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Glen Stephens The Biggest Stamp Dealer in the Southern Hemisphere

Updated Tuesday 11 March 2025




I AM NO LONGER SELLING USA MADE GLASSINES.  Sorry about this, but as I type this, in September 2021, the USD rate has RISEN in value about 10% against the AUD, in just the past 6 months, from 80c to 72c.  And the base price in USD has also risen.  A perfect storm.  And there are numerous sizes offered there now, some with flaps on short side, and some with flaps on long side, so I am always asked for sizes and types not stocked!  Those factors, plus the huge new shipping costs of goods ex USA due to COVID, and the long delays, makes it simply unrealistic/uneconomic to offer these any more. 

, my good dealer colleague Ian Pitt in Sydney can assist you with these, in USA made boxes of 1000, in many sizes, at the lowest price in Australia.  Indeed he is the ONLY source for these actually, as he is the Australian agent -  ianpitt@renniks.com  - drop him a line, and mention I recommended him - he owes me a beer then!   And YOU will get your glassines, and a Tax Invoice of course.  He keeps large stocks on hand.  Not only stamp collectors use these but medical supply companies, seed sellers, gemstone sellers etc - amazing how many different product end users contacted me.    😊



EXCHANGE RATE ADJUSTMENT ON THESE ITEMS BELOW:  The current Corona Viris panic, and stockmarket and currency market uncertainty, has seen the Australian Dollar soften and fluctuate wildly.  Due to COVID, there have been no incoming commercial flights to Australia for nearly a year, so cost of air shipping has also rocketed up, as DHL is now needed.  My landed cost of anything imported has also SOARED since, of course.  All lots on this page, being fully imported, will thus be invoiced at 10% higher than the old AUD prices shown. 

With supplier base price hikes as well, I still am making WAY less than I was pre-COVID, even at that level.  We live in scary times.  LUCKILY, Stamps is a solitary INDOOR hobby basically, and we are thus the LEAST likely to catch COVID!   With all commercial flights being cancelled, most shipping from Europe to here is taking 16 weeks by sea, not the usual 7 days airpost, unless you pay a fortune for DHL Express etc.  I *DO* have stocks.   Glen



Quality USA made

Glassine Envelopes at sale Prices!






The best-selling size glassine envelope for stamp collectors in my 45 year dealer experience, is the Number 3 size shown here -  2.75’’ x 3.75” inches (70mm x 95mm.)

They'll readily fit inside a standard small mailing envelope, with sets of stamps inside etc.  Many dealers arrange their show stock in this size glassine.  One small dealer buys a few 1000 a time off me for that purpose.

I get orders each year for folks wanting them for all kinds of other uses. Medical companies for samples, craft and other hobby workers, and other hobbyists etc, and very often for minerals and gems etc.
.  The new American stock received has opening flap at short SIDE and not the long side as in photos above.  Like this –


Local retail for these heavy quality thick grade glassine, American made ones is $A185 per 1000 , the exact same size and brand as I am offering here – even the tiny 44 x 72mm are $A175 a box 1000 as you can see - :





I'll sell these to my clients in quantity at a good discount -  i.e. $A150 a box of 1000 (larger discounts below). 

Or 3 boxes for $A400,  and 5 boxes for $A640.  (Postage on more than one box of 1000 within Australia is not much more than one box!  i.e. ONE box to Vic is $15, but FIVE boxes is only $25 to most Victoria postcodes!)

1,000 is easy to ship, as they come packed in 1,000 USA factory boxes, (with paper dividers each 100 if you want to sub-sell on ebay, etc) and a 1,000 box is about a kilo weight, so a good saving on post occurs that way.  

Prices have obviously crept up in recent times due to the newly weak $A as these are fully imported from USA, and shipping here is not cheap, and my next shipment will very likely be way higher priced than these, so buy now, and lock in today’s current price levels.

Maybe buy a few boxes and offer them to Stamp Club members to share the savings?

With glassines, having many more than you THINK you need will never be a bad idea is my guess!  I sell Lighthouse stockbooks by cartons of 10 only.  Many folks initally say they only "really" need 5 - but a month later are ordering another carton of 10.  See that offer here -   😊


All MY envelopes are made from transparent virgin 30 pound weight, heavy grade American Glassine, made in the USA.  Manufactured to exact American industry tolerances by the Westvaco/Cenveo brand, with un-gummed flaps, strong seams, and they use special anti-tarnish adhesive, which will not affect stamp contents long term.

CAUTION - someone tried to sell me β€œglassines” made in China, and you could near spit through the cruddy thin junky paper used - it was featherweight.  A perfect example of lower price NOT meaning a saving, as they were near useless in my view!  Probably made from cheap and highly acidic paper stock too - the mind boggles.

One chap I know mails his ebay items out in these American glassines, and writes catalogue number, and ebay lot number, and price on the outside with ball point pen - as per example shown above.

He also puts his discreet rubber stamp with ebay name and contact details on the back.  A very professional looking way to ship your stamps, and the recipient can track which ebay lot this was later on if needs be, and what Catalogue number it had.

At only cents each it is also FAR cheaper than a business card, and is positive long term advertising for you, as collectors NEVER throw away glassines!  Your name-stamp remains on that glassine forever.

Remember, very slight dampness incurred in the mail stream WILL cause mint stamps to partially stick to most stockcards etc.  Your postman's daily delivery sack having a little rain get in, or damp letters either side of yours, or a damp mail van, WILL see mint stamp stick on most cases.  I see that all the time.

Polished Glassine is a waxy type of water repellent and water resistant substance as we all know, and for slightly damp outer letters and envelopes, the stamps WILL generally be OK in glassine, and NOT be OK in black stockcards …. which cost many times more than these anyway.  For those in areas with high humidity, storing stock and duplicates in glassines is a sure way to minimise toning and rust, as the moist air from humidity does NOT get in.

As these come in a custom made factory box of 1000 to this size, it allows you to sort things by catalogue number in the box, and not have loose envelopes all over the place.

Remember retail locally is $A185 a box of 1,000 for this 100% IDENTICAL Westvaco/Cenveo brand US made glassine.  My 2019 discount client price is as low as $A128 per box – or more than 30% under retail –



I AM NO LONGER SELLING USA MADE GLASSINES.  Sorry about this, but as I type this, in September 2021, the USD rate has RISEN in value about 10% against the AUD, in just the past 6 months, from 80c to 72c.  And the base price in USD has also risen.  A perfect storm.  And there are numerous sizes offered there now, some with flaps on short side, and some with flaps on long side, so I am always asked for sizes and types not stocked!  Those factors, plus the huge new shipping costs of goods ex USA due to COVID, and the long delays, makes it simply unrealistic/uneconomic to offer these any more. 

, my good dealer colleague Ian Pitt in Sydney can assist you with these, in USA made boxes of 1000, in many sizes, at the lowest price in Australia.  Indeed he is the ONLY source for these actually, as he is the Australian agent -  ianpitt@renniks.com  - drop him a line, and mention I recommended him - he owes me a beer then!   And YOU will get your glassines, and a Tax Invoice of course.  He keeps large stocks on hand.  Not only stamp collectors use these but medical supply companies, seed sellers, gemstone sellers etc - amazing how many different product end users contacted me.    😊


1 box of 1,000 - $A150 (Stock 735EC)

3 boxes of 1,000 - $A400  (Stock 735ED)

5 Boxes of 1,000 - $A640  (Stock 735EH) 


I AM NO LONGER SELLING USA MADE GLASSINES.  Sorry about this, but as I type this, in September 2021, the USD rate has RISEN in value about 10% against the AUD, in just the past 6 months, from 80c to 72c.  And the base price in USD has also risen.  A perfect storm.  And there are numerous sizes offered there now, some with flaps on short side, and some with flaps on long side, so I am always asked for sizes and types not stocked!  Those factors, plus the huge new shipping costs of goods ex USA due to COVID, and the long delays, makes it simply unrealistic/uneconomic to offer these any more. 

, my good dealer colleague Ian Pitt in Sydney can assist you with these, in USA made boxes of 1000, in many sizes, at the lowest price in Australia.  Indeed he is the ONLY source for these actually, as he is the Australian agent -  ianpitt@renniks.com  - drop him a line, and mention I recommended him - he owes me a beer then!   And YOU will get your glassines, and a Tax Invoice of course.  He keeps large stocks on hand.  Not only stamp collectors use these but medical supply companies, seed sellers, gemstone sellers etc - amazing how many different product end users contacted me.    😊


All postage and shipping and insurance is extra as always.  (Postage on more than one box of 1000 within Australia is not much more than one box!  i.e. postage on ONE box to Victoria is $18 but FIVE boxes is only $30 to most postcodes!)  And on ALL my sendings, I use light cancelled nice STAMPS for franking - often worth when used, more than the cost of the postage!



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I am a Proud Member Of :

Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 35 years.

Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association.  (New York) 
Also Member of; Philatelic Traders' Society (London)   IFSDA (Switzerland) etc


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Every credit card shown is accepted WITHOUT fee. Earn Frequent Flier points
while buying at bargain prices! ALL prices are in weak Ozzie Dollars.
I charge NO nasty, nasty "Buyer's Commission" on stamps
like nearly every "Auction" does.





Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for 35 years. Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (ASDA - New York) Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society

 (PTS London) and many other philatelic bodies.

ALL Postage + Insurance is extra. Visa/BankCard/MasterCard/Amex all OK, at NO fee, even for "Lay-Bys"!  All lots offered are subject to my usual Conditions of Sale, copy upon request .

Sydney's BIGGEST STAMP BUYER: Post me ANYTHING via Registered Mail for my same-day cheque.  Avoid copping the Now normal 45% Auction "Commissions" (20% Buyer + 15% Seller + GST, etc) AND their five-month delays!

 Read HERE for details.

"Lothlrien", 4 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG (Sydney), N.S.W. 2068 Australia

Phone 7 Days: (02) 9958-1333 PO Box 4007, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068

E-Mail: glen@glenstephens.com The Number #1 Web Sites:

www.glenstephens.com  and  www.stampboards.com



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Time and Temp in Sunny Sydney!