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Every credit card shown is accepted WITHOUT
fee. Earn Frequent Flier points
while buying at bargain prices! ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars.
I charge NO nasty, nasty "Buyer's Commission" on stamps
like nearly every "Auction" does.
All prices on EVERY one of my 200+ Web pages are in weak Australian dollars.
There is NO 15% buyers premium (plus GST!) as is common on most "Auction" lots these days! No stamps have GST or taxes added for any buyer, anywhere. A $A100 stamp in my lists costs $A100 plus shipping and/or registered or insurance. SIMPLE!
To find out
approximately WHAT
any goods will cost in your own money, simply use this
FREE spinning
currency converter! Remember, that shows
prevailing bank mid rate, and
does not take into account the small exchange rate variance
always "screwed" from us all by banks and credit card
companies. For instance, my credit card company adds a flat $A2 to ANY
card purchase I make from any overseas country, whether the purchase is for $A10
or $A10,000. This is not itemised on my monthly account, but becomes simply
part of the Australian Dollar sum I am billed. Your bank may do the same kind
of thing or add a fixed % to the "real" rate - Amex
does this - they add a flat 2% to my personal Amex card account for ANY purchase
I make overseas. ANZ Qantas Visa just announced a similar impost for overseas
purchases I make. Whether your bank does, I clearly have no clue! It
is a small variance, but remember it is NOT
levied by me, but by our close and cherished friends the bankers and/or
card companies!
Payment by credit card is EASIER for you than posting me cash.
Payment by credit card is PREFERRED by me
- I absorb all the 2 - 5% merchant fees charged by the cards of course - that is
NOT your expense. Some other large Stamp/Coin auctions and Stamp Dealers in
Australia now charge YOU this fee,
as they are now permitted under recent Australian law changes. I think that is
disgraceful. I have accepted for 25 years all
credit cards at NO fee charged to you.
Even large Corporations like Qantas now add on a fixed percentage based credit
card fee to every airline ticket sold for which a credit card is used.
The Currency Converter is a good quick GUIDE,
but is NOT to be assumed as 101% accurate. If you figure out your $A100 purchase should cost $US67.18 and your VISA card bill comes in at say $US67.97, well that is simply out of my control! It may of course come in at $US66.07 if the United States Dollar strengthens over a few days ... so, over a period, things will balance out.Also, exchange rates move around every minute of every day. I would be surprised if you were charged plus or minus a few percent either side on your credit card that this Currency Converter shows you here, in 99.9% of transactions. Having said that, my billing to buyers is ALWAYS in weak Australian Dollars, at the exact $A prices on my website. If your currency is for instance devalued by 10% the day after your order, that is not my loss, as the Australian Dollar charge is the sum you are agreeing to pay me, by ordering from me using a credit card, and all orders are taken assuming that you consent to this and fully understand it!
Credit cards will always be billed in Australian Dollars, and your credit card company will calculate the exchange rate. I bank all credit cards manually, when I get around to going to bank, and thus the charge may be processed by me quite some days after order is placed or dispatched. I mail in Amex and Diners Club slips, and that can take longer still. Thus, do not panic if you email me an order August 1st, and your card is not yet debited on August 8th etc. This is NORMAL, not an exception!
If you wish to pay by cheque, cash or mint Australian stamps refer to the specific details here: List prices do not include shipping or insurance, which is always extra. See the Postage and Insurance link for details.
Click here to go back to the Information page
To order, click here. To read ordering instructions, click here.
Instant Currency Conversion
FREE! Just click
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp
Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
"Lothlórien," No. 4 The
Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 |
Back to Lists of Stamp Lots for Sale
Time and Temp in Sunny Sydney! |
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HERE - regular specials+updates then sent to you
Click here to see MANY 1000s
of stamp lots for sale at low $A Nett prices
Click here for all you need to know
re SELLING your stamps for
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"Internet Only" special offers - CHEAP!
Sign up AUTOMATICALLY to my world renowned bi-weekly stamp gossip mailing list!
Click here to ORDER on-line ANY items from ANY of my dozens of lists
Click for all info on Conditions Of Sale, Payments, Shipping, Returns &c
Click here for the complete library of my very unusual world travels!
How to PAY me. I accept EVERYTHING - even blankets and axes and beads!
Australia Post Annual YEAR BOOKS - massive stock - '27% off' discount offer today!
Instant Currency Conversion
FREE! Just click
E-mail me at -
Every credit card shown is
accepted WITHOUT fee.
Earn Frequent Flier points while buying at bargain prices!
ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars. I charge NO nasty, nasty
"Buyer's Commission" on stamps like nearly every "Auction" does.