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December 2017
A famous Marxist revolutionary of Irish descent, and the
well-known painting of him by an Irish artist, both came together in a
stamp issue in October by the Irish Post Office - “An Post”.
First the T Shirt, and now.
Ernesto “Che” Guevara, the quintessential left-wing
revolutionary, was killed in Bolivia by the CIA backed Army in 1967.
“An Post” chose the 50th anniversary of his death to issue a stamp
featuring the famous painting of “Che” by Dublin artist Jim Fitzpatrick
- rated among the world’s top 10 most iconic images.
Guevara - Senior Banker!
Che assisted Fidel Castro in overturning the Cuban
Batista government in the late 1950s, and then held key political
offices later on. Che was oddly made President of the Bank of Cuba,
hence his simple “Che” signature appeared on millions of banknotes - one
is shown nearby.
One word Bank Governor Signature!
The release of a stamp depicting Che generated squawks of
anger from many in Florida of all places, and of course many sectors of
the Irish political scene. All this hot air created global publicity -
and demand, and the stamps and FDC sold out fast.
Che is a hero in Cuba.
I’ve been to Cuba a couple of times on holiday over the
decades, and as you might expect, Che Guevara is a national hero there.
In La Plaza de la Revolución in Havana - the Ministry of Interior
Building is adorned with a massive steel sculpture of Che Guevara. A
photo I took of it is nearby.
Australia’s priciest postage stamp.
I very often type that - “The last word will NEVER be written in
Philately”. I also type even more often these words -
“Knowledge is Power”. Both those phrases have come true this
week! Let’s look at our priciest regular stamp.
The World’s MOST expensive selvedge!
This stamp with the marginal printer Monograms are far scarcer still. I
was in the auction room where this one with “JBC” Monogram - creased, a
little rusty, and hinged, sold for an amazing $A176,930. “The most
expensive piece of selvedge on earth” as I quipped to the buyer
Simon Dunkerley. Glad I did not drop it in my coffee! Current cat is
Missing from near all Collections.
The 1913 £2 Kangaroo is a VERY rare stamp either mint or used, and I get
one example into stock each year or two. It is the single stamp missing
from near EVERY Australia stamp collection on this planet. I almost
never buy a collection with this stamp present, in any form.
I bought the example above this year, which looked to me like the ugly
parcel branch cancel at first glance, but someone had cunningly applied
a fake parcel cancel over a “Specimen” overprint, on very
close inspection. Most collectors would have no idea.
How did you score?
Few collectors would notice this clever job I’d suggest - did you?! On
the reverse it was clean and flat, and the stamp had excellent perfs and
centering for any 1913 high value, as can be seen. On ebay it would be
trotted out to the Bunnies as “Superb FU
Baahgeen at $3,000” and would be hoovered up in days, I
have no doubt.
perfin ----
Gladiator Special!
Six Times Catalogue
A UNIQUE “OS” pair.
I discovered a still unique, mint £2 Small Multiple watermark
perf "OS" in the USA about 30 years ago, and paid very little for it.
This had an exact matching perfin position, and perfs and centering to
the fine used Gray example, that he had likewise owned for many years.
£2 Small Multiple now listed.
This new information finally led to both mint and used copies being
finally listed and priced in the ACSC, and then in SG only a few years
later. These listings consequently led to Gary’s unique used copy of
the £2 shown nearby, selling for near $A34,000 in New York to Siegels,
when his Kangaroos were auctioned!
Can you read the cancel?
Back to my new discovery £2 1913 Kangaroo. Take a look at the used
stamp nearby and tell me what you see. Remembering my mantra
“Knowledge is Power”.
And digesting my comment above, that it was near impossible to spend £2
on a parcel in 1913 - no airmail services anywhere, and surface mail
costs were then low.
Study the stamp carefully.
The stamp has a neat circular cancel, and many collectors would look no
further than that, and gladly pop it in their used stamp collection. The
more discerning collector might try and read what the wording on the
cancel is. Granted it is not immediately obvious, what it is, and this
is where ”Knowledge” comes in!
The cancel reads when you look at it upside down - PAQUEBOT -
a very common cancel, and I show a full strike of it nearby from a
postcard, which is what one finds them on most times.
“POSTED AT SEA” cancel common.
What mail received these cancels? The TSUNAMI of letters and postcards
that passengers on the regular long cruises mailed in this era.
Remember - no phones, no emails, no text messages, no Facebook, no
Twitter etc. Just days, often weeks, of boring open ocean to write to
everyone you knew, telling them you were on holiday and having a great
Common cancel on letter rate items.
So, locating Australia Kangaroo stamps with a range of different
PAQUEBOT cancels on them is not unusual at all, as the sea journey
in the WWI era to the UK was typically six WEEKS for the long 10,000
mile cruise - so LOTS of postcard writing took place!
1999 BPA Photo certificate.
The one word answer to that is - ”SPERATI”. Jean de Sperati was
a master stamp forger - the greatest the world has ever seen. His
technique was alarmingly simple. Take a common stamp like a 1d Kangaroo
and bleach out the stamp colour. And then simply print the “new” stamp
over the top, via photo-lithography!
A 5¢ stamp becomes $5,000!
Sperati was a trained chemist and was very meticulous with his
forgeries, and devised a way where he could print the new colours of the
high value stamps, yet made it appear the original cancel was over
the top of that new work. As you can see nearby!
Massive collection bought as job lot!
was the finest collection of the Australia Commonwealth ever offered to
that time, and today it would be a mega blockbuster sale. It would
readily sell for about
today if offered for the
first time. Sydney dealer Ken Baker bought it “As a Job Lot”
before the Auction took place, and passed it intact onto Jack Kilfoyle!
Jean Sperati and wife Marie-Louise in 1915
Sperati was so good, a mailing of 18 forgeries addressed
to Spain was seized in 1943 by French Customs who had them assessed as
being all genuine. He was arrested on a charge of 'exporting
capital' estimated at being worth 300,000 Francs without a permit,
and was summonsed to appear in court.
“Disrupting the Customs Service”!
The French Judges were impressed with the clear and convincing evidence
he offered, and dismissed all the “capital export” changes, but
levied a token fine on Sperati for “disturbing the normal routine of
the French customs service.” ( !! True !! )
A second Tasmania fake emerges.
It was believed only one Tasmania QV £1 existed, and I have sold that
several times over the decades. In the £20 MILLION UK stamp
estate of the super secretive Sir Gawaine Baillie, another emerged, and
I bought that from Sotheby’s as you can see. Sperati did not think he
matched the colours well, and made no more!
The Sperati “UN” scratch -
showing clearly on 2 different forgeries.
As only letters and postcards were cancelled by these high volume GPO
machine cancels, it is clear a 25 kilo carton to England etc, bearing a
£2 stamp, could never receive one! That was Sperati’s only fatal
error - not realising that reality. And “POSTED AT SEA”
was even more impossible!
A unique Sperati Roo confirmed.
Dr. Geoffrey Kellow, RDP, is the ACSC Editor, and agreed 100% with me
this is a definite Sperati Forgery, and has the “fuzzy” print quality,
and confirmed today he will make a listing of this interesting new
unreported sub-type in the next ACSC. I’ll try and pen a piece for the
ACCC Journal, to update the data base on this stamp.
Slogan cancel surprises.
I admit that if I saw this cover nearby in an estate box
of odds and sods, I'd leave it in there, and allow zero for it when
pricing the box. This cover as can be seen, is rather crumpled and
creased and foxed looking window faced envelope would appear to have
nothing much at all going for it.
This boring thing sold for $268.
It was Lot 91 in the Phoenix Stamp Auctions of November
3rd in Melbourne. Estimate was $200 and invoice ran to about $268, well
above estimate. Pretty amazing to me anyway, and the auction notes
point to a similar cover getting $525 in another auction. The auction
wording said -
Ireland goes nuts over CHE!
Ernesto (Che) Guevara de la Serna was born on June 14, 1928 in Rosario,
Argentina. His father was a civil engineer - of Irish descent. A quote
from his father features on the official First Day Cover (FDC) produced
to accompany the stamp - ”.. in my son’s
veins, flowed the blood of Irish rebels.”
The ebay brain dead lemmings all went crazy on cue, and the Bunnies were
soon paying TEN times face for the sheetlet of 10 stamps, and
near 100 times face for the very attractive Official FDC shown nearby,
with a single 1 Euro stamp on it.
Bunnies as usual, never do ANY basic research, and if they did,
they’d realise “An Post” had reprinted the stamps and FDC, and as I type
this mid-November, both are on sale at face value! Stampboards has an
amusing thread on all this ebay usual clueless madness -
I purchased a unique 1913 £2 Black and Red Kangaroo First
Watermark, that was in the Arthur Gray collection. This value is of
course Australia’s very rarest postage stamp in any mode,
by several miles, being SG #16 and cat £4,000 used in Stanley Gibbons.
And it is catalogued higher still locally, as ACSC #55 - Cat $6,000 to
$9,000 each used, in the Brusden White ACSC catalogue, depending on
which of the 3 shades each stamp is. More detail on my specific unique
example follows below, but first, some general background on our rarest
postage stamp that many readers might be unaware of.
Mint hinged examples are cat $12,500 to $17,500 depending on shade, and
“MUH” copies are listed in ACSC at $35,000 apiece, but only an optimist
would assume a super high value from this era could remain MUH, and I am
sure regummers have made very good money from these silly “MUH
Near ALL that were printed were used on Telegrams, cost of which
were very often several £s, which were later destroyed by PO, under
audit. Some of these sneaked quietly onto the stamp market, but those
mostly have massive and ugly auditor’s ‘Cannon Ball’ sized
circular punch holes in the centre of them!
Truth be known, it was near impossible to mail anything costing £2 back
over a century ago, during WWI, when first class letter post was 1d. £2
was 480 x 1d stamps i.e. a $A720 relativity, using our current
$1.50 first class rate letter stamp. Even today with Airmail, running
up a $720 parcel is near impossible.
The basic wage was introduced in 1907 in Australia, and was set at
£2/2/0 per week, so this one stamp from a PO cost near the pre-tax gross
weekly wage of a working man - a $1,000 type relativity today.
Postally used copies are hence near unknown, with any cancel. I see one
each few years. The CTO copies from collector and Presentation and UPU
sets are more readily buyable, but are also scarce. The ACSC
lists the 4 different known types of CTO cancels from $5,500 to $7,500
each, so all those are also out of most collector’s financial
About 2,169 of this £2 was sold handstamped to collectors with the word
“Specimen” in upper and lower case. Even these are not common
today, and ACSC catalogue is $850 a stamp. The handstamp was often at
an angle, and often weakly applied with the rubber stamp, and the PO
quickly reverted to bold black metal printed capital letters.
Cleverly disguised “Specimen” handstamp.
Whether this fakery was done at the time of issue, to defraud the PO of
£2, or sometime later to fool a dealer or collector, who knows, but it
was a more than acceptable way to fill that super elusive gap for a
client of mine, for a few $100, sold by me as a doctored “Specimen”!
This £2 stamp exists with both Large and Small “OS” punctures - also
both incredibly rare, and indeed the Large “OS” is cat $70,000 used.
And that catalogue figure has firm grounding, as a copy sold for about
$A60,000 at a large public auction.
Any stamp with an SG listing gets a huge international support base in
most cases. I saw that truism in action first hand in New York at the
Arthur Gray “Kangaroos” sale, where a New York dealer was bidding
on behalf of a very wealthy American client.
The client was collecting “Official” stamps of the British Commonwealth,
as listed by SG. He had told the dealer to “go buy these
items at any price” re all the SG listed “Official” stamps in
the Gray Auction, that he did not already have. A very, very dangerous
instruction to give to your auction bidder, unless you are VERY
The resultant bidding war was often like a scene from “Gladiators”!
I was sitting a metre behind the hammer and tongs bidding battle between
two dealers. The most hotly contested lot was a £2, 1913 First
Watermark Roo, with large “OS” perfin - which is illustrated nearby.
Estimate was ‘only’ $5,000-$7,500.
One bidder was John Zuckerman, Vice President of the prestigious Robert
A. Siegel Auction Galleries in New York, bidding for his wealthy
client. The other bidder was Paul Fletcher, then owner of Millennium
Auctions in Sydney, and then owner of the ACSC catalogues. Fletcher was
apparently bidding for his own collection.
The bidding battle was intense, and stopped in the room at $US40,000 -
which when invoiced out with the nasty commissions, and bad exchange
rate at that date, was near enough to $A60,000 - or six times the
full $A10,000 catalogue value at that time.
All for a used Roo! I asked Zuckerman during the next break what he
client would think when hit with that kind of massive bill.
have just phoned my client, and he is very pleased with the purchase"
Zuckerman told me with a smile.
Michael Eastick in Melbourne had a very similar looking Large “OS” £2
stamp on his website not long afterwards, also with the same corner
cancel of “Public Offices Melbourne” which is the type of cancel
one would expect on a stamp used for Government parcels. And probably
only Melbourne was supplied with such a mega face value.
Zuckerman's bidder
paddle number 247 also paid incredible prices at the same Gray sale, for
the same client. He bought the 1929 10/- and £2 used Small Multiple
watermark "OS" punctures - at $US15,525 (then $A19,905) and $US26,450
($A33,912) respectively, along with other pieces.
I certainly did not believe the used 10/- offered in that
sale was genuine, and several others there shared my view. I sold a FAR
more convincing and believable looking used example this year, at a
small fraction of that figure. For decades, the £2 of this Small
Multiple watermark set was deemed not to have existed with genuine “OS”
Editor Dr. Geoff Kellow refused to ACSC list the either 10/- and £2 Roo
Small Multiple “OS” for decades as he could find no official records of
them being done. Very admirable, but in “The Great Depression”
that the 1930 Small Multiple watermark series were printed and issued
in, many things were not “normal” at all!
Arthur Gray and I persuasively proved to Geoff, via the weirdly high
“OS” placement, and same centering, of his £2 used copy he’d owned for
decades, and my mint copy, that I'd bought for a song in the USA in the
1980s, from a genuine collection untouched since WW2, were both clearly
from the same sheet, as can be clearly seen on the photo nearby!
The unique mint copy was auctioned by Prestige Auctions (“Kevin
Nelson” sale) for $A13,225 way back in 2002, and please excuse the
slightly fuzzy pix of both, as both sales were very long ago. Today’s
value easily double or treble that, so someone made a great buy. Until
1993 neither type were listed or priced in ACSC.
In the 1996 edition the £2 (mint only) was priced and listed in ACSC, based
on my discovery, matching Gray’s copy in positioning of the “OS” - which
was unusually high on both stamps. Both stamps matched exactly as can
readily be seen on the photo nearby.
My US discovery Mint copy I sold for a song - for just a couple of
$1,000 to Kevin Nelson, or about the same level as non-OS, as it was
not then catalogued in ACSC or SG. To this day these are the
only two examples known or recorded. If that mint copy of mine
re-appeared on the market somewhere, it would fetch $50,000 easily, is
my guess.
is super important with these major pieces, as forgers have been active
on “OS” issues in recent decades. Experienced dealers etc can
generally sort the wheat from the chaff pretty readily, but buying
anything of high cat of this “OS” material on ebay is a total
mug’s game - it really is. Donate your money to charity instead.
In 1892 the Universal Postal Union (UPU) decided that all ships were
quote - their “own Sovereign Territory while on the high seas, and
outside territorial waters” and decreed that a passenger could write
a letter, add a stamp of the country the ship was registered in, and put
the letter in the ship's on-board mailbox.
From there it was taken to the ship side post office in the next port of
call by The Purser, and a "Paquebot" postmark of that city and
arrival country was added to the letter, usually cancelling over the
stamp. The GB 1½d above was addressed to New York, and handed to
dockside PO in Liverpool. “Arriving England
Sunday, having a nice time.”
HOWEVER, one sees them in face values of ½d,1d, 2d or 2½d, as those
covered all the global postcard and letter and printed newspaper rates
relevant then in WWI. A £2 stamp was 240 pence. You could have mailed
a 25 kilo box to Europe from Australia for that, and had much some left
Could you lodge a 25 kilo carton on board a cruise boat franked with an
Aussie stamp? Absolutely not. NO way. So HOW did a £2 stamp manage to
get a “PAQUEBOT POSTED AT SEA” cancel when arriving in
Liverpool? Answer - when the stamp is a FORGERY!
Well a part forgery to be accurate! The “£2” stamp you see shown
above has genuine perforations, genuine First Watermark paper, and
indeed has totally genuine cancels. But it started life as a humble 1d
red Kangaroo stamp on a postcard like the one above. So many will say -
how come it is now in black and red, and
inscribed “TWO POUNDS”?
So, the stamp paper, watermark, perforation, size, and cancel are all
100% genuine to anyone who examines things carefully. Hence a 5¢ common
1913 1d stamp becomes a $5,000+ rare £2 used Kangaroo after Sperati had
finished with it.
Jean de Sperati is universally regarded as the finest and
most dangerous stamp forger ever to have lived. He was born in Italy in
1884 and died in 1957, living most of his life in France, and was clever
- he made VERY few fakes of most items, and focused mainly on the high
value stamps.
His material was so dangerous that stamp legend Robson Lowe, acting in
conjunction with the British Philatelic Association, decided to protect
philately. They purchased Sperati’s “stock” and printing blocks
and proofs etc in 1953, for a sum said to be $US40,000
- an absolute fortune 64 years ago.
As a valid comparison of what $US40,000 would buy in that
era, Harmers of London sold the entire “T.E Field”
collection of Australian Commonwealth in 1948 for £7,500. It contained
masses of proofs, essays, and mint £1 and £2 Kangaroos by the
bucket load - block after block after block - pages of them, and many
scores of used £2’s.
He had asked Kilfoyle which lots to bid on, and Jack
replied: “just buy it all for me Ken - some very nice stamps in
there.” Ken kindly left me all his files, and I have all his
Telegrams to Harmers, bank receipts, and the sale Catalogue, and the
letter to all annoyed Harmer clients globally, saying the sale was
Exporting forgeries was at the time legal if sold and identified as
such, and free of duty or taxes. He
would “sign” each very lightly on the reverse “facsimile” with
easily erasable pencil, thus complying with the law! Sperati made fools
of the Authorities in the long court trial by forging three more
identical sets of the same 18 stamps, and tendered them to the
So, we get back to the £2 I bought from Arthur Gray. It was his second
copy. I bought his more “conventional” example at the Shreves
Auction sale in New York. The demand for all things Sperati from this
neck of the woods is immense. The ACSC lists the Sperati Forgery as
#55c, cat $7,500 - higher than a GENUINE used copy of our
rarest postage stamp!
The £2 Kangaroo was the only Australian stamp Sperati ever forged.
However, a very few WA 1901 £1 Oranges, 2 x Tasmania 1892 £1 QV, and a
single BNG 2/6d 1901 Lakatoi exist, all of which I have owned and sold.
These sell for 10-15 times more than the cost of a GENUINE used
stamp of these 3 already scarce issues! And all sell fast.
I have bought and sold far more Sperati forgery stamps and proofs from
this region, than any dealer in Australia. They are something I like
handling, as this guy was a true craftsman. Some I’ve sold several
times. Folks seem to track me down whether buying or selling them, as
most dealers do not have much idea about the material, as it is
generally not in catalogues!
The “LAUNCESTON TASMANIA” Barred oval duplex cancel on this Tasmania
1892 £1 “Tablet” is, like the Roos, the original cancel, and Sperati
printed right over the top of it. Again, such a cancelling head was
found only on bulk letter handling machinery for postcards, letters etc,
and could never have been used on a heavy parcel.
The Sperati £2 Roo I bought this week has a 1999 BPA Photo Certificate,
confirming it is a Sperati forgery, with a “Posted At Sea”
cancel. So far, a lovely looking VFU example of this rare forgery,
with Certificate, ex Arthur Gray. But better still, this one is
UNIQUE, as it does NOT come from the Sperati printing plates that
all the others known are made from!
So, a new discovery. The Sperati forgeries we had recorded before, all
came from an photographic image he took off a genuine £2 Kangaroo, and
made his plates from that. The stamp he used was from the left pane,
stamp number 50. That unit has a constant plate flaw - a fine white
vertical hairline scratch, running from Melbourne Victoria, to the “UN”
of Pounds.
That is (or was!) always a sure test any stamp is a Sperati forgery. It
can clearly be seen on the BRISBANE cancel stamp nearby. The many
totally implausible cancels are an added proof level. The Sperati
forgery illustrated nearby has a Brisbane GPO machine cancel as you can
The Sperati Kangaroos all have a very slightly “fuzzy” print look to
them, that you do not see in any genuine £2 Roo. As I have sold many
genuines over the years, you can ID them from that alone, but most
collectors have never handled a genuine 1913 £2, so cannot comment.
The ACSC notes say “about two dozen” £2 Sperati used forgeries
are recorded. They generally sell for $5,000 and up, depending on
condition - many are defective, as the heavy bleaching Sperati did,
weakens the paper fibres of course. This new discovery I sold already at
a rather modest price, but being unique, it clearly should be a ~$15,000
ACSC listing.
Geoff showed me today a £1 Brown and Blue Kangaroo, with a similar
looking but different date UK “POSTED AT SEA” cancel that
Arthur Gray owned. Arthur told me a few years back he had this, and
felt it must be a Sperati. Gray also owned a £2 CofA watermark Sperati
fake that was also hitherto unrecorded. I have a CofA with the same
flaw, I am checking into further.
Until this year it was believed the only Sperati forgery was one
specific £2 type on the 1913 First Watermark paper. Now, we have a
confirmed second plate on £2, a 100% Kellow confirmed £2 Sperati forgery
on CofA watermark paper, and a likely £1 Brown and Blue Sperati, all
reported in a limited time period.
So once again I must
repeat - “The last word will NEVER be written in Philately”.
Open and enquiring minds can and do still turn up exciting and valuable
new finds, even a Century after they were created. I love my job -
EVERY day is different to the previous one! FAR more info on Sperati
fakes here -
”Scouting: 1948 (Sep 6) window envelope cancelled by very fine strike
of rare Melbourne Paid slogan cancel 'PAN-PACIFIC/SCOUT JAMBOREE/VIC-
DEC 29/JAN 9” in red. (An off-centre strike realised $525 in a Sydney
So, the moral of this story is, that even boring looking window
faced post war envelopes with unremarkable appearing meter like cancels,
in pretty rough shape, cannot be assumed to be just 10¢ items as I would
have pegged this cover $268 as being worth. That is more than the price
of a CTO 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge stamp!
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GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
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