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Glen Stephens |
Search all my 250+ web pages! Simply type in what you are looking for. "Penny Black", "Latvia", "Imprints", "Morocco", "Fungi" "Year Books", etc! Using quotes (" ") is more accurate for multi word searches - i.e. "Australian FDC" gives FAR more specific matches than simply Australian FDC if used with no quotes. Search is NOT case sensitive. Tip: keep the search word singular - "Machin" yields far more matches than "Machins" &c. |
Every credit card shown is
accepted WITHOUT fee. Earn Frequent Flier points
while buying at bargain prices! ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars.
I charge NO nasty, nasty "Buyer's Commission" on stamps
like nearly every "Auction" does.
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This is are a very small selection of the tens of thousands of stamps and "job lots" I have for sale. I am constantly buying new stock, so if what you need is not here, please ask! I stock basic Australia and most "Australasian Pacifics" 100% complete up to 1980, and the material in my lists is generally only the more unusual and interesting stock - let me quote on the "bread and butter" stuff. My prices on such material are the lowest you will find in Australia, whether mint, used, FDC, year albums, packs, etc. Refer to the want list page for details on how to ask me |
And with the terribly low
rate of the Australian dollar in recent times, the prices on these lists
converts to CHICKEN FEED for those of you who earn other than "Pacific Pesos."
Not ONLY the $US, but Sterling and the EURO are also incredibly strong against
our pathetic little currency. I buy 99% of my stock locally - I am
thought to be the largest stamp buyer in Australia's largest city, so I
pay in Pacific Pesos and sell in Pesos, hence the incredible savings to
ALL overseas buyers. If you buy via "Auction" (even if you are an
Australian resident) you are always paying 15-20% "buyer
premium", plus GST/VAT type taxes and other charges in many
That can add 30% to the hammer price of the stamps!
There is NO
sales tax or "premium" or GST/VAT of any
kind added to orders from the list below, no matter WHERE I mail the goods.
is added to prices to any items on this website.
All prices on EVERY list are weak Australian Dollars!!
All prices are "nett"
... what you see is what you pay.
NO Nasty, nasty 15%-20% Auction house "Buyer's
Commission" silly nonsense is later extorted from you!
Hit the "Print" button and print this list out in colour, and relax over a cup of coffee or a beer to pore over all the stamp BARGAINS!!! |
Every price on my lists is NETT, in weak AUSTRALIAN dollars!!
Check the low cost in YOUR currency by clicking here.
Beginning of "A-4" Price List
If you do not find what you are looking for, check my nett price listings with photos on HERE: I list things as ozstamps, admin or Glen Stephens, depending which account I am signed in as!
And all the rarer
and scarcer and mouth watering stuff is added almost every day
1. N.Z. M+U Coll: QV to 1980s in Red 7/Seas alb. Basic lot to build on. 100s. $A70
Platypus Frama ‘ZERO” Labels (“00.00”):
A rare
freak omission when machine
malfunctioned. ACSC F4aa Cat $25 each. 5 x MUH $50,
or 10 MUH for $85, 25 mint for
$160. Great for investor or re-seller items. Order a hoard
3. 1996 “Sydney Swans Winners” $4.50 AFL booklet o/p. 95/250. Fine UH. $A40
4. Israel 1949 2nd Coins set 6 with tabs: Fresh ‘MUH’ but regummed. $A40
Auctioning? |
Australia’s Rarest Sheetlet:
1995 $25 Howard Florey sheetlet 10, (NOT otherwise
available thus) numbered on margin “1542” along with Florey $50 paper note –
same serial
“HF – 001542”. In the Superb NPA/AP official hard cover album. Cost $129
on ballot. I’ve seen these sell for $400. Seldom offered.
1971 Xmas Block 25 on neat unaddr. FDC: Nice compact 165 x
230 mm size
allowing nice display in a #1 Hagner. Simon Dunkerley told me today he has
NEVER seen
this block on FDC in his 30 or so years as dealer. Neither had I !
Wonder why so
few were done? Was possible to do it at any PO in the country of course.
10. 1966 Defins to 50c: (18) Superb fresh corner CTO with gum. ACSC $90 $A40
Aust. 1973 6¢ Gemstone Perf. Freak Block:
Striking MUH block 4 centered up and
so far left that denomination is touching the perfs! Never
recorded before.
Adolf Hitler
(Ruined Empire)12pf red Propaganda forgery M/Sheet of 4:
Fresh MUH and imperf. The original 12pf letter rate Hitler German stamp design
lampooned with smiling Hitler ‘Death Mask’. Originals were part of the
USA World
War 2 OSS “Operation Cornflake” propaganda campaign to undermine the German
For far more complete detail on these see - 1 M/S -
per 5 sheets $A90 |
GB 1840 2d Blue Imperf:
Attractive 4 margin copy. Complete crisp Maltese Cross
cancel. Thinned on reverse. SG #5 £500 = $A1300. Cheap at
Tangier 1957 PO Cent. Set 20 to 10/- QE Castle on superb neat typed FDC!:
a lovely looking item. Neat airmail envelope. SG #323/42. A rare group.
19. Montserrat Fruit Defins: 1965+1968 fresh MUH. (23) SG 106/76+194/99. $A40
KGV 1/4d Blue CofA MUH pair:
Very pretty MUH pair, well centered, with light crease.
Retail $500 otherwise. (SG #131) Save $300!
‘POPE LEO XIII – His Life and Letters’ Orig
(Was Pope 1870 -1903) Edited J.W
Talbot. Illust: mono + colour plates. Note from Pope he liked Engraving of
himself! In
English. Also “Poems Of His Holiness”. 623 fully gilt edged pages.
Leather bound +
corners. Gold blocked cover + spine, Papal crest on former. Great read, popular
Estate Family Heirloom. Good cond. for 120 y.o.
23.Cocos Is. 1963 Defins in Imprint blocks 4: Fresh MUH. (24) SG#1-6. $A150
25. CYPRUS - 1880 to 1990 new set of “Lighthouse” album pages - brand
in factory box. Never used. At about HALF retail.
Carton of Aust. FDC’s 1977-1992:
Aust. Post FDC’s (+some PSE’s M+U) Huge estate
Totally original. Totally unpicked. FACE is over $950 (So actual cost ex PO
$1150!) Over
900 items here. Buy at about $675 under actual cost!
UK 1911 ‘First Aerial Post’ Card:
To Turramurra NSW (Aust. is VERY unusual dest!)
2 x ½d KEVII tied by special cds. Sydney b/stamp, 5 wks later. Also a 1961 BEA
Anniv P/C and special cover, both with Vignettes attached.
Auctioning? |
30. 1929 £2 Roo (Small Multi): Neat corner cancel, central repair. SG 114. $A250
Island Special PO “Complete Country“ album!
Size of AP year
books, and similar outer plastic. Mint 1958-86. FACE alone $80+. 1st
1954 3½d Black AAT Treaty: PO ‘Hermes’ FDC - Heard + Macquarie
with violet
cachet. 1954 1d QEII strip 4+ 3d Tas pairs on AAT P/C both Mawson 1954 (4).
If you do not find what you are looking for, check my nett price listings with photos on HERE: I list things as ozstamps, admin or Glen Stephens, depending which account I am signed in as!
And all the rarer and
scarcer and mouth watering stuff is added almost every day HERE:
PNG 1980 Arts Festival:
Ten x
MUH sheets 50 se-tenant 20c vals. SG 384a.
These literally cost $A143 ex PNG Post Office as New Issues.
Aust. Dec MUH Coll 1966-late 80s: In maroon binder. Incs Xmas
1971 B/7.
Some moisture “sticking” but 1966 Defins to $4 are fine etc.
300 x ‘Hagner’ Sheets: From Estate. All sizes for #1 to #8. Some
are brand new,
some virtually so, some well used. Ret. $1.40 each ($420) Under HALF retail!
37. 1913 3d Roo Scarce Die 2 Fresh Mint: SG 5ea. Melb. ret $325. $A165
38. 1927 1½d Canberra With ‘Broken A’ flaw: In a fresh MUH block 4. #132g. $A50
1996 AFL Football Booklets set 16 in the PO Folder/Album: All 16
teams in
special APO a4 size folder/album. FACE is $72! Few exist. Ea
$A80, or 2 for
Australia Kakadu Park ‘Duck’ Entry stamps:
1993/94 singles + numbered
sheetlets 4 each. Superb large MUH items(10) Face+ issue cost was $A100.
1920’s ‘Schwaneberger’ World peg fitting album:
(Big 10½x13” size!) with
original old M+U coll from imperfs. Great classic old world album to expand!
43. Roo 1913 4d Orange Mint pair: Horizontal pair. One MVLH. The other MUH.
Centred high and a little aged. SG #6. Melbourne retail is $475. Cheap $A90
USA – 3 x 1946-7 ‘Operation Highjump’ Polar covers: neat typed
(diff frankings) violet “Antarctic Exped” cachets. All tied “U.S.S. Mt Olympus”
cancels.(3) + 1943 US Navy “Op. Deep Freeze Sth Pole Station” with 3
large violet
cachets. $A70
1895 2½d King George – Mint Block of 4:
SG #30 £80. $A65
48. KGV 1/4d Pale Blue Rare Small Multi Perf 14: Fresh unused. SG #93. $A100
1913 2/- Roo 1st Wmk Perf Large ‘OS’:
Fresh clean used, VERY light ‘Late Fee’
cancel. Very slightly rounded corner. SG#011. Under-rated
1932 1/- Large Lyre Perfin “VG”: Superb fresh w/c MUH. SG #140.
is added to prices to any items on this website. All prices are "nett" ... what you see is what you pay. NO Nasty, nasty 15%-20% Auction house "Buyer's Commission" silly nonsense is later extorted from you! |
1914 2½d
Roo on Censored cover to Sweden! ‘Per RMS Mongolia” typed to
Sweden timber merchant. Censor tape, censor H/S in violet and censor’s signed
note on reverse: “Returned from censor too late for dispatch”.(!) Lovely item.
53. 1913 £1 Brown & Blue Kangaroo 1st Wmk:
Incredibly fresh - and bright colours.
Bright MVLH, great perfs, centred up. SG #15 - Ret $3000+.
54. GERMANY 1927 1.5 Mk Hindenberg Booklet: Mint. Michel H26 350Dm. $A150
First 2 Official FDC’s:
1937 1d+2d Defins on PO FDC x 5 (3 x unaddr,
1 x Regd) ASC $70 each addressed! Plus, 2 x 1937 NSW Sesqui official FDC
(1 Reg’d, 1x Unaddr) Very few spots, but Cat $470! Great buy at $10 ea!
56. GB 1987 £1.60 Machin light cancel block of 12 on piece! SG 1026F £72 $A55
Olympics FDC coll:
Official IOC Franklin Mint–46 diff. Andorra-Zimbabwe.
Matched, embossed FDC, colour flags on each. In hard blue FM box. Cost $250
60. GB 1955 £1 Waterlow well centred MUH: SG 539. Rare stamp MUH. $A135
61. NIUE 1935 S/Jubilee on Reg’d Pict. Typed FDC to Aust. with SG
varieties: 2½d
“Narrow E” and scarce 6d “Narrow N”. (SG Cat £48 used OFF cover!)
$A55 |
64. KGV 1/4d Small Multi p.14 used pair: Clean U, single well inked cds $A145
GB 2/6d Brown Seahorse. Fresh
well centred
unused. SG# 450 £70.
1898 1/- Blue Green “Great Barrier Island Special Post” Pigeongram.
w/c MLH. FAR, far superior to the usual poorly centred, missing perfs, rusted,
toned, thinned
junk on the market. Only 1,800 ever printed and under-priced.
PNG 1995 “21t” on 90t Bird Of Paradise Emergency OP – “Small t”- sheets hoard:
Found this when tidying up. Bought 9 years back ex Mt. Hagen PO. Sheets 50, each
with Leigh Mardon
Imprint on each corner sheet. SG #756 Cat £2 ea ($A5+) 1 sheet $50. 5 sheets
68. 1937 “Robes” 10/- and £1 o/p “SPECIMEN”MUH: SG Cat £750. Very tiny surface scrape
on 1 perf of hi-val. Facially undetectable really. But HALF Melb. ret at $A500
“Olympics 1984”Special
Deluxe Fleetwood (USA) Album:
With 36 diff USA FDC
(inc all the blocks 4) + 20 diff Yugoslavia Winter Oly FDCs. Cost $100s.
70. GB Year Albums 1985-88(4): As New cond. SG Cat £245. Bargain! $A150
If you do not find what you are looking for, check my nett price listings with photos on HERE: I list things as ozstamps, admin or Glen Stephens, depending which account I am signed in as!
And all the rarer
and scarcer and mouth watering stuff is added almost every day
71. France 1922 War Orphans Top Value: 1F+ 5F FU. SG #395 £140.$A95
Australia + AAT Decimals coll MUH in 3 x ‘7/Seas’ H/Less albums, 1966-2000
Insane priced:
The 3 albums + pages retail $500+ alone! MUH coll looks 100% complete to
early 90s – patchy thereafter. AAT coll. inc rare 1966 set. The FACE of the
stamps alone must
be about this price! Estate special at -
West Africa
1929 2d Official Error Block 4:
FU on part Reg’d cover, both
languages ‘Missing Stop’ errors in pair with normal. SG 011c £90++ as U!
74. GB 1948 2½d S/Wedding x 5 FDCs: Incl. Eire, Moora W.Aust + Mauritius! $A40
Aust First 2 official PO FDC!: 1937 1d+2d Defins x 5 (3 x
unadd+1x Regd)
ASC $70 ea addressed + 2 x 1937 Sesqui (1xunadd,other Regd) Cat $470.
Spotty. $A65
76.1934 9d Macarthur: Well centered good fresh MUH block 4. $175
77.Australia. 1980s Bank Training Notes: Set of FIVE-$5 - $100 in same size + colour
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thread paper.
What a great sideline to any Australian
collection! These notes were printed
by Note Printing
Australia to allow staff of banks etc
to train in counting
and handling large sums of cash. Each
is double sided,
and printed in the colour and exact
SIZE (i.e. all are
different sized) of the issued paper
banknotes, and each is inscribed along base: "For Training Purposes Only".
Best of all, these were printed on a
special high security
paper held in storage since 1946
when it was intended
to be used for a new 5/- note. This
paper has masses of
colour silk threads distributed
through it as an
anti-counterfeit measure. Your can
see these beautifully
on this scan. That paper is
therefore 59 years old - from
the reign of King George VI, and was
NEVER issued for
banknotes, so what a timely
opportunity to add these to
your collection? One set of 5 as
shown for $A40, or superb re-seller line -
FIVE such sets, Face Value $A925. $A90 |
British Army” FDC Collection
– In special album. Based around the UK 1983 Military
set, with the special info cards etc.
1983-1997 nearly comp. run this superb States Study Circle
reference. Also a run “The Courier” (Tas) from issue #1. A carton full.
85.1966 Official Australian Forces Vietnam P/Stat: x 20 M! ASC DF31a $A40
Roo 5/- 2nd Wmk x FOUR copies!
(SG#27)Clean U w/c each with single
central telegraph puncture. Retail $1500-$2000 as FU. Good perfs, lovely
1970 “ANPEX” Mini Sheets x FIFTY!
Amazing hoard ex Estate. Soaked off FDC’s
with NSW ”27 AP:70” - FDI cds.
Only 50,000 issued.
Ret. $25 each. Nice re-seller at this
price or handy parcel to “tuck-away” lot at $7 each! $A350
88. Papua New Guinea 1994 "Emergency Overprints":
Papua New
1994 Papua New Guinea 1994 "Emergency Overprints": I do now have, and have always had, the largest stock of these overprints in the world. Buy DIRECT from the original "source"! Thousands of collectors NEED this set to complete their collections. Only 45,000 were ever printed, NONE were sold by the agents, Papua New Guinea Bureau, or even Australia Post. Nearly all were used up on genuine commercial mail. Not discovered by stamp world until months after all the key values all used up! I first reported their existence to the stamp world.
"Set of 11" - SG # 730/740. Michel # 714 -724. Scott # 860/871. ASC Cat $A420.
Local Richard Juzwin retail price is $A330. The Seven Seas Stamps "Australian Stamp Catalogue" (ASC) price for the set 11 is $A420. MUH set of 11 - my VERY special DISCOUNT price offer for this month is: $A275. Or MUH blocks of 4 (very rare) $A1,250. I also have the earlier and later overprints also at terrific discount prices. For a complete set of TWENTY different overprints my discount price is $A335 or that full set 20 in MUH blocks 4 for $A1,500. These will never be cheaper.
Definitive sets like the 1967 Anguilla overprints are already cat at £9,000 in Stanley Gibbons ... and Anguilla has NOTHING like even 1% of the collector following of PNG I suspect. Think about it! £9,000. This PNG set has a LONG way to go yet - that seems very clear. This PNG set selling for DOUBLE my price would not surprise me to see in the next few years. For very detailed and comprehensive background on this issue with all numbers printed etc - see my special page on these issues:
Finally - all the 1994 "Emergency" sets I sell are of course guaranteed 100% genuine. You may ask for a Photo Certificate Of Genuineness on my security watermarked colour letterhead for this set of 11 or 20, dated and signed, illustrating in full colour the exact set I mail you. If required, this CERTIFICATE costs you an extra $A45 on top of price of the stamps, largely to cover the considerable time and messing around of individually preparing each one, typing, and scanning &c. This is Substantially cheaper than sending it to the R.P.S. in London etc, which takes half a year to get back, and also incurs substantial Registered airmail cost to you - in both directions. And quite frankly, the RPS would not have a clue about these issues. 'Too Modern' they would sniff. Years down the track when the set sells for several times what it does now, such a certificate Guaranteeing these came from original PNG sources in 1994/5 will add FAR more than $A45 to the extra price you obtain when selling.
Seas’ Cocos Island Hingeless Album EMPTY:
Apparently never used
‘Seven Seas’ hingeless alb ex Estate to end 1998. Blue, with matching blue
slipcase A few
tone spots on a few pages, but darn cheap buying and retail is $161.
92. World Thematics: M+U in 3 albs, sets + m/sheets 1960s-early 80s. 1000+ $A55
Stamp Design Competition Unadopted Essays Set 30:
Lovely items for a
special page in a collection! ACSC E107/9 – photos of these in ACSC. Numbered
set 30
in various colours, on thin, glazed white card in fine M cond. Submitted by a
Mr Grant of
Wonthaggi Vic. Printing block now in Aust.Post archive collection. Set 30 only
or 2
or set with a few fairly minor faults on a few stamps is:
G.B 1948 Olympic Games FDC:
Attractive large cacheted typed address FDC to
Colours and image virtually a perfect match, and not many made at all.
Switz 1917 Pro-Juv set 3 fresh MLH:
Rare set and seldom offered here.
Net Export Prices: |
Unaddr. FDC in big $30 blue album:
Odd mix – lots NZ inc MS ($3+$4 Birds
x SIX!)
Lots Aust inc. scarce $10 Painting x 3. Frama sets 9 capital city PC etc.
1911 Aust 1d Official P/Card special Coronation Anniv Issue:
Depicting young
KEVII in Military outfit. ASC PC#4 $95 fine M condition in sepia
98. MALDIVES 1966 Shell Defin set 15 Fresh MUH: SG174/188 £60 $65
Hong Kong FDC Coll:
1986 Halley’s Comet to June 1992 Defins to
Superb PO
FDC in big $30 album inc. Frama + P/Due set to $10. SG Cat as used alone is
£300 =$A860
and FDC are a LARGE premium over used for this era.
100. Nthn. Rhodesia 2d Brown KGVI: Perfect centered MUH. SG # 37 £60. $A60
1907 Large Canoes the superb FORGERY set MUH:
Superb job. Colours and image virtually a perfect match, and not
many sets made at all.
Aust.Mint Decimal coll 1966-77:
100% complete on 7/Seas pages. (1971 Xmas is 7
singles and a block 7) Fresh lot great to add onto
Sydney Olympic Games Gold Medal Sheetlets:
The superb set of 16 diff
sheetlets of 10, depicting EACH Aussie Gold Medal winner. All fresh MUH
complete in the
special large PO album + 16 Hagner sheets for perfect display (all shipped in a
storage box) FACE value is $96 alone! What a price –
each set is -
107. Russia 1935 Spartacist Games set 10: Average mint. Hi Cat. $A70
108.Belgium: 1953 ChildWelfare w/c MLH. Cheap 80c has gum flt. SG 1482/4. $A35
110. Swiss Pro-Juv Booklets 1976/84 complete(9): FACE is 74 SFr = $A90. $A75
If you do not find what you are looking for, check my nett price listings with photos on HERE: I list things as ozstamps, admin or Glen Stephens, depending which account I am signed in as!
And all the rarer
and scarcer and mouth watering stuff is added almost every day
The most visited stamp dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere! |
End of "A-4" Price List
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... all my stamps - on this page or other pages are charged in
AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS at the $A prices shown. Where
I have used a £Stg or $US price etc conversion in text on any offer at any
time - that is to be treated as very APPROXIMATE as it may have been computed a
while back. It was correct at that time, but $A exchange rates have been VERY
volatile in recent times. Please use the spinning gold currency
converter found on Home Page of my website to ascertain the current EXACT amount
in your own currency according to today's mid-rate.
Remember - I will always charge your credit card the
$A sum
shown for each lot, (plus shipping and insurance) and NOT the sum
shown as rough approximation in a non-Australian currency.
There are NO nasty 15% "Buyer's
Commissions" or other such outrageous fees added to the price YOU pay
when you deal with Glen Stephens. A $1,000 Kangaroo stamp from
me costs $1,000 plus shipping. You could bid "$1,000" for the same
Kangaroo stamp from an "Auction" house (who in Sydney OFTEN owns the stamp
themselves anyway!) and it might cost $1,000 plus 15% "Buyer Fee"
plus 10% GST on that $1,150 = the "$1000" stamp is now often invoiced at
All depends on whether possibly saving $265 is important to you I
To order, click here. To read ordering instructions, click here.
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GLEN $TEPHEN$ Life Member: ASDA, PTS, APS, ANDA. ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Diners/Amex all OK, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request or they are outlined in full on this Web site. Usually allow at least 14 days for order dispatch. If you want same day shipping please go elsewhere! I am Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque. Avoid NASTY auction "commissions" of GENERALLY 35% (12½ + 15% + GST, etc.) AND their five-month delays! Read for details. I stock Australia & Pacifics nearly 100% complete 1913-1980. Ask for my LOW quote! "Lothlórien," No. 4 The
Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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Australia Post Annual YEAR BOOKS - massive stock - '27% off' discount offer today!
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