I have been writing columns in this and other stamp magazines for nearly 25
The one thing I have stressed 100 times is that in this hobby: "Knowledge Is
It always astounds me so many dealers and collectors do NOT buy and own
catalogues and handbooks that could readily make them $100s "richer" in minutes.
One new catalogue I outline below is a perfect example of one you should
consider purchasing.
Australia has THE best stamp catalogues of any country on earth in my view.
No-one else comes close.
The Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue (ACSC) edited by Dr. Geoff
Kellow leads the world. Germany, the UK and USA have nothing even remotely
The "Stanley Gibbons GB Specialised" multi volume set is a sick joke in
comparison. Lacking any kind of notes whatever as to numbers extant of errors
and varieties, or numbers sold or produced of the basic stamp in most cases, and
much other essential detail is totally lacking.
Even worse is the Scott "Specialised" USA which is a quite pathetic single
volume that purports to cover all USA issues from 1847 in specialised form. And
even the Michel German Specialised is nowhere remotely near as detailed as the
Final ACSC now released
Now the ninth and final ACSC volume has been published you MUST buy a set if you
collect Australian stamps, Dues or Booklets. Volume 9, "Decimals III" was a
whopping 511 pages alone. An opus work.
I offered clients a special '$100 off' offer recently on the full set and they
sold very well. I hope lots of collectors support this superb undertaking and
secure a set from their favourite dealer today.
Rodney A. Perry is to be applauded for the substantial sum of money and ongoing
support that he put behind this massive project over the years through the
Brusden White publishing arm. And Dr. Geoff Kellow was an editor without par for
this series of catalogues. Meticulous and scholarly original research in all
volumes. The resultant 9 volume set is something both men should be enormously
proud of.
The 'general' Australia catalogues such as the spiro bound full size A4 format,
full colour "Comprehensive" as I reviewed here recently are world class too.
Superb colour illustrations, and prices of stamps on FDC and PO packs etc. For
under $A40 it is also a superb buy for the general collector.
Paul Walker and Frank Pauer are about to produce the world's most astounding
First Day Cover catalogue - more details when I have a copy to review. This will
revolutionise the collecting of Australian FDC's - no doubt about it. It has
been many years in the genesis now, and there are 1000s of colour FDC scans
Many of the other 'niche' catalogues that Australia produces are also incredibly
useful. One that has become famous in its own right is Nelson Eustis's
"Australian Airmail Catalogue" (AAMC) which was issued in a new 7th volume
before Nelson's recent sad passing.
An essential work and one which may not be updated in the future - I really have
no idea. Since 1937 it has been the "bible" for aerophilately to both collectors
and dealers. All leading dealers stock this work, and it is a "must buy" at
about $A80 ... 400 pages of invaluable background info and pricing.
New Airmail "Labels and Vignettes"
One new addition to the general airmail field caught my eye this week.
The excellent new catalogue. |
Just released, it covers these fascinating Australian issues from 1920-1960 and
is based on the Gold Medal winning collection of Tom Frommer from Canberra.
This is an absolutely superbly produced volume, published by Charles Leski in
Charles has positioned himself to be the world's leading auctioneer and dealer
of Australian airmail related material. His auctions of this material have
achieved many amazing and world record prices.
This new Catalogue costs $A78.50 post free in Australia and is only $A90
worldwide Airposted free. His website is www.leski.com.au or refer to his page
ad in February "Stamp News" for any other details.
This is a large A4 sized book, and every page has magnificent colour
illustrations on every page - they best you'll see anywhere in a stamp handbook.
I heartily recommend this volume for every stamp library - even if this field is
NOT your main interest.
It is a limited edition of 500 copies, that I have no doubt will sell out
rapidly. And often such books have high secondary market value if they sell out.
Just stumbling across one half decent label in your collection or your stock
that you did not recognise was scarce will pay for this volume several times
over. Ross Smith Vignette Mint valued at $25,000
The legendary1919 Ross Smith vignette.
The material priced here ranges from the legendary 1920 Ross Smith vignette - at
$25,000 mint - the highest priced single non-error stamp item from Australia ...
and it is not even an official postage stamp! A wonderful cover bearing this
issue sold for about $A50,000 in late 2003 at a London auction.
The catalogue then goes into the famous early 1920s "Herald" and "Pals" labels
which run to $4,000 per sheetlet of 4. I have OFTEN found these labels in
otherwise very ordinary schoolboy albums. Be vigilant!
From there onwards the territory is largely uncharted waters, illustrating and
pricing the many early airmail special labels and stickers. Starting with the
1922 Qantas label, of which only 5 singles are known to exist ($2,000 each) or
$7,500 if used on cover - of which 10 are recorded.
From 1923 Qantas issued air mail labels in small booklets.
The first (January)
booklet is rare - only 2 are known and catalogue value is $3,000. Even a pane of
6 labels is rated at $600.
And these are simple and totally unremarkable looking stickers saying simply:
"By Air Mail" - hence my suggestion this new catalogue is an invaluable library
item for EVERY dealer. Most dealers - me included - would not cast a second
glance if a few panes of these were in an envelope. You might be passing by
$1000s of value. The word 'Qantas' does not appear on the labels or outer
booklet covers.

Labels can be worth $4,000 a block. |

Each pane of 6 of these is
worth $600. |
The range of later Qantas labels is extensive and impressive. They are priced
singly, in mint panes, in booklets and on cover. You need this book to be able
to identify many of them.
The 5 different 1924 colour Wing Commander Goble vignettes ($250 each mint) are
not known on any cover - which surprised me. The very attractive 1925 Australian
Aerial Services "Angel" vignettes came in booklet and sheet form, and even
imperf between exists on both!
Even some Qantas airmail labels into the 1930s are rated at $1,250 a booklet of
3 panes, or $350 per single pane. These honestly are things most of us would not
look twice at until now.
The most attractive 1930s labels are Ernie Crome's large 1933 Pigeongram "Gala
Day" productions. These colourful labels had Ernie's entrepreneurial flair
showing early on - they came with regular and inverted overprints in "error"!
Much of the later material is also perennially popular. The SHB "Wasp" and
"Southern Cross" vignettes especially so - designs also courtesy of Ernie Crome.
The 1936 South Australia Centenary Cinderella sheet of 30 gets a listing as
there was an Air Race component label in there. The value of the sheetlet ($600)
is mainly due to the Donald Bradman labels being hugely popular with cricket
Even the 1950s are valuable
I was amazed at how many large and special labels Qantas produced in the 1940s
and 1950s. I have been a dealer for about 25 years and can honestly say about
half of these I have never once set eyes upon. Some of these even up to the
early 1950s are worth $100 a label. Or more than this entire catalogue will cost
And that is my point for writing this article. "Knowledge is power."
Last week if I saw in a stockbook or childhood album a small sheet of 15 Qantas
publicity stickers in horrible garish colours from 1953 I'd not have given them
a second glance.
NOW I know them to be Frommer #93b, and KNOW they have a value of $A300! They
will NOT be staying unloved in any further stockbooks I see them in!
In general I'd say the values given in the catalogue seem fair and sensible to
me, given that one seldom encounters much of it at all in my experience. The
value of having the book is that when you DO find some Airmail labels that look
'worthless' you can readily identify them by Frommer number and catalogue value.
Conversely, for anyone reading this that is a little jaded with their present
collecting interests - why not secure a copy of this catalogue and start a whole
new field? This book allows you to see precisely what is out there to obtain.
And you can bet your life MOST dealers will not have a clue this material is so
scarce if you start on it soon!
My hunch is many of the prices are well BELOW what they would fetch right now on
the open market.
The 1920 Sir Ross Smith official Prime Ministerial Canberra luncheon Menu with
the Vignette (in multi-colour!) on front cover, Coat of Arms crest and tricolour
ribbon fastening, is listed as Frommer #1L at $600. This looks incredibly
conservative to me and I'll pay that price right now for a nice example if
anyone has one.

Contact Glen Stephens:
Box 7, Castlecrag. NSW. 2068. Australia.
Phone - (02) 9958 1333
E-mail: Glen@GlenStephens.com
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