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Glen Stephens
“Australia 2013” upon us !
The huge International in Melbourne
will be taking place only days from when you read this - on May 10-15.
I urge all reading this to attend -
the material on display from dealers and Exhibits is mouth-watering!
It may well be the last time we see
one held here - cost is well into the multi MILLIONS I am reliably told,
to stage this event.
The Committee for this show have put
in an enormous amount of work over recent years, and have the savviest
folks from both the dealer and collector groups among their number.
About 85 dealers and trade stands are
booked, and anyone local NOT booked is missing the best opportunity in
the past 30 years to expose their business and products.
Royal Exhibition Building Venue
Venue will be the magnificent Royal
Exhibition Building, illustrated nearby, in Nicholson Street Carlton, on
the edge of the CBD. is the well laid
out website, covering everything you need to know about the show. The
times, the dealers, the layout, the exhibits, the meetings etc.
Opened by King George V
The venue is a World Heritage listed
site since 2004, and hosted the First Australian Parliament opening on
May 9, 1901 - officiated by Prince George, Duke Of Cornwall and York.
Who of course later became King George
V – the famous stamp collecting Monarch.
This opening was depicted on the
Australia 1951 5½d stamp, VERY loosely based on the iconic Tom Roberts
The massive (over 5 x 3 metres) painting of that opening of Parliament
is one of this country's most famous, and most visited works of art, and
hangs in Parliament House, Canberra.
Stamp collectors of course know this work well, as it was depicted on
the 5½d indigo 'Federation' issue.
However the issued stamp image is heavily cropped to show The Duke as
the centrepiece, and only a small section of the crowd.
Check your album or catalogue and see - the issued stamp shows only 2
persons standing behind the Duke!
Roberts painted all 269 dignitaries in the portrait exactly true to
life, and all are identified by him by name on archive material.
He was paid about 2,000 Guineas for “The Big Picture” as he
nick-named it.
It has been claimed that some of those depicted paid Roberts extra money
to place their portraits in a more prominent spot in the painting, than
the position they were standing on the day.
A comparison of the “Big Picture” with photographs of the
event lends support to this claim.
value for 2000 Guineas!
The dome of the Building in Melbourne was modelled on the Cathedral in
Florence Italy. A “fisheye lens” image is shown nearby of a recent
trade show there.
There are some superb goodies and
souvenirs for the show produced already - all outlined on the website.
“Patron” packages are still available
for $A500 for those in a position to financially support the show, and
for that you get some really exclusive goodies and benefits.
I signed up for 2 right from day #1,
for myself and for, and there are a lot of prominent
names I am surprised to NOT see on the “Patron” list - so let’s
get into it folks, and YOU know who you are!
There is also a “Supporters Club”
package at $A100 that is also great value for collectors attending,
offering many benefits including show entry.
Lists of the members of both groups
are on the website.
This is THE biggest global exhibition
frame-wise since Washington 2006, which had 3,600 frames.
An extensive range of stamps from the
superb collection of Her Majesty The Queen will be on show - many for the first
time. contains more info on those matters, for anyone
interested, and for the stampboards dinner on Sunday evening. Pop by and say
“hello” to fellow collectors.
There will be a huge sale by Phoenix
Auctions of the Stuart Hardy Kangaroo Collection, on the day before the show
opens, on Thursday May 9.
I was given an advance copy of the
Phoenix sale catalogue, and the material contained therein is simply mind
This will include the unique MUH block
24 of the Small Multiple watermark Kangaroo, which should fetch a phenomenal
£2 Roo block buyable
It was originally a pane of 60 owned
by T.E. Field, and then bought by Ken Baker in the 1960s who onsold the
bottom 36 to Hardy for £1,080.
A vertical block of 12 was
subsequently (nervously he says!) torn off by an Adelaide dealer on
Hardy’s kitchen table, and sold off in pieces, leaving this unique block
of 24.
I spoke to that dealer in Adelaide
recently and he did not recall whether the block 12 was horizontal or
vertical, but as can be seen, it was the two right hand vertical rows he
ripped off.
In the brand new ACSC “Kangaroos”
catalogue a single MUH single is catalogued at $17,500 each. So seeing
24 in one piece is quite something!
“Kangaroos” ACSC now out.
I have typed this before, but it is true. Australia has THE best
and most detailed stamp catalogues of any country on earth in my view.
No-one else comes close.
That would surprise many readers I am sure, but it is very true.
The “Stanley Gibbons GB Specialised” multi volume set is a very
sick joke in comparison.
They lack any kind of notes whatever as to numbers extant of errors and
varieties, or numbers sold or produced of the basic stamp in most
Much other essential detail and constant varieties are also totally
lacking, and that is a terrible shame.
Like the SG Great Britain “Specialised” virtually no detail
whatever is given by Scott as to numbers known of key pieces, and
details about them.
And even the Michel German “Specialised” is nowhere remotely near
as detailed as the ACSC. And what detailed info there is written in
technical German.
I once asked fellow Sydney dealer Manfred Junge to translate a footnote
in Michel for me. Manfred was born and raised in Germany until an
adult, and obviously speaks fluent German.
Manfred simply did not have a clue what much of it said, as it was using
technical language and terminology that he simply could not translate.
So for the rest of us non German speakers, reading Michel Specialised is
a non-starter.
Long overdue
as a stand-alone volume seemed to make excellent sense - the earlier
listings of Australian Colonies made it far too unwieldy, and it fell
I offered clients an advance order discounted deal on this in April for
$A100 Registered air within Australia, and $120 Registered
Foreign, using the Superb $20 “Uluru” roc
The response really surprised me, and I sold over 100 units in 2 weeks -
most dealers even knew it was published!
See to order -
I hope lots of collectors and dealers support this superb undertaking,
and secure a copy from their favourite dealer today. Buy this new
edition, as the old one is ancient history now.
The Brusden White published “Kangaroos” includes super
specialised listings of this now 100 year old series. Also listed and
priced are many essays and proofs and the like.
The Kangaroo section is completely revised, with new details of numbers
printed, LOTS of new shades and varieties, and dramatic upward
price adjustments, based on recent market realisations.
This catalogue has been coming “any day soon” for several years.
RRP is $A95 plus postage.
The last edition was in 2004 – NINE long years back. The $A7¼
million Arthur Gray “Kangaroo” sale took place after that, and re-wrote
all the price books.
The value is there - finding just ONE half decent stamp – a scarcer type
Specimen overprint, the newly listed CTO issues, watermark variations,
printing errors or monogram pieces etc will readily repay that outlay
many times.
All dealers have stock
All leading dealers should have stock of this new catalogue as you read
this. Go and peruse one - you’ll be glad you did
This actually is the FIFTH separate Edition of the “Kangaroos”
catalogue since 1993.
If you have an earlier edition of the “Kangaroos” Catalogue -
just toss it away - the often massive price rises and new information in
here makes the old ones totally redundant.
The new update will create a boom market for this era, and most of this
new info included here has never been available in catalogues before.
A great deal of work has been done in this volume listing the MANY
different “CTO” cancels found on early Kangaroo stamps.
Did you know the very CHEAPEST 1d red Kangaroo CTO stamp listed is $A80?
Well you do now!
Stampboards has had detailed discussion on these, and some of that info
is transcribed here -
The exceptional 1d example shown nearby, with full gum I sold to a very
experienced collector, and he was absolutely delighted to pay $A100 for
Ten years ago, I’d have got $5 maximum for such a stamp as “fine used”
are a dollar retail, tops.
It has no error, or variety or scarce die or shade - just a nice looking
CTO example of the “commonest” type.
That $A100 is the cost of getting this book mailed Registered to your
door, so do NOT overlook updating! This kind of stamp turns up in club
books at $5 to this day.
Kudos to publishers
Dr. Geoff Kellow
is an editor without par for this series of catalogues. Meticulous and
scholarly original research is evident in all volumes.
The resultant 9 volume ACSC set is something all parties involved should
be enormously proud of.
NO other country can boast such a complete set of catalogues. Or indeed
anything even close to them.
Now a
$6,000+ piece.
I sold a client a 2/- Second Watermark on a nice parcel piece fragment a
few years back for a pittance. The new ACSC prices it for the first time
at $A6,000.
He phoned me today to order the new book and was delighted to hear his
curio piece was now worth $1000s!
Even the 1/- was previously un-recorded - that now is $A500, and pricing
is given to ALL Kangaroos on cover or parcel piece. These 3 soaked
off piece - value $A125 or so.
Collectors and dealers should support these ventures by purchasing a set
of them - or at least the volumes you use most.
'Knowledge is Power”
- I have typed that 100s of times in my 30 years of writing stamp
columns, and a set of ACSC gives you both knowledge AND power ... trust
Monthly "Stamp
Market Tipster Column
May 2013
View 55,000 album pages!
“Australia 2013” found extra space to increase the number of frames
being accepted, to 3,400 frames.
“London 2010” had 2,400 frames, “Indonesia 2012” had 2200, and
“Philanippon 2011” had 2,500.
3,400 frames is near a world record for stamps on display globally -
ever. With the Championship class etc, we are talking some 55,000
album pages!
Collectors making the visit to Melbourne in May will be handsomely
rewarded with all kinds of top end exhibits on show, and leading global
dealers in attendance.
Modelled on Florence Cathedral Dome
APTA and the APF have worked hard for years to get it this large, and credit to
all concerned for their hard and effective work.
The organisers have kindly arranged a table for right by the
“Court Of Honour”, and an official meeting at 2pm Sunday, and we hope to have a
lot of folks there.
The “Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue” (ACSC)
edited by Dr. Geoff Kellow leads the world. Germany, the UK and the USA
produce nothing even remotely close.
$A95 VERY well spent!
Even worse is the Scott “Specialised” USA which is a quite
pathetic single volume that purports to cover all USA issues from 1847
in specialised form.
New shades, new varieties
A $100 stamp these days.
Want a new challenge?
Many collectors tell me they are “bored' with their mainstream collections. There comes a time when most folks reach the point where the 10 or 20 stamps they still need all cost $1,000+ each, and the “divorce court potential” is not worth pursuing them! Or, a lot of folks are sick of buying the endless and expensive new issues, and want another philatelic challenge to keep them interested and enthusiastic. They yearn for something defined and clear cut, and not "open ended" like new issues are. |
4,600 stamps issued in 1962
I outlined in a past column about how client Peter Dolan from Adelaide collects a cover bearing world stamps from each day of 1962 - the year he was born. I am sure others have this as a collecting sideline ..... it is just one I had never heard of! Peter tells me that his research shows that there were about 4,580 stamps issued worldwide in that year, and 171 mini sheets - from 180 different issuing entities. And this figure is not counting obscure emissions like the imperforates from Albania etc! Peter started a very long photo discussion of this passion on stampboards - - and as you can see, he finally completed the task! |
Every 1964 JFK FDC
Another old client, Brad Baker in Melbourne decided on an equally obscure collecting sideline. John F. Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago, in 1963 - I was surprised it was that long back. Brad chose to try and collect the USA May 1964 5¢ John Kennedy Memorial stamp from every American post office that offered a cancel on that stamp. On major interest stamp issues such as JFK, it was released simultaneously in every US Post Office across the USA. |
So far about 4,500 different towns and cities are recorded. |
Has over 1000 different cancels.
As it stands now, Brad has about a quarter of these, and is always on the look-out for more. NOT easy from Australia. So if any reader has ANY FDC from a city he does not yet have, Brad will be delighted to negotiate a sale of it! The 5¢ Kennedy was issued in vast numbers, and was hugely popular with the public, so a normal FDC has minimal value. These things are normally consigned to dealer 10¢ boxes at shows etc, so please try and give Brad a hand sourcing some new ones! Brad does not care what cachet maker it is, or whether addressed or unaddressed. |
Check dealer 10c boxes!
As long as it is cancelled from a city he does not yet have, Brad will be keen to add it to his huge and growing collection. QUITE a task, and he is a quarter way there. Many 100s of the FDC he does own are here - organised state by state - Take a look - quite a mammoth task scanning up many hundreds of covers and captions and potted history of those USA towns. That stampboards thread was voted “Discussion Thread Of The Month” for February – and many really wonderful items are illustrated, as you can see. Brad has approved for me to add his contact details here - Or snail mail if you have something laying around you can pass on to him – B. Baker, PO Box 2763, Cheltenham Victoria, 3192. |
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I am a Dealer Member in Good
Standing Of:
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of: Philatelic Traders' Society. (London)
ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp
Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
"Lothlórien4 The
Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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