1) The 1998 "Red Books" British Commonwealth -- Two massive hard cover books the size of Sydney phone books. True! British Commonwealth A-Z, with plate flaws, sideways and inverted watermarks, all booklets -- all reigns, prices on cover, etc. If you haven't bought for a few years you are MILES out of date. 1998 Edition, Retail $A210. Only $A95 (Five sets $A400). (2) The Current 1999 "Stamps of The World" -- TWO massive books, with EVERY world stamp A-Z (except the British Commonwealth (see #1), priced mint & used. Retail $A190. Price $A120 (Five sets $A450). Be quick! |
83. Aust. Pre-Dec Coll 1913-65: In clean 7/Seas H/Less album. (Ret $A140) Decent range KGV to 1/4d U, then mostly Mint/MUH and pretty complete. Inc most pre-war commems, "OS", even a 1946 BCOF set 7. Inc.KGV I 3d blues set 5 unused. $A600
84. 1963 Navigators set 5 to £1 on Wesley FDC: Clean : 2 are unaddressed! $A90
85. Aust booklet hoard: Boxful ex Estate1972-mid 98 virtually comp. run - with dupls of most. FACE is $530. Masses of 45¢. Odd spot but bargain! $A475
86. 1949 Royal Show Adelaide "Wayville Showgrounds" cds: 8 Se:49-1st day use. Special tri-colour BERGEN cover to (as usual) Stapleton. Superb. Peck PM51a. $A50
87. GB Year Albums Comp. 1971 to 1985: Less 73 & cheap 80(13) Cat £240 $A150
88. 1991"ACROSS TOWN" LABELS PERTH & SYDNEY: Your choice of Mint, or FU. Also the scarce "Box Link" label! Per set 3: $A35 -- 5 Sets 3 (15) $A120
89. Hodge Podge On Stockcard: Austria MUH 1940s-70s. CHINA MUH range from mid 1970s. (Cat cat £30) Russia 56 x CTO Blocks 4 1984-90. (100s) $A55
90. GB 1841 2d Blue Imperf: (SG#14) Horizontal strip 5. Lettered AF-AJ. Light "1" cancel - never soaked - nearly full original gum. Mixed margins. Big multiples are RARE: a block of 4 for instance is cat 12 x singles in SG specialised cat $A150
91. Carton - World Stamps: in 10 volumes inc. ancient Schaubek. Samoa mint coll, Aust+States pre-war coll,inc 1913 Roos to 1/-, Lots unused PNG early 60s and other odds and sods. Real nightmare lot, in very mixed condition ex Estate. Fun at $A115
92. STOP PRESS: Lord Howe Island Courier Post The 300 populated island
"David's" who whupped Superb looking 4 colour, 4 stamp, new Marine Issue - sheets 40 (FV $A72!) $A85, (of 5 sheets Mint for $A360, i.e. actual FACE value - I am an official Agent!) TEN of the stunning booklets (FV $A72) for $A85, or again 50 for $A360, the actual FACE value! (see colour photo here and new "ordinary" "unissued" FDC at Only 100 exist of these, as printer omitted date + used wrong paper stock! Most stayed on LHI after official ceremony. They are reprinting "correct ones" now. I got SIX ONLY! $A65 each and they will sell in days. Also, a real beauty - A tiny sailing boat took the perilous 4 days, 800 Km trip across the wild Tasman Sea to Australia after attending the opening Ceremony on LHI by the Governor General, etc. The entire crew of 4 signed each cover, AS DID the stamp designer, Margaret Murray. Most were very slightly water damaged in the hold during the stormy crossing ... weather was so bad the Navigator FLEW back!! 50 only Capt/crew signed, with cachets 'Damaged At Sea' and "Paqubot" and ALL numbered and signed by Captain Alan Pitt. An amazing and colourful item, yet priced the SAME as the "unissued" FDC which these are of course as as well! $A65 each or 5 for $A250. Classics of the future from LHI. There will be a detailed story and photos of this voyage in the next Australasian STAMPS Magazine . Last year's booklet is already selling worldwide for over $A200, so do NOT ignore these! I strongly "tipped" those when they were $A40 each. |
93. Fake 1930 Penny! Someone has taken "0" from 1940! $20,000 o/wise. $A100
94. Carton Covers: Odd 1st flights, German 1938 Hitlers, P/Dues/RTS/DLO. World P/Stat. BCOF Japan(2), Norf.1947 Ball Bay FDC, NZ 1934 T/Tasman FFC, OHMS Aust. Perfin, censored inc Irish/France/India/USA,GB FDC: 48 Olympic, 58 Games, 53 1/6d Coron, Hutt River, 1932 "RMS Atlantic" Paquebot. Estate goldmine here. $A135
95. Coins Mint Rolls of 50 of 1980 1¢: THIRTY of them!! All UNC! Ret. $150. $A70
96. GB Booklets: Christmas books 82/83/84(2) -(£28½) 1980 £3 Wedgewood, 1991 Agatha C. (£20) 1996 BBC (£11)1991 Greetings (£14) SG Cat £82 total. $A65
Auctioning? Want to LOSE 45% of the value of your stamps? Check this website for details of HOW to avoid it:
97. GB 1869 6d Mauve: Nicely used on neat piece.'Ju16 70' cds. SG #109 £45 $A40
98. Aust Pre-War FDC: From 1937 Sesqui 2d+3d to 1953 Food Strips. Many are Reg'd. Plain+ pictorial types ex Estate in typical very mixed cond. Some dupl. $A55
99. Reg'd Mail Covers: Amazing hoard of covers in 3 good size cartons. Early 80s all to Passport Section of Br. Embassy! Franking usually $3-$5 stamps on each. Host of diff. blue types "R6" labels - as you'd expect nearly all different, heaps handstamped in various colour inks, temporary, even handwritten ones. Tiny offices etc. Arranged by # from 001(many) to 099. Make several 1-99 colls all diff offices! Many 100s. $A350 |
100. Aust Postage Due 1938/9 Bi-colour: Perfect centred MLH. SG#D117 £70. $A50
101. Roos + KGV (mostly): On old leaves M+U with minor vars noted. Also few non vars, incl. Imprint 2d "OS" o/p + Used block 4. 1914 6d Kooka unused (thin) &c $A65
102. Aust & AAT MUH Blocks Coll: 1980 to 1997 on 50 d/sided Vario sheets, in 2 x L/House Vario binders (these retail $250 alone!) Mainly gutter blocks of 10, plus HEAPS of gold overprinted m/s etc. FACE is $1040. Retail $2-3K. Great price! $A975
103. Nauru 1960s + 80s MUH sheets + blocks + M/S - Face Value alone $124! $A70
104. Carton PNG FDC 1961-87: Nearly all PNG, inc 64 Birds,66 B/flies, later to 5K. Duplic. of many+also some other Pacifics to $2. Odd edge spots, most fine. $A125
105. 1970 7¢ Sturt's Desert Pea Missing BUFF Colour: New listing in latest SG - #486bb £200 ea = $A550 (ACSC $300 ea) - I just bought a strip of TEN copies cheap. MUH single $A165 or a pair with special coil perf, $A300. Or strip of 5 for $A675 = ¼ SG!
106. Norway 1868 Lion: 3s VFU on piece. Early date 14/4/68. Facit #13 800 Skr+ $A45
107. Big Springback Aust Used Multiples 3 Or Larger: From Roo 2/- S/Multi strip (SG#110 $75!) KGV from 1d Reds, pre-war commems, coil strips, P/Dues etc. $A60
108. Roo 2d Grey Invert Wmk FU, also w/nice #7J var."Bendigo 7 Mr:18" cds. $A45
109. Aust. Used 1966-Mid 80s: 2 cartons full. Off paper+sorted. Also world ditto. All ex Charity,appear to be mostly letter rate(10,000s)Look unpicked for "Phantoms" $A65
110. GB 1948 2½d S/Wedd FDC: 2 x clean typed to W.A.! Clean pict.types. $A45
111. Aust. Banknotes Album: As new album (with spaces for Starnotes) nearly empty - noted 3 x consecutive number 1976 $2 Knight/Wheeler uncirculateds. ($30). $A45
112. Expo 88 Special set 62 DIFFERENT PO canc. on 62 PO covers: on Hagners, in special PO album. Retail $3 each, so about $200 and the Hagners are FREE! $A65
I have a "SEARCH" feature loaded. To locate any country or topic or era in this list, simply press "Ctrl" and the "F" keys together on your keyboard to bring up the "find what" window. Type in 'Germany' or 'Orchids' or 'KGVI' or 'Kangaroos' etc, and hit the "Find Next" prompt box and it will skip to all such entries located on this page |
113. Dec. Bklt Hoard: 2 of 3 ea generally inc. Alpine, C'too, Abo, Crafts &c. FV $50. $A65
114. Aust. FDC Jan 1976 to 1990. Looks to be complete run! In 2 x big albums (ret.$50) all clean PO FDC (100's). The FACE value alone exceeds $300. Retail must be c.$600. Perfect to fill up 14 years cheap! Estate BARGAIN at $A250
codebase="" align="baseline" width="450" height="15">
End of List
... all my stamps - on this page or other pages are charged in
AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS at the $A prices shown.
Where I have used a £Stg or $US price etc conversion in text on any offer
at any time - that is to be treated as very APPROXIMATE as it may have
been computed a while back. It was correct at that time, but $A exchange
rates have been VERY volatile in recent times. Please use the
spinning gold currency converter found on Home Page of my website to
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today's mid-rate.
Remember - I will always charge your credit
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shipping and insurance) and NOT the sum shown as rough approximation in a
non-Australian currency.
There are NO nasty
15% "Buyer's Commissions" or other such outrageous fees added to
the price YOU pay when you deal with Glen Stephens. A $1,000
Kangaroo stamp from me costs $1,000 plus shipping. You could
bid "$1,000" for the same Kangaroo stamp from an "Auction" house
(who in Sydney OFTEN owns the stamp themselves anyway!) and it might
cost $1,000 plus 15% "Buyer Fee" plus 10% GST on that $1,150 = the "$1000"
stamp is now invoiced at
$1,265. All
depends on whether possibly saving $265 is important to you I guess.
To order, click here. To read ordering instructions, click here.
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GLEN $TEPHEN$ Life Member: ASDA, PTS, APS, ANDA. ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Diners/Amex all OK, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request or they are outlined in full on this Web site. Usually allow at least 14 days for order dispatch. If you want same day shipping please go elsewhere! I am Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque. Avoid NASTY auction "commissions" of GENERALLY 35% (12½ + 15% + GST, etc.) AND their five-month delays! Read for details. I stock Australia & Pacifics nearly 100% complete 1913-1980. Ask for my LOW quote! "Lothlórien," No. 4 The Tor
Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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