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Updated Thursday 27 March 2025 |
Glen Stephens |
July 2006
New Australian Stamp index CD released. Ronald Reagan new stamps
The US Post Office will issue a special $8
sheet end May at the Exhibition - which is illustrated nearby. |
What a superb looker
Had Australia issued an $8 sheet like this,
depicting the 10/-, £1 and £2 First Watermark 1913 Kangaroos it
could have looked superb. Those three stamps in combo have the most
wonderful colour interaction, as all of us who have owned or seen a
Specimen set can attest. |
Reader and dealer Geoff Sherrington
sent me a CD Rom recently that has images on it of most
of the Australian stamps issued since 1913 - right up to
May 2006, the date I type this. It also includes the
Australian Antarctic Territory and 1946 BCOF Japan
issues etc. Each row covers one stamp and the columns outline each stamp's description, colour, value, watermark, date, die, perforations, variety (such as paper, printer, some listed varieties where relevant), catalogue numbers, key words and so on. Essentially all of the 2512 primary
numbers from the ACSC are here. "P" stamps are usually
listed only under the primary stamp design, not by the
contents of the tabs. |
Sample illustration
I selected one stamp at random - the 1913 1d Red
Kangaroo perforated Large "OS" - illustrated nearby. The listing for
that reads as follows in one neat line: |
for ‘want’ lists
This part is to me a VERY valuable asset. I often get
long ‘want’ lists from collectors listing only SG or
Michel or ASC catalogue numbers etc. This CD Rom is
worth many dealers buying JUST to use as a
cross-reference for catalogue numbers, as it can save
you hours.
Likewise it is easy for a collector to arrange his ‘want list’ as a print out or email using this CD as the basic data base. The spreadsheet is "open", so you can add your own data to it - such as how many stamps you have of which one, how much you paid for a stamp, and when, and from whom, etc. The CD is Excel searchable by key words - especially useful for thematic collectors. You can cut and paste descriptions for making eBay listings for sale, and you can edit the spreadsheet. You can even re-format to make individual labels to slip into your albums. Catalogues have become horrendously expensive in recent years. I am flying back from Washington DC with a carton of the new "2007" Scott Catalogues for clients which lists Australia/USA/UN etc. Saves air freight costs! The many thick German Michel volumes now run to $A120 each. And local postage on each of the Michel or SG or Scott works can easily be another $20 on top of the $120. So all this number and photo data on a compact CD Rom for a fraction the cost of a single catalogue saves keeping up to date with buying a bunch of foreign catalogues. Updates occur every month or so for this CD I am advised. So the CD ROM you buy next year has an extra year's issues encoded within it. |
Only $A30 post free
The Afinsa mess in Spain has been THE talking point
around the stamp world in the past month.
To re-cap my detailed run down from last month where some 5 BILLION Euros was lost by around 400,000 unsophisticated investors in Spain and Portugal. |
Ronnie Returns
The USA issued a 37¢ Ronald Reagan stamp on February 9,
2005. That day would have been his 94th birthday. |
4 metre high stamp
have no hard statistics on it, but my guess is Reagan
was the most popular President for decades. I guess when
you are competing against the likes of Richard Nixon and
both George Bush's it is not very difficult to win votes
in that poll. |
Nixon Unpopular
I bet both the Reagan stamps will outsell the 1995
32¢ Nixon issue - five to one. That stamp issue was
incredibly un-popular with the public and even rated
a story at the time in ‘USA Today’.
All over the USA, postal clerks reported that people were asking for any stamp other than Nixon. The ‘USA Today’ article quoted a Post Office sales manager in Houston saying 9 out of 10 customers turned down the stamp when it was offered. Only 80 million Nixon were printed, and I bet most were destroyed later. Numbers ’sold’ have never been released. USPS know what they were doing – they issued 400 million of the Marilyn Monroe stamps, released the following month! |
517 million sold
Nixon is quite a contrast to the 1993 29¢ Elvis Presley issue. USPS claims it is their largest selling commemorative stamp in history. Over 517 million stamps were sold. They reportedly made a phenomenal profit on that one stamp. The USPS website admits it sold 124 million stamps that were never used as postage – called "retention" in USPS jargon. That's no surprise, considering the millions of stamp collectors, and Elvis fans out there. That is $US36 million pure profit. Nancy Reagan is in the centre of the three standing dignitaries in the photo nearby at the unveiling of the original stamp issue at the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, in Simi Valley California. On her left is US Postmaster General John Potter, and on the right is Frederick Ryan Jr, Reagan's Chief Of Staff 1989-95. Mrs Reagan said at the 37¢ stamp unveiling: 'The stamp really captures Ronnie's humour and optimism, and I hope the American people will like it as much as I do.'
The 2005
Reagan stamp was chosen as the most
important commemorative of 2005 and as the
favourite "Stamp Of The Year"
in the annual reader poll conducted by
"Linn's Stamp News" - the largest
selling stamp magazine in the world.
USPS to hike rates
The American 39¢ domestic
postage rate of this Reagan
stamp will soon be a distant
memory. The USPS has just
applied for permission to
increase the letter rate
next year to 42¢.
They want an AVERAGE 8.5% rate hike. Some categories like Priority Mail are targeted for 13.8%, Express Mail by 12.5%, and packages by 13.4% average. The domestic newspaper rate would increase a whopping 24.2%. |
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Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp
Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
"Lothlórien," No. 4 The
Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
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