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Glen Stephens
There are few if any retail stamp shops these days –
in cities where they once flourished.
HOWEVER, my oft given warnings about buying ANY stamp
lot worth more than 3 figures off ebay etc, from someone who
is NOT a member of leading dealer bodies PTS-ASDA-APTA-IFSDA
remains stronger than ever.
The brain dead dopes who
bid this ugly Tasmania SG1 mid November for $1110 boggle the mind. The
seller was from BULGARIA of all places, and had zero feedback.
And had all sorts of other early
imperf States material also “going surprisingly cheap”. Hmmmm.
Never mind all
that, the “Bunnies” all chased it up to $1,110, as it is SG cat £6,000 - so
must be a “bargain” – right? Yep - and so are those Nigerian bank emails, if
you believe that.
Monthly "Stamp
Market Tipster Column
December 2009
The Internet has changed Philately – Forever!
The most obvious is
that due to the vast amounts of email communication, both
private and business almost no-one needs to send basic mail
pieces these days, compared with even a decade back.
Many forget easily,
but back in 1999 very few collectors reading this magazine
had an email account.
Even many of the
VERY largest dealers did not have websites, and most did not
own their own domain names.
My article on this
from October 1999 outlines all this -
In your non
philatelic “snail” mail today I bet you are seeing a 4 fold
reduction on paid items in your mail box versus a decade
back – I certainly am.
Even many stamp
auction catalogues arrive to me via a link to a website -
not a printed volume in many many cases.
Stamp Shops dying out
Sydney, the largest city in Australia has just one
stamp shop in the entire CBD area now.
Bexley Stamp Shop, 40
years ago
One of them is Bexley Stamps - who is still going strong, and
this blurry photo shows it 40 years ago in 1969 .. they are STILL the Australian
agent for Davo. (And the shop still looks the same!)
Collectors buying on
the internet are driving them out of shop locations.
It is not “high
rent” as the cause, which is the glib reason often given.
Rent today is
no more out of kilter with the average wage than it was in the 1920s or the
Many shops in a fair location cost about a week’s average wage to
rent. They do today, and they did 50 years ago.
Rent has never been
especially cheap, but a good dealer always seemed to make it pay off, as a good
dealer attracted loyal clients to the shop, who helped pay that rent.
This is the present day reality for a city of 4 or 5 million people – ONE shop
downtown - and the same trend is occurring worldwide.
Stanley Gibbons at
399 Strand London, is a glowing exception.
Graeme Morriss, a Manager of
Seven Seas Stamps in Sydney posted the nearby photo this week on stampboards,
from his recent visit to the famous SG shop.
World’s best known stamp shop
The stamps we
all buy today are more and more and more web based in some way.
I used
to mail out many 100s of printed pricelists a month of special offers – as
recently as a few years back.
Indeed I was canny, and asked collectors
to send me 10 or so SAE’s and I’d mail them, and they’d get whatever nice
cancelled stamps they wanted.
Worked for everyone, and I had a box with
THOUSANDS of such SAE’s sitting in there.
Not for years have I
bothered. I do not even produce any kind of pricelist these days.
EVERYTHING goes on the internet. And the same is true for many dealers.
ebay took much of the business
like eBay have taken a huge slab of business that
retail stamp shops once had entirely on their own.
A large city stamp store would
each week sell HUNDREDS of sets of new issues and
thematics and mini sheets sets to regular clients.
At the typical $1 - $2 mark up
on cost, there was the rent paid – right there. All
other business that week was the cream – or the
profits now go here.
that respect ebay is
helping the hobby, as if
often brings in NEW
buyers of stamps. Get
stiffed on a $5 set, and
you are hardly bankrupt
due to it.
WARNING about ebay purchases
ebay is heavily shark
infested waters when it comes to pricier stamps. Masses of
forged overprints, forged ‘OS’ and state perfins, forged
cancels, and other total fakes have infested ebay.
In Australia many dozens of accounts linked to one person
selling stamps have been closed, and this person keeps on
opening up new ones.
“Bunnies” on ebay – often
totally unsophisticated buyers - flock to chase down these
alleged “bargains” of course .. it is way too tempting.
When the accounts are closed down - and they always are
- the “Bunnies” are left holding forgeries they often paid
many $100s for.
And of course often leave stamps
forever, when the reality is passed onto them by a dealer or
collector that they were fleeced.
They generally
have no recourse for a refund, except to contact the now
long abandoned PO Box set up under a false name.
“Money Back Guarantee” – sure thing
The “unconditional money back guarantee” these cons ALWAYS offer is not
going to be honoured is my bet! Yet the bunnies see that promise in
writing, and bid recklessly and confidently.
ebay does not care
at all, as they make just as much money when fake stamps are sold, as
genuine ones. and other sites each month show
endless examples of dodgy and forged and bogus material being offered,
that ebay have ignored removing.
So ebay is a superb place to
chase up truly difficult material, super elusive stamps, and cheaper
topicals etc, BUT for pricey mainstream stamps into 3 figures, keep your
eyes WIDE open.
A MUH 5/- Bridge from Max Stern etc might cost
$100 or so more than from the anonymous ebay seller, but from Max you
will KNOW the gum is genuine!
A regummed Bridge is worth $750
less than a real one, so $100 “saved” on ebay from some crook is not
really a saving as you can see – it is a $650 LOSS in fact. Some
from ebay Bulgaria - $A1,110
WRONG. The ebay seller has now vanished it seems
according to the stampboards sleuths, and anyone dumb enough to have paid
for this deserves to lose their $1,110 in my book.
Any REAL dealer
would gladly have sold a cut into and ugly copy of this for way less than
$1,100! That’s the bizarre part. And you get a guarantee you’ll receive it!
folks do not even own the stamps half the time, and just scan up things from
dealer websites or sale catalogues.
They mail you a Registered envelope
with folded up sheets of paper in there, and bingo your right to make a “non
receipt” claim via paypal is gone as seller can prove delivery.
See where the
“unconditional money back guarantee” gets you then.
So, see low feedback sellers, running “private” auctions, and/or with “hidden” feedback tables, and the alarm bells should be ringing LOUD and clear in your ears.
No legitimate stamp seller has any need to hide feedback or keep stamp sales “private”. Both are near certain signs you are about to kiss your money goodbye to a shonk. And ebay makes detecting “private” sales REALLY hard these days. These are a paradise for fake or “shill” bidding ebayers, trying to push up legit bidders via bogus accounts, as usually when their “shill” gets caught out buying too many lots, it is otherwise obvious to all that “dxxxxp” is bidding on nothing else. If the same stamps were bought off real dealers, you can send them back for a refund the next month, even the next year, and you know that dealer is very likely to still be there. And if they are members of leading trade bodies you WILL get the matter sorted satisfactorily. The same bunnies would not even dream of buying a “genuine Rolex” for $50 cash at a pub on Friday night, so why they are mesmerised with the equally fake “Bargain” stamps the same spivs offer on ebay each day mystifies me. |
BARGAIN at $64
There were SEVEN bidders for an appalling
forgery pair of the 1931 Kingsford Smith “OS” on ebay recently offered
as “VFU” by seller julicalot2020 - a 5 year old could surely tell they
were forged? The lucky buyer presumably could not – “kooks2022” Price on ebay - $63.90 plus post. I gave away a forged set of these on stampboards this week FREE along with a genuine superb CTO set – price $A80 the quartet. Ah, but why buy off “real” dealers, when the fakes “only” cost $64 on ebay! |
So the internet is where material is bought and sold as we enter into 2010. |
For some idea of the debris I live and work among, that will keep your wife from EVER complaining about your mess – take a look - – the photo nearby is mild! |
Cheques are near extinct.
“Stamp clubs in the sky”
Question readily answered in hours
Both numbers clearly show “77”
The definitive Expert report
Back it goes again.
As the owner of the cover posted only today – 1,200
messages and over a year after the debate began –
“Whether '77' was an error or an intentional
marker number perhaps, we will never know. Why can
we not look at it as an 'experimental printing'
which was soon corrected? Students of this issue may
well of course say NO. But the bottom line is, it
DID happen, and they do exist Genuine.” |
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I am a Dealer Member in Good
Standing Of:
Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years.
Life Member - American Stamp Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member of: Philatelic Traders' Society. (London)
ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
GLEN $TEPHEN$ Full Time Stamp Dealer in Australia for over 25 years. Life Member - American Stamp
Dealers' Association. (New York)
Also Member - Philatelic Traders' Society. (London) ANDA. (Melbourne) American Philatelic Society, etc
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