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while buying at bargain prices! ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars.
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like nearly every "Auction" does.
Glen Stephens
"A-8" Price List
Search my 200 web pages! Simply type in what you are looking for and all matches will be displayed. Gold Sovereigns, Latvia, Morocco, Florence Nightingale, FDC |
This is are a very small selection of the tens of thousands of stamps and "job lots" I have for sale. I am constantly buying new stock, so if what you need is not here, please ask! I stock basic Australia and most "Australasian Pacifics" 100% complete up to 1980, and the material in my lists is generally only the more unusual and interesting stock - let me quote on the "bread and butter" stuff. My prices on such material are the lowest you will find in Australia, whether mint, used, FDC, year albums, packs, etc. Refer to the want list page for details on how to ask me.
And with the terribly low rate of the Australian dollar in
recent times, the prices on these lists converts to CHICKEN FEED for those of
you who earn other than "Pacific Pesos." Not ONLY the $US, but Sterling and
the EURO are also incredibly strong against our pathetic little currency. I
buy 99% of my stock locally - I am thought to be the largest stamp buyer in
Australia's largest city, so I pay in Pacific Pesos and sell in Pesos, hence
the incredible savings to ALL overseas buyers. If you buy via Auction (even if
you are an Australian resident) you are always paying
15-20% "buyer premium", plus GST/VAT type taxes in many cases. There
is NO
sales tax or "premium" or GST/VAT of any kind
added to orders from the list below, no matter WHERE I mail the goods.
So grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and enjoy your browsing!
IMPORTANT! Every price on
my lists is NETT, in weak AUSTRALIAN dollars!!
Check the low cost in YOUR currency by clicking here.
This is price list number "A-8." Lot #12 is an easy double your money lot for a re-seller. (Make $A1,750!) AUSTRALIA 99 stuff has gone BALLISTIC in the market. My list last month got MORE responses than anything I have done in 15 years. Lot #14 WILL go up in price next month for sure. Stocks got GOBBLED up, and NO dealer has any. Max Stern tells me he got NONE. NONE! - he is Australias biggest dealer. There are DEALERS buying tons of Lot #15 as everyone missed these. Lot #16, if I still have it in stock, will go up dramatically in price in the coming months. They are in truth, probably worth the same sort of figure as the AUSTRALIA 99 perfins (i.e. $A95 a set). See the sensational Australia Post press release just issued to Australasian STAMPS Magazine, showing that there are only about 20,000 sets on the IMPERF Mini sheets possible to exist as imperfs.
(You will find that official letter here. If you asked me last week about my guess of numbers sold of this set I would have guessed at something like 250,000 sets. So would have most other dealers. We ASSUMED the P.O. would go big time on these. It is of course the first time in HISTORY that Austrlaia Post issued a perf and imperf miniature sheet. These new figures are quite frankly, astounding to me, and these IMPERF sheets being $A100 a set one day would not surprise me. Glen Stephens
Stop Press: Special Offer for a short time only, and ONLY to the loyal readers of my web page, and ONLY whilst present stock lasts. If you want some of these AUSTRALIA 99 totally IMPERF mini sheets to "tuck away" for a rainy day, I will let them go at 50 sets for $A1,000. (About $US650 or only $US13 a SET!) The usual price on lot #16 is $A1,350. But to get this price you MUST mention that you are responding to this special Web offer. Your $A1,000 being worth $A2,000 or $A3,000 in very short order would not surprise me once the official Australia Post sales figure spreads around the world! Who needs the stock market! I am right now doing a story on this entire exciting Navigator mini sheet story for both Linn's Stamp News in the USA and Philatelic Exporter in the UK. So far collectors and dealers overseas have basically NO idea these items even exist. Watch the prices go ballistic next year when catalogues and album pages all come out!
IMPORTANT! Every price on
my lists is NETT, in weak AUSTRALIAN dollars!! Check the low cost in YOUR currency by
clicking here.
This is an EXPORT pricelist. All prices on this Web site are GST FREE to overseas buyers. (Australian buyers - applicable GST will be added to all invoices) |
1. Norfolk Is. Pre-Decimal Hoard: Fresh MUH blocks from 1947. Noted 5d P.O. x 41 (Ret.$A82) 2/8d Surch. S.G. 30 x 7, (S.G. £70=$200) Xmas 1961-64 x about 20 each. (Ret. $A150) 1962 Fish 10 of each 64 Scenes x 8 sets etc. Superb approvals, etc. $A95
2. CUBA: 1981 Animals/Fauna set in CTO sheets 100 (600) Superb. SG £110. $A40
3. GB £1 1970/2 MACHIN HEAD: An amazing discovery! Some sheets of totally imperforate stamps of this Hi Value. MUH IMPERF pair: $A150. Or a far more spectacular showpiece or investment, a top marginal Block 4 for only $A275.
4. Straits Settlements: Q.Vic to KGVI M+U on leaves. Values to $5, etc. $A65.
5. 1986 Platypus Frama ZERO Labels (00.00): A rare freak omission when machine malfunctioned. ACSC F4aa Catalog $A25 each. 5 x MUH $A50, or 10 MUH for $A85, 25 mint for $A160. Great for investor or re-seller items. Order today!!!
6. The New Comprehensive Australian Stamp Catalogue: The very BEST on the market. 225 large A4 sized pages, full colour, and spiro bound to lay FLAT on your desk! Has fully detailed listings of every Aussie stamp, pack, FDC, Dues, perf variety, gutter pair, PSEs, etc. Also AAT and Australian States. Retail is $A40, but as a SPECIAL, Ill include a 16 page German made stockbook as WELL, for $A45 the lot!
7. Philatelic Forgers (Their Lives & Works) and Focus On Forgeries: The 2 vol.set by Varro Tyler: the latter book serialized monthly in Australasian Stamps Magazine. From the well known (and not so well known) 19th Century fakers, to Peter Winter's very dangerous late 1980s gems from "Pro Phil Forum" in Europe. Shrink wrapped, perfect for gift giving or resale! Two essential books for ANY collector or dealer. BOTH for $A65.
8. 1938 Robes Set 3 - absolutely SUPERB used, corner touches on each. $A60
9. Lord Howe Island Courier Post 1999 Emergency Issue: See cover story July ASM. The $7.20 booklets issued due to legal threat by Australia Post. I bought a bundle: sure sellout. 10 for $A100; 25 for $A215 or the FDC of these - only 200 done! One sold for $A25 on the eBay online auction in mid-July. 5 for $A65; 10 for $A100.
10. Nauru Coll. On Hagners: 1954 to 1998 largely complete ex. Estate. Virtually all MUH. FACE value alone is $A94, and this includes the scarce oldies! $A100
11. Tasmania 1892 2/6d Q.Vic. Tablet: Superb fresh w/c MUH original gum. $A55
12. Worlds Largest HAWID MOUNT stock! Four large CARTONS full! 2,792 brand new un-opened packs of German Hawid Mounts, all sorted per size, in both black and clear. Wide range of sizes. Retail $A3 - $A4½ per pack. $A0.60 each! This is HALF the importers actual landed cost price. Tremendous re-seller/wholesale line. Make them up into: parcels of 25 different size packs retail $A100, my price $A30, etc. $A1,675
13. Seychelles 1954/61 QE Defin Set 19: Comp. to 10R. Superb U. S.G. #174/88. $A40
14. AUSTRALIA 99 Scarce Perfin Navigator Mini Sheets: The hot items on the International market from AUSTRALIA 99. Only 15,000 sets ever done & 90% of these went to collectors, not dealers! The rare brown M/sheet contains Australias 3 very RAREST Decimal stamps, (see front cover June ASM) each with the rare 15½ perf, which will be catered for in leading albums + catalogs. At this price they are only $A30 apiece. A 14.75 Navigator, a far commoner stamp, is $A75 even today! Per set of 2 m/sheets: $A90. 2 sets: $A170 (remember if you want the rare perf in mini sheet and singles format you will need 2 sets of Mini Sheets!) 5 sets $A375. See the complete story on these popular sheets here, and a newer article on them here.
Click here
for larger image.
The rare perforation Mini-Sheet that only 15,000 can exist of. ALL rare perfs occur on the sheets hand perfed with small "A99" at left of sheet.
15. AUSTRALIA 99 IMPERF Mini Sheets on P.O. Covers!! A Decimal Classic. NOT available from the P.O. Bulletin. STANDARD size small P.O. covers, so these WILL fit into your albums! (190 mm x 110 mm) Superb unaddressed, and all with the special pictorial World Stamp Expo "Koala" cancel. Each M/S on seperate cover. Choice of Navigator design Cover or Koala AUSTRALIA 99 FDC envelopes. $A90 EACH set, or BOTH design types for $A170. (i.e 4 covers)
16. AUSTRALIA 99 Fully IMPERFORATE Mini Sheets: The big surprise of the DECADE!! Produced so that you could take them and have hand created AUSTRALIA 99 perfins punched in. NOT on sale at Post Offices around the country, only by mail order, and even then they sold out in a matter of weeks after show. WELL worth stocking away a handful - they WILL be catalogued and have album page provision in EVERY album in the world when supplements come out, it seems. Bought by me at AUSTRALIA 99. See World Scoop front page story on these here. Per set Imperf sheets either Mint OR Used - please specify - $A40 - 10 sets 2 M/S, 2 sets for $A70 (Maybe Mint and Used?) - 5 sets $A170 - 10 sets $A325 - 25 sets $A725 - 50 sets $A1,350 - 100 sets $A2,500.
Lot 16 - The VERY RARE
Imperforate Navigator Mini-Sheet at top.
The "normal" perforated version (i.e. without "A99" perfin) shown at
Click here for larger image.
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17. Italia 98 Gold o/p on $10 Wetlands M/S: CTO with gum. Scarce thus. $A40
18. Tas. 1863 2/6d St. George & DRAGON IMPERF: Fresh mint original gum. 3 margins and just touching along base, ASC F2. Very under-rated hi-val. $A150
19. WA 1854 1d Black Swan: Clean FU, 4 margins, 14 cancel. SG #1 £180. $A95
20. 1994 "Aust. Territories Year Collection": "The First Of Anything Is Good" is a wise mantra. These were heavily overlooked by nearly all collectors/dealers, and are now an annual event. Don't miss these! Single album $A60 Per 5: $A250. 10: $A400
21. W.A. 1861/90 6d Swan: Fresh, lovely centered MLH. ASC 12b $90. $A45
22. The importer boobed and double ordered. I snapped up their mistake! YOU get all the savings! (1) The Red Books Brit.Cwth. 2 massive hard cover books the size of Sydney phone books. True! B/Cwth A-Z, with plate flaws, sideway and inv. wmks, all booklets all reigns, prices on cover etc. If you havent bought for a few years you are MILES out of date. 1998 Edition, Retail $A165. Only $A100. (5 sets $A400). (2) 1998 Stamps Of The World 2 massive books, with EVERY world stamp A-Z (except the B/Cw (see #3) priced mint & used. Retail $A165. Price $A105. (5 sets $A400). (3) Also 3rd Vol. in SOW, being B/Cwth: not as detailed as Red book but v.useful. Ret. $A76. Price half retail for $A40, (or 5 for $A140). (4) Also SG 1997 GB Concise + 1998 Collect Channel Islands and Isle of Man 2 superb detailed books, over 500 pages, ret. $A70, from me only $A45 the pair, (or 5 sets $A150). Band together at your club to bulk buy!
23. WA 1902/12 QV 2/-: Fresh w/c MVLH horiz.pair. Lovely. SG #124c £80. $A65
24. AUSTRALIA 99 Goodie Bag!! Vast array of stuff I bought back as a standholder. Large official color Exhibitor Manual, stacks of formal invites to all functions, USPS T.Shirt, AUSTRALIA 99 passport, all colour daily flyers,magazine,commercial covers to me with AUSTRALIA 99 personalised stamps on them + the folder + trial sheet 10 in folder &c. $A150
25. Ross.Dep: 1957 Defins, fresh w/c MUH De la Rue Imprint blocks 4. SG #1-4. $A60
26. Ross Dependency: 1967+72 Defins,fresh w/c MUH blocks 6.Nice. SG 5/15. $A150
27. Aust & AAT MUH Blocks Coll: 1980 to 1997 on 50 d/sided Vario sheets, in 2 x L/House Vario binders (these retail $A250 alone!) Mainly gutter blocks of 10, plus HEAPS of gold overprinted m/s etc. FACE is $A1040. Retail $A2-3K. Great price! $A975
28. KANGAROO Specimen set 3, 10/- £1, £2: Lovely perfs + centring MLH $A150
Phone, Fax, or E-Mail Me Until 4 AM - 7 Days A Week. I Never Sleep!
29. NSW 1851 1d Brick Red on Blued: No faults, GU light cancel, SG#48 £100. $A60
30. Superb Book On W.A: "Between The Lines" by Wim Smits. Huge 2 Vol "leather" hardbound set, in a heavy matched library case. Volume 1 with W.Aust stamp history to Centennial in 1979, colourplates, inc. sheets of 1854 1d, 4d and 1/- &c. Vol. 2 with set of 21 scarce W.A. PO Souvenier Folders and special postmarkers, Applecross to York :all these official PO covers in deluxe sheet protectors. (21 Postmarks Cat. $A90 alone in Clarrie Peck!) Foreward by Sir Charles Court, W.A. Premier. Individually numbered. Cost a FORTUNE to print! Sold out last 3 times I had them, so I found the only supply source! 25 only in stock each $A65 or fine dealer re-seller lot, 5 for $A200.
31. Ascension 1934 KGV Pictorials: complete set Superb U. SG#21/30 £100. $A120
32. Gilbert & Ellice KGVI Set 12: On long cover to SINGAPORE! Stamps all tied by Fanning Island cds. SG #42/54 Cat £168 on cover. Odd trivial blemish. $A110
33. Gilbert & Ellice: 1956 QEII Defins on 2 neat matched Regd Air covers (Tarawa) to ARGENTINA!! Has got to be unique origin/destination combination surely! $A60
34. Gilb & Ellice CHRISTMAS ISLAND cancel: 1956 Defin. set 12 (SG #64/76) on large cover to Kent UK, each tied Christmas Is. 2 Dec:56 Ellice Is. Prob.unique. $A75
35. WA 1902/12 QV 2/-: Fresh w/c MVLH horiz.pair. SG#124c £80. Lovely looker $A60
36. Aust. Decimal collection 1966 to end 1986: Nearly 100% complete. To 1980 is mixed used or mint. From Jan 1980 on, all MUH. All in clean 7/Seas album. $A175
37. Norfolk Is. Collection: 1947 Ball Bay set to 1998 on hagners. Earlies U, latter appear all MUH. Defin sets to $5 &c. Estate lot and looks v.largely complete. $A200
38. MUH Decimals 1966-85: Ex dealer stock in green shoebox. Sets and M/S and good earlier 60s & 70s. FACE VALUE alone is over $400. Watch this one sell! $A350
39. WA 1910 10/- Bright Purple QV: Perfect cent. FU. SG#127a £80. $A75
40. Sweden Local Post: Stockholm 1890s set 14 mint on ornate page, along with 4ö lettercard. Goteborg 1888 set 3 M ( 3ö used) 1888 5 ö triangle and others. $A85
41. Trinidad & Tobago: KGV 1935 Hivals 12¢(p13½) 48¢+72¢ FU on piece. £41. $A40
42. Aust P.O. Packs Coll 1985 -1992: A Wilson boxful! Fine condition. FACE value alone exceeds $A350. Ret. is $A1000 or so. What a great buy for someone! $A300
43. United Nations New York FDC: A carton full. 500+. From some 1951 (1st issue) to mid 1980s, inc. good early 50s sets. Mostly unaddressed. Clean lot. $A150
44. Box Of GB FDC: 1965 Churchill to 1984. Mostly pictorial addr. Great starter! $A100
45. KGV High Vals Used Hoard: Estate Goldmine of 140 x 3d, 540 x 5d on piece, 1930-34. All cds cancels. (Nearly all Vic, inc. many country towns seen) Very high % 5d are scarce s/multi wmk, SG #103a Cat £5 each = $A12 each. Watch this sell! $A400
46. NSW 1884 6d Violet D.L.R. o/p OS: Very fresh mint. SG #030. $A35
The No. 1 Stamp Web Page!
I have a "SEARCH" feature loaded. To locate any country or topic or era in this list, simply press "Ctrl" and the "F" keys together on your keyboard to bring up the "find what" window. Type in 'Germany' or 'Orchids' or 'KGVI' or 'Kangaroos' etc, and hit the "Find Next" prompt box and it will skip to all such entries located on this page |
47. Tasmania 1855 6d Imperf Chalon: Fresh Mint, original gum. 3 clear margins and barely touching at top. ASC#6a $450. Less than a 1988 year book! Madness. $A100
48. 1999 $2 Gold Sovereign Stamp Perth Mint. Sheet of 50, superb CTO gum $A90
49. GB Commemorative collection: Nice coll on Hagner sheets, 1978 to 1997 Diana Strip of 5. FACE value is £95=$A250. Retail would I imagine be about $A500+. Price $A250
50. 1913 6d Roo Block 4: (SG #9 £80) FU block 4, light, pretty octagonal Late Fee cancel from the Stock Exchange. Lightly Used multiples are REAL tough! $A65
51. Samoa 100 x $2 Stamps CHEAP!: 1987 $2 Count de la Perouse stamps from the mini sheet. All MUH with the red overprint from Hafnia 87 in Copenhagen! $A50
This is an EXPORT pricelist. All prices on this Web site are GST FREE to overseas buyers. (Australian buyers - applicable GST will be added to all invoices) |
52. A Rock From HELL! A coral rock in big envelope with written guarantee from Postmistress from HELL, Grand Cayman Islands, 1974, with that wonderful cds! $A40
53. Ross Dep: 1967+72 Defins in fresh w/c MUH blocks 6. (40) SG 5/14 £172. $A150
54. Cyprus 1948 £1 Silver Wedding: Fresh well centred MVLH. SG#167. £42. $A40
55. PNG Comp. Country 1952-1994: On set 7/Seas pages. Complete except 1st dues + £1 Fisherman. After 1960 appears MUH, otherwise Mint. Estate lot. Toning on many pages, and even on some stamps, but re-housing will repay & cheap at: $A400
56. WA Swan Perfins: WA on 1d, OS on 1d, 2d, 6d, all fine MLH/MUH. (4) $A40
57. 'THE AUSTRALIAN COLLECTION 24 Carat GOLD PLATED STAMPS! The superb coll. of 25 diff. Aust+States Classics in issued size. Incl. WA 1854 1d Black Swan, NSW & Qld £1, Vic Charity, £2 Roo, 5/- Bridge etc. In Deluxe, v.large, green, tooled KID LEATHER box, suede lined, brass key lock etc! Certificate of Authenticity) cleaning cloth etc. The Works! Advertised & promoted in 1987 via Australia Post for exactly $A2,465. Save literally $A1600 on price paid by the now deceased original owner. Nearly one THIRD the original purchase price -- only $A850
58. INDIA: 1937 5R KGVI MUH.(£15) 1947 set 12 to 1R (£26½) 1950 "Service" hi-vals MUH. 1951 Games &c. All on Hagner sheet. Popular area, and dirt cheap $A50
59. Samoa 1982 $1 George Washington Birth M/S: x93 MUH Sc#570 $US116. $A60
60. 1996 Aust Atlanta-Sydney 45¢ Olympic Sheetlet 10 Australia's first EVER, and what a subject matter! CTO Melbourne GPO full gum.10 for $A75. 25 for $A170
61. Falkland Is: 1912/20 10/- KGV, fresh MUH. SG#68 £150=$A420. $A165
62. 1934 1/6d No Wmk Hermes: Ash Imprint block of 4. Very fresh, attractive and well centred. (3 x MUH) Gum wrinkle on 1 unit, but scarce piece. $A250
63. Czechoslovakia: 1926 All-Sokal display set 4, fine MLH. Mi # 212/5 450 Dm. $A100
64. Cocos Is. 1976 "SHIP" Defin. Set on FDC: Seventeen sets 12.Retail as FDC is $10 a set.($170) Even soaked off as FDC retail is about $100! Cheap at $A75
65. 1991ACROSS TOWN LABELS PERTH & SYDNEY: Your choice of Mint, or FU. Also the scarce "Box Link" label! Per set 3: $35 5 Sets 3 (15) $A120
66. FIJI 1877 VR on 4d on 3d: Fine MVLH. SG#34 £80=$A220. $A60
67. GB 1941 WWII Registered Legal Envelope: Holylake UK to Vic(via USA!)KGVI 3d,1/-,5/- +3x light canc.rare 10/- (SG#333b Cat as £63 USED!) rumpled but rare $A60
68. Falklands 1952 KGVI Defin. set 13 to 10/-, fresh MUH. SG#172/85 £110. $A85
69. Colourful AAT Base Cancel Covers: 1971-78 (7) Colourful unusual range. Also 1978 Gough+Marion Is. covers also 1979-84, 3 x AAT base canc sets(22) Fresh $A60
70. Aust. MUH Postage1960s-80s: In big red stockbook. Face $A200+. Some tones. $A170
71. POLAND: MUH coll.1960-1990. About 70% complete, all in full sets, and quite a few Mini Sheets. In 2 big Lighthouse S/Books (Ret $A80). Cat is 1961 Dm (=$A1950). Odd tiny blemish, but valuable lot. (Many hundreds) Under 20% Michel at: $A375
72. Empty Hagner Binders Ex Estate: Carton of 10. Need a good soapy wash! $A50
73. Early "Wesley" Covers: 1949 UPU 2 col. cachet to James Stapleton NZ as usual. Largs North cds. 2 diff. colour combos on cachet(2) Very fresh, rare pair. $A65
74. East Germany 1st 3 Booklet Panes Of 6: 1953 "5 Year Plan" series. Michel blatt #1/2/3(or #4/5/6,depending on wmks!)Fresh MLH on margins only.150 or 220Dm $A65
75. GB 1987 £1.60 Machin: Light cancel block 12, on piece.SG #1026f £72 $A50
76. 1965 2/6d Abo EMERGENCY Print: amazing HALF SHEET 60, from Sheet "A" (with Type #1 and #1V plate pips in margin) Fresh w/c MUH. A few light gum bends from handling. The ONLY multiple bigger than a block 6 I've ever handled! Face was £15, an absolute fortune 43 years ago. SG#253b. ACSC #267, Ret. $A1250. A lovely item for specialist,or even for re-seller/approvals to break down at only $8½ ea. $A500
77. Liechtenstein: 1951 Agric.(12) 51 Ptgs(3) 54 Football(4) All VFU. Mi 340 Dm. $A70
78. G.B. 1977 £5 - Huge Multiples! Marginal block 10 on 1 piece + other piece with superb block+pair+single. ALL with v.light cds. FACE, i.e. cost me, £88 =$A260! $A55
79. "Sydney 2000": Set 24 stamp size silver ingots with perfs, depicting 24 diff. events, all with official Olympic logo. Cost owner over $A300. Under HALF price. $A125
80. Box GB FDC: 1965 Churchill -1984. Mostly pict. addressed. Great starter lot. $A100
81. NSW 1839 Pre-Stamp 3 Page Entire: Mt.Pleasant to Glasgow. Wonderful stuff to a friend planning to emigrate, giving details of cost of stock, produce and labour. eg:"Gov't has just raised price of land to 12/- an acre which will prove ruinous"(!)Nice blue Scottish tax marking "Add'l ½" on face, plus Leith and Glasgow backstamps. The only pre 1850 Postal History I have ever handled from Australia. Historic! $A200
82. East Germany 1950 Debria M/Sheet: Clean FU. Michel Bloch #7 450 Dmk. $A125
83. 1918 KGV ½d Bright Green: Beautifully centered "CA" Monogram stamp showing the Monogram circles 100% complete, and from electro #1 apparently. $A110
84. New Zealand: 1931/40 £4½ Grey "Arms": Fresh w/c Fine Used, complete with Photo Cert.of Genuineness.SG F#167 £1100 =$A2500. A Key KGVI B/C HiVal. $A650
85. Australia 1990 Tax Instalment $A200 Stamps: Tri-colour top values, the normal + the scarce reprint with value in black not olive. Fresh unused. FV $400! $A75
The No. 1 Stamp Web Page!
86. 1944 KGVI 2d Purple Coil Pair: Absolutely SUPERB MUH. Excellent perfs, centering & freshness. SG #204ab. Retail anywhere else $A125++ -- Hurry! $A110
87. As Above: This a MLH/MUH pair with Coil Joiner in between! Cheap at: $A50
88. Austria 1950/52 Golden Eagle 20s top value: Both papers. FIFTY copies, most OK, a good "wash" would improve greatly! SG#1221 £212=$600. Mi#968 700Dm $A70
89. MALTA 1938/43 KGVI Set 22: Fresh MVLH or MUH inc.BOTH shades of 10/- $A60
90. AS ABOVE: Set 22 VFU Prince Of Wales Rd Sliema cds. SG#217/31(2). $A50
91. 1993 and 1994 A.P.O. YEAR BOOKS: There seems little disagreement within the trade that these 2 books are by FAR the scarcest, even far scarcer than 1988, which retails for $A150! Numbers printed and sold were at a VERY low ebb it seems. These 2 books are missing from most collections AND dealer stocks. Cost ex. P.O. was $A55 each, and retail of each is about $A95 each. I can sell the pair for $A145. 5 pairs: $A650 10 pairs: $A1200 or 1 only lot 20 pair at P.O. issue price: $A2,200
92. Malta 1956 QEII Set 17: Very fresh MVLH. SG # 266/82 cat £90 $A70
93. ROMANIA: Lovely coll of Mini Sheets MUH 1946-92. Only 8 missing. (198 diff) Michel 6130 Dm (=$A6150) on $A200 of Lighthouse sheets. Gift at $A1,000
94. BARBADOS 1965 $2.40 TOP VAL: 8 MUH w/c copies SG#319. Re-Seller! $A40
95. G.B. 1883 10/- BLUE QUITE SUPERB USED: Good perfs & centring, light corner cancel + really brilliant glowing rich colour. S.G. #183 £300+50% = £450 ($A1300) -- Price $A275
96. 1892 $5 Straits Settlements: QV top val, corner cancel, damaged at side S.G. #105 £275 Price $A80
97. Cook Is. 1892 2½d Blue: 3xM, 8xU (inc.pair) Range of types, shades & cancels. SG #3 £424 =$A1250. All on ancient album page. Nice lot, way under 20% SG! $A225
98. NZ 1882 £10 Blue QV £5Long Tom: Clean postal FU "Wellington" $A100
99. GB 1848 10d Brown Embossed: Lightly used, with expertly repaired SW corner. SG #57 £675 = $A1890. Facially very attractive at way under 10% Gibbons! $A150
100. Australia 1948 £2Arms set 4: Fresh MLH with mixed centring.(4) $A90
101. USA 1857/61 10¢ green Washington: Attractive clean w/c unused type III, with USA photo certificate. Scott#33 $US4,000(=$A6,250) Estate buy $A1200
102. Germany American Zone 1948 Castles: V.fresh MLH, p11.Cat 420 Dm. $A100
103. BERLIN 1949 RED O/PS: Set 14 used, gu/vfu. Berlin cancels. From same 40 yo estate as above. Look OK but sold as is. Michel Cat 2,900 Dm!( =$A2,900). $A300
I have a "SEARCH" feature loaded. To locate a country or topic or era in this list, simply press "control" and the "f" keys together on your keyboard to bring up the "find" window. Type in Germany or Orchids or KGVI or Kangaroos etc and hit the "Find Next" prompt box and it will skip to all such entries located on this page |
104. PNG WHOLESALE Hi-Val: 1994 5 Kina(=$5)Gogodala dance mask 100 copies, superb CTO from PNG Bureau. Cost $A500! SG #723 £375 = $A1100. Or Scott #839 Retail $US900 (=$A1500). Cheap at $A125 or a terrific dealer/investor hoard containing 250 copies are $A250. 500 (cost $2,500) are only $A400. PNG Hi-Vals are NEVER seen in bulk!
105. Norfolk Is FDC: Lovely clean PO unadd. coll, Dec 86 to 1998 Valentines, in blue alb. Looks complete. All Defins to $5 + $8. Face $A190! Retail this tough era $A500. Price $A250!
106. Qld. Geog Society Covers: 1948/50 all diff special pictorial cancels. Colorful cacheted. Peck 45/46/49/51/52/56 (v.scarce) cat $A180. Superb condition to New Zealand (6). Price $A100
107. EARLY BOOKLETS: $1 and $1.20 F.Aust and $1 and $1.40 PM. Odd spot. $A40
108. 1979 50¢ Train: The IMPERF undenominated pair in exact issued colours - each with void white diagonal line across each corner to cancel them. Believed to have been produced by the printer Leigh Mardon to trial P.O. pack insertion Pair only $A85 .
End of List
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GLEN $TEPHEN$ Life Member: ASDA, PTS, APS, ANDA. ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Diners/Amex all OK, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request or they are outlined in full on this Web site. Usually allow at least 14 days for order dispatch. If you want same day shipping please go elsewhere! I am Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque. Avoid NASTY auction "commissions" of GENERALLY 35% (12½ + 15% + GST, etc.) AND their five-month delays! Read for details. I stock Australia & Pacifics nearly 100% complete 1913-1980. Ask for my LOW quote! "Lothlórien," No. 4 The Tor
Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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