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April 2018
New ACSC "Postal Stationery" Catalogue
This welcome new edition updates the first edition of
five years back (2013), incorporating a number of corrections and new
discoveries. In particular, the Postal Cards up to 1936 have been
extensively revised, and there are many additions to the listing of
ACSC “Stationery” - First edition for 5 years.
The decimal postal stationery produced by the Note
Printing Branch is included for the first time. All prices have been
fully updated. In full colour, 484 x A4 pages, and perfect bound.
Should have been hard cover at this size, and I passed on that view,
to the deaf ears of publisher!
The 1d Red one shown nearby, no overseas dealer would
price more than $10 or so I'd bet. It is cat $7,500 in this new ACSC -
indeed it sold for more than that at public auction. There are
HUNDREDS of items in here listed at between $5,000 and $15,000 EACH.
Even common looking window face types of these envelopes
can get many $1000s. The one shown nearby from 1924 was sold as a “T”
lot by the same Prestige Philately Auction house, and a local would have
paid $A4,300 for it.
EVERY item is illustrated in colour (reduced in size of
course) - a GODSEND for many of the earlier Registration envelopes etc.
(Only about 4 pieces in the entire book they were unable to get copies
of to scan!)
Cost a whopping $4,300 at
Public Auction.
Improvement over ring
binder Mark #1.
I HATED using the initial huge ring binder edition as
time went on, as the printer punched the holes way too small in my
view. Making finding any given section was a time consuming juggling
act, always slightly damaging all earlier pages each time. This one is a
BREEZE to use.
coded outer edges this Edition.
For instance ALL the “View” Lettercards are now all
illustrated and priced SEPARATELY - some 170 different! Some of these
are worth a fortune, and dealers and collectors without this book have
not got a CLUE as to what is scarce, and what is not.
New research all through
this book.
Edited by Dr. Geoff Kellow, the usual super high standard
of original research work, and fine attention to detail has taken place
here. Geoff told me much of his original research on numbers printed of
the early issues has never been published, before the ACSC did these.
Not only Australia is covered, but the “Territories”
are all included in here, and that includes all the “Formular”
Aerograms and airletters etc. And all the Papua early issues, and “GRI”
material, and PNG and Cocos and Christmas Islands etc. All listed and
priced within.
Prettiest Stamp Design Ever?
All readers of this article have their own personal views
of the most attractive stamp designs. Oddly, most polls I have read on
that topic have voted on pre-war steel engraved recess printed stamps
etc - I do not recall any offset printed modern stamps ever being among
One stamp that routinely scores well in any collector
polls, of the most attractive stamp design of all time, is the USA Scott
#292 - the 1898 $1 Trans-Mississippi Exposition, which was held in Omaha
Nebraska of all places.
Painted North SCOTLAND, not North Dakota!
The work of art had been used in advertisements for an
American cattle company, who used it widely without permission. After
the stamp was printed, USPS officials learned the painting was the
property of British Lord Blythswood. An official apology was issued
through the offices of the British Ambassador, who it appears was
satisfied with the outcome.
Spanish War meant
monocolour used.
The Trans-Mississippi commemorative stamps were printed
by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The original plans called for
the full series to be printed in bi-color. A red frame, with a
black vignette (i.e. central design) was planned for the $1 “Western
Cattle in Storm” stamp.
“USS MAINE” Revenues strained resources.
However, the Spanish-American War strained the resources
of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which was overburdened by the
demand for revenue stamps to fund the war. The Trans-Mississippi
commemoratives were hence printed in a single color, with the $1
denomination printed in black ink.
Re-enactments at this log Expo, of the explosion of the
battleship Maine of that year 1898, in Havana Harbour also fuelled
patriotism, and gathered further support for the Spanish-American War.
Cuba still an issue of
The “USS Maine” sank in Havana Harbour in Cuba,
and as outlined above, that largely led to Spain losing control of the
island of Cuba. 120 years on, the relations are still strained despite
President Obama vowing to “normalise” relations, and no surprise
to see Donald Trump reneging on all that tide of common sense.
America No Like Persia Stamp.
As I type, it seems that countries like Sudan, Cuba,
North Korea, Iran, Burma etc, are still on the current “WE NO LIKEY”
list. “What does any of this have to do with stamp collecting?”
I can hear some asking. Well when the USA decides one of these places
is on the “NO LIKEY” list, it makes their stamps harder to buy
for many.
I am a Life Member of the ASDA in New York, and just got
this email below, which reads like fiction, but sadly it is true. A USA
dealer advertised an old stamp on his own website and got reported to
the American Feds for that unpatriotic action! I kid you not –
North Korea stamps
forbidden as well.
North Korea of course have issued lots of pretty topical stamps over the
decades, that are politically harmless, but are just as illegal to sell
or own mint, according to ebay and paypal, just as much as totally over
the top stuff like this quartet shown nearby.
way to make friends in the USA!
I am not really sure if any of these stamps circulate in
North Korea on real mail, but they certainly belong in any collection of
Propaganda Stamps! This is a family magazine - I have seen even more
gruesome and gory stamps they issued, a bit too graphic for here, and as
you can see these provocative stamps date back 50 years, so various
nutto dictators have had the same views.
2018 sees Missiles as subject matter.
The current Rocket Man dictator, Kim Jung-Un as all
realise, is very keen on his missiles, and MANY stamps in recent years
depict them, and that includes the 2 stamps from 2018 shown nearby.
Sourcing new stamp issues from North Korea seems incredibly difficult,
even for those not living under US sanctions and rules. No obvious
supply source that I can see.
lives up to its nickname!
Don’t get me wrong - online portals have been great for
stamps, and for those chasing inexpensive topicals, missing values from
sets, and commercial covers, elusive literature, and such things, that a
local stamp shop may well not have in stock, but someone in France or
Canada or Japan does.
16 fake ebay IDS on just one account.
Ebay does not give TWO HOOTS about all the forged
garbage being sold, as they and paypal make 15% off it ALL.
They allow these spivs to change user names at will - see scan nearby,
run “PRIVATE” auctions, and set PRIVATE feedback even, where bidder even
buyer IDs can’t be seen, so they use an army of “shill” bidder accounts
to ramp you up. Ebay loves it all.
A $US1 Million ebay scam exposed.
But on ebay that truism in life does not sink in - it is
the land of the perpetual dreamers. Which is what we saw this week when
some clown copied 4,200 images from the Stanley Gibbons website, and
stole every word of their descriptions on those 4,200 lots. Only on ebay.
4200 lots stolen off
Stanley Gibbons. saw Stampboards as usual, being first
globally to report this new scam, when a UK member who works in the real
stamp action business there, started a warning discussion that it was
occuring. For days ebay were advised of this massive scam unfolding.
Stanley Gibbons told them it was their stamps being listed up, and not
by them.
£200,000 rarity in the REAL world.
The PTS got involved, and 100s of stampboards members and
others, reported the fake auctions to ebay via reports and phone calls,
and email. Scambay ignored it all of course - even though THEY
and paypal were of course standing to lose huge sums via goods paid for,
and not received.
Ebay hands scammer
your personal data. What this
shows, is many things. 1. Ebay Bunnies are more numerous than ever. 2.
Ebay care less and less about massive scams (or user privacy) even when
they end up holding the can, as they nearly did here. 3. Rare stamps
get appalling prices on ebay. Witness £1,270 versus £200,000 for the
exact same stamp scan, exact same description.
is how rarities fare on ebay. Hence no
genuine seller of really fine and rare material would ever dream of
listing it on ebay, and getting such stupidly low prices for it. So the
higher priced material of higher price offered there via “Auction” is
often of second or third or fourth grade, masquerading as better
quality, and praying for ebay Bunnies.
"Looks nicer than it does in the picture"
was a stampboards discussion where a member asked if the stamp might be
“reperforated at base”. Collectors are seldom adept at picking
reperfs for some strange reason, even screamingly appalling ones like
this. This is the biggest photo this seller offered - always a giveaway
something is being hidden.
Mossgreen mess
Following up
on my recent articles - the scandal at mossgreen auctions drags on,
where the Vulture Administrator BDO is trying to get vendors who had
unsold material at the auction house, to pay him millions in Ransom from
THEIR pockets, simply to get their own goods back.
Rather than
allow unsold material to be collected as all consignors were told was to
occur in January, the Administrator (BDO) has spent around $1 Million
“stocktaking” it all, despite clear paperwork being in place as of
December. This absurdly padded stocktake figure is then being charged
to creditors, who did not ask or approve it to occur, at any time.
If you only buy one catalogue each decade, whether you are dealer or a
collector or Auction, you MUST have this. The most common innocuous
looking thing on your desk might well be valued at ten times the
purchase price of this catalogue.
The front cover 1d Lettercard is Cat $5,000 - there are 5 different
views recorded on these, all $5,000 - although Elephants stacking timber
in Adelaide defies the imagination, as to why it was ever designed!
This is the EXACT sort of thing an overseas seller would list on ebay or
their website at $50 or so, and pray someone ordered it. All the "PTPO"
(Printed To Private Order) issues are listed in great detail, and many
run many $1,000s each - did YOU know that?
$7,500 - would YOU know?
Very coolly, all down the outer spine is colour coded: to
go to Wrappers go right to BLUE tagged edges. For postcards, go to
PURPLE tags etc. A breeze to use quickly, as I need to do nearly each
day, to sort and identify new stock
You will easily pay for this book with the first vaguely scarce view you
pick up on ebay etc. There are pretty boring looking things illustrated
nearby, that sell for many THOUSANDS that you might well find in
overseas dealer $5 boxes etc, as none of them bother buying detailed
books like this.
There are also all the Aerograms illustrated - many quite valuable, plus
all the wide range of Military Stationery material, WW2 Food Parcel
labels (one is cat $10,000, and another $7,500), and even all the
myriad of different views on the initial 1911 “Coronation" set.
All priced separately.
The highest price I sighted in here was $15,000 for a KGV low face value
reply card, that I bet a lot of overseas (even local!) sellers would
price at $20 retail, and cross their fingers!
This is a really huge and heavy stamp catalogue - near 500 large
A4 pages, on quality grade paper, in full colour - all proudly printed
and produced here in Sydney Australia.
It lists and prices all stationery from the first 1911 Australia issue
“The Coronation Series” postcards which are very numerous,
complex, and highly collected, right up until the last QE2 pre-decimal
stationary issues for Australia and all the “Territories”.
Fabulous depth in the cat listings.
These are HEAVY - over 2 kilos (near 5 lbs) when packed up, so you are
getting “Bang for Your Buck” for sure! A lot of updates to the
initial Edition, so well worth updating or buying for the first time.
Just ONE truly medium find, just once in your life, and it is paid for.
I even have a few Editor signed copies on hand.
cattle, NOT American Cattle!
Issue date of these stamps was June 17, 1898, and the number issued to
Post Offices was only 56,900 - and of that truly tiny number, (WAY less
than the 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge) an unknown quantity were later
officially destroyed by USPS as unsolds.
These truly superb looking stamps were printed by the US Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, and supplied to PO’s in sheets of 100 subjects,
trimmed flat on all sides, with the usual double-line watermark “USPS”,
and all were perforated 12.
This $1 Trans-Mississippi Exposition commemorative stamp pictures a
rugged bull leading a herd of cattle through a snowstorm. Although the
series was intended to portray scenes from the American West, the design
is based on a painting by Scottish artist James MacWhirter, entitled
“The Vanguard.” That original painting is shown nearby.
It was painted in a small farmhouse near the Scottish town of Callendar,
(not “Calender” as American sources incorrectly refer to it as) so the
scene is actually of Scottish cattle in the central Highlands of
Scotland. So much for being iconic cowboy American, “Yankee Doodle”
open plains cattle!
The $1 Trans-Mississippi stamp was designed by Raymond Ostrander Smith,
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing’s chief staff designer, who also
was responsible for the equally pretty 1901 Pan American set 6, and
superb Newfoundland John Cabot set 14 of 1897. The $1 stamp features the
same outer border as the rest of the values of the set.
Unlike the 1893 Columbian series, the Trans-Mississippi Exposition
commemorative stamps didn’t include the name or dates of the
event. Instead, each stamp features a caption with the name of the
photograph or (alleged!) painting upon which the design is based.
Stamp collectors weren’t concerned with the accuracy of the design. “Western
Cattle in Storm” is often referred to as the most beautiful stamp
ever issued by the USA. In addition to being visually appealing, the
stamp is also quite expensive of course, and mint or used copies
cost quite serious money.
After the tumultuous Civil War, the US was nearly broke. To provide
funding for the Spanish-American War, Congress authorized a tax on a
wide range of goods and services. Including various alcohol and tobacco
products, tea and other amusements. Also on various legal and business
transactions - such as Stock Certificates, bills of lading, manifests,
and marine insurance etc.
The sunken “USS Maine” then at the bottom of Havana
Harbour, featured on 12 of these stamps, in different colours and
values, to raise the War Tax basically, and I am certain every kid’s
stamp album on this planet had at least one these Maine stamps proudly
affixed inside!
To pay these tax duties, the revenue tax stamps were purchased and
affixed to the taxable item, or a respective certificate. There are 12
stamps in this "1898 USS Maine" ship issue, which occur in
denominations ranging from ½c to 80c, and printed on double lined
watermarked paper. Two types of perforations were used - rouletted, and
'hyphen' shaped perforations.
The entire printing run of the $1 Omaha lasted only three days from June
1-3, 1898. There are no significant plate varieties or shades. Fully
20% of all the stamps sold featured one or more straight edges, (most
now re-perforated!) leaving a maximum 45,520 copies sold with original
perforations on all four sides. Indeed far less, since we know many
unsold stamps were destroyed.
The 1898 “Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition” was
held to further the progress and development of natural resources west
of the Mississippi River. Held in Omaha, Nebraska, the exposition
opened on June 1, 1898, and ran for four months.
The Expo was not a financial success overall, but it did revitalize
Omaha Nebraska, a city that had been devastated by drought and
depression. Over 2.6 million people attended the Omaha Expo.
A century on, USS Maine STILL remembered!
The result was the 1898 Treaty Of Paris, negotiated on terms very
favourable to the USA which allowed it temporary Military Government in
Cuba (see stamp nearby!), and totally ceded ownership of Guam, Puerto
Rico and the Philippines from Spain to the USA. Spain’s Empire was
"Remember the
Maine - To Hell with Spain!"
became a popular chant in the USA in 1898. Mainly due to a few media
barons actively suggesting the Spanish mined her. It now seems clear
that the bituminous coal used to power Maine was known for
releasing firedamp, a gas that is prone to spontaneous
explosions. So, it seems the Maine’s gases ignited the
ammunition magazine internally, and it self-destructed.
US Foreign Policy in 2018 seems to vary each day, based on how much Fox
News Trump watches each morning, and who he has left on staff that week
to consult with, and to Tweet out the new version, until it is back
flipped or reneged on by Press Office, or totally denied days later!
The 1882 Shah of Persia stamp shown nearby is one of many truly superb
stamps issued by Persia in the good old days. It is 135 years old, is
genuine, and sells for about $A30. If you advertised it for sale on
ebay it would be removed, and you would get a warning your account will
be closed, if you persist in such unpatriotic activity.
If I advertised it on stampboards or my own website - totally away from
ebay, and someone pays for it via paypal the transaction would be
flagged, voided, we would both we warned of account suspension, and both
reported to the American Feds more than likely. Don’t laugh - it is for
REAL! Is the long stampboards discussion on these
nutty policies re offering stamps 100+ years old and being clobbered.
That chat covers several years, and it is murkier now than it EVER was!
One UK chap there has offered a 19th Century Persia lot 3 or
4 times for a few $$, and had it removed every time.
Even these cause issues with Paypal!
It started off - “A member of the ASDA had been reported to OFAC (US
State Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control) for selling stamps
from North Korea on their own website and offering PayPal as a payment
So we thought that it might be a good idea to remind our members of
PayPal and eBay policies on embargoed countries, as well as the email
from PayPal on the consequences of doing so. While we realize that eBay
does have listings of stamps on their site from some of these countries
and if you are able to list them on eBay, you might run into similar
problems if accepting PayPal as a form of payment. etc.”
So it really does happen, and occurs a TON more than most are aware
of. Sometimes used are OK, sometimes not. Mint almost never are. If
you advertise 100+ year old CUBA mint stamps, ebay/paypal will almost
certainly remove them. If you use common sense, and say those stamps
have been in Australia for 100 years ebay LITERALLY say this -
“We don't permit the sale of items that claim to be pre-embargo, because
we cannot determine when an item was removed from a specific country.”
That was precisely what the ASDA dealer was told, along with: “As
a result of the violation, details of your account, and the transaction
have been reported to OFAC.” is the stampboards discussion on these
stamps, and Rodney Perry noted there he was a keen buyer of genuine
COMMERCIAL covers bearing such modern issues, and the response to him by
those who collect the area, is that such things are near unknown.
It was stated that the Philatelic Bureau there, if asked nicely, will
backdate handstamps and “manufacture” old looking covers for sale
outside the country, either direct or via agents, so care is needed as
to your sources, if one is keen on such apparent ‘commercial’ mail.
As far as I could glean, most NK new issues are printed in China, so
maybe most never enter the country? I suppose if made and sold out of
China it sidesteps UN import sanctions to the country, as they mostly
never enter North Korea in such a scenario. China agent ships to
whomever stocks this stuff in bulk, and everyone has a smile.
Used wisely, that is all well and good, but Ebay is SCAM CENTRAL
as well, and every cunning conman who has ever roamed the planet is
active on there, as regular users will know. This scamming is
two-fold. Many will sell and deliver you what you see in the photo.
The fact those pieces might be regummed, reperfed, repaired, and/or with
forged overprints and perfins, or all of the above, many of the pretty
clueless buyers do not realise at all. They leave glowing feedback, and
cheerfully add this “Baaahgin” junk to their collections.
Try getting a refund off “billybob586437” a year later,
when a real dealer points out your dud and misdescribed pieces. The
account is long closed. All your fiddled pieces are worth a fraction of
what you paid, and had you bought real stamps from real established
sources, you’d have no such refund or quality issues.
This week yet another version of the popular ScamBay dodge occurred
where a ton of superb booking material was listed up for sale - all
starting at 99p no reserve. Dream stuff for many. The Baaahgin
Hunta Bunnies went nuts over it all as always - CHEAP IS CHEAP
- right?
In life there is “no such thing as a free lunch”. Most savvy
folks understand this reality, but 1000s of ebay dreamers roam the
earth, who do not yet have the wisdom to realise that. A superb 5/-
Bridge costs what it does. They never sell for half that. Ditto £2
Roos, or mint 1d Blacks, or USA Zeppelin sets etc.
Such things are like an ounce of Gold Bullion - there is a pretty much
set in cement market level. Globally. Start an ounce of gold at a
Phoenix Auction at $1 estimate, or a MUH 5/- Bridge at $1, and both will
bring the true current price level. It is that simple. An ounce of
gold coin or bar will invoice at around $US1,325 today. ANYWHERE. Not
$200. Not $650. NEVER happens. EVER.
The first tranche of non-existent lots completed on March 11, and took
in just over £150,000 from these clueless “bidders”. The other
lots were due to complete in next days, and finally lumbering old ebay
woke up from their coma, and wiped the seller. HOWEVER by
allowing the sales to complete, this spiv was given by ebay many 100s of
buyer full emails, full addresses, full names, and phone numbers.
Seller gets all that data when any sale completes. Under ANY country
privacy laws, that is forbidden for a scammer, but ebay did it, despite
all and sundry banging them around the head, alerting them this
million dollar scam was unfolding in front of their eyes. And yes
it was OVER a million $US of material that had bids.
The 9d Straw QV stamp shown nearby is a perfect example of what Bunny
Bait is constantly dangled on ScamBay. Offered mid March by 5000
feedback UK “PowerSeller” (sic) stamps-u-like who
described it laughingly as - ”Looks nicer than it does in the
picture" - I kid you not.
stamps-u-like now has £92 from some clueless Bunny in the bank.
He might have got double that - unlucky I guess. Rod Perry and I
concurred it is crudely re-perforated on all FOUR sides, has a
probable tear or repair top left, repaired along base, is washed and
faded, and probably regummed. Bear in mind this is ebay, so no scan of
the reverse offered - we are just using experience.
outlines the latest twists and turns, and it proves forever, that
consigning anything to any Auctions that do NOT have a fully
audited and verified Trust Account is a mug’s game. A cheery promise -
“we WILL keep all your money put aside” - is just that,
unverified words.
Once these blood sucking Administrators descend and siphon off
MILLIONS as they have done here, in a very short time frame, there
is nothing whatever left for the long-suffering vendors and consigners
and creditors. Their outrageous hourly fees, and those of their
associates, and legal fees etc, is mind boggling to read over.
One unfortunate consignor has it seems been invoiced about $129,000 for
350+ lots, with a market value of only about $40,000, to get them back,
or they will be regarded as abandoned goods, and lost forever to that
vendor. BDO would legally(!) sell them, and doubtless the proceeds of
all that would end in their own pockets largely.
The “Financial Review” claims that ASIC is looking into this
sorry mess, and a Federal Court Judge is to make a ruling March 5 on
whether these outrageous Ransom Charges are reasonable, and payable in
any way. The public can submit their thoughts - you do NOT need to be a
vendor, and all the detail on how to do that are on the link above. Do
it NOW if you are concerned about this lop-sided issue.
BDO also advised consignors that they are not allowing selective
forfeiture of lots. You take everything, or take nothing. No picking
out your most valuable lots, and surrendering the rest. Pay us $129,000
to get back your own material valued at only $40,000, or you never see
it again. Vendors were told in writing by BDO their material could be
collected mid-January, and that is what they SHOULD have adhered to.
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I am a Proud Member Of :
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London) IFSDA
(Switzerland) etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35+ years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society
(PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.
ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"! All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .Sydney's
"Lothlórien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 AustraliaPO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068 E-Mail:
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