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This is are a very small selection of the tens of thousands of stamps and "job lots" I have for sale. I am constantly buying new stock, so if what you need is not here, please ask! I stock basic Australia and most "Australasian Pacifics" 100% complete up to 1980, and the material in my lists is generally only the more unusual and interesting stock - let me quote on the "bread and butter" stuff. My prices on such material are the lowest you will find in Australia, whether mint, used, FDC, year albums, packs, etc. Refer to the want list page for details on how to ask me |
And with the terribly low rate of the Australian dollar in recent times, the prices on these lists converts to CHICKEN FEED for those of you who earn other than "Pacific Pesos." Not ONLY the $US, but Sterling and the EURO are also incredibly strong against our pathetic little currency. I buy 99% of my stock locally - I am thought to be the largest stamp buyer in Australia's largest city, so I pay in Pacific Pesos and sell in Pesos, hence the incredible savings to ALL overseas buyers. If you buy via "Auction" (even if you are an Australian resident) you are always paying 15-20% "buyer premium", plus GST/VAT type taxes and other charges in many cases. That can add 30% to the hammer price of the stamps! There is NO sales tax or "premium" or GST/VAT of any kind added to orders from the list below, no matter WHERE I mail the goods. |
is added to prices to any items on this website.
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If you do not find what you are looking for, check my nett price listings with photos on HERE: I list things as ozstamps, admin or Glen Stephens, depending which account I am signed in as!
And all the rarer and
scarcer and mouth watering stuff is added almost every day HERE:
1. Hong Kong FDC Coll: 1986 Halley’s Comet to June 1992 Defins to $50! Superb PO FDC in big $30 album inc. Frama + P/Due set to $10.SG Cat as used alone is £300 =$A860 and FDC are a LARGE premium over used for this era. $A250
2. Gilbert & Ellice WW2 ’CHRISTMAS ISLAND PO’ commerc cover: 2 x 1d KGVI to Naremburn Library NSW. Nice clear cds strikes of: ‘30 Dec:39’ V.rare useage. $A50
3. West Aust. Swans small official Commissariat punctures: 1854 4d imperf (charred corner! - SG # 3 £180) and FU 1861 6d perf 16. (SG # 36 £90) $A70
4. Roos Perf ‘OS’: 4d small+large, 9d lge, 2d all 3 wmks, 6d brown(both wmk) 6d blue &c (14) poor to fine. Ret. $400 + the key 4d small is light cancel used. $A125
5. 1931 1st Airmail Aust/GB: Special cover (from K/Smith) with set 3 K/S + 1/- Roo, Darwin cds + GB 1½d KGV on back ‘London’ cds + cachet. Clean + rare $A50
6. 1944 Official Italian POW Lettersheet Mytleford to Victoria dealer!: From Capt. Iacona ordering (in English) 1935 Silver Jub sets + glassines! 2 x censor HS, censor tape + superb violet 2 line Capt Commandandt approved for transmission’ H/S. $A85
7. Solomon Is full colour printer proof 1989 Marine Nudibranch (sealife) set 4: Imperf printer proofs, issued colours affixed in special House Of Questa folder $A275
8. Australia UPU Congress Bucharest 2005 special Presentation Alb Official AP item with about $A80 face of MUH Int’l Stamps inside. Superb lot, and none of these exist outside the hands of invited big wigs and postal admins &c $A275
9. 1937 2d Violet KGVI Coil Pair: (SG185a £42) + green tester pair fresh MLH $A40 10. Kangaroo 1913 2/- Brown 1st Watermark x 11 copies on old page: GU/VFU. SG #12 £825: Juzwin retail $A1375+. A genuine lot from Estate untouched for 90 years on old album page. All with circular cancels and some very nice stamps here. WHAT a price! Sell 3 or 4 of these and the rest are 'FREE'! About $900 UNDER retail. VERY under-priced even at $125 ea so tuck these away. $A500
11. Carton Australia Year Books at 15% under FACE! 1981 to the scarce 1988. Inc 2 x ‘Leather’ books. Toning ex Estate. FACE of stamps alone $530! $A450
12. Australia Fine Used Decimal coll 1966-2000: Looks 100% complete on 65 Hagners in Maroon binder (Ret $100 alone!) Melb ret $1500, nice collection. $A500
13. Egypt 1879-1961 coll: In an old 40 y.o. royal blue springback. Mint and used, about 900 stamps on 74 pages. SG Cat 696=$A1700. Noted 1961 Zeppelins, 1935 Trains, 1933 Aviation all mint -and these cat £172 alone. Must be worth about $A300
14. Roo 2/- Maroon – huge white flaw under “LI”: Fresh MLH. Clearly the major rated flaw on this stamp issue. ACSC 40K $150. The first I’ve handled. $A80
15. Germany 1936 Berlin Olympics set 8: FDI special Olympic cds on an old A4 size sheet. Some toning but you’ll never see anything like this offered again! $A40
16. Roo 4d Yellow 1913 1st wmk: Melbourne Dec 13 CTO cancel SG 6a $A80
17. British Commonwealth MUH sets, 1980’s mostly: Gibraltar, Jamaica, Nigeria, Pacifics, Phillipines &c. Much useful. Hi cat. Must surely suit someone $A70
18. Australia Deluxe Stamp Week scarce Booklets Wholesale: 1977 x 31. The very classy 1979 x19. 1981 R/Wedd x13 (both types). Juzwin ret $488. $A95
19. GB 1980s and 1990s PO Packs: Face value alone is £20.24 = $A50. $A50
20. Australia $20 banknote Missing Serial Number: 1990 Fraser/Higgins. A very rare MAJOR error almost never offered. Attractive circulated condition. $A250
21. Rhodesia 1905 1d Vic Falls x 9 copies VFU: SG 94. Nice lot. $A40
22. Aust Pre-Dec (No Roos) in Brown 7/Seas Alb: M+U also s/book “States” $A70
23. Australia MUH postage $100 under face: Mostly PO packs. The FACE value of stamps here is $409.10. To clear about more than $100 under face. $A300
24. Aust + B/Cwth in 7 old albums: Useful Aust pre-war. Roos to 5/- (inc decent 1913 4d and 5d) good Pre War commems. £1 robes FU, 7/6d and 10/- Navs on piece. Nauru Ships Cat £50, BMA Malaya M Cat £56 + Jap occ. Greenland SG 1-7 M (£45) a few handy GB cat £300 alone &c. Usual mixed cond but many nice. $A225
25. Perf “OS” Roos + KGV: Stockcard inc Large OS inc both 4d shades (Juzwin $300) Small OS inc 1913 6d. Also both 2/- colours + 5/-. Some KGV to 5d. Also state perfins incl cds 4d blue “OS NSW”. Usual mixed cond. VERY popular material. $A85
26. 1957 Aust. 4d on 3d QEII Official P/Card: x TEN! Superb cond. CTO ‘Clarence Street’ FDI - all unadd. A rare (unique) group ex estate of Postmaster. $A45
27. GB 1963/64 “Phosphors”: COMPAC+Geog. Shakespeare 1/6d MUH $A45 28. Really weird Stockbook ex Estate: Aust Roos. Lots world Hi-Vals, (USA $5 x14, HK to $50) Aust States – hi cat Qld. Cinderellas, Duties. Good 70s Singapore, Aust 1911 1d KGV 1d Letter Card. Papua. PNG inc 68 Shells MUH. Envelope NZ 1/- KGV &c. $10 Hunting x5 MUH. Sheets, m/sheets, proofs, covers. Mixed cond.$A165
29. Audobon “Birds Of The World”: Fancy maroon Fleetwood FDC album cont pretty range (not complete) also Solomons 1979 Defin set 16 to $5 FDC &c $A70
30. Grenada Earlies on stockcard: Includes SG 3,4,5,(unused) 6,7,8,35 (Tete Beche pair Mint) 46,47 etc. Cond is mostly fine Cat £430 (=$A1075) last year. $A135
31. B/Cwth M+U pre-war coll in old “Hartley” peg album: GB prewar cat £500(=$A1375) alone. Some handy Aust, NZ 1926 Admirals (SG £205) 34 Health, 35 airs (£60) Fiji KGVI (£30) H.Kong &c. Usual mixed estate condition but value: $A145
32. India - Chamba: 1900 Q.Vic 3P MUH sheet 120. Minor op vars. SG 40. $A50
33. Aust States + some early New Zealand (mostly QV): On a bundle of ancient album pages. A pretty useful basic starter lot with values to £1 sighted. $A70
34. Massive Heavy carton filled Aust + Norfolk + PNG PSE’s: M+U from estate. Absolutely packed tight and I do NOT want them here! (Large quantity)$A100
35. Aust M+U on leaves from 1927 to 1966 set to $4: Noted 2/- and 2/3d commems. AAT pre-dec set both mint and used + similar other useful material. $A60
36. Carton Used Aust on paper 1980s and 1990s: Values to both $10 seen. On a quick look ex Estate. Many 1000s. Must be useful to SOMEONE at only $A100
37. Australia Jan 84 - end 88 MUH in nice green ‘7 Seas’ H/Less alb: (Ret $80. Even inc sets Thirlmere Railway M/Sheets etc. FACE is over $200! $A175
38. Australia mid 1990’s PO Packs UNDER FACE!: Approx mid 90s run of 60 diff PO packs. The FACE is $165. All in a $30 large album, very tough era. $A150
39. New Zealand “Best Of” Sets of 3 M/Sheets 1996-2000: The first 5 years, fresh MUH. These are NOT sold by NZPO, but given to their top clients. Each has 3 unconnected issued stamps in M/Sht format. (15 MS in total) Ret $225. $A125
40. Roo 1913 3d 1st Wmk: Absolutely Superb MVLH corner copy. SG 5c $A175
41. Large Carton Kiloware. Mostly Australia: Also a coll. of PSE’s $A100
42. Australia FDC Coll 1937 to Xmas 1990 in 3 big albums: (These ret $95 alone!) All the modern are clean unaddr. Some spots on the earlies.(~300 FDC) Retail is about 3 times this! Superb lot for someone just starting on this field. $A200
43. Roo 1915 3rd Wmk 5/- Grey & Yellow USED BLOCK OF 4: with Telegraph puncture. SG 42. Retail $500 otherwise! Seldom seen in multiples. $A125
44. GB MUH Decimal Commems Coll: In big stockbook. (A few LH) to 1980s. The face value alone is £97¾ = $A245. To clear TODAY @ just UNDER face! $A195
45. Huge Lot World Xmas Seals/TB Seals: Ex Bill Hornadge. In full sheets 20 to 80 each. Goes back to 1932. GB, Ryukyus, USA, NZ, Canada etc. Bill had priced these realistically at $1,194. My nett price is just 10% of that. HUGE quantity! $A120
46. Nauru MUH collection: From 1974 1st Contact to Dec. 1990 MUH in quality red Lighthouse padded cover S/Bk. (ret $50) The FACE value alone is $A308. $A300
47. SG Brand New ’Swing-O-Ring’ 22 ring Album: Still in orig storage box. Never used. 50 x black pages, quadrille ruled with interleaves. Retail $120+…. $A60
48. Aust Pre-Dec from Roos + KGV to 2005: In Green springback. Lots of 2/- + 2/3d commems, nice 10/- Robes. Strong Decimals inc 72 Xmas, 72 Beef. Defins to various $10. Se-tenant strips+ pairs. Very strong in the modern. Great buy. $A125
49. Thailand 19th Century to 1970s on Hagners. Including Siam. $A50
50. New Zealand mint coll 1985 – 2000. Well under face: On leaves. Full sets, lots mini sheets, panes etc. FACE alone is $NZ572. Fresh lot a steal at: $A300
51. Australia Gutter Pair collection: In bulging Maroon binder. 1970 to 1988. All MUH. Inc pairs, gutter pairs, blocks. Inc MANY scarce items like 1970 Nat Dev, 1972 Munich and Xmas, 73 Nat Dev. Even scarce perf errors like 1975 10c Pollution 14.75 etc. FACE is $500+ The retail would be way over $1,000 maybe $1500. $A500
52. Papua New Guinea M+U coll: 1952 to £1, to 1965. 461 stamps and 4 M/S. 1980-1995 appears MUH. Vals to 5K. Condition a bit mixed as usual on PNG! $A150
53. Roos + KGV in 2 stockbooks: Roos from 1913 to 1930s. Vals to 2/-, some CTO. KGV to 1/4d. Some PO CTO inc 4d Violet. Also some “OS”. (Many 100s) $A60
54. NZ Used Coll 1929 Health to 1970: On old SG leaves. Noted 1934 Trans Tasman (£40) 34 Health (£17) 35 air, 35 S/Jub (£28) 2/-+3/- Picts, 1940 Defins (£19) “Arms” series inc £1 and 30/-. Some light cleanable toning to someone patient! $A80
55. Aust QE2 Booklet panes postal U: SG 313ab (x2) 314d, scarce 354a (£21 – fine) 385a, 386ca (latter 2 missing tab) Few blemishes due to parcel useage. $A50
56. British New Hebrides on Hagners: 1963/72 ‘Birds’. The duplicated high values are cat £400 alone (=$A1000) and many are VFU. Also some earlies. $A125
57. French New Hebrides on Hagners: 1963/72 ‘Birds’ Hi Vals alone (most are VFU) are SG correct cat £800 =$A2,000 alone. Plus some earlies. Cheap $A250
58. 1997 $10 Kakadu Park x 62 used copies! An almost “never” seen stamp used. Australia’s most attractive Decimal stamp in my view. Was almost never used on mail and now obsolete. Clean FU/VFU. SG 1689 £450 =$A1,100. Cheap! $A125
59. Aden And States: On hagners including India used in Aden. KGVI. Useful M+U 1953 QE, 1966 Football set perf + imperforate Mint &c $A50
60. Australia Perfins: About 1850 stamps nearly in a green Lighthouse stockbook. From Roos and KGV heads, to 1988. All states here. Many on OMHS pieces. $A85
61. New Zealand ‘Seven Seas’ hingeless albs – 2 vol set in slipcases: 1953-1995, QE2 reign. Clean set – ret. $400 alone (with page for Ross Dep. as well) Fairly complete coll inside, mostly MUH. Sighted range mint M/S from 1958. $A250
62. Ancient black “Perry” Springback: M+U Brit/Cwth coll from imperfs to WW2, formed by a sea captain. HK, India+States, Canada, early W. Indies + Africa etc. Untouched for 50-60 years I’d guess. Cleanable age toning. (Many 100’s) $A125
63. CHINA: M+U coll in green s/book incl. some blocks. (550+) $A70
64. Germany 50s and 60s M_U in brown Stockbook: Mint mostly ‘stuck’ – due to humidity, but the used seem are all OK. Many of them are FDC cutouts. $A45
65. SPAIN Coll 1853 to 1981: In 2 x massive Schaubek German albums.(Pages to 1985) Retail of these is $450 alone. Mainly used, an even spread all eras. Useful 1930’s era. Correct Michel cat lightly penciled on each page. Cat is €1860 = $A3115. Mostly U to 60s, then around more than 50% are mint thereafter it looks like. $A500
66. Barbados 1938 “Badge” lovely coll: Duplicared M=U coll on stack ancient leaves. Set 16 M(£) + extra. Mint plate number blocks 4, imprint blocks 8 of most, inc 1½d x 14 cat £65½ alone. Lots are MUH. A most attractive design. $A125
67. Australia 2000 Olympic Sheets Under Face! 28 sheetlets of 20, and 4 sheets of 10. 600x 45c in MUH sheetlets. FACE is $A270. To clear at only- $A230
68. Hong Kong U Coll: 19th Cent to 1990s on Hagners. Good QE inc 1973 set 14, 1982 set 16, 82 + 87/88 + 92/96 sets all to $50 + good commems. SG £100s. $A150
69. Aust. 1950s era 5d Commems mainly in sheets: Around 2,000 fresh MUH in sheets. Noted sheet of 160 x 1956 4d No Wmk Koala – Cat £320=$A800 alone. TOTALLY unchecked hoard for the big stacks of constant ACSC vars! $A150
70. Aust. Decimal FDC Coll 1966-1990 in large $60 album: Clean lot, nearly all are PO unaddressed. 150 FDC. FACE is $A215. Ret is many $100s $A135
71. Solomon Is KGVI set 12 to 10/- on Reg’d cover to Sydney: A real “eye appeal” typed address cover to Sydney. Each tied w/Honiara cds.SG £89+ $A70
72. Scott USA “Specialised” Cat 2001: Current version retails for $140. $40
73. G.B. M+U Coll early Q.Vic to 1977: All in a lavish, huge ‘Schaubek’ album. (Ret. $100s) The sparse pre-war alone is Cat £650. Much QE2 is MUH. Cheap $A175
74. Christmas Is ‘Errors’ Coll on SG ‘Senator’ Leaves: 1963-78 incl mint positional blocks, strong in 1972 Ships. Most unusual and very nicely written up $A75
75. Aust PO FDC circa 1990 hoard duplicated: Great commem sets often 10-15 each like 89 Stage,90 High Country, 89 Pastoral. Clean PO unaddressed. FACE is $237. Cost $260 ex PO. SG Cat £342=$A850 as U sets OFF cover! $A120
76. Australia expensive green ‘7 Seas’ Album 1913-85: Strongest in clean MUH Decimals from 1966 – the FACE value of these alone is about $A150! - $A200
77. German 1872 2KR Orange ‘Small’ Shield Eagle: Clean light cancel and attractive, with minor back faults. Noted on back as “Large Shield” but I can’t be sure. Cat as cheaper SMALL Shield Michel 8, €380=$A640. SG 9 £275=$A685. 10% $A70
78. PNG used coll 1952 to 1969 Shells: Nice £1 QE2 CTO. 1964 Birds CTO. (£15) 1966 Butterflies CTO (£16) Also commemorative sets. Useful material. $A55
79. NSW £1 Carrington scarce perfin “OS NSW”: Clean w/c used. $A125
80. Norway Used Coll 1855-1947: On SG leaves. From 1855 2/3/4/8 Sk. 1866 inc 1+24 Sk. 1891 inc 1/2/5 Sk + later. Mixed cond. Michel Cat €782=$A1300. $A150
81. Alderney M coll 1993-2004: On SG leaves.95% are MUH.SG cat £46.$A40
82. Australia Replica Card ‘Silver Jubilee’ x 25 superb unfolded $A65
83. Aust U Decimals in deluxe $42 Lighthouse stockbook: Lots 1991 $1 Commems – 28 x RAAF, 15 x $1 Duck, 17 x Radio + similar. Also world Used. $A85
84. PNG PO Packs Coll 1973-1988: In a large Maroon album (Ret $50) From 1979-nov 88 are compl. 65 Diff. ASC Cat $414.50 checklist enc. Under ½ cat. $A200
85. Aust 1950s scarce 2/- Commems x 100 each!: 1952 2/- Coron, 1954 R/Visit, 1954 v.scarce 2/- blue Olympic Publicity. (300) clean GU/FU – nearly all with CIRCULAR steel cancels. Juzwin $800. ASC $720. An absolute GIFT at - - $A150
86. Aust 1954 Royal Visit NINETY sets of 3 MUH!: ASC Cat $247. $A120
87. 1956 7½d Olympic fresh sheet 80: (Right sheet) with all plate vars inc 333d x 2, 333e x 2 and 333ea in strip 5! ($100) Also Plate pips etc. ELUISIVE!! $A75
88. 1956 1/- + 2/- Olympic: Fresh MUH sheets 80 each. With all vars inc SG 334d ($20)+ 335 d/e/f/z/za (These are cat $100 alone!) You’ll never see these again! $A85
89. 1958 2/- Qantas sheet 80 with major re-entry: Fresh w/c MUH. $A120
90. Australia 1958 Memorial Pair: Superb well centred MUH sheet of 80 $A70
91. Aust. 1955 Cobb & Co x 180 fresh MUH sets in sheets/panes etc: Noted some plate pips. A few gum bends. Retail $360. Estate super special. $A100
92. Aust 1965 Anzac Hoard: 5d x 180, 8d x 360 in sheets + ½ sheets. 8d VERY scarce – only 1¼m sold! With plate pips + “pocket” Flaw + retouch on 8d.(ACSC $105 alone) Also ½ sheet 30 of the 2/6d Robin bird. ASC Cat as normals is $780! $A150
93. Aust 1965 2/3d Anzac retouch: 2 x fresh MUH horiz strips 3 each showing ACSC 428F in early + late stages. (The var is better seen under the “2” actually.) I tore personally these strips from full sheets: both are G’teed to be row 6/5! Cat $92. $A60
94. 1965 2/3d Anzac all 3 ACSC vars: Each in a MUH strip 3 CV $132. $A75
95. 1965 2/3d Anzac Plate Pip blocks of 8: 2 x left. 1 x right. All fresh w/c MUH. ACSC 428B/BA - $90 (24) Remarkably difficult to source material.Cheap $A60
96. H.Kong 1982 set 16 to $50 - superb PO FDC: SG 415/30 £55 U. $A45
97. India Relief Fund – ‘Lady Minto’s Fete Calcutta Jan 1907’: Blocks 4 of both 4A (one in MS format) margin blk 11 x 1A + set 3. Cleanable toning (22) $A85
98. 1994 Scott Cat - 5 Vols - entire World: Large heavy books, a carton full. Current ed. costs $600. Super handy if you want Scott reference for numbers &c. $80
99. Winston Churchill colls: 1965+1974 colls in the special SG album + slipbox (65) and very classy USA Kenmore album (1974). Mostly MUH and both books looks complete. Fresh lot, covering very many countries, with high catalogue value. $A200
100. Aust. Pre-Decimal Banknotes: Useful lot from estate. KGVI 10/-, £1 and £5, and the same values for QE2 with a £10 as well! Circulated condition. (7) $A120
101. AAT FDC Coll: Nice APO lot. 1981 to 1994. FACE is $70. (37) $A55
102. World on 40 Hagners in binders: (These ret $60!) Noted a few better like GB Seahorse set+£1 KG6 (£230) France 49+54 Air (£64) Xmas Is 58 set MUH. $A70
103. Nauru Bag of MUH at Half face! Inc MS + packs &c. Face $A195! $A100
104. 1972 Primary Industry “Beef” issue: 20¢ x14, 30¢ x7, 35¢ x16. All in MUH blox.. ASC Cat $134. Cost owner $750 in 1980! Estate clearance at only: $A60
105. Aust Imprint and Corner Blocks 4: In orange “Hawid” stockbook. Roos 2/- also 2/- Croc. Both types 1/6d Hermes, 2/- commems. Also MUH pair £1 Arms and a single MUH £1 Robes. (this some perf tones). Usual mixed cond ex Estate. $A120
106. New Zealand 1993-2000 M on leaves +U: The FACE value is $39 $A40
107. “Europa” Davo Album: To mid 1980’s in 2 slipboxes. (Cost $100s) Great range of stamps - MUH from mid 1970s. Sheetlets, M/Sheets etc. High cost. $A250
108. New Caledonia superb complete MUH coll: 1985-93 on Hagners. SG 763-957 100% comp excl 3 common defins incl Airs. S G 2004 £562=$A1400. $A400
109. Romania Large M+U coll in big black springback: From imperfs to about 2000. Noted 1903 PO set 8 (100 €) 1939 King Karl M/S + many other useful M/Sheets -many numbered. Groaning with thematics and topicals throughout. $A135
110. N.Z. FDC Coll 1990-1997: Superb coll in a $30 blue album. Inc MS, blocks, se-tenants + defins to $20! FACE val alone $198. NZ Ret $500 this tough era $A200
111. United Nations MUH Coll 1951-1985: In “Davo” album in slipcase. (Lots of face value here) Also the special pricey blue classy album of Deluxe FDC - $A85
112. Three ‘7/Seas’ Hingeless Aust. Decimal albums 1966 - end 1982: Grandpa did them for the kids and then died. Quite good cond. All diff colours. The books and pages alone cost $420! Quite well filled with MUH. The FACE value of which is $330 alone. Some of course is FAR better than face. Also some used where he had not secured mint sets yet, on his pension and all these are uncounted. $A300
113. Aust PO Pack Coll 1969 (No #1) to Xmas 1979: In the massive “PW” special album (Ret $100 true - pricelist attached) inc many “goodies”. Retail is literally many $100s not counting supposed Jap packs (unchecked). All in good cond. $A150
114. Framas Full Postcode Sets MUH: ‘Barred Edge’ 30c, 33c, 40c ,45c, 85c, 90c. ‘Roo’ 33c, 45c, 90c. ‘Platypus’ 37c, 50c ,$1. Juzwin retail $415. Cheap - $A175
115. MALTA 1981 Defin set 16 to £3 FU on piece FDI cds. SG £39 $A40
116. PNG M+U coll 1952-mid 70s: In dusty brown Lighthouse stockbook- stamps look fine! M=U of nearly all. The Mint mostly MUH. Noted 10/- Rabaul “Specimen” as well. The used are mostly lovely PO corner CTO examples. VERY high retail. $A185
117. Victoria 1854 6d Imperf on ship cover to NSW: Inscribed curiously as ‘Per Governer General’. Sydney + Mel b/s. Condition reas for over 150 yrs old. $A45
118. POLAND Huge M+U Coll: 1958/1992 in 5 large black albums. Roughly 50% Mint and 50% Used. 1000’s of stamps and about 100 Mini Sheets, Michel cat approx 1,600 Euro = $A2,650. Totally untouched estate lot in usual mixed condition, in a large carton. At less than 20% of catalogue! Loaded thematics. $A500
119. Melbourne Emergency Mailing Service 1968: Half sheets of 8, of all 5 values, fresh MUH. (+ a single set 5) formed due to postal strike. I’ve never even seen blocks 4 before – always singles. (45) Much more elusive than you’d imagine. $A70
120. Roos 10/- and £1 Clean Used pair: Fresh and clean used with no faults or thins, creases etc. Neat circular single cancel on each stamp. SG 136/137.(2) $A375
121. Australia 1990s FDC: Clean PO unaddres. Nice sets. FACE is $66! $A40
122. Tokelau FDC coll. 1974 Shells (SG £7 U) to 1990 Handicraft (SG £10 U): 34 x P.O. unaddressed FDC- inc a few Niue. This area at $2 a FDC is crazy priced! $A70
123. Aust Decimal coll 1968-86 on 7 Seas pages in Maroon springback. Mostly used incl the good early sets, but some mint noticed inc 1972 Xmas etc. $A55
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Complete Set Aust Post Year Albums 1981-2000 Under FACE!
Estate special. The FACE value of the stamps
is $720
issue piece was $964!
Australia Post book from the 1981 book also has a matching
coloured, hard slipcase to prevent
dust and moisture entering the book.
Papua New Guinea 1994 Rare "Emergency Overprints": Papua New Guinea 1994 "Emergency Overprints": I do now have, and have always had, the largest stock of these overprints in the world. Buy DIRECT from the original "source"! Thousands of collectors NEED this set to complete their collections. Only 45,000 were ever printed, NONE were sold by the agents, Papua New Guinea Bureau, or even Australia Post. Nearly all were used up on genuine commercial mail. Not discovered by stamp world until months after all the key values all used up! I first reported their existence to the stamp world.
"Set of 11" - SG #
730/740. Michel # 714 -724.
Scott # 860/871. ASC Cat $A420.
Local Richard Juzwin retail price is $A330. The Seven Seas Stamps "Australian Stamp Catalogue" (ASC) price for the set 11 is $A420. MUH set of 11 - my VERY special DISCOUNT price offer for this month is: $A275. Or MUH blocks of 4 (very rare) $A1,250. I also have the earlier and later overprints also at terrific discount prices. For a complete set of TWENTY different overprints my discount price is $A335 or that full set 20 in MUH blocks 4 for $A1,500. These will never be cheaper.
Definitive sets like the 1967 Anguilla overprints are already cat at £9,000 in Stanley Gibbons ... and Anguilla has NOTHING like even 1% of the collector following of PNG I suspect. Think about it! £9,000. This PNG set has a LONG way to go yet - that seems very clear. This PNG set selling for DOUBLE my price would not surprise me to see in the next few years. For very detailed and comprehensive background on this issue with all numbers printed etc - see my special page on these issues:
Finally - all the 1994
"Emergency" sets I sell are of
course guaranteed 100% genuine. You may ask for a
Photo Certificate Of
Genuineness on my security
watermarked colour letterhead for this set of 11 or
20, dated and signed, illustrating in full colour the
exact set I mail you. If
required, this CERTIFICATE costs you an extra $A45
on top of price of the stamps, largely to cover the
considerable time and messing around of individually
preparing each one, typing, and scanning &c. This
is Substantially
cheaper than sending it to the R.P.S. in London
etc, which takes half a year to get back, and also
incurs substantial Registered airmail cost to you -
in both directions. And quite frankly, the RPS
would not have a clue
about these issues. 'Too Modern' they would
sniff. Years down the track when the set sells for
several times what it does now, such a certificate
these came from original PNG
sources in 1994/5 will add FAR
more than $A45 to the extra price you obtain when
Special Offer #127 ***** I bought Pallet loads from Germany! *****
Bulk in bulk and pay 20% UNDER RETAIL! This is a wonderful lot. My BEST selling line all year. Another few pallets of stock just arrived. All BLACK pages as that is what all collectors prefer. Your stamps look SO much better on black pages than white. The universal best-seller 32 page size. More details on this offer here -
This new Deluxe line has really CLASSY looking covers front and back - like a rich 'marbled' leather look I suppose you'd call it. SO much nicer looking than the boring solid colours used for the past 30 years - even by "Lighthouse"! A lovely mix of cover colours per carton as you can see in photo. Five different colours - 2 books in each colour per carton. PERFECT for your fast location of your GB, NZ, Norfolk or USA or Canada collections.
These are top quality West German made "Lighthouse" books. The BEST! Surely your stamps DESERVE the best .... and at HALF the usual storage costs ..... why ever not?! The photos above were taken by me, and are of the books and colours you actually receive.
These books have CRYSTAL CLEAR strips - 9 strips per page. This is much more expensive than glassine to manufacture of course, but with glassine your stamps are always half hidden behind murky/cloudy type glassine when you look at them. VERY few stockbooks (only a few %) sold in the past 25 years have CLEAR strips, as the cost to make them is high. Strong LINEN HINGED pages on both sides for very long wear, and DOUBLE glassine interleaving to protect all your stamps - and stopping the cheaper single interleaved pages from tangling and crumpling up - which they ALWAYS do!
Postage and insurance is of course extra, but as always, I use carefully selected, light cancelled, philatelically VERY valuable stamps and se-tenant strips, small run modern mini sheets of 10 etc on every carton mailed, so the "real" shipping cost is often basically zero to you. POSTAGE ON TWO BOXES is exactly the SAME as ONE box within Sydney! Indeed, TO ANYWHERE within the Sydney Metro/Central Coast/Newcastle/Wollongong costs the SAME for 1 or 2 boxes - i.e. $A10 Registered post and packing in total.
Don't ask me why but if I mail you ONE stock book it costs exactly the same as TWENTY books costs! Australia Post calls anything over 500g a "parcel" therefore 501 grams to 20 kilos costs the identical dollar figure to ship to these areas. So you save a FORTUNE on shipping if buying your stockbooks in one order.
REMEMBER: It is a great idea to now and again re-house ALL your stamps. At this price why not do that NOW? Stockbooks 10-15 years old WILL have mould growing on the pages if stored in Australia. NO doubt about it. In any coastal areas it will start in well under 10 years. And on black pages it is VERY hard - indeed almost impossible - to see with the naked eye. You WILL see it using a UV lamp - go check your books! For a measly $23 a new stockbook to put your $1,000s of stamps into a brand new clean book makes superb sense.
In 25 years of stamp dealing I have
learnt one truism. No
collector can EVER have too many empty stockbooks!
Just because you "think" you will not use 10 or
20 (or 30 or 40 or 50) you are WRONG.
Trust me.
you do not find what you are looking for, check my nett price
listings with photos on HERE:
I list things as ozstamps,
admin or Glen Stephens, depending which account I am signed in as!
And all the rarer and
scarcer and mouth watering stuff is added almost every day HERE:
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The most visited stamp dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere! |
... all my stamps - on this page or other pages are charged in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS at the $A prices shown.
Where I have used a £Stg or $US price etc conversion in text on any offer
at any time - that is to be treated as very APPROXIMATE as it may have
been computed a while back. It was correct at that time, but $A exchange
rates have been VERY volatile in recent times. Please use the
spinning gold currency converter found on Home Page of my website to
ascertain the current EXACT amount in your own currency according to
today's mid-rate.
Remember - I will always charge your credit
card the $A sum shown for each lot, (plus
shipping and insurance) and NOT the sum shown as rough approximation in a
non-Australian currency.
There are NO nasty
15% "Buyer's Commissions" or other such outrageous fees added to
the price YOU pay when you deal with Glen Stephens. A $1,000
Kangaroo stamp from me costs $1,000 plus shipping. You could
bid "$1,000" for the same Kangaroo stamp from an "Auction" house
(who in Sydney OFTEN owns the stamp themselves anyway!) and it might
cost $1,000 plus 15% "Buyer Fee" plus 10% GST on that $1,150 = the "$1000"
stamp is now invoiced at
$1,265. All
depends on whether possibly saving $265 is important to you I guess.
To order, click here. To read ordering instructions, click here.
Instant Currency Conversion
FREE! Just click
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GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp
Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
"Lothlórien," No. 4 The
Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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re SELLING your stamps for
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"Internet Only" special offers - CHEAP!
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items from ANY of my dozens of lists
Click here for the complete library of my very
unusual world travels! How to PAY me. I accept
EVERYTHING - even blankets and axes and beads!
Australia Post
- massive stock -
'27% off'
discount offer today!
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RARITIES - Roos & other expensive photo items.
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Every credit card shown is
accepted WITHOUT fee.
Earn Frequent Flier points while buying at bargain prices!
ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars. I charge NO nasty, nasty
"Buyer's Commission" on stamps like nearly every "Auction" does.