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Glen Stephens
Perforations The
advent of high tech
perforators has given rise
to all kinds of strange and
irregular things in recent
years. The
curious Great Britain
“elliptical” perfs have been
used on Machin and high
values for many years. In my
opinion the massive £10
Britannia issue of 1993 is
easily the most attractive
British stamp issued in the
past 80 years since the 1929
£1 PUC … which also featured
Britannia. And is
getting to be a VERY sought
after stamp both mint and
FINE used as it had a short
life. Mint is already up to
£40 apiece in Stanley
Gibbons catalogues. This
£10 stamp had no less than
seven different high tech
security features. From
impressed Braille dots,
incredibly fine micro
printing, and these
GB 1993 £10 Britannia
Mayday Mayday
One set that has a
perforation feature that does NOT look
deliberate is the recent GB “Mayday -
Rescue at Sea” issue of March 13, 2008.
This set of 6
values and the designs depict various
sea based rescues from Sikorsky S61N
helicopters, to the 5 metre “D” class
inflatable boat depicted on the 54p
middle value shown nearby.
Dot – Dash
- Dot As you can clearly
see, the horizontal perforations look
rather strange. If you look at the
lower margin on this used pair, they
appear to be just roughly separated. However if you
examine the unsevered line of
perforations carefully you’ll notice
they are not regular perforations, but a
series of horizontal slits and small
circles. Why? Well as
anyone who has earned a Boy Scouts
semaphore badge etc might know, they
represent the 3 dots and 3 long dashes
and 3 dots that are the universal signal
code for the famous “SOS” emergency
issue it this year you may ask? To
commemorate the centenary of the
implementation of the second
International Radiotelegraphic
Convention, which was signed on
November 3rd,
1906, and became effective on
July 1st
single copy of these stamps will however
look like it is roughly separated. I am
glad they only managed to mangle one
stamp issue with this type of
perforation “gimmick”.
On All Portugal Stamps Portugal
have also had a rush of blood to the head and have issued ALL stamps
since January 22nd, 2008 with a Cruz
de Cristo (Cross of Christ) syncopated perforation on each side as
shown nearby .. even stamps in miniature sheets have this feature. One of the members of
is based in Portugal, and posted up an number of scans of their
recent issues showing this unusual cross on this weblink for those
interested -
Seeing Double!
Who says new discoveries can’t turn
up in unexpected places?
Dealer Kevin Morgan bought some
Kangaroos off Richard Juzwin, took a
few better items out of it for
auction as separate lots, and sold
off the balance.
One of the better items taken aside
was a group of 8 x perforated large
“OS” 1913 Kangaroos.
It went to auction at 21st
Century Auctions on November 30,
2007, and attracted no bidders.
Melbourne dealer David Wood was
glancing through the unsold lots,
and bought this card of Kangaroos
for stock for a nominal sum.
On closer inspection he noticed the
2/- value appeared to have a doubled
frame line at base. A closer look
revealed more doubling.
checked the ACSC, and
realised this was the
"double print" variety
catalogued at $7,500. The
footnote indicated that only
2 copies were recorded, both
used, one of which is in the
Royal Collection.
Further research has
confirmed that this is in
fact only the third copy of
this variety to be
discovered. All three
copies show a similar
example of the "double
print" and all are
postmarked in Melbourne
during July 1914.
The ACSC catalogue makes a
note that this is probably a
“kiss print” rather than a
true double print.
In fact all the other
“double prints” in the
Kangaroo issues are thought
to be actually kiss prints.
(A “kiss print” occurs when
paper "flaps" onto the
printing plate twice -
usually caused by the paper
not sitting flat.)
True Double
To my mind this makes it more
likely to be a genuine double
print, particularly when you
consider that 3 stamps would be
a typical survival rate from one
sheet of stamps from this era.
On the other hand, a number of
senior collectors are just as
firmly convinced that it must
still be a "kiss print". Who
really knows after 95 years?
However the stamp recently
received a 2008 RPSV
Certificate, stating it is a
genuine copy of ACSC 35c “Double
Print”, and that is the final
This is not a cheap stamp even
in normal condition, being about
$300 for a nice looking used
copy these days. This one is not
so nice looking of course, but
when there are just 2 copies in
private hands, beggars can’t be
example in Gray
Even the astounding $7¼
million Arthur Gray Kangaroo
collection did not contain
this error. One of the few
SG listed Kangaroo errors he
was missing – possibly the
only one.
It is clear
the 2/- is
scarcer, and
being a dark
brown stamp
the error
One the mint
and used 5/-
examples it
is of course
VERY hard to
notice this
error with
the naked
eye, as
prints very
“lightly” on
Auctions in
will be
this 2/- new
discovery in
the near
Contact them
for further
as to sale
If you asked
me for a
guess as to
value –
about full
$7,500 would
not surprise
me at all
…. even
though that
figure was
on a single
copy being
A new
should in
theory halve
that value,
but rare
stamp prices
do not work
quite that
neatly and
This stamp
is of course
these days
listed in
Gibbons at
SG 011a - at
£3,000 for
I also point
out the 5/-
above also
has several
MINT copies
known – the
Gray mint
example sold
Gray’s mint
“OS” of the
same 5/- got
$19,500. So
for anyone
they have a
choice of
mint or used
or perf “OS”
on that
one. Not so
with this
I asked the
David Wood
today what
he plans to
estimate the
stamp at,
and he
advised that
will be the
“My research
shows the
other 2
copies were
reported as
far back as
1926, so my
discovery is
the first
new example
to appear
for over 80
Wood told me
It all goes
to show what
I type here
often –
Is Power” in
this hobby.
Here we have
2 major
dealers and
their staffs
who did not
notice the
New discoveries possible
Any stamp with a SG
listing gets a huge
support in many
cases. I saw that
first hand in New
York last February
at the Arthur Gray
sale, where a New
York dealer was
bidding on behalf of
a very wealthy
The client was
“Official” stamps of
the British
Commonwealth as
listed by SG, and
had told the dealer
to “go buy at any
price” all the
“Official” stamps in
Gray that he did not
A very, very
instruction to give
to your auction
bidder, unless you
are VERY wealthy.
Gladiator Special!
The most hotly
contested lot was a
£2 1913 First
Watermark Roo with
large “OS” perfin -
illustrated nearby.
One bidder was John
Zuckerman, Vice
President of Robert
A. Siegel Auction
Galleries in New
York, bidding for
his wealthy client.
The other bidder was
Paul Fletcher, owner
of Millennium
Auctions in Sydney,
and the ACSC. Paul
apparently was
bidding for his own
Six Times Catalogue
"My client is pleased with
the purchase"
Zuckerman told me after the
Michael Eastick had a very
similar stamp on his website
recently, also with the same
corner cancel of “Public
Zuckerman's paddle
number 247 also paid
incredible prices at the
same Gray sale for the same
client. He
bought the 1929 10/- and £2
used Small Multiple
watermark "OS" punctures
- at $US15,525 (then
$A19,905) and $US26,450
($A33,912) respectively.
certainly did not believe
the 10/- offered in the sale
was genuine, and several
others there shared my
view. For decades the £2 of
this set was deemed not to
have existed with genuine
“OS” perfin.
Monthly "Stamp
Market Tipster Column
June 2008
Exciting new
Typically this affects only part
of the design. The "double"
print of the 5/- Roo is typical
of this flaw. What is
interesting is that this 2/-
example has an all-over
doubling, as do the other two
known 2/- copies.
I discovered a (still unique) mint
£2 Small Multi perf "OS" in the USA about 15 years ago,
and paid very little for it. This had an exact matching
perfin position, perfs and centering to the fine used
Gray example, that he had owned for many years. |
£2 S/Multi now listed
This discovery led to both mint and used copies being finally listed and priced in the ACSC, and then in SG only a few years back. These listings consequently led to Gary’s unique used copy selling for near $A34,000! The unique mint copy was auctioned by Prestige Auctions (Nelson sale) for $A13,225 way back in 2002. Today’s value easily double or treble that. Until 1993 neither value were listed or priced in ACSC. In the 1996 edition the £2 (mint only) was priced and listed in ACSC based on my discovery matching Gray’s copy in positioning of the “OS” - which was unusually high on both stamps – and both matched exactly. These sky high prices for the “OS” stamps outlined above demonstrates I hope, that the SG listed 2/- brown new discovery may well prove a cheap buy at anything like the auction sale estimate. In fact if David Wood is savvy, he will check with Mr Zuckerman to see if his client needs the SG 011a, and if so, he may not need to bother with an auction. He knows what bubbly I drink! |
Bird Brains?
“MargoZ” a member of
discovered an
interesting mess-up this
month involving a new
PNG bird stamp issue.
On January 25, 2008 PNG issued a set of 6 “Protected Birds” stamps and a miniature sheet with the same 6 values. And just for good measure to milk the new issue collectors, an apparently needless issue of the 1K design as a high face 10 Kina value in a separate miniature sheet. So far nothing too unusual, except the very high and excessive face value. However with birds you need to know your tail-feathers, and they got one design horribly wrong. The 85 Toea “Harpy Eagle” stamp does not depict PNG’s Harpy’s Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae) at all. It depicts an Eagle from Central and South America! (Harpypia harpyja) This was detected by Field biologist Leo Legra, from the University of Kansas, who saw it whilst looking at the new set on the internet. Legra publicised his discovery in the PNG press, and requested the error stamps be recalled. His letter was published in “The National” newspaper in PNG on April 28.
The beautiful 30 toea
stamp shown nearby from
1974 depicts the
Harpy Eagle.
In his letter, Dr Legra gave a run down of the great differences in the two bird’s appearance, calls, and diet. |
“Recall It”
And went on to say:
“given the above issues,
I would ask that,
whichever department(s)
involved in the making
of this new stamp to
recall it and at least
get the correct image of
the New Guinea Harpy
“Secondly, I call on the respective department(s), organisation(s) or person(s) involved in this project to get your information correct and don’t mar the efforts that most of us (field-biologists) have put into studying species like the New Guinea Harpy Eagle with cheap shots such as the issues discussed above” he concluded. Now as anyone knows who has visited PNG - as I have a few times, nothing is simple or straighforward in the “Land Of The Unexpected”.
The WRONG Eagle
Yes and No!
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I am a Dealer Member in Good
Standing Of:
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of: Philatelic Traders' Society. (London)
ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp
Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
"Lothlórien4 The
Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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