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Glen Stephens The Biggest Stamp Dealer in the Southern Hemisphere

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Who is Glen Stephens?

Glen Stephens on a trip in Vietnam
Stevo the urban guerilla firing off a
Russian AK-47 on a recent trip to Vietnam.

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I am a Sydney,  Australia stamp dealer, and have been in this business full time for over 20 years.   I deal only by mail order from my home, and have thousands of customers all over the world.  I write regular  philatelic stamp "Tipster" columns internationally and in overseas magazines, like Linn's Stamp News,  Philatelic ExporterGibbons Stamp Monthly,  Stamp Collector, etc., and have done so for about 20 years.  I write the monthly "Market Matters" column in each "Stamp News".   Have also owned and/or published and/or Edited leading Stamp and Coin magazines myself locally.  My background is journalism. 

I have no shop,  no staff,  no kids,  I do no shows ... even my website is done on the cheap!   (Despite this, it is THE most visited stamp dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere, and has been since 1997.)  Therefore my overheads are low and my prices are low ... so low in fact that hundreds of other dealers buy from me!   When you contact Glen Stephens,  you deal only with me, not an employee.   So whether by E-mail, Phone, Fax, or Post you deal only with the owner of the business.  And because I work very long hours from home,  you can contact me 25 hours a day,  7 days per week - you do not have to worry about time zones.  I frequently field phone calls and faxes and emails at 3:00 am. Sydney, Australia time.  Try me out today!

Sydney is Australia's largest city,  with over 4,000,000 people but has virtually no serious stamp dealers.  (Thank Goodness!!)   I am the biggest stamp buyer in Sydney,  and I am constantly buying large Deceased Estates, "distress" lots,  and dealer stocks etc, etc, at very low prices,  as frankly almost no-one else here is interested in buying large lots for cash without "cherry picking".   I buy it ALL,  and after 20+ years,  collectors,  solicitors,  other dealers,  Public Trustee etc generally know this.   Auctions take an ETERNITY to settle after you consign the goods, and they cheekily charge both buyers AND sellers very hefty commissions, and there is no certainty whatever about the final price you will receive.  Many sensible vendors just can't accept that is a clever way to sell their stamps.  Much more complete details HERE about selling your material.  

I don't have a shop,  but simply price up and lot this material "as received" at often a 10% mark-up from my cost.  Because of this,  you are generally paying well below wholesale and auction prices for my material.  I do not charge any nasty 15% "Buyer's Commission" rip-off imposition on my material.  "What you see is what you pay."   

My policy is not unlike like K-Mart - quick turnover on a small profit margin,  so stock does not linger about long.  The clear advantage of this is that new stock is coming in all the time.  If I don't have it this week,  I may well have it next week, so it pays to keep an eye on my lists.  Click HERE  to check out my latest Price List.  And click HERE  to be added totally FREE to my ever increasing email list,  where I will email you offers of hot new material once a month or so. 

I am a long standing Life Member of the  ASDA (New York),  also the  PTS (London) APS (USA),  ANDA (Australia) and numerous collector and specialist societies, so you can deal with me in complete confidence.  I travel the world pretty avidly and have visited well over 120 different countries on vacation, and have been to all Continents.  If you are interested  -  a detailed travel article archive may be found HERE.  

Thanks for reading - hope we can do business soon!

Yours Faithfully,

Glen Stephens

What a place to see in the new Millennium - deep in the Antarctic!   See the neat camera datestamp 1/1/00 in the lower right corner.

This is Port Lockroy, a working British Antarctic Territory base, which doubles as an official Post Office,
 near the Antarctic Circle.  (A colony of Penguins nests right around the base of the P.O.!)  This was about 10pm, but notice the bright sunlight.  (Basically 24 hours sunlight down there around January.)   I was lucky enough to create some unique envelopes from this visit to a PO on Antarctica, on the VERY first day of the Millennium, that bore not only B.A.T. stamps cancelled 01/01.00, but also Australian, AAT, Argentina Antarctica, Argentinean, and even the rare 1891 10c Tierra Del Fuego "Complete Country" SG#1.   All on the ONE pictorial cover,  all hand numbered, and festooned by cachets and handstamps as well on both sides!   All these covers were literally the FIRST mail to cross the Antarctic Circle this century.  See full details HERE.  
The historic old building, which flies the Union Jack is surrounded by nesting Gentoo penguins, who are as always in Antarctica are oblivious to the presence of humans, having never been harmed or hurt in the past 150 years at least.

Even despite being late evening and near the Antarctic Circle, the weather was mild, witness the thin short sleeve shirt - that is all one needed to wear most times there.   There was very heavy snow all around this base - I'm standing in it actually, (indeed heavy snow everywhere I went!)  but no wind, thus very comfy to be walking around in.   The dorky looking reflective life belt is a safety requirement on the rubber 'zodiacs' that ferry passengers from the Russian icebreaker.



Snapped in New York recently with my frequent flying friend Joe from Seattle ...  April 2001.   Photo taken inside at the Idlewild Bar down in  Manhattan .. a great concept ... made to look just like the inside of a jet aircraft - airline seats and windows etc.  Right next to Katz's Deli ... one of the most famous genuine local eating spots in New York.  Pastrami sandwiches you need a chain saw to cut through!   Had a beer at the restaurant right atop the World Trade Centre on this visit to New York.   What a tragedy that was on September 11,  and my sympathies to all those affected by it.  


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Life Member: ASDA, PTS, APS, ANDA. ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Diners/Amex all OK, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request or they are outlined in full on this Web site. Usually allow at least 14 days for order dispatch. If you want same day shipping please go elsewhere! I am Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque. Avoid  NASTY auction "commissions" of GENERALLY 35% (12˝ + 15% + GST, etc.) AND their five-month delays! Read this for details. I stock Australia & Pacifics nearly 100% complete 1913-1980. Ask for my LOW quote!

"Lothlórien," No. 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068
Phone: (02) 9958-1333 Fax: (02) 9958-1444 (Both 25 Hours, 7 Days!)
Web Sites:,, or

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Time and Temp in Sunny Sydney!


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Every credit card shown is accepted WITHOUT fee.
Earn Frequent Flier points while buying at bargain prices!
ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars. I charge NO nasty, nasty
"Buyer's Commission" on stamps like nearly every "Auction" does.
