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March 2018

Mossgreen vultures granted extra months.
I reported last month on the total disaster at mossgreen
Auctions Melbourne that closed with no warning, owing vendors about $A12
million. Not a cent of which will be seen by anyone I feel, after the
Administrator rapes and pillages the rather modest cash on hand kitty,
at $100,000 or so in fees each week. has the very long and detailed discussion on of this huge crash, and all the general mass media
reports. And outlines all the twists and turns, and broken promises and
denials, and the blame game etc, that has accompanied it all.
The administrators BDO sought, and were very oddly to me, granted, a
Federal Court order allowing them to bill out their time until end
April, rather than end January. January 31 was when creditors were
advised was the original time frame to seek a White Knight, or otherwise
to conduct the funeral, and bury the ashes, and divide up the few
morsels left.
Vendors who sold material at mossgreen during 2017 and who were not paid
out already when the ship hit the rocks late December, have zero chance
of getting all their money. It may transpire in the final wash up, they
get a few cents on the dollar owed, but the future looks very
bleak, to put it mildly. |
Assets <$3 million, and
debts $12 million.
The Administrators reported the
company owed about $A12 million, but had assets of about $A3 million.
And those meagre “assets” include about $A1.2 million for purchases
made, and not yet paid, and clearly not all those invoices will be
settled, given this mess. Would YOU bank transfer $1,000 or $10,000
now, and HOPE some bean-counter mailed you the goods??

Junior Cadet is $236 an hour!
The BDO Administrators of course charge like wounded
bulls - with even a “Junior Cadet” billing out their time at $236 an
hour - I kid you not! See their fees chart nearby. As I was on the
creditor list, I got the full fee schedule being charged out, whilst the
corpse was being picked over.
Their fees between the December 21 appointment, and the January 4 first
creditor meeting, were disclosed at about $A200,000 alone - and near
everyone nationally was on holiday then! $A100,000 a week over the
holiday break. Long suffering creditors have heard nothing on the fees
amount since then.
From January 4 the fees clock went into overdrive I am sure, fending off
legal and vendor enquiries, sacking 50 staff, dealing with media
interviews, initiating Court actions and so on, all billed out at these
mega hourly rates. That is how these things often pan out, as history
shows us - much of what modest cash assets are on hand, evaporates in
Administrator and legal fees etc.
Charging $2,826 to return a few unsold newspapers to one vendor (see
below) pays for quite a few hour’s wages of the BDO’s most inexperienced
persons - "Junior Cadets" charge out at $215 an hour plus GST ($A236.50
an hour) to the hapless mossgreen creditor victims. All the cash on
hand will be conveniently gone by end April via BDO billings, I feel
Abacus rises from
mossgreen ashes.
In a surprise twist on February 11, creditors were
advised the stamps/coin/postcard division would NOT be closed
down, but had been “sold” to Abacus Pty Ltd, a new company set up in
Kooyong Victoria, run by ex-mossgreen staffers Torsten Weller, Gary
Watson and Nick Anning.
Good luck to them, and as they were owed about $125,000 as creditors, it
must have been an interesting deal to set up, and I hope lessens their
otherwise large looming losses. No idea where that Auction will be
based, as I have heard nothing from the 3 Mossketeers, other than what
others have gleaned, and then posted on stampboards.

Charles Leski and Watson in happier days.
Even more interesting was this new auction venture Abacus
essentially gets all the many consigned stamp/coin related lots by
default, using the original mossgreen terms, saying that the
original Conditions Of Sale agreements applied, unless the owners
specifically demanded them back etc.
The trio claim their first auction is possibly set for ‘April/May’, and
also claim their auctions will have some unspecified Trust Account type
protection for vendors. I certainly hope they clearly offer that via
AVAA membership - a national body that DEMANDS auditor signed proof,
that vendor monies are in fact being held in a Trust Account.
The Auctioneers and Valuers Association of Australia (AVAA) said
after the mossgreen mess - “The regulation for
auctions are varied across Australian States and Territories, with
Queensland requiring auctioneers hold a Trust Account, whereas New South
Wales, Victoria and Western Australia do not. This is why the AVAA has
moved to introduce mandatory requirements for all members”
“As part of its role to ensure the highest professional standards among
auctioneers and valuers, the AVAA has an established Code of Conduct
that requires members to maintain a Trust Account that is subject to an
annual audit. Furthermore, the AVAA requires its members have
professional indemnity insurance in place, to provide assurance to
clients should there be negligence on behalf of valuers.” |
INSIST on AVAA membership
So to anyone with any fiscal common sense, insisting
ANY stamp auction you deal with is a member of AVAA, and seeing
proof of that on AVAA website, is simply non-negotiable I’d suspect.
From all savvy vendors, after this mossgreen total train wreck. All
stamp auctions I feel sure will rapidly join up, after this mess has
destroyed vendor confidence.
They all claim to be APTA members which is totally meaningless, as APTA
do nothing. As the mossgreen vendors saw, who lost it all, and as
Velvet Auctions vendors all did, losing a $ million or so, when owner
Danny Jurd was Federal Treasurer of APTA (!), yet was apparently trading
whilst insolvent for years.

A NON Christmas present for many.
Stamp Auctions squandering monies paid for vendor stamps,
as Velvet and mossgreen did, (and many cavalier stamp auctions did
before them, in bygone Cowboy decades) is NOT OK in 2018, and
those monies should be strictly escrowed for payment to vendors, and
NOT be used to pay rent, airfares, ads, Director fees and
salaries etc, etc.
trust accounts were used by mossgreen. This sounds absurd when huge
figures like $1.75 million a vendor are involved. Most homes are not of
that value, but THEY have trust account protection. The BDO
meeting Chairman advised the January 4 first creditor meeting: "the
company was not required by law to operate a trust account. Auction
monies were essentially used to fund the working capital and trading
losses of the business."
Abacus team Nick, Gary, and Torsten were running the stamp and coin
side at mossgreen just fine, it seemed to me, and my guess is they were
not the area bleeding red ink there. They had no hands on the cheque
books in at mossgreen, and touring Mick Fleetwood, and running wanky
Cafes etc! These 3 probably have 100 years of stamp experience between
Prestige Auctions
website saved.
The Prestige Auction website was a totally invaluable
resource, hosting many, many, 1000s of hours of expert research back
covering over 17 years, and showing the PRICES they sold for, and
covering material from countless stamp fields -
Abacus secured the rights to that superb resource.
These dopey Administrators BDO totally removed the mossgreen website on
Friday January 19, so the 100s of hapless vendors trying to look up
their sold lots from past auctions, that have not been paid for etc, or
see what lots they need to check must get returned etc, cannot now see a
thing. Web Hosting costs near ZERO.
Hence many of the stamp and coin auctions held last year are gone
forever now, as sadly the Prestige website had been a bit slack, and had
only loaded sales up to the June 2017 sale. However if Abacus have also
retained Gary’s original webmaster from mossgreen, the other 6 months
might be added later?
That is exactly why I set up 13 years ago - far too much
superb philatelic info is posted online, and simply vanishes overnight
forever, when not in the safe and secure hands of those who think
long term, with Big Picture vision, and/or have the finances to pay the
hosting fees forever.
There are now 5+ MILLION posts there, on over 75,000 topics, from
about 18,000 stamp members, in more than 150 countries. No-one else
philatelically globally comes even remotely CLOSE. All superbly google
indexed, and hence viewed by MILLIONS of collectors a week, widening the
hobby more than anything else can.

NO mention of mossgreen now!
Superb to hear this valuable Prestige web resource was
saved. If this new ownership venture did not emerge - as I hoped it
would, I had planned to make a cash offer to buy the website, and all
data content as it now exists, from the Administrator, and leave it
stand untouched as a permanent archive resource for global collectors.
Just as I did 10 years back, with all of my late departed colleague
Simon Dunkerley's website pages, and all his quite brilliant articles
and research. Done with full blessing of his widow Angela, and
'Stamp News' - which I will fund for perpetuity - and all the
detailed material there is worth re-visiting -
Angela phoned me a couple of years after Simon passed, and was so
pleased the website had been saved, as it was the ONLY thing the young
boys had to look at, as evidence of just how respected and accomplished
their father had been in this hobby. Simon had disposed of virtually all
paperwork at his flat, so there was literally nothing left.
Getting your material consigned or unsold many months back from
mossgreen is a cinch, many vendors may have thought. WRONG. One
chap added a note on stampboards that he sold some stuff in 2017 there,
and had 8 lots of old historical newspapers that did not sell. More
here - |
Buy your OWN goods back at
double retail.
Vendor wanted them back, and assumed that would be
offered as a service by the Administrators. WRONG. The 8 unsold lots
had original mossgreen estimates of $A1,650. The blood sucking
Administrators BDO advised him the cost he needed to pay up-front, to
get his OWN old newspapers back, was $A2,825. Near TWICE
their retail worth.
This vendor reported if he did not pay this outrageous sounding ransom
demand with 30 days from date of the demand, BDO advised him they would
be treated as “abandoned goods”, and be disposed of however BDO saw fit,
from my reading of their aggressive missive. They demanded $A353.20 PER
item, to cover “costs”. Read even more BDO fees leeched off.

“Your goods may not be yours for long.”
Crazier still, was the large ad that BDO placed in the
“Public Notices” section of “The Age” and also I
understand, in “The Australian Financial Review” and
possibly other national newspapers, on February 15. It is shown nearby,
and seems very clear. This is aimed at CONSIGNERS, not past vendors it
So not only are these leeches BDO, charging owners of UNSOLDS
twice their retail value to get their own goods back, (many of who will
not have been paid for what DID sell) they are now legally
advising CONSIGNORS of goods that those goods can be treated as
"abandoned" and dumpstered etc (yeah, sure) if you do not contact them
within 4 weeks. And are also quoting the insane fee of $A353.20 PER
lot to return them!
So, assume you were downsizing, and consigned all the furniture,
paintings, and art work etc to mossgreen late 2017, went on a holiday
overseas or Grey Nomad for 3 or 4 months, so can't open or read any
letters mailed to you, and you have legally lost the LOT by your
return? Just plain crazy. No phone number, no person’s name or address
to write to in the ad - not all older folks have email.
National ”ABC News” February 17 took the “Ransom” story a
lot further, confirming the Ransom demand outlined above, re the unsold
newspaper lots, and confirming the stampboards members post that BDO
were demanding a flat $A353.20 “Ransom” per unsold or consigned
item, regardless of estimated value
the BDO Head Vulture states, to cover their alleged outrageous expenses.
EACH unsold lot costs you $353.20 to return, even if the estimated
value was only $50 or $100. Vendors and consignors have four weeks to
pay the Ransom, or you lose YOUR goods forever. And BDO claims
your goods are then legally theirs, and they can they seem to feel, sell
YOUR goods, and keep all the money!
BDO Head Vulture, James White told the ABC: "In storing the consigned
goods, Mossgreen incurred costs in identifying, preserving and
maintaining them - it is not appropriate for Mossgreen's estate to bear
those costs, which include wages, rent, security, insurance, legal fees
and the administrators' reasonable and properly-incurred time, costs and
disbursements in that exercise.”
"Given this, a levy will be imposed on consignors in collecting their
goods in order to meet those expenses. Charging a levy on consigned
goods is consistent with applicable law, and has been applied in
previous situations similar to this." White told the ABC. The
goods include unsold items from recent auctions, items held for future
auctions, and items sold at auction, but not yet collected by the
purchasers, according to the ABC. |
New BDO Ransom gouge TREBLES victims.
| has the ABC article. The latest
development more than triples the number of people set to lose
money in the mossgreen collapse, they state. In January, collectors who
still had goods being held by the company were told in writing by the
Administrator, BDO Australia, that such items were NOT part of
Mossgreen's assets, and would be returned to them, after a stocktake was
carried out. I got the same email.
Antony Davies, a toy collector based in Braidwood in NSW, has more than
78 unsold lots being held by Mossgreen, worth a total auction estimate
of $17,000. He has been told he needs to pay $27,549.60 in fees in the
next few weeks, if he wants his goods returned, according to the ABC
News report. Otherwise he will lose them all, it seems clear.

Renamed by BDO as “Ransom Auctions”?
"This action by the administrator is just unconscionable"
Mr Davies told the ABC. "To make us pay more money in fees than our
goods are worth is extremely unfair. And to increase the amount of
people affected, who have done absolutely nothing wrong - I'm very
angry." Mr Davies' toys, ranging in value from $50 to $1000s each,
were put up for auction through Mossgreen's website in December, but
failed to all sell.
Correspondence sent from BDO Australia to Mr Davies and other vendors in
January said that his goods would be returned or could be collected
January 31, but did not mention any fees were applicable, or planned.
Davies contacted the administrators in December and January to try to
collect his goods, but was told that was not possible, ”until the
stocktake was carried out’’.
Mr Davies, who is also a former Sotheby's auctioneer, said he
believed most people would end up forfeiting their property. "Of the
10,000 thousand objects they hold - a great many of them would be worth
under the fee they would charge," Mr Davies said.
"They're assuming most people won't bother paying it, so they will
simply confiscate and take most people's property."
BDO Australia is holding more than 10,000 items on consignment at
four sites in Victoria and one in NSW. Based on those figures, it seems
it is seeking to raise over $3.5 million from the ”levy” from the
hapless consignors for future auctions, and owners of unsold lots from
past sales.
Jenny Buchan, a Business
Law Professor the University of NSW, said: “BDO Australia was being
rapaciously optimistic There isn't anything clear in the
consignment contract I could see, that would give them the right to
charge quite a sizeable amount per consigned lot," she told the ABC
on February 17.
“The Australia
Financial Review”
also ran with this story on February 16. BDO Head Vulture, James White
told the AFR "The amount of the levy is not negotiable. If
you dispute your liability to pay the levy, we recommend that you seek
independent legal advice." The AFR says clients have been given
four weeks to pay the levy, or told their items will be sold, and the
money absorbed into the collapsed company.
I think it's highway
robbery," said Tom
Lowenstein, the high-profile accountant who helps manage the affairs of
artist Charles Blackman among many others. Mr Blackman handed 25
drawings to Mossgreen last year for an auction that was due to occur in
February. The celebrated artist has been told he must pay $A8,825
(charged at $A353 per lot) before his sketches will be returned.
"They are his works, and they are his property" Mr
Lowenstein told the AFR.
A horrible and tangled mess, and BDO will be clawing back chunks of the
dwindling cash on hand until end of April, the Federal Court has now
approved for some reason, bolstered by many millions more now levied on
unsolds and consigned goods. I cannot imagine a happy ending for the
hapless vendors owed $A12 million from the crash. BDO will get near all
of it I can bet. Lots more here - |
ozzie ships himself UK to
Sounds incredible and impossible, but this is a totally
true story that someone on stampboards raised this week - a heap more
detail on it here - Includes a recent interview
with the man involved Spiers. Had not heard of it before, so I’ll share
it with readers, for a smile, after all the mossgreen doom.

Man ships himself across the globe.
In the mid 1960s an Australian named Reg Spiers had his
wallet stolen in London, leaving him broke and homesick, and wanting to
visit his wife here, and his young daughter for her birthday. Back
then, an airline ticket for this 21,000 Kilometre trip cost an absolute
A Qantas return airfare Australia to London was, (adjusted from
Sterling) $A980 for economy class (which then was VERY
spacious!) and $A1,232 for First Class, but the average weekly earnings
were just $32.20 a week. Using today’s average wage as a comparative
yardstick, we have economy class for $A47,786 and First Class for
One of our girls is flying to London soon, and the cheapest fare one way
they found was $A603 on Thai Airways - for 24 hours of flying. Good one
connection trip, and quality planes, and quality airline - the cost of
long haul travel today, WHEREVER you live, is incredibly cheap now,
compared to what we earn.
Shipped himself COD in
a crate!
Spiers had worked in airline freight handling, and knew
airlines often shipped goods “COD - COLLECT” - meaning the
recipient paid for the consignment upon arrival. So, he had a
mate in UK build him a large wooden crate, planning to address it to a
fictitious name and address in Australia, and then exit the box quietly
when it reached Australia, and vanish.

Very tight fit for 60 hours flying.
The wooden box maximum for airline freight was 5ft x 3ft
x 2½ feet = 1½m x 0.9m x 0.75m. The crate allowed him to sit up
straight-legged, or lie on his back with his knees bent. The two ends of
the crate were held in place by wooden spigots operated from the inside,
so Spiers could let himself out of either end. It was fitted with grab
straps to hold him in place, as the crate was loaded and unloaded.
To avoid any suspicion that a person was inside, the crate was labelled
as containing a shipment of special paint, and addressed to a fictitious
Australian shoe company. Packed into the box was some tinned food, a
torch, a blanket and a pillow, plus two plastic bottles - one for water,
one for urine.
Spiers crate was loaded onto an Air India plane bound for Perth, Western
Australia. Although Spiers wanted ultimately to get to Adelaide, Perth
was chosen because it was a smaller airport. Things started badly after
he endured a 24-hour delay at the airport in London due to fog, and then
an unexpected fuel stop in Paris. |
4 hours upside down in
Bombay sun.
The next stop on the long journey back to Australia was
in Bombay, where baggage handlers parked Spier’s crate on the tarmac -
upside down - in the Indian sun's full glare for four hours. "It was
hot as hell in Bombay, so I took off all my clothes" Spiers
said. "Wouldn't it have been funny if I'd got
pinched then?"
"They had the
thing on its end. I was on the tarmac while they were changing me from
one plane to another. I'm strapped in, but my feet are up in the air.
I'm sweating like a pig, but determined not to give up - wait, be
patient - and eventually they came and got my crate, and put me on
another plane"
Spiers continued.
When the plane finally touched down in Perth, via a fuel stop in
Singapore, after ~60 hours in the crate, the cargo hold was opened, and
Spiers heard the Australian baggage handlers swearing outside, about the
size of the crate he was in. He knew immediately he was safely back
"I knew they would take the box to a Bond shed. When they put me in the
shed I got out straight away. There were cartons of beer in there. I
don't drink but I whipped a beer out, and had a drink of that."
There was near zero airport security then, and Spiers quietly walked out
of the terminal, and freedom.

Press photo of the now empty crate from UK.
Spiers came unstuck only as his crate-building mate in the UK never
heard from Spiers that he has arrived safely (no faxes, or emails or
text messages then!) and fearing he had perished etc, contacted the
Police, and the story quickly gained momentum.
National media were soon all over it, and Spiers was tracked down and
confessed. Qantas started to chase him for the freight money, but soon
saw that was very bad PR and backed off. A book was later written on
Spier’s crazy adventure - “OUT OF THE BOX”. More detail
on it all here - |
Arthur Gray’s
Booklets sold silently.
Arthur Gray
formed the largest and finest collection of Australia, and Australia
States stamp booklets ever formed. As you read this, they have likely
been sold - not that the vast majority of collectors, or potentially
interested buyers of these rare pieces know it even occurred. Very

of Gray’s huge £1 booklets
Why the Gray
family has persisted with consigning things to Spink London, who oversaw
an unmitigated disaster of his QE2 specialised stamp collection last
year, I will never know. UK sales by Australians gets one embroiled in
UK VAT taxes added on for all the UK bidders as you are NOT an EU
vendor, and the absurdly high Spink buyer fees and credit card gouges
etc for all buyers. And a daily variable Sterling rate.
Spink as usual told almost no-one here of the impending sale, arrogantly
assuming their mailing list and sub average website will get the job
done. It does not in 2018. Shock horror - a tiny bit of effort
is necessary to fully reward the vendors. The rare Russia stamp shown
nearby is a perfect example. Spink seem to have told few folks relevant
that they had it. had discussions on the Gray Booklets, and probably
attracted a heap of bidders that Spink have never heard of before. I
should send them an invoice. Apart from that, 100s of potential buyers
of these did not even know the sale was even occuring. There is ZERO
excuse for that.
£1 Victoria Booklet, with ledger page.
Page Ads in the
local stamp magazines etc, and informative Press Releases are what
achieves market awareness and mega prices, and savvy Auctions do just
that. Spink did not bother. Seigel’s in New York in FEBRUARY had a
superb website up and running for the Bill Gross USA Collection in
Secret Spink Kangaroo
Auction too.
On the same day
Spink, had a superb Australia Kangaroo collection with MUH corner blocks
4 of all the high values to £2 etc. And rare Imprints and monograms
etc. Again - no magazine ads placed here, no press releases, no
excitement, no vibe. I had received a catalogue of NEITHER as at
Feb 18 as this is filed, and ditto several other large dealers I know.
More total laziness, and disregard for maximising the vendor results in
my book.
Me, I do not reward laziness in any field with my patronage and
business, and I simply cannot be bothered dealing with Auctions like
Spink, who rely on tradition and good luck to garner sales, rather than
earn the heavy bidding and ensuing commissions, by doing some bog
basic groundwork and ublicity such sales. And am not alone.

Arthur Gray’s £1 Kangaroo booklet.
Phoenix Auctions
in Melbourne offered Dr William Mayo’s superb world booklet collection
in recent times, and got global bidding, and a good client list for this
field. Why Arthur’s Booklets did not go there - who knows, but he would
be turning in his grave with annoyance at this lazy offering by Spink I
am sure. AUSTRALIA is the market for them, not UK.
Sure these booklets are easy to sell, and all doubtless will, as many of
the early £1 Roo and State books are unique, and cat ~£20,000 each. I
suspect I could have offered the Gray Family cash on the spot, FAR more
than they will net from Spink, after currency exchange rate screws, and
commissions, and UK taxes deducted etc, etc. Sad.
As my stamp mentor Ken Baker told me several times - “Son, it takes
no skill or expertise to sell scarce stamps for way less than they are
worth.” Spink are commission agents so it makes absolutely no great
difference to them, whether one of these booklets sells for £5,000 or
£10,000 - the buyer commission is all profit.

Not all scenes are known, even today.
Arthur Gray bought over all his stamp booklet collection
at one point so I could scan all the covers and contents for posterity,
as SG did not have a single booklet cover illustrated pre 1950. So,
when I passed them onto Hugh Jefferies, Editor at Stanley Gibbons, the
Australia and States booklets listings were transformed, with many of
Arthur's gems, the images you now see there.
As Spink London use Dinosaur standard images, their pictorial results
are cruddy as usual, front covers only, no contents even, or
reverses, so decent scans are added here for posterity, of some
of the Gray gems I did. These earliest £1 Australia stamp booklets are
massive - each the size of an ACSC cat - or near a Hagner page width.
Almost no collectors have seen even one of these, much less a bagful!
They were in a wide range of cover colours and papers, and with views of
different GPO's on backs - and now we know some had even pictorial
scenes. Nobody knows for sure what views they all were, or how many
were made. The inside covers as can be seen, were ruled up to allow for
offices to use for recording the daily useage for accounting etc. Very
strange that so few survived - even empty ones - and large numbers were
sold. |
Ever heard of a TIFLIS
Well you will not be alone! I am guessing about 95% of
readers never have, and I never had until this week when stampboards had
a discussion on the example shown nearby. It is Russia’s FIRST stamp.
For most readers it looks like an embossed postal stationary cut-out, I
am sure. It is very small normal stamp size - 2.2 x 2.4mm.

Russia 1857 Tiflis 6k Local Stamp.
The story of how
this stamp was discovered is a VERY interesting read! Well-known NZ
collector Robin Gwynne saw an old 1876 “Oppens” stamp album in a local
stamp auction. The book was in good condition, and it contained many
better old 1800s stamps globally, from the GB 1840 1d and 2d imperfs, so
he paid $NZ3,300 for it.
This white stamp he assumed was of little value or significance, and
given the other nice stamps in there, he disregarded it as a postal
stationary cut-out. He later sent it to New York for a Certificate
which came back as:
‘Tiflis Embossed - FAKE. In my opinion, this stamp is a forgery’. |
Offered £5,000 for a
That was that,
but then someone offered him £5,000 for it - despite knowing it had been
expertised as a “fake”! An English friend felt it might be OK, and ran
it past the RPS London and Chris Harman there, who after much research
decided it was indeed genuine and gave a clear RPS Certificate. One of
just 6 recorded, two of those are in institutional collections. First
example to appear in 75 years!
Tiflis is the former
name of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. It was there that the first
Russian stamp was officially issued in mid 1857. Essentially the stamp
was a local, designed to carry mail between Tiflis itself, and the
summer residence of the Tsar’s representative at Kodzhory. But it is
far more than a mere local issue.
Spink London ran it to an auction, and it got over £200,000 after the
Spink Buyer Fee and VAT
on Buyer Fees etc, which add to about 24% total. I’d suggest if Feldman
Switzerland has offered it, the figure would have been IMMENSELY
higher. The market for early Russia - IN Russia, is RED HOT.

$300,000 find in $3000 old album.
Nonetheless Robin
Gywnn was delighted of course, and has generously offered $NZ100,000 of
his windfall to help fund a new home for philately in Wellington, if the
other members of the Club agree to take that path.
The far more detailed story is outlined here on stampboards, as
reprinted with kind permission there from the “New Zealand Stamp
Collector” a wonderful and interesting story -
proving for sure, that new discoveries ARE still possible in 2018!
A German member
there, and Russia specialist, was furious these Spink sales of Russia
had occurred with no fanfare. He said: “It
is amazing to notice neither of the sales have been subject to targeted
marketing to the international societies specialized in Russian
philately, such as Rossica and the BSRP. Most of their members would
have been unaware of those Spink Auctions.”
He discovered these Russia stamp sales were occuring by
total accident, and frantically tied to place bids, but had just missed
the cut-off deadline for internet bidding. And said he’d have paid more
than several lots sold for. And I bet he was not alone. Spink needs to
lift their game and discover it is 2018.

If you would like to be notified of updates
to this website,
If have any questions,
or comments regarding my site, please email me at
Search all my 300+ web
pages! Simply type in
what you are looking for. "Penny Black", "Latvia",
"Imprints", "Morocco", "Fungi" "Year Books", etc! Using
quotes ( " ) is more accurf used with no quotes. Search
is NOT case sensitive.
Tip - keep the search word singular - "Machin"
yields far more matches than "Machins" etc. |

Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc

Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
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"Commissions" (15% Buyer + 20% Seller + GST, etc) AND their five-month delays!
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"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 Australia
Phone 7 Days:
(02) 9958-1333
PO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068
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