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The birthplace of philately. I have for
sale the official abstracts of the Acts that first
sanctioned the use of duty stamps on various documents in
1694 ..... 76 years before Captain Cook first set foot in
Australia! They are not the far more common "Acts Of
Parliament" extracts as typically appear on the market -
one is a book, the other is a pamphlet.
NO other copies are recorded in private
hands of this historic pair.
These were the actual Acts
that first initiated the use of Adhesive Stamps in Great
Britain. I am selling these on behalf of a UK
client - at a small fraction of what they might be
fairly independently appraised at.
As many students of philately realise, the very first "stamps" were embossed on to "cypher" blue paper, which was attached to British documents used for a variety of purposes in payment of the official fee. It was a revenue-raising operation to fund war with the French, and intended as a temporary measure. These documents I have for sale were to put that process in train.
I am offering these 2 historic documents
together as one lot. The first of these items I am offering
was unsold in Stanley Gibbon's London 14th December 2006
auction (lot 922) where Gibbons placed an estimate of
£15,000 to £17,000 (=$A37,500 to $A42,500) upon that single
document - plus all the usual auction fees of course - one
of which was an "unsold" insurance fee of about £200 (=
$A500) before the owner got it back.
This text was illustrated in colour in
the auction catalogue on plate 4, and in 'Gibbons Stamp
Monthly' (November 2006, page.30, UK edition). The full
SG Catalogue description is shown nearby. The document for
sale was a 27 extensive page item, with a 4 page supplement.
The second item I am offering along with it, is considerably rarer than the one Gibbons ran to auction. It is unlikely that both variants will ever appear for sale together again. A unique opportunity. The seller bought both separately, and it is believed this is the first time a private collector has owned both at one time. Someone may care to buy them and donate them in the philanthropic tradition to a National Postal Museum or similar body, and take the tax deduction for their "assessed" value? I feel sure many qualified appraisers would rate their value to be several times my asking price, especially if given the Gibbons auction estimate as a recent price reference guide.
These are the key texts for any English
Revenue collectors - indeed for serious stamp collectors.
And would make for a most impressive - and unique - preamble
to any classic exhibit in this field. Condition - being ex
UK - is remarkably good for their age.
There are NO "Private Collection" copies
of either listed in the English Short Title Catalogue of the
British Library. (ESTC) It lists over 460,000 items, mainly
held in Britain and North America and published between 1473
and 1800. There may be other (unknown) copies held
privately, but it is not likely, and the highly respected ESTC
is a good indicator of rarity of any document in this era.
Check for yourself:
The 'book' copy (as opposed to the
'pamphlet' copy) is exceptionally rare.
Of the main text the only other copies
recorded are at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and at the
Folger Shakespeare Library. HOWEVER, the Folger copy is a
fragment, being only the third part. (The Bodleian Library
is the main research library of the University of Oxford.)
One of the 1694 texts mentions a Thomas
Arden. I am not sure if this might be one of the landed
gentry Ardens - Shakespeare's mother's family. More
research would be needed. However, if so, that would be the
icing on the cake. (Mary Arden was William Shakespeare's
A fragment of this same document is in
the impressive Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC,
hence my strong suspicion of the direct family connection.
These documents were written just 28
years after the Great Fire Of London - which is mentioned
in the text - some records were lost in the fire and they
have pieced together what they could when compiling the
The small 'holes' you can see in the
photo by the central spine, are the original 'stab holes'.
When pamphlets were printed they were folded and 'stabbed'.
They could then be held together with cord through these
holes, when the leaves were slit on the edges to separate
They are gorgeous. Well over three
hundred years old, yet written in English, and are proper
working texts, describing the operation of the basic
services of legal and economic administration. The Glorious
Revolution of 1689 is taken as the dividing line between the
religious disputes that led to the Civil Wars in the mid
17th Century and the disaster of James II. A precursor
to the 'modern' world that came after - imperial expansion
and the consumer revolution of the 18th Century.
It is the point in Northern Europe where
the old world became recognisably the world we still live
in. It was no longer about the divine right of a king and
ministers discussing religious disputes, but about
parliamentary democracy, taxation, and trade. The actual
officers that dealt with the taxes and fees are named in the
'Exact Table of Fees' (including Thomas Arden!)
There may be a viable US market for these
historic texts, as taxation in this manner via duty stamps,
to fund European wars and fighting the French, played a
primary part in initiating the American
Revolution. "Taxation Without Representation" - and the
Boston Tea Party, and all that followed.
It is nice to be able to offer a real
piece of history, and thank you for allowing me to
indulge myself a little here to share the details of it.
I often get asked at social
gatherings WHY anyone would want to be a stamp dealer.
My answer is that every day of my working life is
different and interesting. No two days are ever the
Being asked to sell and research
fascinating historic lots like this is a fine example of
I would not trade that for quids.
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Detailed library type notes on both
documents and contents and size are below:
The Acts that First
Instituted the Use of Adhesive Stamps in Great Britain.
[1.] [all within a double rule, a2r:] AN ABSTRACT OF THE ACT Made in the 5th and 6th Years of Their Majesties Reign, for granting to Their Majesties several Duties upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, for Four Years, towards carrying on the War against France. [rule] By Order of the Queen and Council. [rule] London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Tho. Newcomb, deceased; Printers to the King and Queen's most Excellent Majesties: And sold by J. Walthoe in Vine Court, Middle Temple, 1694. Small 8vo in 4's. 27, [5]pp. (a-d)4. Text block measures 9 x 15 cm. Cut close to marginal notes with loss of a couple of letters on b4r. Complete, clean, and fine. With the license leaf and the adverts. Disbound. Slight nibbling to lower right corner, not affecting text, and primarily on the license leaf. Neat, manuscript '5' in top right corner of TP (item numbering within the original bound volume). ESTC locates institutionally held copies at: 3 UK; 1 EU; 6 NA locations. No 'private collection' copies are noted. Wing E960. ESTC R224778. [2.] [all within a double rule, A2r:] AN EXACT Table of Fees, OF ALL THE COURTS AT WESTMINSTER, As they were Delivered in Parliament by the Persons following. Viz. The CHANCERY, by Sir Miles Cook, Samuel Keck, Esquire, and others. The KINGS-BENCH, on the Plea-side, by W. Turbill and Nicholas Harding. On the Crown side, by R. Seyhard, and Richard Horton. The COMMON-PLEAS, by W. Farmerie, Silv. Petyt, and H. Clift. The EXCHEQUER, on the Plea-side, by R. Beresford. Tho. Arden, &c. On the Equity-side, by Butler Buggins, Esq; [rule] The Second Edition, Corrected. With the Additions of the Fees of the Clerks of the Peace of Middlesex and Surrey, the Clerk of Assize of the Home Circuit, the Fees of the Cursitors, and the Abstract of the Act of Vellum and Parchment, &c. [rule] LONDON: Printed by the Assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires; for John Walthoe, at his Shop in Vine-Court Middle-Temple, M DC XCIV. [cap. title, (a)r:] Midd. ff. [double rule] A TABLE OF FEES Now taken, and which have been anciently taken in the Office of Clerk of the Peace and Goal Delivery of the County of Middlesex. [all within a double rule, Ar:] AN ABSTRACT OF THE ACT Made in the 5th and 6th Years of Their Majesties Reign, for granting to Their Majesties several Duties upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, for Four Years, towards carrying on the War against France. [rule] We do Approve this Abstract. EDW. WARD. THO. TREVOR. [rule] By Order of the Queen and Council. [rule] LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Tho. Newcomb, deceased; Printers to the King and Queen's most Excellent Majesties: And sold by J. Walthoe in Vine Court, Middle-Temple, 8vo. [8], 116, [4], 24, 16pp. (A)4, (B-H)8, (I)4, ((a))8, ((b))4, (A)8. 3 parts, separate pagination and register to each part. The [4]pp after p.116 are [4]pp of adverts for books printed for and sold by John Walthoe. The second part has a bracketed register. (a); (a2); (a3) etc. Order to print dated 14 November 1693 on A1v. Second text dated 'Nov. 20. 1693' on (b4)v, above the Errata. The text of the 3rd part is completely reset from Wing E960. Generally good, fine in parts, some browning at start and end, esp. 3rd part, which has light pencil notes. Modern rebacking, older calf boards with early ms. titling on upper board. ESTC locates institutionally held copies at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and at the Folger Shakespeare Library, HOWEVER, the Folger copy is a fragment, being only the third part. (The Bodleian Library is the main research library of the University of Oxford. It is also a copyright deposit library and its collections are used by scholars from around the world.) This issue of the text is very rare indeed, the third part not appearing in the first edition of this work. No 'private collection' copies are noted. The Folger copy being incomplete, this, alongside the copy at the Bodleian, is one of only two recorded complete copies known to exist. Wing E3705A. ESTC R218236.
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Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
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