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Glen Stephens The Biggest Stamp Dealer in the Southern Hemisphere

Stamp Specials Page!


This is a very small selection of the tens of thousands of stamps and "job lots" I have for sale. I am constantly buying new stock, so if what you need is not here, please ask! Hundreds more are at and I stock basic Australia and most "Australasian Pacifics" 100% complete up to 1980, and the material in my lists is generally only the more unusual and interesting stock - let me quote on the "bread and butter" stuff. My prices on such material are the lowest you will find in Australia, whether mint, used, FDC, year albums, packs, etc.



COVID/EXCHANGE RATE ADJUSTMENT on imported products below:  The current ongoing COVID mess, and stockmarket and currency market uncertainty due to the ugly Ukraine War, has seen the Australian Dollar soften and fluctuate.  Far worse, as we know, due to COVID, there have been few incoming commercial flights to Australia for about 18 months, so cost of the limited air shipping has also rocketed up, as DHL/Fedex are now often needed, at Ransom Rates.  My landed cost of anything imported has also SOARED since, of course.  All lots on this page, being fully imported, will thus be invoiced at 10% higher than the older AUD prices shown here, until some normality returns. 

With supplier base price hikes as well, I still am making WAY less than I was pre-COVID, even at that level.  We live in scary times, as the next variant could appear any day sadly, triggering it all over again.  Cost of a shipping container from Asia or Europe-Aust has trebled over recent months etc.  LUCKILY, stamps is a solitary INDOOR hobby basically, and we are thus the LEAST likely to catch COVID!   With most commercial flights being cancelled, shipping from Europe to here is taking 16-20 weeks by sea, not the usual 7 days airpost, unless you pay an absolute fortune for DHL/Fedex Express Courier etc.  But I *DO* have stocks of these items!   Glen




Special Offer #1

*****  I bought Pallet loads from Germany!  *****




Buy in bulk and pay 35% UNDER RETAIL

This is a wonderful lot.   My BEST selling line all year.   Another few pallets of stock just arrived.   More details on this offer here -
These are top quality West German made "Lighthouse" books. The BEST!  Surely your stamps DESERVE the best ..and at HALF the usual storage costs
...why ever not?!

These books have CRYSTAL CLEAR strips - 9 strips per page.  This is much more expensive than glassine to manufacture of course, but with glassine
your stamps are always half hidden behind murky/cloudy type glassine when you look at them.  VERY few stockbooks (only a few %) sold in the past 25
years have CLEAR strips, as the cost to make them is high.

Strong LINEN HINGED pages on both sides for very long wear, and DOUBLE glassine interleaving to protect all your stamps - and stopping the
cheaper single interleaved pages from tangling and crumpling up - which they ALWAYS do! 

 Local official Retail is $A47 each – those are my prices for single books etc.  My 2 carton Bulk Buy is more than 35% below retail price!

Factory cartons of TEN for $A350 White Pages (Stock code 592SW)

Factory cartons of TEN for $A350 Black Pages (Stock code 592SB)

Or save even more when Bulk Buying! –

TWO factory cartons of Ten (Ret. $A940) 20 x 32 WHITE pages for just $A635! (Stock 592TW)

TWO factory cartons of Ten (Ret. $A940) 20 x 32 BLACK pages for just $A635! (Stock 592TB)

 (Gets down to just under A$1 a page) - more than 35% below retail!!


(And yes, I will quote even lower prices on larger buys - dealers,
re-sellers or collectors with a LOT of re-housing to do, please enquire!)
Some collectors like the super thick 64 page books. Simply double prices above. i.e. 10 x 64
WHITE pages is $A700 etc. Now and again I can do a little cheaper than that level - please ask first!
Each factory carton of 10 x 32 pages comes with a mix of 4 colours - Red, Blue, Green and Black - 2 of each,
and 3 of the other. Collectors prefer buying that way.
All boxes are mailed well packed, and Registered and insured for full protection,
and the applicable cost in each instance, will be added to credit card charge as outlined above.
Postage and insurance is of course extra, but as always, I use carefully selected, light cancelled, philatelically VERY valuable stamps and se-tenant
strips, small run modern mini sheets of 10 etc on every carton mailed, so the "real" shipping cost is often basically zero to you

REMEMBER: It is a great idea to now and again re-house ALL your stamps. At this price why not do that NOW? Stockbooks 10-15 years old WILL
have mould growing on the pages if stored in Australia. NO doubt about it. In any coastal areas it will start in well under 10 years. And on black
pages it is VERY hard - indeed almost impossible - to see with the naked eye. You WILL see it using a UV lamp - go check your books! For a
measly $35 a new stockbook to put your $1,000s of stamps into a brand new clean book makes superb sense.




Special Offer #2


My bulk buy price is 40% OFF the current R.R.P. at $A1.75 a sheet.   Buy up .....  I have 1000's here, and
as my replacement cost is going up each year, and supply issues are often CHRONIC!


200 sheets - $A330 (Stock 827WF)

400 sheets - $A565 (Stock 827WG)

600 sheets - $A820 (Stock 827WE)

800 sheets - $A950 (Stock 827WH)

Each lot of 200 weighs about 5 kilos. I can legally mail 22 kilos a single carton, so 800 works out the most cost effective by FAR.

400 or 800 often costs not much more postage than the 200 price shown here.  800 Hagners will fit into ONE large box, meaning only ONE postage cost for you.  So buy more than you THINK you need, as you’ll save a ton on postage.  And you WILL use them up!

And of course nice full gum VFU stamps are ALWAYS used on MY parcels!  So your shipment is essentially “Post Free”, as the franking I use under plastic cover is worth MORE than you pay for shipping!  THAT is vitally important, as ordering elsewhere mostly get you a worthless white label for your $30 shipping, not a sheet of superb VFU stamps.

"Win, Win" for you – see here for how I ship - - the world’s BEST practice philatelic mailing!  Postage is getting quite pricey these days, and if your seller uses a white label or boring $10 Defins etc, YOU are getting ripped off.



Special Offer #3


Deluxe BLACK deep grained "Leather Look" Binders
for your Hagner Sheets, along with the matching
"Leather Look" Slipcases, as low as $A40 a SET!

Superb big black real "leather look" jumbo thickness, with matching black heavy duty slipcase.   The photo above shows exactly what you will receive. (No stamps or Hagners of course!)   

These have the discreet 5 gold stripes on spine, and are superb.  Check the deep leather look graining .. they REALLY look classy, and are MILES better looking than some shiny vinyl things on sale for twice this price.  

5 or 10 of these on bookshelf REALLY look classy.  Red, green and blue never looked like leather to me, as I cannot ever recall seeing a red, blue or green COW! Do you?

These have the LARGEST capacity you can buy.  Beware of thin spine binders, which often cost more, and of course store less sheets!  These wide spine 4 ring binders hold about 40-50 Hagner type sheets very comfortably in most cases, although if you store a lot of FDC or covers etc., on #1 or #2 size Hagner sheets, they are clearly a little less per album due to that thickness. 

So the 5 Binder/Slipcase deal will hold the 200 Hagner sheets VERY nicely.  And 400 Hagners will fit perfectly into 10 sets, and likewise 20 sets will house the 800 sheets VERY comfortably.

The very classy leather look black slipcases alone should cost this much!  Seven Seas Stamps sell their garish colour SLIPCASES ALONE for about $A25 EACH -  You MUST have slipcases for storage - in this country especially. 

Slipcases are ESSENTIAL - they keep most dust and junk and moisture and insects OUT of your stamps, which is what mostly causes rust/toning/foxing.
You MUST use slipcases - please read my detailed story about this very important matter here from my recent 'Stamp News' magazine article:

  I’ve seen retail elsewhere of over $A60 a set for this kind of Binder/Slipcase quality!  These are as low as $A40 a set -
indeed are near $A35 a set when bought as a discount lot along with Hagner sheets - see offers below.

FIVE sets of Deluxe binders
AND the 5 matching slipcases for $A250 (Stock 827WJ)

Or a huge factory carton of 10 superb sets for just: $A450  (Stock 827WK)

Or TWO huge cartons i.e. 20 superb sets for just: $A800 (Stock 827WL)

 NOTE: - Although these are VERY bulky as you can see – they are rather LIGHT, so post cost is VERY reasonable.
And of course I used light cancelled stamps on ALL my parcels!  If you order 5 sets at the SAME TIME as the Hagner sheets special offer above,
the extra cost to ship these Binders/Slipcases is generally minimal (often NIL extra) as they can go in the same parcel.



Special Offer #4

COMBINE Hagner sheets AND Deluxe Binders/Slipcases to
house them all in,
and SAVE another $A100!

Order 200 genuine and top quality British Made Hagner sheets, in the exact size mix YOU require, as well as FIVE of the superb black binders/slipcases above,
that will house them perfectly, and safely, and you save about 40% off retail price!

Instead of paying $A330 and $A250 - you pay only $A550 plus shipping, and save $A30 extra. (Stock 827WP)

And remember the shipping is nearly (indeed often exactly) the same cost for the 200 Hagners, if you add the 5 x Slipcases/Binders to the same order in the same carton.

Order 400 Hagners of your choice or sizes (normally $A565) and TEN x Deluxe Binders/Slipcase to house them in (normally $450)
for $A975 and save a further $A40! (Stock 827WQ)  (Due to weight and volume, these are shipped as two parcels.)

Order 800 Hagners of your choice or sizes (normally discounted to $A950) and TWENTY x Deluxe Binders/Slipcase to house them in (normally discounted to $A800) together for $A1,650 and save a further $A100! (Stock 827WR) (Due to weight and volume these are shipped as three separate large parcels.)

NOTE - The special Combo offers within this Specials box are for AUSTRALIA orders only - foreign post gets scary on these combos!



NO GST is added to prices to any items on this website. 
All prices on EVERY list are weak Australian Dollars!!
All prices are "nett" ... what you see is what you pay. NO Nasty, nasty 15%-20% Auction house "Buyer's Commission" silly nonsense is later extorted from you!


Special Offer #5

Australia Post Annual "Year Books" Black LEATHER "Executive" Editions complete -
Book #1, to 2000  - 22% off - *$A425 UNDER retail*!

ONE set only at this price - these Leather (Executive) books are VERY classy. All have been black genuine Leather covered, with brass corners, since the first issue in 1986, so they are a fully matched classy Black leather set, in matching slipcases. Covers are thickly padded and deeply gold inscribed on front and spine.  Each book has a matching gold embossed heavy slipcase ….. see the main photo above - the 3 slipcases are standing at back.  These keep dust and moisture OUT of your stamp albums and are ESSENTIAL in this climate.

Australia Post charges $35 more for each Leather album over the regular Year Books, due to the far higher cost of making leather covers etc. in short runs.  So retail of each is accordingly much higher - add that extra cost up over 15 books!  Numbers produced are a small FRACTION of normal books, so re-sale value stays very strong.  Sitting in a neat row on a loungeroom bookshelf these look super classy - like a set of Law Books or Encyclopedia Britannica etc!  They come out each year in exact same design, so you can readily keep up to date.

The presentation of the stamps and the artwork and detail on the pages in these books is an absolute credit to Australia Post.  High gloss varnished paper, and double facing pages of info on EVERY stamp issue.  Laden with photos and factual background information.  For collectors with younger children or Grandchildren, this is a goldmine for their education and general knowledge.  Or a family heirloom collection to keep up to date.  The 2000 regular Year Book surprised everyone by having in it, the Australia Sydney Olympic Gold Medal winner sheetlet of 16.  You could obtain this sheet NO other way.  That sheetlet alone retails for $100 from many dealers, The 1988 LEATHER book has always been near impossible to source etc.  Full retail list of ALL these superb books here.

I have ALWAYS had the largest stock of Year Books in Australia - true.  No other dealer comes even close.  I buy more estates than anyone else it seems, and also folks come to me when selling these books, as they know I will buy them cash.  And I thus MUST on-sell them as cheaply as I can, to MOVE all this stock, or I will drown in it!  Bought this nice clean collection CHEAP today in an Estate, so OUT they go. This is a lovely clean collection of EVERY Black Leather Year Book issued from 1986 (Leather Book Number #1) right up to the scarce 2000.  FIFTEEN matched leather books.  A large wine carton FULL.  

My normal discount retail on these 15 books, as you can see from link above is $A2,175. (All the later year Leather Books are in stock of course. I can do a similar bulk discount deal for 2001-2020 etc., or for any other single years you are missing - ask me for my rock bottom price!)  A superb gift idea perhaps for someone?  As always on pricier lots, happy to do a time payment or LayBy system etc. - 4 monthly payments of around $380 and these are yours!  To clear this Estate lot fast, out they go for $425 UNDER my retail - a super bargain figure for this ONE discounted set of 15 - 22% off retail at just - $A1,695 (Stock 451WX)



Special Offer #6

1985 33¢ "Barred Edge" Frama Labels Stamps:   Australia's, indeed the Southern Hemisphere's, FIRST ever Frama machine label design stamps!  Same colorful red.white/blue design as the 1984 Barred Edge,  but these were a rate increase set, 33c from 30c, and thus are FAR scarcer to be honest.  Complete P.O. set 9 mint unhinged still in original PO glassines:  Ret. $A20 set (once was $A60!)   10 sets $A75   --   25 sets $A165 --   50 sets $A250  




Special Offer #7

1993 GB 24p Machin stamp *POSTAL FORGERY* in MUH blocks, $A4 each! I bought a couple of sheets of these 25 years back, when they first surfaced in the UK, being sold to Indian and similar family owned small corner stores and supermarkets, who retailed stamps for normal letters. A UK dealer, Bushell & Wright, was too scared to offer them in the UK, in case Scotland Yard paid him a visit. So he did a deal with me, and I sold them here for about $A40 per stamp - and I mailed a lot of them back to the UK! Sterling was VERY high back then of course, and UK retail there was £20 which was about $A50 a stamp then - literally. 

The dealers in UK got a Barrister's written opinion (copy of which I can enclose for you with your order!) that him owning or selling these above face value created no offence under current British Law in his view. Just as well - the forgers were caught and got prison sentences of up to 12 years each - far more detail here - These forgeries are listed in SG, under Cat X969. Single current Machins from Kiloware are getting $A325 each on ebay as I report below, so Machins are back in the news BIG time - These were the FIRST Postal Forgeries ever to appear in the UK for over a Century, since the QV 1/- "Stock Exchange Forgeries" of the early 1870s. SG lists those forgeries between £850-£4,000 EACH used. 

Large UK dealers currently sell blocks of 8 of these same 24p Machin Forgery stamps for £77.50 ($A150 plus post!) or about $A20 apiece, as you can see - I have one even larger block on hand at $A4 a stamp, if anyone is interested in breaking it down on ebay etc for a far greater profit - click link above. Keep a single, or block of 4 for yourself from the above lots, and sell the others on ebay etc, to get yours FREE! You may even come out in front money wise, and still keep yours free. Illustrated MUH block 10, is just 30% of UK dealer price - $A65 (Stock 619TQ) or a MUH block of 20, perfect for any album page, for a QUARTER of UK retail - $A100 (Stock 619TR).



 Special Offer #8

Papua New Guinea 1994 
Rare "Emergency Overprints":


Papua New Guinea 1994 "Emergency Overprints":   I do now have, and have always had, the largest stock of these overprints in the world.  Buy DIRECT from the original "source"!  Thousands of collectors NEED this set to complete their collections.  Only 45,000 were ever printed, NONE were sold by the agents, Papua New Guinea Bureau, or even Australia Post.  Nearly all were used up on genuine commercial mail.   Not discovered by stamp world until months after all the key values all used up!  I first reported their existence to the stamp world.

"Set of 11" - SG # 730/740.  Michel # 714 -724.   Scott  # 860/871.  ASC Cat $A420.

Local Richard Juzwin retail price is $A330.   The Seven Seas Stamps "Australian Stamp Catalogue" (ASC) price for the set 11 is $A420.  MUH set of 11 - my VERY special DISCOUNT price offer for this month is: $A275.   Or MUH blocks of 4 (very rare) $A1,250.   I also have the earlier and later overprints also at terrific discount prices.   For a complete set of TWENTY different overprints my discount price is $A335 or that full set 20 in MUH blocks 4 for $A1,500.   These will never be cheaper.  


Definitive sets like the 1967 Anguilla overprints are already cat at £9,000 in Stanley Gibbons ... and Anguilla has NOTHING like even 1% of the collector following of PNG I suspect. Think about it! £9,000. This PNG set has a LONG way to go yet - that seems very clear.  This PNG set selling for DOUBLE my price would not surprise me to see in the next few years. For very detailed and comprehensive background on this issue with all numbers printed etc -  see my special page on these issues:


Finally -  all the 1994 "Emergency" sets I sell are of course guaranteed 100% genuine.  You may ask for a Photo Certificate Of Genuineness on my security watermarked colour letterhead for this set of 11 or 20, dated and signed, illustrating in full colour the exact set I mail you. If required, this CERTIFICATE costs you an extra $A45 on top of price of the stamps, largely to cover the considerable time and messing around of individually preparing each one, typing, and scanning &c.  This is Substantially cheaper than sending it to the R.P.S. in London etc,  which takes half a year to get back, and also incurs substantial Registered airmail cost to you - in both directions.   And quite frankly, the RPS would not have a clue about these issues.  'Too Modern' they would sniff.   Years down the track when the set sells for several times what it does now, such a certificate Guaranteeing these came from original PNG sources in 1994/5 will add FAR more than $A45 to the extra price you obtain when selling.  



Special Offer #9

CHINA  ...  Mao Tse Tung - Entire Cultural Revolution series $A125!

From April 20th 1967 to August 1970.   Scott 938 -1046 complete, (less the cheap #1019/37)  i.e. you are buying 81 different stamps in total here.   Full colour perforated forgeries/reprints (no idea which is correct to be honest!) in a handsome 8 page, 7" x 10" full colour folder/mini stockbook. All neatly arranged in clear hawid mounts.  Includes all 4 of the valuable se-tenant strips 5 and the super rare 1968 8f "Entire Nation Is Red" stamp, Scott #999a.   Originals of that one  stamp alone are now selling MUH in auction for $A125,000.00 apiece – the PRC market is RED HOT in 2010 -

Catalogue value is WAY into double digit 5 figures for these stamps postally used.  (Mint catalogue of course is many times higher still!)  EVERY collector of China or whole world with a printed album,  has all the pages blank for this very scarce era.   Most will readily consider buying these spacefiller attractive reprints than live with blank spaces for eternity in this era in their album.  Even if you sell these at DOUBLE this as a starting price on ebay etc, you’ll do very well.  Bidding might go mad on the scarcer pieces.

The Red hot PNC market might see you do sensationally well offering these per set and strip.  Profit margin considerably higher if you buy in bulk - see the figures below.  One client sent these out in APS approval books marked correctly as not genuine, and told me he got back around $500 nett profit for that effort!  He bought more and hopes to repeat that massive return.  I’ve had these books for 10-15 years, and only just found them in a box.

 1 album for $A125  - -  5 albums for $A525 



Special Offer #10

“The Engraved Stamps Of The Commonwealth Of
Australia” - price *Reduced* $A200 this month!

The quite magnificent official Australia Post produced coffee table book. Compiled by Richard Breckon. Brass cornered, beautifully gold deeply embossed leatherette cover, gilt edged outer leaf edges, with matching marbled heavy slipcase. Issued in a VERY limited Edition for ‘Australia 99’.  I am advised only a few 100 copies were ever made, and were a near instant sell-out .... even at the very high issue price.  Being so recent they almost NEVER come on the market - no-one wants to let them go!

Semi opaque interleaved pages with designs on them. Real heavyweight grade archival weight paper. Varnished glazed paper for effect in parts. The photos really do not begin to convey the lavishness and class of this book.  My guess is the book and slipcase cost well over $100 to make.  Shows masses of issued designs and superlative background info.  Similar in size to a ‘Leather’ PO Year Book.  

Also contains 28 different Official correct size recess printed DIE PROOFS in black from the original dies - from 1913 1d Engraved KGV to 1965 Anzac. Inc most early commems - like Bridge, Jubilee, Canberra, Hermes, Sturt, Sesquicentenary etc.  Also high value Definitives like the £1 Robes and Arms, 7/6d Cook &c.  All this at around $14 an official die proof!  And NOT obtainable any other way than via this book.

The die proofs sold separately would realise FAR more than the entire book is selling for here.  The KGV 1d Engraved, or £1 Robes could very easily bring $100 on their own if sold separately as official PO issued die proofs.

A magnificent book for ANY collector to own. Words cannot describe the lavish production and contents and luxury "feel" .... EVERY person - dealer or collector -
who has seen it here in the office desk picked it up and said "WOW"!  Gary Watson's Prestige Philately got $437 for a set in a Public Auction. They call them "without doubt the BEST product released by Australia post in recent decades”.  Bought 3 in an estate, and have reduced price of last 2 from $500 to just $300 each! Buy yourself a classy GIFT you'll always love handling and looking at  $A300  - (Order as stock number 428YS)



Special Offer #11

Buy Mint Australian Stamps at $100s below FACE value!!!

I have right now about $20,000 of mint with gum Australian and AAT and Cocos and Christmas Island decimal currency period stamps. 

All perfectly valid for use on local or overseas mail of course.  AND you can pay the Registered fee on overseas mail using stamps as well etc.  Your discount depends entirely on the quantity you order, and you will save a TON on your postage costs. 

For instance right now I can sell you $A500 face value for $A390 cash*!

Buy $1,000 face value for just $750 cash*

You save a cool $250.  No GST is added to your invoice either.   CATALOGUE value will be many times face value most times.  Generally in full sets .... I can often supply the entire order in Post Office packs where the stamps are all mint unhinged, and in complete Post Office sets.  Perfect for anyone sending out philatelic mail to clients .. either here or overseas.  OR also perfect for folks overseas placing mint Australia up for sale on eBay etc.  

Or, if you run a small business or want to impress the boss with your business savvy - save yourself $100s today!

Full commemorative sets or mini sheets lightly cancelled are generally worth MORE than face value when lightly used, so using these on mail is a VERY appreciated gesture by those receiving them.  Do NOT pay full face to the PO when you can save $100s and buy off me! 

Click here for FAR more detail on my offer –  



Special Offer #12


LED Magnifier in zippered storage case - Hint as a Gift! - Here's something absolutely EVERY reader of this needs. Only $A52 mailed right to your DOOR globally , and will last for years. In a very classy zippered hard storage case too! WAY less per unit if you buy along with a stamp buddy, your Club, or for re-sale - been a HUGE seller this year for me - Many HUNDREDS units sold click - for a dozen more photos of it - Stock 682RQ



Special Offer #13

1970 7¢ Sturt's Desert Pea Missing BUFF Colour: New listing in latest SG - #486bb £200 ea = $A550 (ACSC $A300 ea) I just bought a strip of TEN copies cheap. MUH single $A165 -- pair with special coil perf $A300 -- strip of 5 for $A675 = ¼ SG!



Special Offer #14

Cocos Island 1991 *Emergency Provisional Overprints* Complete Set: Fresh MUH set of 7 of the regular size stamps, SG 234/239, and that includes the very rare 1991 Coconut "OFFICIAL - PAID MAINLAND" which as always, is CTO with full gum - and was never sold Mint without the corner cancel. A cover with 3 copies, just sold for $A4,800. (SG #01) – Cocos prices have gone quite INSANE at auction in March 2019 - click the link! ASC 140a/148a, cat. $A350 just the 7 small stamps. This includes both types of overprint grid bars on 10¢ Shell, as per cat listings - one is VERY scarce. One of the priciest and most sought “Shell” stamp sets of the post war era - globally. The 2017 ASC Catalogue Retail is $350 a set of 7. I also have the scarce and huge, December 1990 size $5 on 65¢ Aeroplane, Emergency overprint MUH, ASC 186a, cat $A110, for $A70 (Stock 107CR). So, the basic set of 7, ASC Cat $350 is from me $A275 (Stock 107CQ) or all EIGHT overprint stamps as per photo above, including the scarce and huge $5 Aeroplane, for a $A25 discount - all 8 for $A320 (Stock 107CT)



Special Offer #15

1985 Kangaroo "Frama" FDC's Wholesale at under HALF Retail:   These early Frama machine stamp labels are always a big seller.  The multiple hopping Kangaroo design motifs on this one mean it is a BIG favourite outside Australia!   Amazing hoard in orig. P.O. boxes.  Set of 9 different capital city postcodes on P.O. unaddressed FDC from all 9 capital. cities.   Ret. $A20 set.  Even soaked off as "VFU" they are worth $20 a set.   Superb re-sale/investor items.

 10 sets of 9 ... $A85        25 sets of 9 ... $A175      50 sets of 9 ... $A300!



Special Offer #16

New Zealand 2006 Kapa Haka Maori Dancers Rare “Unissued” set of 5: Sold, advertised, mailed and charged to some standing order clients by NZ Post. But hastily withdrawn in panic at Eleventh Hour, as some Maori activists did not like the design images! 39 mint sets of 5 were mailed, and a few FDC, booklets and one coil roll, and they are the rarest post-war issues for 100 years from NZ. (See detailed note on these in SG “New Zealand” cat after SG #2285.) An affordable way to buy these is via the un-issued 45c "Poi" Maori dancer self-adhesive booklet stamps or the 45c coil version. FAST ordering is recommended as when my small stock is gone, they can't be replaced.

Current market leading NZ Len Jury mass selling catalogue is $17,500 a set of 5, FDC at $25,000, and coil or booklet 45c singles $2,500 each. MY price is $A1,500 a single (Stock 583AB) 45c self-adhesive booklet stamp neatly cut from the block, or $A2,750 (Stock 583AC) a horizontal pair. (45c Coil stamps the same prices - Coil strip of FOUR for $A5,000 - Stock 583AH) Or $A5,000 a booklet block of 4 (Stock 583AD) - if a block is still intact of course when you order! (A block of 4 is a booklet “pane” - each booklet has 2 panes of 4, and a pair.) Or the complete booklet of 10 for $A11,000. (One only booklet on hand - Stock 583AE)

These figures are miles lower than NZ retail which is high as tiny supply rapidly shrinks, and news of their existence slowly spreads overseas. "Linn's Stamp News" carried my story on these front page in colour. And best of all, the NZ dollar has strengthened a lot against $A in recent months. A Len Jury auction in Auckland saw a set of 5 of these sell for $14,900 on a $13,500 estimate, and a later Mowbrays NZ sale had a set 5 invoiced at $14,562. In 2016 a set 5 was invoiced at NZ’s largest stamp Auction for $11,500. Forget Auction prices - I have a full set of 5 for sale MUH at $A8,500 a set 5 (Stock 583EF) or $A30,000 for matched MUH blocks 4. (Stock 583EG)

If you buy them off me, as an Australian resident, you avoid a certain 10% GST impost upon arrival from NZ as a highly insured item, versus ordering locally, and avoid the nasty new 3-4% "overseas use surcharge" + bad exchange rate your credit card bank will certainly levy. Likewise for NZ buyers, I mail in such a way Registered as to cause no 15% GST and Customs “interest” there on entry. My copies are IN-STOCK, and ready to mail now. NZ Buyers can pay into my NZ account if they choose, to save card and Forex fees.

Remember only 39 mint sets of 5 of these were EVER sold, and a few booklets and coil stamps, and NZ Post has confirmed that in writing, and confirmed these were a fully legit PO issue - see article below. Each stamp in each set is FAR scarcer than the 1906 1d "Claret" Christchurch, which have fetched up to $NZ22,500 each at public auction. See recent strong sales and that stamp’s history here. These Kapa Haka are Classics of the future. For FAR more details of them all here. A full set of 5 from me costs only $A8,500 (Stock 583EF) - or just $A1,700 apiece!



Special Offer #17

QANTAS $2 Airbus A380 stamp, totally **IMPERFORATE** Block of 4 - just $A75!: Australia Post a few years back, released just 750 x IMPERFORATE uncut press sheets of these $2 stamps. Striking and varnished etc. You needed to phone a special '800' number after midday, and maximum order was a sheet a person, and they sold out within hours as you'd expect. All the $2 stamps depict the massive Qantas Airbus A380. Qantas staffers and aviation collectors keenly seek this sheet, as do the 1000s of pure “A380” theme collectors. Each press sheet was foil numbered in lower right margin, and also comes with a hand numbered PO Certificate Of Guarantee that only 750 sheets in TOTAL were ever sold, including all left and right panes.

Indeed there were only 375 left pane, and 375 x right pane ... both sheets of 12 are marked and numbered thus lower left. This is a Qantas Airbus A380 issue and that is a red hot theme, even for non stamp collectors. And it is fully imperforate. It is an 100% OFFICIAL PO issue, and one of the very smallest issues in the post war era. It was VERY limited, and has remained RED hot - just like the stamp border colour! I obtained a few by paying folks $100 cash profit to sit on the phone for hours re-dialling until they got through. THERE WAS *NO* OTHER SOURCE FOR THESE! Price per IMPERF mini sheet is from $A75 - full details here - with a LOT more photos of all the options and choices on these, even full uncut press sheets 12 available for $A500 - - $A75 (Stock 482YL)



Special Offer #18

Papua New Guinea WHOLESALE High Values at  5%  of Catalogue value:  

    1994  5 Kina  Gogodala dance mask 100 copies, superb CTO from Papua New Guinea Bureau.  
Cost literally $A625++  from the Bureau to purchase at the time, as Kina was worth 25% more than one $A!!   S.G. #723, Catalogue Value £375 = $A1,100.  Or Scott # 839, Retail $US900    = $A1,500    Cheap at $A120

 Or a terrific dealer/investor hoard of 250 copies at $A 220 = $US 130

 Or for  500    cost $A3,125+    at $A 375  That is only 7% of what the 'investor' paid for them at the Bureau and is 5% of the  2002 Scott Catalog retail of $US 4,500! 

 Papua New Guinea High Values are NEVER seen in bulk.  What a superb re-seller line!



Special Offer #19

Wide Range Australia & States designs, 24K Gold on solid bullion, Replica Stamps: $A30 each!: A perfect opportunity for you to own stamps from a Deluxe collection of Australian stamps, in gleaming precious metal proof, struck in solid silver, and plated with 24 Carat Gold known as "The Australian Collection" - for the 1988 Bi-Centenary of Australia. Each in original classy packaging, and unopened. Some of the linked photos are taken from the advertising brochure - the copy from my Archive files - that Australia Post mailed to all those on the ‘Stamp Bulletin’ mailing list back then. MASSES of pix of them and all paperwork here. The Australia Post Philatelic Manager fully endorsed and approved this set by mail, and waxed lyrical in a letter to collectors on what a lovely item it all was and great investment etc. See his actual letter on link nearby from my files. Each ingot is identical in exterior size to the huge original stamp, but MUCH thicker of course.

Highly polished Deluxe Proof quality, hand struck in solid sterling silver, mirror finished plated with 24 Carat Gold, and each is a substantial 2.2 mm thick as you can see in photo. Quite a bit of “melt” value in the large chunk of thick Sterling Silver here alone. Rear of all ingots are stamped with "The Australian Collection" and ".925 Silver HF" to authenticate them. In 1988 - over 31 years back - these replicas cost subscribers exactly $A98.60 an ingot. True! See original receipt scanned on link nearby. These are brand new in the original secure and protective packaging. Each ingot is in a special clear moulded mount, inset into a large Racing Green solid card outer folder about the size of a FDC or PO pack. The ingots are thus still in as minted, highly polished mirror proof state, unscuffed or damaged. VERY few would have been retained thus after 30 years, as near all were inset into the fancy display box that came with the set. A bit like better Dinky Toys, or Barbie Dolls etc, in clean ORIGINAL un-opened packaging - worth MANY times the items if outside the packaging.

Easy to store in a #2 or #3 Hagner, or stockbook pages etc, or even stored flat in a large glassine etc. I bought a hoard off someone who paid $A98.60 each - receipt in link below. A first class letter costs 4 times more than it did in 1988, so this had a relativity value of $400 an ingot in today’s money. You are paying under 10% of that!! I have duplicates of near all the Bullion ingots in the collection, if you want more than one of all of these for the same stamp design, if they suit your collecting themes. Or for ebayer-selling etc. He has duplicates of many - this guy spent $10,000s on these! MASSES of pix and paperwork here - Each stamp design has a unique order code - click link for all details of those. ONE packaged ingot of your choice for $A45 (Stock 526AL) FIVE of YOUR choice stamp ingots for $A200 (Stock 526AK) TEN for $A350 (Stock 527AB) TWENTY ingots of YOUR choice for $A600 (Stock 527AC) or have ONE set only of 23 DIFFERENT Bullion ingot stamps for just $A700 (Stock 526AAC)



Special Offer #20

Australia 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge stamp, Superb VFU: The most iconic stamp from this country, and missing from 95% of collections. It was printed on what was essentially very coarse handtowel type blotting paper, and perforated with blunt nails. This was the absolute height of the Great Depression, and even the Government Printer was economising. The coarse paper means a large number are thinned - try and carefully peel an old hinge off these, and you WILL thin them!

And the perfs, as all will know are often terrible and ripped out, and “fluffy” and poorly punched. They were perforated with the single line machine rather like a fancy treadle sewing machine one line at a time, then sheet rotated 90 degrees, and the other sides done. Hence wide margin centring is not common at all. A beauty - clean and perfect with superb perfs and centering for these “terrors”. Yes these do sell a little lower at times BUT that is due to the inferior centering and reverses etc. Buy top quality for - $A265 (Stock 912AX).



Special Offer #21

Australia 1963 Navigators set 6 attractive *MUH* $A180 (*Or* Fine Used - $A140!) : If there is just ONE stamp absent from any QE2 collection of Australia it is the £2 Admiral King stamp. Every time. THE priciest Australian stamp post-war. A super high value issued late 1964, and replaced a year or later by the new Decimal $4 of same design, so a VERY short life. £2 Admiral King stamp and the ship “Mermaid” is the KEY post war stamp from Australia, and sells for far more USED than mint out of interest! £2 was 480 pence. The set 6 cost 1038 pence at the PO. A standard letter cost 5 pence (5d) then, until decimal currency in 1966, when it became 4c. So this cost 207.6 first class stamps. Taking today’s $1.50 first class letter rate as our guide, this was $A311 in today’s money, so you needed a BIG wage to warrant that high cost - way over a half Century back. You are paying about HALF the initial PO cost price essentially! (Clean *FU* cds set of 6, cat £120, is just $A140 - Stock 742JB – far SCARCER used than mint actually!) Quite nice centering for these, especially key values, clean and flat, with guaranteed original gum MUH. Retail $275, and out they go at $95 under retail - which is about $US130 as I type this. $A180 (Stock 742JA)



Special Offer #22

The Scarcest Australian Decimal Regular Issue!
The "Australia 99" Fully IMPERFORATE Navigator Mini-Sheets.

The big surprise of this mega success story International show.  Produced so that you could take them and have hand created “A99” perfins punched in.  NEITHER were on sale at Post Offices around the country, only by mail order, and even then they sold out in weeks after the show.  WELL worth socking away a handful - they ARE  catalogued and have album page provision in EVERY leading album in the world.  

 Official PO figures indicate only about 15,000 IMPERF sets can exist, making it the scarcest post war regular Australian issue by far.  Fully catalogued and listed by Scott - their Catalogue/retail on these for either Mint or Used is $US32 ($A45) a pair.  Gibbons catalogue price has jumped high as well. 

My price is - Set of 2 M/S, MUH: $A30.   5 sets:  $135  10 sets 2 m/s MUH: $A250.  25 sets: $A575 

Or this month's super web special 60 sets $A1,000 = around $US750! 

I also have a VERY few official PO FDC sets on hand cancelled at the Exhibition.  I bought these on Day #1.  They are OFFICIAL PO unaddressed covers, each with an imperf MS and each with the special Koala Bear Exhibition April 19-22 pictorial cancel.   They are RARE.   Per set $A60 - per 5 sets $A250.  Per 10 sets $A425


To see a larger image, click here.

The IMPERFORATE Navigator mini sheets issued at the exhibition caused a sensation when it was discovered only 30,000 sets were issued - and about half of those received the "A99" perfin.  (See lowest sheet photo.)  The "brown" sheet all got a rare 15½ perf gauge.  Therefore only 15,000 stamps can exist with that perf.

They are well catalogued in all international stamp catalogues.  See the official letter from Australia Post on these -

I have good stocks and these are easily the scarcest post-war Australia post issue.  Tuck a few sets away for the future - or your collection.

The Seven Seas "ASC" Catalogue value on this pair is $A120.  My special price is HALF Cat - $A70 a pair MUH.  5 sets for $A300.  10 sets for $A500

To see a larger image of all THREE, click here.

For far more details on this issue - click here:

Or to cover all bases - an IMPERF set, and an "A99" set MUH for $90.   5 sets $350.   10 sets $A600. 



Special Offer #23

Luxembourg 1956 **RARE** Europa set 3, Hoard - Superb MUH: SG Cat £700=$A1,400, for well under 7% of SG! Bought a few sets very attractively this week in an Estate of an old French gentleman, who had bought them off leading dealer BEHR in Paris, as an Investment, some years back. This is the KEY set to the entire EUROPA Omnibus series, and has always been highly sought. Mint Unhinged, with guaranteed fresh original gum. This set is 65 years old now of course. One of the scarcest mint sets from post-war Europe, and the absolute KEY to any “EUROPA” Omnibus collection. Bright, well centred, with good perfs, and guaranteed original gum mint unhinged, and will look brilliant in any album, at under 10% of SG. THREE sets of 3 for the “bottom drawer” - SG cat $A4,200, for just $A275 (Stock 568UR) One set 3, SG 607/609, cat £700=$A1,400 - $A115 (Stock 568UQ)



Special Offer #24



I Have a MASSIVE stock purchased cheap from a very financially embarrassed "Investor" of these ever popular Annual Collections.
Generally 15 or 20 of EACH book, 1981 to 2000, including all the expensive "Black Leather" Executive books, and the Deluxe brown boxed 1988 Bicentennial set of 5 albums which cost $50 to buy ex PO.
(My price $65 if purchased separately) - and this is a very popular line for me. I am always buying year books and always have a ton of stock ... 3 x entire wall to ceiling bookshelves full in fact!
All must clear regardless of cost.
Let me quote on what YOU need: my price will amaze you! I can supply full sets, single books, multiples of any year, or just the 2 or 3 or 4 you need for completeness. For more details of these - just click HERE! THE most extensive website listing in the southern Hemisphere on these. discounts of 10% to 35% for multiple purchases too ... off my already low prices!

SPECIAL - JUST IN STOCK – 30% OFF RETAIL!! -- deceased Estate lot of a carton of TWENTY Year Books. Complete set 1981 (Book #1) to the scarce 2000 - with the sheetlet of 16 se-tenant Olympic winners, obtainable nowhere else except in this book. The cost of these books from PO alone was $A964. And the super scarce 1988 book is in here of course - also worth about $A125. All the nineties books are difficult to scarce to find in dealer hands and often sell for double face. Priced to clear this week at under the Post Office cost! $A925



Special Offer #25


1999 Lord Howe Island Courier Post full Mint Sheets, and Damaged At Sea signed covers - >The tiny island 'David' - who whupped the "Goliath" Australia Post in a legal exchange!! Superb looking 4 colour, 4 stamp, Marine Life $1.80 stamp Issue - in MUH sheets 40 (Face value $A72!) just $A85, or FIVE sheets of 40, face $360 for just $A300!

Also, even better, I have TEN ONLY of the striking Captain and crew signed ‘Damaged At Sea’ version of these FDC’s - with FDI postmark. There were only 100 of this design ever existing - #1 was presented to the NSW Governor who launched the stamps. Rest of envelopes were destroyed as wording was in error. They were actual Yacht carried to Australia by Alan Pitt – Managing Director of Renniks/Lighthouse and a crew of friends, and are covered in color cachets inc ‘Paquebot’ &c. Each is hand numbered. They were slightly salt water wettened in the hold in the violent storm that saw a crew member FLY home as he could not face the trip back! Each is also signed by designer Margaret Murray AND Allan B. Pitt and all crew, who numbered each. Full details on this amazing voyage here.

Each with a large green ink handstamp on reverse stating carried on sloop "Taranaki" and listing dates, times, and latitude and longitude involved. Postal history of the future for sure, from this SUPER popular island. Each $A50, per 5 for $A200.


The standard FDC above. Sailed "Damaged by sea water" cover below uses a similar envelope, and same stamps, but as you can see is festooned both sides with colourful handstamps, signatures (5) and are all individually numbered.




Special Offer #26

Special Australia Post '2000 Olympic Gold Medal Winners' Album:
(Missed by MOST collectors!)



45c - Ian Thorpe- winning the Men's Swimming 400m Freestyle


Australian athletes won 16 Gold Medals at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.  Australia issued a special decorative sheetlet of 10 stamps for EVERY medal winner. In a world first, these stamps were on sale nationally the day AFTER each medal win!  See my three different front page 'Linn's Stamp News' stories on this remarkable world first  by clicking here:

Australia Post rushed out this special album, with all 16 Gold Medal Winner sheets inside, perfectly housed on black #1 size Hanger sheets.  A LOT of dealers and collectors overlooked this official issue, as it did not receive much publicity at all.  As "Olympics" is a major thematic/topical worldwide, this will always be a key item. And it is of course an 100% OFFICIAL Australia Post Album.

The FACE value of the stamps inside alone was $A72, and the album and Hagner sheets cost extra.  I bought a bunch of these as I had a hunch they'd be overlooked. 

Cost for the whole deal illustrated above is $A100




Special Offer #27


Adolf Hitler “FUTSCHES REICH” (Ruined Empire) 12pf red 

Propaganda Forgery, Stamp Miniature Sheet of 4 flat MUH: 



. Adolf Hitler “FUTSCHES REICH” (Ruined Empire) 12pf red 

Propaganda Forgery, Stamp Miniature Sheet of 4 flat MUH: 

Flat mint unhinged and fully imperforate.  The then current Hitler German 12pf letter rate stamp design lampooned with smiling Hitler ‘Death Mask’.   Originals were part of the World War 2 USA Office Of Strategic Services (OSS) “Operation Cornflake” propaganda campaign to undermine and demoralise the German public. 

Details of this wide ranging stamp propaganda campaign were not found until shortly after the death of wartime USA President Franklin D. Roosevelt - whose stamp collection was sold at auction, and official letters outlining this issue, and examples of the Hitler stamp forgeries,  were discovered among it.

The original "Skull" stamps were key part of a high level clandestine plan to undermine the morale of the average German citizen.  The Allies felt that if many German people started receiving Anti-Nazi propaganda in their morning mail delivered punctually at breakfast time by the mailman, they would feel that their "German Empire" was falling apart from within.

They were the brainchild of General "Wild Bill" Donovan, head of the OSS - the U.S. espionage agency during World War II (that later became the CIA) who ordered the original stamps printed by OSS operations in Switzerland.

The OSS decided that the best way to smuggle the mail into the regular German postal system was to bomb mail trains.  In addition to the bombs possibly destroying the trains, the bombers each dropped sacks of normal looking addressed mail, containing Anti-Nazi propaganda.  During the confusion of cleaning up the wrecks, the false mail sacks were mixed with the damaged genuine German mail. 

The OSS re-created all aspects of the German Postal system, from real business return addresses, to many thousands of names and addresses pulled from the existing telephone directories.  They even replicated the mail bags, postal markings, and every other detail of the postal system.  Every letter was franked with fake "Hitler" stamps.  On opening the letter, they would find it filled with anti-Nazi propaganda, often including a block of the 12pf red "Futsches Reich" Death Skull stamp. See link below.

"War is Hell" as we all know, and Donovan wrote to President Roosevelt: "Every fortnight approximately 500 to 1200 copies of the ‘Frankfurter Zeitung’ newspaper are likewise sent into Germany, where they are mailed to individuals whose addresses appear in the death notices of soldiers who are reported to have died for the Fatherland."

Roosevelt was a keen stamp collector, and was mailed copies of the Hitler forgeries for his own collection, and the website below even contains his “Thank You” letter for them being sent to him.

The original forgeries are fully catalogued in Michel, and of course are rare and expensive, and seldom are offered on the market.  A huge amount of detailed info on this amazing propaganda campaign, and the Hitler forgeries and reprints and all correspondence, can be found here:

I bought a small quantity of these mint unhinged reprint/forgery Miniature Sheets of 4 stamps, about 40 years ago, in my first year of stamp dealing, from an old dealer of Jewish background who lived in Bondi, and have not seen them since until cleaning up this month!  I have no idea of their origin, but they are obviously way over 40 years old, that you have my written guarantee on.   

Surely be a useful sideline addition for Judaica or Germany or USA or forgery collectors? 

Imperforate MUH Miniature Sheet as shown in photo $A30  (Stock 487AB - Approx $US21)

 Or for re-sellers etc per FIVE x MUH Mini Sheets -  $A90 (Stock 487AC - Very approx $US64)

Air post anywhere in the world $A3.  (100% at your own risk)

Signed For Air Post - for one or 5 sheets, anywhere in the world $A8. (Australia $A5)

All credit cards, and PayPal, accepted at no fee whatever to you. is my PayPal address

Order on-line via SECURE HTTPS site  :




IMPORTANT NOTE  ...  all my stamps - on this page or other pages are charged in  AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS  at the $A prices shown.   Where I have used a £Stg or $US price etc conversion in text on any offer at any time - that is to be treated as very APPROXIMATE as it may have been computed a while back.  It was correct at that time, but $A exchange rates have been VERY volatile in recent times.   Please use to ascertain the current EXACT amount in your own currency according to today's mid-rate.   Remember -  I will always charge your credit card the $A sum shown for each lot,  (plus shipping and insurance) and NOT the sum shown as rough approximation in a non-Australian currency.  
There are NO nasty 20-25% "Buyer's Commissions" or other such outrageous fees added to the price YOU pay when you deal with Glen Stephens.   A $1,000 Kangaroo stamp from me costs $1,000 plus shipping.    You could bid "$1,000" for the same Kangaroo stamp from an "Auction" house  (who in Sydney OFTEN owns the stamp themselves anyway!)  and it might cost $1,000 plus 20-25% "Buyer Fee" = the "$1000" stamp is now invoiced at $1,250 before shipping and insurance. It all depends on whether possibly saving $250 is important to you I guess. 


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Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for almost 50 years. Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York). Also Member of IFSDA (Switzerland) and many other philatelic bodies.
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