I have right now (and nearly always have a similar
quantity on hand) about $20,000 of mint with full gum
postage stamps to sell well under face value, for use on
postage and parcels. In recent years this material has
dried up a LOT in the stamp trade.
In 2023 it has near evaporated. Dealers often need to
pay 80% face to other dealers for large mailouts at
times. Often more if there is a “wholesale drought”
that week. That has never occurred before - this
material is now TOUGH to source.
Even a very large stamp dealer I know, has needed to buy
his last tranches for a large monthly catalogue mailout
from his PO, the first time he has needed to do that in
30 years! What you “used” to be able to
buy, and what you “used” to be able to pay
for it, has all changed in the past couple of years.
There is right now, 10 times more demand than supply
these days for “discount postage”. Thousands of
ebay sellers etc happily buy $1,000 of older stamps for
~$750 off stamp dealers, as it is a huge
and legal, and ongoing saving on a large scale.
Licenced Post Offices, of which there are 1,000s
nationally, only get about 15% discount off face from
Australia Post, so $1,000 of stamps costs them $880, so
my deal of $750 is clearly attractive - even to them!
They generally do not care if they need to lick on a
block of 10 x 24¢
or 36¢
or 60¢
on any large letter, if it saves THEM 15% more money.
The stamps are Australia (near all) plus a few
Australian Antarctic Territory, Cocos Island, and
Christmas Island decimal currency period stamps - a very
pretty assembly. All these stamps are valid for use on
local or overseas mail - on all letters and parcels of
I can sell you official REGISTERED MAIL
tracking labels too, if you need those. Fully tracked
via the AP System and parcels and packets received MUST
sign for them, unlike the Red and White PO labels where
parcels can be left at front doors by drivers and get
stolen. You retain the peel off section for your proof
of posting. You can enter these into the ebay dispatch
system, and they are fully integrated and tracked. No
more costly fake “Goods not received claims”
locally, meaning you need to cough up the FULL refund
even if buyer has stolen your goods. Compensation for lost or damaged items. You can of course
also lodge them in red street mail boxes - first mail
centre they enter scans them in. PO cost $193.50.
Price $A175 for box 50 labels, or A$650 for 4 boxes,
whilst my small supply lasts. (Stock code 375RK)
Depending on the quantity of mint stamps you order, you
will save a TON on your postage costs. A lot of Post
Office staffers are lazy, and prefer to print white
labels, as that is fast. They will often say “you
cannot use stamps on parcels”. NONSENSE.
If you have licked $20.05 of stamps onto a local
parcel (good for up to 5kg nationally amazingly!) you need
not pay one cent more at counter.
now I can sell you $A500 face value of MINT for $A390
(Stock code 375RT)
Buy $1,000 face value for just $A750 cash*
(Stock code 375RV)
You save a cool $250.
No GST, or 20%-25% auction “Buyer Fee” is added to your
invoice either as in stamp Auctions. I can tailor a
package to suit your needs. CATALOGUE value will be
many times face value most times. Generally these
are in full sets .... I can very often supply the entire
order in the attractive Post Office Presentation Packs
and albums etc - where the stamps are fresh, clean, mint
unhinged as bought from the Post Office, and all in
complete sets. Or sometimes in mint blocks 4 that
collectors often bought of each new issue etc.
You get what I get. All bagged into $250 and $500 bags
of face value for easy checking your end. Sets, blocks,
Post Office packs, and often stamp booklets. Whatever
mint stamps collectors are selling off that week/month,
is what I mail out. Don’t contact me asking for 1000 x
$1.20 peel and stick $1.20 stamps in rolls for $750. This
will never happen. To save $250 you will need to do
some work your end - that’s the deal, and for most
folks, legally saving $250 is well worth the effort.
Armies of folks are running eBay mail order businesses
from home these days, and posting out things that cost
many $$’s a sending. If a packet costs $20 to mail,
charge the client $25 “post and pack” and if
those $20 of stamps on parcel come from me at $15 cost,
you MAKE an extra $10 profit
on each parcel - more profit than you make on
the goods inside in many cases! Often those folks leave
glowing feedback - “really pretty stamps used on
package” etc. Most non-collectors really ENJOY
getting a range of real stamps, in this era of worthless
white labels and plastic pre-paid mailing bags!
The PO packs or blocks are absolutely perfect for anyone
sending out philatelic mail to clients ... either here
or overseas. OR also perfect for folks overseas
placing mint Australia sets up for sale on eBay
etc. Much of what I sell you, retails for WAY
above face value - several times what you pay ME for
it. AND the sturdy PO packs make for instant and free
packaging for your sendings on smaller lots.
As I have no retail shop outlet, and do not do fairs or
eBay etc, I remove NOTHING from these runs of PO packs
and mint stamp runs. You get what was in the Estate -
ALL of it! ALL the red hot
thematic/topical packs are in there. Contrast this to
some offerings in the trade or auction, where the better
stuff is all removed, and just the utter ugly DREGS are
sold off!
And remember, those Post Office packs originally cost
45¢ MORE than face value to buy from the Post
Office. Buy $A1,000 face value in packs off me for
$A750 and you are getting something that cost the
original buyer around $A1,400 from Australia Post.
You are paying me about HALF
the original PO cost!
A very heavy surface mail parcel Sydney to Perth or
Darwin etc, often exceeds $100+ these days. A medium
weight air parcel to USA or Europe often costs $200. A
heavy 20kg air parcel to Europe/Rest of World costs
$500+ – check it
out. If you use my stamps to mail that parcel, and you
simply charge your client the actual face value of
franking used, you pocket
$150 or so as your EXTRA PROFIT by buying
your franking under face. I also sell mint with gum INTERNATIONAL stamps well under face - ask me what you need.
Or, if you run a small business or want to impress the
boss with your business savvy - save your company $100's
today! I sell a LOT of this material to businesses who
are NOT connected with stamp collectors. They report
getting REALLY positive comments and feedback from
recipients when the parcel they paid $20 shipping for,
arrives with $15 of pretty STAMPS on it (that you paid
$11¼ for!) that can be snipped off and given to their
children or a relative, or a charity etc. You SAVE
money, and you also DELIGHT customers used to a sea of
boring white “POST PAID” labels. WIN-WIN all
If you are in business where clients can order what you
sell from many different suppliers, using real STAMPS
is often a reason clients stick with you, and do not
choose a competitor - think about it. A deal breaker if
asking price is the same. A parcel covered with a half
dozen colourful stamps or blocks is a WELCOME sight to
many recipients. Moreso in this day and age, where
worthless white labels and pre-paid satchels rule near
supreme via last Post Offices.
In Australia, postal rates are very easy to
pre-determine using their online page. You can pre-frank small
packets and small parcels, and there are no issues when
taken to PO. Indeed most of them fit into the very
widespread red PO roadside boxes, (which accept
surprisingly, very large parcels) and if
correctly franked, there is no issue with that, and no
need to go near a PO with most of them. Post by
Sunday afternoon and your same 50k area local buyers
get the mail next morning, most times.
Full commemorative sets or mini sheets, lightly
cancelled are generally worth far MORE than face value
when lightly used. So using these on mail is a VERY
much appreciated gesture by those receiving them.
Indeed, the universally used Stanley Gibbons catalogues
often prices FINE USED stamps from this era at MANY
times their face value.
Many dealers mail heavy parcels overseas, have them
lightly cancelled, and ask the sender to mail the used
stamps back, which are still worth at retail, as much or
MORE used as they paid me for them! Permanent "FREE
POSTAGE" for you if you are organised enough to do this. Do
NOT pay full face to the PO, when you can save $100's
and buy off me!
Indeed your mail recipients can often pop up their
cancelled frankings on eBay etc for sale, and get near
their full postage cost back from them, as many
have discovered is possible! A superb way to build good
client rapport, and repeat orders. Indeed they can
often get back MORE than they paid, as I prove every
week -
I am Sydney's best known and most aggressive STAMP
BUYER. Google “stamp buyer” and see for yourself.
No#1 match globally. My Yellow Pages ads, stamp
magazine ads, internet ads, and 45 years of strong word
of mouth ensures I get a CONSTANT stream of this
material coming to me for purchase. I often buy
collections containing runs of mint blocks of 4 or
larger, spanning 30 or 40 years.
Face value of these is often around $A1,000. I simply
total up the face value, add a small mark-up to my buy
price, and sell it to you for $A750. You
save $250 buying this off me and using it on
your mail, and selling off, or keeping the better items,
and using up the rest. Anything with gum issued after
1966 is still 100% legal to use, and is a HUGE cost
saver for many small businesses.
This is important. NOTHING is cherry picked or
removed by me. I do not stock or sell single
modern sets, and therefore do NOT take out the good
thematic items as some/many other dealers do when
THEY sell postage. When you buy from me you do NOT
get useless and ugly philatelic "dregs". You get the
LOT - just as it comes.
I can sometimes offer stamps in full MUH sheets
of 50 or 100 that some investor bought years back. 20¢,
33¢, 45¢, 50¢, 55¢ and 60¢ etc, were commonly bought in
full mint sheets by investors as they were the common
letter rate values at the time. Remember Australia has
not made legal tender circulating 1¢ or 2¢ coins since
1991 – over 30 years. Australia Post has not issued any
stamps below 5¢ since 1988.
So a $1 and a 20 ¢, or a pair of 60¢, or 4x30¢ etc, all
make the correct current $1.20/$2.40/$3.60 domestic letter and
large letter rates, and all were heavily used letter rate
values. I often have these in full sheets, part sheets,
or in mint blocks etc.
All transactions in Australian retail commerce are by
law, "rounded up". I am advised that 2 x 43¢ and 1 x 33¢ (all 3 were heavily bought letter
rate) on an envelope is fully acceptable to pay $1.20
letter postage. Your PO cannot sell you a 1¢
or 2¢ stamp or even a label, so can hardly expect you to
add one to a letter franked with $1.19! And even
if they could, you have no 1¢ or 2¢ coins to pay them -
nor for them to give you as change from a silver coin.
- Do NOT buy “no gum” - or stamps pre-affixed to
envelopes franking off ebay etc, as it is 99% illegally
removed/”recycled” from already used in mail charity
kiloware. YOU commit the Federal Offence
if you use it on mail - not the seller! There is
a 7 Year Prison Term maximum.
Likewise, quantities of VERY recent $1.20 stamp material and
pre-paid items and Registered satchels and Express
Product offered on ebay etc, are almost certainly forged in China. This is
pretty obvious, and the Federal Police track down users
and buyers of it very vigorously, as Australia Post is
owned by the Federal Government. The tracking numbers
when scanned in at your PO, are often recorded by the PO
data base as being the stolen ones, and the trail leads
directly back to YOU as sender!
Having said that, I bought up the unused stock of a mail
order book business who had a lot of Express post and
Parcel pre-paid bags and large pre-paid envelopes - even
Platinum Express Post bags that I can sell cheap, as I
cannot use them - MY stamp collector clients ONLY want
real stamps on their mail.
Mint stamps in bulk are valuable, it is like mailing
“cash”, so all sendings will be mailed
Registered and tracked, fully insured post
for your protection, against theft, damage, or water
damage etc.
Try a parcel today and check it out - in near 45 years
of stamp dealing, not ONE has been returned!