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Adolf Hitler
(Ruined Empire) 12pf red
Forgery, Stamp Miniature Sheet of 4 flat
Flat mint unhinged and fully
imperforate. The then
current Hitler German
12pf letter rate stamp
design lampooned with
smiling Hitler ‘Death
Mask’. Originals were
part of the World War 2 USA
Office Of Strategic Services
(OSS) “Operation
Cornflake” propaganda
campaign to undermine and
demoralise the German
Details of this wide
ranging stamp propaganda
campaign were not found
until shortly after
the death of wartime
USA President Franklin D.
Roosevelt - whose stamp
collection was sold at
auction, and
official letters outlining
this issue, and examples of
the Hitler stamp forgeries,
were discovered among it.
The original "Skull"
stamps were key part of a
high level clandestine plan
to undermine the morale of
the average German citizen.
The Allies felt that if many
German people started
receiving Anti-Nazi
propaganda in their morning
mail delivered punctually at
breakfast time by the
mailman, they would feel
that their "German
Empire" was falling
apart from within.
They were the brainchild of
General "Wild Bill" Donovan,
head of the OSS - the U.S.
espionage agency during
World War II (that
later became the CIA)
who ordered the original
stamps printed by OSS
operations in Switzerland.
The OSS decided that the
best way to smuggle the mail
into the regular German
postal system was to bomb
mail trains. In addition to
the bombs possibly
destroying the trains, the
bombers each dropped sacks
of normal looking addressed
mail, containing Anti-Nazi
propaganda. During the
confusion of cleaning up the
wrecks, the false mail sacks
were mixed with the damaged
genuine German mail.
The OSS re-created all
aspects of the German Postal
system, from real business
return addresses, to many
thousands of names and
addresses pulled from the
existing telephone
directories. They even
replicated the mail bags,
postal markings, and every
other detail of the postal
system. Every letter was
franked with fake "Hitler"
stamps. On opening the
letter, they would find it
filled with anti-Nazi
propaganda, often including
a block of the 12pf red "Futsches
Reich" Death Skull
stamp. See link below.
"War is Hell"
as we all know, and Donovan
wrote to President
"Every fortnight
approximately 500 to 1200
copies of the ‘Frankfurter
Zeitung’ newspaper are
likewise sent into Germany,
where they are mailed to
individuals whose addresses
appear in the death notices
of soldiers who are reported
to have died for the
Roosevelt was a keen stamp
collector, and was mailed
copies of the Hitler
forgeries for his own
collection, and the website
below even contains his
“Thank You” letter for
them being sent to him.
The original forgeries are
fully catalogued in Michel,
and of course are rare and
expensive, and seldom are
offered on the market. A
huge amount of detailed info
on this amazing propaganda
campaign, and the Hitler
forgeries and reprints and
all correspondence, can be
found here:
I bought a small quantity of
these mint unhinged
reprint/forgery Miniature
Sheets of 4 stamps, about 40
years ago, in my first year
of stamp dealing, from an
old dealer of Jewish
background who lived in
Bondi, and have not seen
them since until cleaning up
this month! I have no idea
of their origin, but they
are obviously way over 40
years old, that you have my
written guarantee on.
Surely be a useful sideline
addition for Judaica or
Germany or USA
or forgery collectors?
Imperforate MUH Miniature
Sheet as shown in photo $A30
487AB - Approx $US21)
for re-sellers etc per
FIVE x MUH Mini Sheets
(Stock 487AC
Very approx $US64) |
Air post anywhere in the world $A3.
(100% at your own risk)
Signed For Air Post - for one or 5
sheets, anywhere in the world $A8.
(Australia $A5)
All credit cards, and PayPal,
accepted at no fee whatever to you.
glen@glenstephens.com is my
PayPal address
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Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 40 years. Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society (London) and IFSDA (Switzerland) and many other Global philatelic bodies
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Most 4 figure items like these on this page only appear at Public Stamp Auction. You THEN need to pay 15-20% extra on top of the hammer price - for the nasty, nasty "Buyer Commission". As well the associated GST taxes then added to that commission, and then GST added on the postage and handling and insurance etc. AND then often another 3% on top of all that, to use a credit card like Amex or Diners! So your invoice can often be 25%-30% MORE than you bid, if you pay by cards.
These commissions pay for the MASSIVE overhead of the auctions. Their dozen or so staff, Director Fees, fancy rented buildings, Deluxe catalogues, and $2,000 a page full colour ads in magazines all around the globe etc. I have none of this overhead. I work on my own - from home. No rent, no staff, no fancy catalogues or $2000 ads. Just fast turnover and low prices, and a “done on the CHEAP” old-school website as you can see!
All prices on this page are nett - NO extra taxes or commissions are added to the price. KNOW in advance what you are up for! And I NEVER charge buyers extra for using their credit cards. NEVER. That is absurd, insulting, and pure gouging, but the world’s leading auction houses seem to all hate Amex cards, as you will doubtless realise. Use them FEE FREE for my offers.
In my near 40 years full time selling stamps, I have hardly auctioned one stamp. I do not believe in it. My huge website, due to clever links and marketing, gets far more visitors than most large local auctions, and always has. Coming up to FORTY MILLION visitors is living testament to that. I am pleased to sell direct - at fair sensible prices, so you know EXACTLY where you stand. You buy direct off me, and YOU the customer get the savings.
And as many of my clients are overseas, remember EVERY price here is in AUSTRALIAN dollars. Go check how cheap these "Pacific Peso" prices really are on: www.xe.com And most importantly, the way I ship, you generally avoid the nasty UK 20% VAT - and the similar European and NZ and Canada import and GST taxes etc.
As with ALL my sales, payment is tailored to suit YOU. If you see something for $A1,000 that will mean a divorce case if you buy it outright, I am happy to do a “Lay-By” or layaway. I can debit your credit card 4 debits of $A250 or whatever suits. There is NO price penalty whatever for you to use this system - even if you use credit cards. Just let me know what suits. Happy reading! Glen